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Made for Two Heroes

Page 8

by Madison Hayes

  They almost lost their hold on her as she came. She was like an explosion, her body bucking and thrashing as her legs tried to close. With a breathless rumble of pleasure sounding deep in his chest, Jason kept her thighs spread, gripping her silken flesh with the harsh bite of his fingers, forcing her legs wide, continuing to flog her sex with the slapping length of his tongue while Junkie fought for control of the rest of her body.

  “Fuck,” the eYonan grunted. “By the Princess. The things her cunt is doing to my cock!”

  The strong, guiding hand on Jason’s nape continued to force his mouth firmly against the shivering petals of Lacey’s sex while liquid seeped like a hot flood from the stretched, cock-filled edges of her swollen lips. The sexy spill of juices soaked his face and chin and filled his mouth. As his wet chin rubbed against Junkie’s rock-hard sac, he realized the eYonan hadn’t come. He didn’t know how Junkie had managed to hold off but a rising sense of gratitude warmed him from the soles of his feet to the damp, ragged ends of his hair. What he was drinking down was pure, unadulterated Lacey and its taste rivaled the finest Nefarian brandy available on the black market.

  With his fist tightening in Jason’s hair, Junkie tugged sharply, pulling his mouth away from Lacey’s pussy. Jason’s scalp stung as, together, they shared a burning look. “She came,” Jason murmured, his voice drugged with arousal.

  “You made her come,” Junkie told him fiercely.

  “That’s it then?” he asked in a lusty stupor, then leaned forward, his hair stinging at the roots as his tongue flicked roughly across Lacey’s clit and up through the notch of her cleft.

  The eYonan shook his head and made a ragged, chuckling sound. “For a woman like Lacey, that’s only the beginning.”

  Jason canted his head and questioned him with a look.

  “She’ll come again,” he panted roughly, pulling her hair away from her neck and burying his lips in the creamy-soft skin beneath her ear. “And again. And again. And again. Won’t you, baby?”

  Lacey moaned, her mouth curling upward into a soft smile.

  “How soon?” Jason rasped, dying to watch her this time, to hold her while she bucked in the throes of orgasm.

  “As soon as we want her to. As soon as we make her. We’re going to make her come and come again until that greedy little pussy of hers is finally satisfied. And after that, we’ll go to work on her ass.”

  Lacey’s eyes flew open. Like a deer caught in the headlights, her soft opaline stare focused on Jason.

  “You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” Junkie rasped. “You’d like my cock buried deep inside your ass while Jason fucked that precious little cunt.”

  “I…don’t know,” she murmured, her teeth scraping at the luscious shell-colored pad of her lower lip.

  “Well, you’re going to find out,” he growled, giving Jason a dark, conspiratorial look. “Right, Lieutenant?”

  “Is you say so, Sir,” Jason growled, his cock a pulsing mass of need, his entire attention focused on Lacey’s delicately panting mouth.

  Junkie didn’t miss the object of his gaze. “Do you want to kiss her?”

  Jason swallowed hard. “More than anything, Sir.”

  With the curling sweep of his long work-roughened fingers, Junkie motioned him forward and, the next thing Jason knew, all of that moist delicious warmth was his. He took her mouth in a long claiming kiss, crushing her lips beneath his, his fingers gripping her shoulders while his tongue ran roughshod over hers and a harsh noise rumbled in his throat, an aching demand for more.

  “Do you want more?” Junkie asked in a hoarse whisper.

  “I want it all,” he snarled between ragged breaths and savage kisses. “Sir.”

  “Then hitch your ass up here on the counter and I’ll see what I can do.”

  With a deep breath Junkie collected himself, carefully hiding his own unraveling emotions from his companions. Things were going well. Much better than he’d expected. By accusing Jason of not caring for Lacey and catching him off guard, he’d forced Jason to defend himself and say things he might not otherwise have said. And getting Orlov to admit his reluctance to share Lacey was a major coup. He seemed to have accepted the role that had been forced on him, submitting to Junkie’s authority and, even more importantly, expressing his need for Lacey in a way that couldn’t fail to melt her heart. Junkie had scored another victory when he’d used that need to help Jason past the barrier of close intimate contact with another man.

