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Saving Willowbrook

Page 17

by Anna Jacobs

‘Talking of calls, a woman rang to book a chalet for three days. I’ve written it down. She’s coming tomorrow.’

  ‘Good. The season seems to be starting earlier this year.’ And she was glad, because she needed the money this would bring even more than she’d ever needed it before.

  Cameron put his arm round her for another of his quick hugs. ‘I’m staying around. I may be able to help.’

  ‘Yes. And thank you.’ She couldn’t remember the last time there had been anyone but herself to rely on. Rose helped when she could, but had her own life to lead – and her own obsession to pursue. Ella knew all about that, had seen one or two of the special paintings and been blown away by them.

  What a pair she and her cousin were! She with her obsession about keeping Willowbrook in the family and Rose with her Wiltshire wildlife paintings. She hoped Rose and Oliver would get back together again. They’d been so good for each other, in spite of their differences.

  Oliver took the call and went out to Willowbrook, happy to renew his acquaintance with the old place. At first glance it didn’t seem to have changed, but when he got closer, he couldn’t help noticing the small touches that had given it added beauty: flowers, a vista which must have been opened deliberately through the gardens and trees beyond to the lake. Even the sparkling windows seemed to be twinkling a welcome.

  When Ella opened the door to him, he was shocked at how drawn her face looked.

  ‘Sorry to bring you out, Oliver, but Amy’s doing nothing except sleep and that’s so unlike her. This is Cameron O’Neal, a friend of mine.’

  The two men shook hands briefly then Ella took Oliver upstairs to see her daughter.

  He examined Amy, who was sleepy and unwilling to co-operate, then pulled up the covers. ‘I think it’s just a very bad cold, but you were right to call me out. If there’s any sort of rash, or she starts vomiting, or complains of cold hands and feet, get her to hospital.’

  Ella looked at him in horror, well aware of what these symptoms might mean. ‘You don’t think it’s meningitis?’

  ‘No, I don’t. But one should always be aware of the possibilities. She looks to be a healthy, well-nourished child.’ He patted Ella on the shoulder. ‘You’ve done well, and all on your own. My mother has been singing your praises loudly, and I hear that Willowbrook is doing well. It certainly looks attractive.’ He frowned. ‘You’re looking tired, though. Are you getting enough rest?’

  ‘As much as I can.’ Her eyes went back to Amy and he could see she was in no mood to chat. He made a mental note to ask Rose to keep an eye on her. ‘You sit with her for a while. I’ll find my own way out.’

  In the kitchen, Cameron got to his feet. ‘How is she?’

  ‘Are you a close friend?’

  ‘I hope so.’

  So Oliver repeated his instructions and Cameron nodded, then walked with him to the door.

  ‘I didn’t know Ella was seeing someone,’ Oliver said.

  Cameron gave him a tight smile. ‘It’s rather recent – but nonetheless important to me. How’s Rose? Ella told me you two used to be friends.’

  ‘More than friends. And will be again, if I have my way.’

  The two men gave each other a measuring look, then nodded as if to say they’d wait to pass judgement on each other, then went about their business.

  Cameron put on the kettle, because he couldn’t think of anything else to do, and waited for Ella to come down. If Amy was ill, her mother wasn’t going to deal with it on her own as well as run the B&B.

  He had no experience whatsoever of sick children but the thought of that bright, happy child being ill upset him, and he was prepared to do anything he could to help look after her.

  Oliver arrived promptly at seven, by which time Rose had decided not to go out with him, had reversed that decision, then changed her mind again. Finally she decided she was being cowardly and got ready with grim determination to look her best.

  He held out a bunch of flowers and her heart melted. He’d remembered: white roses, her favourites. She went to find the pale green vase that would be just right for them, sitting on the floor by the cupboard; staring at it she realized it was Oliver who’d bought this for her.

  ‘Something wrong?’

  She shook her head and held out the vase, then got up slowly, trying to hold herself together.

  He stroked the semi-opaque glass. ‘I remember buying you this vase at a craft fair. You fell in love with it on sight.’

