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Cinderella-ish (Razzle My Dazzle Book 1)

Page 15

by Joslyn Westbrook

  And when he catches up to me, he says, “I’ve got an idea. How about we step into the jacuzzi.”

  “It’s cold.”

  “Not in the jacuzzi.”

  I don’t even hesitate. “Fine. After you.”

  I strip down and slip into Antonio’s bathrobe as he jets up the jacuzzi and then I watch him undress and get in to test the temperature before I remove the robe and join him.

  “The water feels nice,” I say, inching my way over to him.

  I sit down and he scoots over to me, nestling between my legs.

  He kisses my neck and rubs my breasts and then moves his mouth to mine. “Move in with me,” he murmurs as his lips tease mine.

  “Move in with you?” I say, my legs trembling as his hand moves from my breast down my belly, his finger softly grazing my essence.

  “Yes, baby. Move in with me. As in, live here.”

  I tremble as his fingers continue to tease my spot. “That’s a serious step,” I say through quickened breaths.

  “And, I’m quite serious about you.”

  I close my eyes, basking in the pleasure of his hand and fingers performing their magic under the warm jet-induced bubbles as I feel myself lose control. “Yes, baby, yes,” I shout as I give in to the pleasure.

  He holds onto me as the orgasm moves through me and kisses me softly. “Was that a yes?”

  I open my eyes and look up at him. “Yes. Antonio. I will move in with you.”

  The next morning, while in the shower, Antonio is quiet and seems deep in thought. He sticks his arm out to reach for something and tucks his arm behind his back.

  Before I even have the time to ask him what he’s up to, Antonio Michaels gets down on one knee and presents a black box. He then slowly opens the box and I nearly pass out.

  Inside the box is a huge ring, maybe ten carats. “Daniella Belle. Don’t think I’m the type of man who would ask a woman to move in just for the hell of it. I freaking adore the hell out of you. I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?”

  And before I know it, I reply, “Fuck yes!”

  Chapter 34


  It’s been a couple of weeks and I have moved in with Antonio. I’ve been beside myself. Who would have ever thought I’d be engaged—to anyone—let alone Antonio Michaels?

  It was hard, but I finally admitted that I love him, doing so the day he proposed, and every day since. Love has been something difficult for me to embrace. It’s hard for me to trust that someone loves me since my own parents abandoned me as a child. Likewise, it’s hard for me to accept love, too afraid to trust anyone could ever love me.

  But thanks to Antonio, that’s all changed now. And like all brides-to-be, I’ve been perusing bridal magazines, searching for the perfect dress. The date hasn’t been officially set yet; Antonio has left that up to me. Stacy and Emma are going nuts, both excitedly helping me decide on where to hold the ceremony.

  “How about a destination wedding? Bermuda…on the beach.” Emma beams.

  “No. What about something intimate, like at home?” suggests Stacy.

  The two both shout, “I’ve got it!” at the same time, once again sounding like they are the same person, as they both grin through the screen via FaceTime.

  I laugh. “Calm down, you two. And hold that thought until another time. I’ve gotta get off this call. I’ve been lounging around too much today. Antonio and I have a dinner date later.”

  “Oh, okay. Have lots of fun, D!”

  “Yeah, what she said. And just call us later,” says Stacy.

  I clean off my desk; papers are scattered about since I’ve been working from home today. Antonio had meetings and I didn’t want to attend.

  I shower and pick out a cute black dress to wear with the pink high-heeled strappy stilettos that I wore the day Antonio and I bumped into each other on the Metro.

  The TV blares in the background and as I’m just about to blow-dry my hair, I hear Antonio’s name mentioned on the TV.

  Curious, I walk out of the bathroom and then stare at the 55-inch screen of the TV that hangs over the fireplace in the bedroom.

  TMZ has just come on and they are leading with a story about Antonio.

  CraveMe CEO, Antonio Michaels, was spotted a couple of weeks ago shopping for an engagement ring. Could it be because his 30th birthday is quickly approaching and he needs to get married by then, in order to keep his hefty inheritance?