  Things were going fucking swimmingly. So why did Junkie feel like he was winning the battle but losing the war? One thing at a time, he coached himself silently. First he’d see to Lacey’s needs. Then Jason’s. After that, he’d see if he had anything left to deal with his own errant emotions. He was, he reminded himself, only in it for some hot sex and the chance to get his fill of the girl.

  Why was it so damn hard to remember that?

  As soon as Jason was situated on the edge of the counter, Junkie slid off, taking Lacey with him, impaled on his shaft. With his fist wrapped in the hair at her nape and his groin shoved hard against the cushion of her ass, Junkie guided Lacey’s head downward. As her face moved toward Jason’s cock, he gave his next command. “Take him in your mouth, Lacey. Take Jason’s cock in your mouth.”

  As he watched her tongue dart out and flutter across Jason’s dark skin, he slid his hand down across her belly and rewarded her by rubbing his fingers over the full lips of her hot, swollen sex. “Take more of him,” he rasped, dropping a finger into her wet slit and teasing the fat tip of her clit. “Take him deeper.”

  Leaning to one side, he watched spellbound as Lacey wrapped her fine lips around Jason’s dripping cock head. As she sucked Orlov’s dick, an envious groan broke from his chest. He longed to feel those sultry, pouting lips working his own cock and yearned for the moment when they would be stretched around his thick girth. But before he could experience the silken treasure of her luscious mouth, he had to get the two of them together. Which meant he had to keep both of them aroused and excited about each other. “Do you like that, Lacey? Do you like sucking his cock?”

  He felt her answer in the gush of liquid that seeped from her cunt and soaked his balls. The murmuring sounds of pleasure that came from her mouth confirmed her response.

  As Junkie stroked his fingers through Lacey’s wet folds and watched her mouth on Jason’s cock, Jason reached for her. With his hands on either side of her head, he guided her mouth over his shaft and locked eyes with Junkie, asking with his guarded expression if he was getting too rough. With a grunt and a lift of his chin, Junkie gave him the go-ahead. Jason’s grip tightened, holding Lacey’s head in place as his hips forged forward and took her face more deeply.

  “Swallow him, Lacey,” Junkie panted, brushing the tip of her clit with one trembling finger and groaning when her pussy shuddered around his length.

  “Fuck,” Jason choked. “I’m going to come.”

  “Don’t come,” he ordered. “Not yet.” Gently, he pulled Lacey’s head from Jason’s strong grasp, the airman’s engorged cock head sliding from her mouth and skidding across her cheek. Together, they watched Jason’s cock as it pulsed, a surge of pre-cum welling from his slit and washing across the top of his dick. Firmly, Junkie guided her face into Jason’s lap again and rubbed her smooth cheek into his wet skin, then turned her head and pressed her lips into his tight sac. “Does that feel good, Jason?”

  “I’m going to come,” he insisted in raw, uneven tones, his head hanging, his gaze burning on Lacey’s head captured between his stiffly spread legs.

  “No, you aren’t. Not before you’re sheathed inside this hot little cunt. First time you come with a woman, you’re going to be inside.”

  “First time with a woman?” Lacey murmured between the darting caresses of her tongue.

  “That’s right. Your lover is a virgin of sorts,” Junkie grunted as he backed out of her and let her straighten. After he turned her around he ordered Jason to put her on his c
ock. A deep ridge formed between Orlov’s brows as he glared at the thick, gnarled mass of scarred flesh that prodded stiffly from the curls on his groin.

  “You won’t hurt her,” Junkie assured him in a lust-roughened voice. “She’s ready for you.”

  It wasn’t easy but Junkie watched as Jason lifted Lacey and positioned her over his cock head. With one hand wrapped around the root of his shaft, he slid the fat head through her slit and tried to find her entrance. Lacey murmured when he hit the right spot and he eased her down over his dark, straining flesh.

  Jason closed his eyes and choked out three obscene words, his head falling forward onto her shoulder.