  She nodded. ‘I’ve not used it since you left. I don’t know why.’

  He reached out and caressed her cheek briefly with his knuckles, then turned to fill the vase at the sink.

  As she arranged the flowers, she sought for something casual to say and found nothing.

  ‘I’ve just been out to your cousin’s. Amy’s not well.’

  She was instantly alert. ‘Is it serious? Because if so, Ella will need my help.’

  ‘She has help.’

  ‘Who? Don’t tell me Miles is back on the scene, because he’d be no use to her.’

  ‘No. It’s a guy called Cameron. He says their relationship is quite recent. Must be, or Mum would have known about it. She picks up all the gossip.’

  ‘I’ve met him. He seems nice, but she can’t have known him long or she’d have told me. I’m reserving judgement.’

  ‘My own sentiments, exactly.’

  Silence fell as she finished arranging the roses. He watched her, thinking, as he always had, that she was like a rose herself, a big one full of rich red colour and perfume.

  He couldn’t resist touching her, so put an arm round her shoulders and pulled her to him for a moment. ‘We’d better go now. I shan’t be able to keep my hands off you if we stay.’

  In near panic, she turned and hurried out of the flat.

  He took a deep breath and followed her, held the door of his car open, then drove off without a word.

  At least she wasn’t indifferent to him. He couldn’t have borne that.

  They both relaxed slowly and the silence grew almost comfortable. Almost. But there was still just the faintest whisper of tension behind it, the echo of pain and emotions held back for years.

  Rose exclaimed in surprise as he drew up at a restaurant she’d heard of, small, very expensive, with wonderful food.

  ‘I hope you like this place.’

  ‘I’ve never been here before.’

  ‘Dad said it was good.’

  Rose rolled her eyes at him. ‘You must be rolling in money to come here.’

  ‘I’ve been careful, but I feel this is a night to celebrate, us going out together again, I mean.’

  She wasn’t sure about that, felt more as if she was walking too close to a precipice. How together were they anyway?

  The menu and food gave them something to talk about – in between long, thoughtful looks at one another.

  Once he took her hand and smiled down at it. ‘You never do get all the paint off.’

  She looked down at his slender fingers. ‘And you still have beautiful hands.’ The trouble was she remembered what those hands could do to her. Hastily she changed the subject. He let her, but smiled knowingly.

  ‘Do you want a liqueur or cognac?’ he asked after the desserts had been cleared away. ‘I can’t because I’m driving, but you’re welcome to have something.’

  She shook her head and as they got up to leave, she stopped at the sight of Brett Harding sitting in a corner, scowling at them. She scowled back as she waited for Oliver to pay.

  When he rejoined her, he followed her gaze and said in a sharper tone, ‘How can that fellow afford to come here? His parents must pay him triple the going rate for a petrol station attendant.’

  ‘The Hardings probably have an account here. Mr Harding is not backward at spending their money on himself.’

  Brett was still scowling darkly. His companion, a much younger woman with a very low neckline, glanced from him to them, eyeing Rose up and down with a sneering look, as if she k
new herself to be superior in appearance.

  ‘If that fellow gives you any more trouble, let me know,’ Oliver said.

  ‘It’s Ella he fancies, always has been. Him crashing into my cottage was just an accident, but from what I’ve heard in the bar, he’s telling everyone he blames me for it – though how he figures that out, I can’t understand.’

  ‘Well, he’s certainly looking at you as if he bears you a grudge.’

  She shrugged as they went back to the car. ‘It doesn’t matter. All Brett ever does is glower and sulk when you upset him. He was the same at school, blaming everyone but himself when things went wrong. I can handle him.’

  ‘He’s a grown man now, and I’d guess from what I’ve heard, and what Dad’s said, that he’s well into alcoholism. That can change people’s behaviour and personalities.’

  She didn’t pursue the matter. She wasn’t afraid of a bully like Brett.

  But the encounter had destroyed the quiet, companionable mood and she was both glad and sorry about that. Glad because it wasn’t safe to spend time with Oliver, sorry because . . . just because! She wasn’t going there yet.