  Shock riddles through my body and I suddenly feel cold.

  I ease onto the edge of the bed and try to swallow the thick lump now lodged in my throat.

  What. The. Fuck.

  What do they mean he needs to get married by the time he turns thirty or he loses his inheritance?

  He’s never mentioned any of this to me before.

  Can it be true? If it is, does this mean he’s using me to keep his fucking inheritance?

  My phone buzzes. It’s Stacy.

  Ugh. I don’t really want to talk right now.

  I roll my eyes. “Hey,” I say, my eyes still glued to the TV.

  “Are you watching TMZ?”

  “Yeah,” I say, barely able to speak intelligently.

  “I figured. Hun, don’t believe what you see on their report. You know firsthand how sometimes these shows spin the truth.”

  I feel tears well up and my heart speeds up. “Yeah, but Stacy…suppose it is true?”

  “Even if it’s true, that doesn’t mean what I’m sure I guess you’re thinking. He’s not using you to keep the money. I know he loves you. Anyone who’s seen him look at you knows that.”

  Love can never be trusted.

  “Right. Well, I’m gonna go now, Stacy. I’ll call you later.”

  I feel sick to my stomach.

  “Promise you’ll call later?”

  “Yeah. I promise.”

  I wipe the tear that’s managed to trickle its way down my cheek and I feel my heart rate speed up as I spiral into a panic.

  You can’t get your emotions in a bunch without knowing for sure if it’s true.

  I decide to call Antonio. Confront him. Hopefully he’s done with his meeting. And as his phone rings, I feel a weird combination of butterflies and nausea all at once.

  He answers, “Daniella, baby, have you seen TM—”

  I readily interrupt as I pace the bedroom floor. “Is it true?” I ask, my voice subdued.

  “Baby, I can explain,” he begins and that’s all I need to hear.

  It’s true.

  I hang up and the floodgate of tears emerges.

  I knew it.

  No such thing as love.

  Who would love me anyway?

  Unworthy. Unwanted. Daniella.

  Should have stuck to swearing off men. I sure wouldn’t be here. Faced with this bullshit.

  I grab a suitcase, pack up whatever I can fit into it, throw on jeans and a shirt and leave, without looking back.

  Destination: who the fuck knows—just far away from the crap-fest of I love you lies.

  It’s been a few hours, I guess. Maybe more. I’ve been in the same spot for I don’t know how long since I checked into this hotel, walked into the room, and crashed onto the bed.

  My phone is off. I don’t want to speak to anyone. Yet now that I think about it, at least I should text Emma and Stacy.

  And as soon as I power my phone back on, I see there are twenty calls from Antonio, along with at least the same amount of text messages, which I ignore, and voicemails, which I don’t listen to.

  Leave me alone, liar.

  I text Stacy to let her know I’m safe.

  Stacy: Okay. Glad you’re safe, babe, but I’m worried about you. Antonio has been here looking for you. He doesn’t look good.

  Me: He’s probably more upset about the fact he may indeed lose his inheritance.

  Stacy: I’m not too sure about that. He really looked torn.


  Me: I just wanted
to tell you I’m safe. Please let Emma know, too.

  Stacy: What are you going to do, love?

  Me: I’ll figure it out in the morning. But for now, I just want to sleep. I’m turning my phone off. I don’t want him to keep calling me. I’ll call you tomorrow. Love ya.

  Stacy: Love ya, too.

  Sleeping with a broken heart is entirely pointless. I hardly recommend trying it.

  I force myself out of bed, and once I’m in the bathroom, wipe my eyes free of tears, only to make room for more.

  How could he do this to me?

  I practically poured my fucking soul out to him—shared how hurt I was. He ate it up and tricked me into falling in love with him so he could reel me into some fake, I got to keep my inheritance, marriage.

  It’s true. The beautiful ones hurt you every single time.

  But no more.

  This is the last time I ever waste loving anyone.

  Chapter 35


  She’s gone.

  And I literally can’t breathe.

  Never have I felt so alone.