  As he watched, unable to explain the sting in his heart, Junkie wondered if her cunt was adjusting to the shape of Jason’s cock, molding around it and making his shape her own. He wondered if it could possibly feel as perfect to Jason as it had to him. One look at the lieutenant’s face told him quite fucking plainly that it did. With a quiet sense of regret, he watched them together. He didn’t mind sharing Lacey with Orlov. He just wanted to be sure of getting his fair share. And right now he felt a little cheated. He gave himself a mental shake. First things first, he remind himself. “Feel good?” he murmured while Jason groaned in reply.

  Taking Lacey’s small hand in his broad palm, Junkie guided it across Jason’s sac, over the thick root of his shaft, then up through her own swollen folds.

  “Jeezis Skies!” Jason shouted, fighting for command as Lacey’s wet fingers stroked over his sex and up through her slit again.

  “Hold on,” Junkie told him softly. “Hold on, Jason. Wait for her.” Burying a groan of his own, Junkie left Lacey to keep her own rhythm with her fingers while he straightened in front of her and rubbed his dark swollen cock head over her puckered nipples. The touch of those dainty crests brushing at the fine skin of his cock head was pure agonized ecstasy. With his long fingers wrapped around the damp skin of his erection, he guided his cock and painted her areolas with the thin wash of pre-cum that streamed from his slit, marking her with his musky scent.

  “Okay, Lacey,” he said, leaving his cock to throb between her breasts as he settled his hands on her shoulders. “Make him come.”

  As Junkie pushed Lacey down on Jason, the two lovers shuddered together, the muscles in Jason’s body forming bulging knots as his hips jerked beneath Lacey’s damp bottom. Junkie held them together, forcing Lacey hard into the juddering lift of Jason’s hips. Lacey’s eyes were opened wide, unseeing, while Jason’s were tightly closed, his body arching and straining, harsh male grunts jerking from his lips with each powering thrust that drove his hips upward.

  Unbearable pressure built in Junkie’s sac and he reached for his cock with one hand, crushing the root in the biting wrap of his fingers and only just stemming his own ejaculation. Perspiration beaded on his upper lip and soaked the skin beneath his arms. He shivered at the chill sensation as he watched his two charges finish together. Afterward, they clung to one another, their bodies coated with a glimmering sheen of sweat. Jason’s hands curled around Lacey’s breasts and squeezed hard while he buried his face in her shoulder and rubbed his eyes into her damp skin. “Thank you,” he whispered, his voice hoarse with emotion. “Thank you, Lacey.”

  And just like that, it was too much. One minute Junkie was watching with the casual self-interest of an erotic voyeur. The next moment it wasn’t casual. Despite his determination to bring these two together and his previously cavalier attitude about the whole mission, Junkie didn’t feel cavalier. What he had just witnessed was so heavy with emotion and dark, sensual energy that he couldn’t help being affected. His cock was stinging with arousal, shouting for release. He wanted in. He wanted to give his cock a long, rough pull and spill out all over both of them. As though, by marking them, he could somehow claim some sort of connection to them.

  It was pathetic and he knew it. The two Spaceforce officers were obviously meant for each other. They had something together he could never dream of aspiring to. He was just a third wheel. An outsider. He’d only ever be a third wheel. The odd thing was that it should have been enough. He’d certainly thought it would be enough when he’d taken on the mission. At the time, he had considered it more than enough. It was supposed to be a chance for him to get his fill of Lacey.

  He was afraid now that might never happen. He was afraid he’d never get enough of her.

  Shoving away from the lovers so intimately entwined, he strode for the shower, fisting his cock, spurting when he reached the wall. With one hand braced on the wet tiles, he hung his head as he grated, “Clean her up and take her to bed. I’ll be in later.”

  “Can I fuck her again?” Jason asked, his voice rough.

  Startled by the strong possessive note in Jason’s question, Junkie shook his head, his lips curling into a bitter smile. He couldn’t help the pride he felt in Jason, despite his own feelings of jealousy and envy. “Not before I get there.”

  “What do you expect us to do while we’re waiting for you?”

  “Talk to her,” he growled, toweling himself off as he strode from the bathroom. “Tell her how you ended up a virgin at your age.”