  When they got back, she said abruptly, ‘I’m tired now. It was a lovely meal, but it’s late for me, so I’m not going to invite you up for coffee.’

  He smiled and pulled her into his arms, planting a farewell kiss on the end of her nose, something he knew irritated her. He laughed as she scrubbed at her nose.

  Rose kept rubbing the damp spot as he drove away and gave it another rub as she got ready for bed because his touch seemed to linger on her skin.

  She was a fool to love Oliver still. But if she gave up her life’s work, she’d not be herself, so whatever he said, their relationship was leading nowhere – again. Tears welled and overflowed, but there was no one to see them, so she allowed herself the rare luxury of a little weep.

  Life didn’t always bring you what you wanted. She knew that. And you had to make sacrifices to achieve your dream. She knew that too.

  She’d meant to ring Ella and check on Amy. But it was too late now. She’d do it first thing in the morning. Her cousin would have rung if she needed help, and Cameron seemed a nice guy.


  Amy spent a restless night, one minute feverish, tossing the bedclothes off, then shivering and complaining that she was cold. Ella was up and down several times, checking, fetching a cool drink or simply stroking her daughter’s forehead and murmuring soothing nothings.

  At five o’clock she gave up yet another attempt to get back to sleep and went downstairs to brew herself a cup of her favourite coffee as a treat and wake-up. Porgy got up from his basket near the door, wagging at her then asking to go out. She followed him, taking the mug out into the brisk air of morning but staying within hearing of the house. She always enjoyed the peace of this time of day, with few man-made noises, unless there were planes flying to and from the nearby RAF base. Today there was only the occasional bird starting its day’s work by chattering to its friends.

  She looked up, seeing clouds piling up. The air felt damp and she was sure it’d rain later. Maybe that was why she was feeling a bit shivery. It wasn’t the warmest of mornings.

  After drinking the coffee slowly and with relish, she went back inside to bake some scones. She had this Ms Odham arriving in the early afternoon – it couldn’t possibly be her former mother-in-law, surely? How would she deal with it if this was Stephanie? She shrugged. She’d handle that when it happened.

  There was also a couple coming around teatime. They’d stayed here before. All three guests had requested an evening meal, so there was that to plan for as well.

  By seven o’clock Amy had had a quick shower and was back in bed, toying with breakfast and complaining that her throat was sore and itchy. The slight tremor that sometimes affected the child’s hands from the SMA was more in evidence today, though mostly you didn’t notice it.

  Cameron turned up at the farmhouse soon afterwards, studying Ella with a frown. ‘You look as if you slept badly.’

  She shrugged. ‘Amy was restless.’

  ‘Maybe I can spell you a bit this morning, let you have a nap?’

  ‘Thanks, but I find it hard to sleep during the day. And I’ve a lot to do. I’ll be all right. I can manage without sleep if I have to. Would you like some breakfast?’

  ‘Yes, I’m ravenous. But I’ll help you get it and eat here in the kitchen with you, then I’ll continue to help you in any way I can. I’m not going away, Ella – nor is our relationship. We can take things as slowly as you like, but we’re going to get to know one another very well indeed.’

  She gave in to the temptation to plant a quick kiss on his cheek, but she didn’t dare stop work or she’d never get started again. Goodness, she was sluggish this morning! She pulled away. ‘All right. On all counts.’

  ‘That’s great. Now, can I just nip up and say good morning to Amy before we eat or is it better to leave her alone? She’s a great kid. I don’t like to see her under the weather. You’re sure it’s nothing more than a cold?’

  ‘It seems like just a cold. And yes, do go up, Cameron. She’d love a visit. I’ll call you when breakfast is ready.’

  By the time he came down, Ella had fruit and cereal set out, and the bacon ready to fry.

  He looked at the single place set at the kitchen table. ‘Have you already eaten?’

  ‘I’m not really hungry. I’ll just grab a piece of toast.’

  He tugged her over to the table and pushed her gently down on one of the chairs. ‘Someone who works as hard as you do needs to eat properly.’

  She didn’t know whether to be flattered or angry. ‘Are you bullying me?’