  Abandoned. Lost. Incomplete.

  Like someone wandering in the desert without a single drip of water.

  I’ve sent Daniella an endless amount of text messages, called her cell phone countless times, and have reached out to Emma and Stacy, both claiming to have no clue as to where she is.

  I’ve cried. And there is no way I’ve ever shed a tear over a woman. My love for her is real. And she doesn’t believe it.

  It’s been at least three days, even though I’ve lost track. I’m worried.

  The only solace I have is the hope she’ll have to return here someday, as most of her clothes are still hanging in her closet. I even tripped on those sexy pink heels she was wearing that day on the Metro.

  How could she doubt my love for her?

  And I couldn’t care less about that money. It’s not like I need it.

  I purposely didn’t push Daniella for a wedding date because I don’t care.

  Nonna warned me to tell Daniella. So did Jonah. Yet, I didn’t think it would surface.

  Fucking TMZ.

  Why can’t they just leave me alone?

  Nonna has called me at least three times today. I can’t imagine the news report traveled all the way to Italy.

  I call her back via speaker phone on my home office desk. I haven’t left the house for a couple of days now…in fear I’ll miss Daniella once she returns.

  “Nipote, come stai? Ho sentito la notizia. Is everything okay?”

  Seems the news has spread to Italy.


  I bury my head in my hands. “No, Nonna. Everything is not okay. Daniella is gone. The news report upset her, and I suppose she thinks I asked her to marry me so I wouldn’t lose the inheritance Miss Tilly left me.”

  “Oh no, Antonio. I’m so sorry. She’ll come to her senses; just give her time. She’s yours forever. Destiny won’t let her get away.”

  “I sure hope you’re right, Nonna.” My voice cracks.

  “Call me if you need anything. Mi dispiace tanto per il dolore che stai provando, tesoro mio.”

  “Grazie, Nonna. Ti voglio.”

  “Ciao. Ti voglio bene anch’io.”

  My grandma. Always the optimist.

  Destiny won’t let her get away.

  God knows I want this to be true.

  A knock at the door makes me jump in my seat and I leap up, eager to know if it’s her.

  “Daniella,” I say, as I whip the front door open.

  But it’s Jonah. Carrying bags of food. Smells like fast food.

  Fries. Burgers. Ugh.

  I couldn’t eat even if I wanted to. Daniella is my sustenance. Food can wait.

  “Hey, man.” He grimaces. “Don’t look so sad to see me.”

  I wave him inside. “I was hoping you were Daniella. But you’re not.”

  “Nope. Just me. Coming to check on you.” He raises the bags. “And I bought you some food. Remember that joint we used to go to? They have the best fries in town.”

  It does smell good.

  “Yep. Well, thanks. I don’t think I’ve had anything to eat since she left me.”

  We sit down on the barstools in the kitchen, and Jonah removes burgers and fries from the bags.

  “No luck finding out where she is, huh?” He takes a hearty bite of his burger.

  I shake my head and nibble on a few fries.

  “Liza said she thinks she may still be at the Beverly Hilton.”

  I tilt my head to the side. “Still? Why would she say that? And when did you talk to Liza?”

  Jonah looks down at his fries and dunks them into a pool of ketchup. “I, uh, dropped off the mock-up of your new campaign, and Liza and I started chatting about TMZ and Daniella—anyway she sent you a text. Didn’t you read it?”

  “I’ve been ignoring texts and calls from everyone who is not Daniella.”

  “Well, she sent you a text yesterday. Apparently, Daniella called the office asking Liza if she could draft her a letter of recommendation. She was seeking other job opportunities and a letter from CraveMe would help.”

  “She did what?”

  “Yeah. Only she didn’t call from her cell phone. So Liza curiously dialed the number that showed up on the office Caller ID and it went to the front desk of The Beverly Hilton. Her guess is that Daniella called from her room, and when Liza dialed the number back, it automatically looped to the hotel front desk.”

  I sink in my seat. I cannot believe this…The Beverly Hilton is only a few miles away.