  Chapter Eight

  Lacey tilted her head, strangely aroused at the eYonan’s dark burst of energy, watching him fist his cock, seeing his long stream of cum shoot from his rigid length and spatter against the tiled wall. After all of his suggestive talk, she had expected him to take his release inside her. But the fact that he hadn’t was fine with her, she told herself. She didn’t like being manipulated by a man whose only interest in her was to watch her with another man so that he could get his rocks off.

  Jason showered quickly then watched her as she finished up. As she stepped across the wet tiles toward him, he pulled open a thick, absorbent white towel, obviously an Earth import, and wrapped it around her. With his fist, he lifted her chin and, looking deeply into her eyes, brushed a soft kiss into her lips. His smile almost boyish, he then led her into the bedroom.

  Evidently, Jason wasn’t as peeved with Junkie as she was. Things had, after all, worked out well for him. They’d worked out well for her too, for that matter. The orgasms she’d experienced at the hands of the two men had shattered her previous ideas of what constituted great sex. So why was she feeling so snippy toward Junkie?

  It was his overbearing, dominating manner, she decided. Only recently, she’d thought he would make a perfectly suitable lover. Now, she couldn’t wait to see his backside—or so she told herself. She growled at the thought of how strictly he’d controlled her body.

  Not that it had felt bad.


  It had felt decadent and wonderful, his cock filling her deeply as he’d pulled her legs wide and ordered Jason to use his tongue on her exposed and open folds. The climax that followed had been a perfect thing, Junkie stretching wide her tender opening, his thick cock packed in tight and nudging her womb while Jason lashed her clit with his tongue.

  Lacey shivered with arousal, her back arching at the memory.

  The following orgasm had been just as exciting, this time feeling her cunt shortening slightly for Jason’s length before widening to accommodate his broad root, Junkie taking her hand and showing her how he wanted her to stroke herself and Jason to completion.

  Again she shivered.

  Still, he could easily have done all that without being such a commandeering jerk. But while her intelligent, independent mind told her he was a prick, her body seemed to have a slightly different opinion. There was a vital spark that burned inside him and it intrigued her. The way he’d held her and handled her, the way his cock had possessed her, had made her body burn.

  “I don’t understand what’s going on,” she murmured as she rubbed her hair with the fluffy towel and followed Jason into the bedroom. A quick glance around the room told her they were alone. “Why is Junkie being such a prick? Only last week, he had me laughing about the time he propositioned a ‘droid.”

  “A ‘droi
d?” Jason grunted, standing in the light that slanted through the windows, his cock stretched out long and lazy. She stared at his thick flesh—beautiful but damaged, like his face—not wanting to think about what might have caused the scarring.

  “She was a waitress,” Lacey started while her eyes moved up over Jason’s wide chest, sprinkled with golden hair. “And he was drunk. Evidently the language he was using wasn’t part of her internal dictionary. Her software matched it up with the closest-sounding words listed in her vocabulary and he ended up paying for several duck dinners. According to his story, he was forced to pay a premium for rush service as the ‘droid was certain he’d said ‘quick duck’.”

  Jason chuckled as he locked his arms behind his head and stretched lithely, like a sated cat.

  “So what happened to that Junkie?” she asked, her eyes drawn again to the heavy hang of Jason’s sex. “Why is he acting like…this?”

  Jason turned quiet as he lowered himself to the edge of the bed. “I think I might be to blame for his behavior.”

  “You? How on earth could it be your fault?”

  Jason lifted one shoulder, his expression solemn. “I think he’s trying to get us together.”

  “Are you serious?” she snorted, staring at him. Jason’s grim-lipped silence told her he was. She hardly knew what to make of it. “Well, he could have done it without acting like…such an ass. It’s not like I was putting up much of a fight!”

  Jason sent her a wry smile. “I think he was trying to make me feel comfortable.”

  “Comfortable! How do you get that?” she exclaimed before she caught his expression.

  “I think I need to tell you about my past,” he said, his voice as somber as the emotion clouding his hazel eyes.

  Alarmed at his tone, Lacey felt her heart stutter. Something was wrong. Terribly wrong. Something that had obviously caused the handsome airman a great deal of pain. “Jason? What is it?” she asked softly, settling on the bed beside him and taking his hand.


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