  ‘Yup. Sure am. Someone has to. We don’t want you falling ill as well.’

  ‘I’m never ill. I don’t have time for that.’

  Amy called from upstairs and Ella rushed to answer her. He shook his head as he checked that nothing was likely to burn or spoil in the kitchen. Loving Ella was like treading through a nettle patch. He didn’t yet have the right to interfere in her life but – he stopped in shock. Loving! Where did that thought come from? Or rather, how could it have happened so quickly when he’d avoided emotional entanglements for years?

  He smiled. Well, he wasn’t allergic to love. In fact, it was rather nice to find someone you could care about. He was more than ready to settle down.

  Ella joined him again. ‘She’s hungry now for toast and honey. But she’s still feverish and heavy-eyed. It’s good that she wants to eat, though, isn’t it?’

  ‘Yes.’ He watched her as she worked. Was it his imagination, or was Ella looking rather heavy-eyed herself? She’d assured him she never fell ill, but no one could guarantee that.

  And before the day was over, he intended to tell her about his background. He didn’t want any nasty surprises spoiling the developing feelings between them. But as Miles wasn’t likely to be here till the weekend, there was no hurry.

  A car drew up at the farm just before two. Ella went out to greet whichever of her guests it was and stopped dead at the sight of her former mother-in-law. She watched warily as Stephanie got out of the car and came towards her.

  ‘Hi, Ella. Are you going to turn me away?’

  ‘No, of course not. But I am surprised to see you.’

  ‘Is it so strange that I’d want to see my only grandchild? Or do you still only permit birthday and Christmas presents?’


  The two women stared at one another in puzzlement, then Ella said slowly, thinking aloud, ‘Miles told me you were too busy to visit us.’

  Stephanie gaped at her in such shock, there was no mistaking that her surprise was genuine.

  ‘Miles said that?’


  Suddenly tears were rolling down the older woman’s cheeks and she fumbled for a handkerchief.

  Ella pushed a tissue into her hand and then, as she continued to sob, put her arms round her.

; After a while, Stephanie mopped her eyes and blew her nose. ‘He’s kept me from Amy for three years. Three whole years! Why? Why would he do this to me?’

  ‘I don’t know. Shh now, shh.’

  ‘You’ll let me visit her from now on? You won’t blame me for what he’s done?’

  ‘I never did blame you. I’d have been happy for her to see you any time. As for Miles, sometimes people are just—’ She sought in vain for a tactful way to phrase it to the man’s mother, but Stephanie finished for her.

  ‘Warped. Self-centred. His father was just the same. Handsome face, charming when he wanted to be, and selfish to the core. That’s why I left him, and found to my sorrow that his son was cut from the same cloth. I wasn’t surprised when you split with Miles. Whatever else, my other son is kind and thoughtful.’ She blew her nose again. ‘Now, where is my granddaughter?’

  ‘In bed. She’s got a heavy cold or maybe a touch of ’flu.’

  ‘You don’t look all that well yourself.’

  ‘I’m all right.’

  ‘May I see her?’

  ‘Don’t you want to put your things in the chalet first?’

  ‘No. I’ve missed three years of her life. I don’t want to miss another second.’

  Arm in arm the two women went into the house. On the way Ella introduced Cameron as ‘a friend of mine’ and led the way upstairs. She stopped in the doorway of Amy’s room. ‘I’ve got a lovely surprise for you, darling.’

  Amy looked up and then stared past her at the older woman, a slight frown on her face.

  ‘This is your grandma.’

  ‘I remember you. But your hair was darker.’

  Stephanie moved into the room. ‘Yes. I’ve been wanting to see you again for a long time. Can I sit on your bed and talk to you?’

  After a long considering look Amy nodded. ‘I’ve got a cold, though. You might catch it.’

  ‘I don’t often catch colds.’ She sat on the bed and pulled a small parcel out of her capacious handbag. ‘I brought you a present.’

  The child brightened a little. ‘What is it?’

  ‘Open it and see.’

  She took it, feeling it through the gift wrapping. ‘It feels like books.’


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