  “Dude. You should really check your text messages. Liza said she texted you all the info. Plus, she said the hotel’s housekeeping manager lives in the same building she does.”

  “You’re shitting me. Seriously?”

  He shakes his head. “Check your messages, man. It’s all in there.”

  I pick up my phone and begin scrolling through messages.

  Taking one last bite of fries, Jonah slides off the barstool. “Anyway, man. I just came to check on you and bring you some food. Call or text Liza. Then go get your girl.” He pauses as he sips on some soda. “But clean yourself up first. You really look like shit.”

  Jonah leaves and I sit still, scrolling through a barrage of text messages. So many of them. Vendors. One from Uncle Carlo, even. And then I see Liza’s. I think I know where Daniella is.

  So this misery could have ended yesterday?

  I text a reply.

  Me: Liza, sorry I missed this text. Do you think you know where Daniella is?

  A few agonizing minutes later, she replies.

  Liza: Yep. Jonah just gave me the heads-up you’d be contacting me. I’m on it, boss. I’ll call my friend right now…see if I can get you a room number.

  Why is it that Jonah and Liza are like best buds now? They never said so much as one word to each other—Liza avoided him like the plague and they seemed to bicker the whole time in Milan. I’ll tackle that super mystery as soon as I find my Daniella.

  Me: Great. I’ll wait to hear back from you. And thanks, Liza.

  Jonah’s right. I need to clean myself up. I’ve never looked this low.

  Coffee tained T-shirt. Sweatpants with holes. Greasy hair.

  If Daniella came back now, she’d leave me solely based on my raggedy-ass appearance.

  Liza hasn’t texted yet. I’ve been showered and dressed for what seems like forever, although it’s only been an hour.

  And finally, a text message comes through.

  Liza: Found her, boss. Beverly Hills Hilton Suite 1265. Good luck.

  Me: You’re a rock star, Liza. And I’m giving you a raise and a promotion.

  Liza: Cool!!

  I anxiously grab my keys and wallet and walk halfway out the door.

  Shit. I forgot something.

  I two-step it all the way to the top of the stairs, through the bedroom door, and into Daniella’s closet.

  I grab those sexy, pin
k, strappy heels—I’ve got an ingenious idea.

  And before I know it, I’m in my car, racing to The Beverly Hilton to go get my girl.

  Chapter 36


  I miss him.

  As ironic as that may seem, I fucking miss him.

  Is it possible to love and hate someone at the same time?

  I’m thinking, yes: my heart loves while my mind is swimming with anger and hurt.

  Part of me wishes he’d come rescue me—like a scene in one of those sappy romance flicks.

  And honestly, if he’d just tell me we can wait as long as I’d like before we marry, then I’d know it’s not about the money. Then I’d know he does indeed love me.

  But that’s a chapter people read at the end of fairy tales.

  Fake shit like that doesn’t happen in real life.

  Not my life.

  I’ve had a few days to think. Come up with a plan. And I’ve decided to leave. Pack up my stuff and start anew. I’ve got money saved up from working for Stacy, plus the money I earned working for Antonio. There’s a fabulous position in Paris, working for the renowned Lauren Blake, and I took a chance and emailed her assistant, and Lauren got back to me right away. She remembers my work at New York Fashion Week when I was in design school, and she’d be delighted if I joined her design team. My flight leaves tomorrow night.

  Stacy and Emma are sad but still excited for me. And both have begged me to give Antonio a chance, yet my mind is made up.

  Paris is calling, and there, I can start fresh.

  No TMZ. No Antonio. No Heart-Breaking Lies.

  Stacy has agreed to reach out to Antonio and ask him to pack up my belongings, and she’ll send them to me once I’m settled in France. I’ve arranged to stay in a charming flat with a woman called Annika who works for Lauren Blake. It’s temporary, but at least it’s a start.

  I’m even getting a puppy. I hear a dog’s love is unconditional. And I’m in need of a good dose of that.

  I’ll say my good-byes to Stacy and Emma tomorrow, but tonight, I’ll just chill.


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