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Sons (Book 2)

Page 15

by Scott V. Duff

  Ethan called Peter’s cell, telling him they were back in the hotel. I’d taken to opening a tiny hole and searching through it to see where people and objects were before jumping into places. We could only open portals to places we knew well anyway but this meant I wasn’t knocking people over who just happened to be walking by when I barged in. Peter’s phone was the first to chime the call disconnected beep after I jumped us to the room, but Jimmy was the first, and only, to chime with shock.

  “Where the hell are we?” he asked loudly.

  Ethan was on him like white on rice. “Jimmy Morgan, what are you doing here? And in Seth’s clothes?” Jimmy had a few inches of height on Ethan, but nowhere near the muscle mass. Ethan was the cock-of-the-walk here and near his bursting point.

  Kieran stood up, too. “Seth, what happened? Why is he under a geas?”

  “He was spying on the house from a tree in the woods,” I said. “The geas forbids him talking about anything he sees or hears about us while he’s with me.” I explained the rest of the story briefly, but it didn’t assuage Ethan’s aggravation at all or Kieran’s, by much.

  “You’re lucky it’s his decision and not mine,” Ethan growled at Jimmy, who kept slowly backing away from him. Ethan may act cute and bouncy most of the time, but he could be threatening when he chose to be. He chose now.

  “Richard, it’s good to see you again!” Kieran said cheerfully, changing the subject as well as the tone. “Mike’s getting us a table downstairs. Shall we?”

  Jimmy latched onto my coattails as we trooped downstairs to the restaurant. Couldn’t blame him considering the hostility he’s gotten from us, but I wasn’t feeling all butterflies and puppy dogs for him either. Kieran and Peter kept the conversation amicable and light on the trip down to the restaurant. Mike and Ian were sitting at a table large enough for twelve in the back corner when we came in, searching through menus and talking quietly. Ian jumped up, eager to see us after his boring morning, but not eager to admit how boring it actually was. There was some jockeying for position at the table as Jimmy kept trying to get away from Ethan while trying to stay close to me and Ethan kept advancing to stay next to Jimmy. It would have been funny if it weren’t so aggravating. I finally had to dictate where the two sat, sitting between the two of them and putting Jimmy between Peter and me. It felt like I was dealing with children.

  The first order of business was getting Jimmy to order. Everything on the menu was more expensive than the twelve dollars he had in his wallet and he was seriously balking. Walling us in with the Stone, I explained in no uncertain terms that this was an embarrassment and that he should expect me to take care of these issues while he’s with me. I went further to say that if he needed or wanted something that he should say so rather than just stand there looking stupid. Relief and fear battled for dominance in his aura emotionally while intellectually he went into relief and mentally he decided on proteins and carbohydrates. At the moment, he was close to starving so that probably had a considerable amount to do with his adaptability.

  After we ordered and sound shields were setup by Kieran, the table veritably erupted into babbling as three to five different conversations started at once. We were suddenly one big happy family reminiscing about recent events and telling stories. With one lone, long lost cousin sitting in the corner. We flowed seamlessly through each other’s conversations with ease, certain conversations stopping suddenly when servers stepped past the curtain. I didn’t worry about Jimmy. At the worst, he’d learn about us some. At best, he’d figure out which of us to stay away from.

  The big hit for Ian was counter-signing a check. “I’ve never seen so many zeds in one place before!” he whispered in awe. “Does this mean we’re rich?”

  “Ian!” Mike said sharply. “That’s not the right way to say ‘Thank You’ to Mr. McClure now, is it? And, no, we’re not rich. We just don’t have to worry about where our next meal is coming from or whether or not you’ll go to school next week. ‘Right?”

  “All right, Michael,” Ian said, chastised ever so slightly. Leaning over the table, he said, “Thank you, Kieran, for giving me the opportunity to sign the back of a million dollar check!”

  “You’re welcome, Ian,” Kieran said, grinning at me the whole time. He knew Ian was picking on Mike. He was just making sure I knew. And, yeah, I knew. I was having a hard time holding back the snickering. I lost that hold when Peter said, “Well, he couldn’t really pick Ethan…”

  Even Richard and Jimmy laughed and there was no way either could have gotten that joke, that Ethan didn’t have a last name, just that Ian was being a smart-ass. Ian beamed at Mike, who gave him a half-smile in salute to having been out-maneuvered. The sound barriers were broken in rapid succession by a team of servers carrying plates. Pretty good timing in breaking up any magical discussions.

  Once everyone was settled, Peter finally asked, “So, Dad, do you want a whole apartment for you and Mom, or just a couple of rooms in mine?”

  “Son, I realize it’s a palace, but do you think you should be giving away whole apartments on a whim?” Richard said, chuckling. Maybe it was because we’d already been laughing and we were easily amused at that point, but those of us who’d seen my Palace started laughing or choking or did something in between at that.

  Peter finally managed to say, “Dad, I don’t think you realize the magnitude of ‘palatial’ with reference to Seth’s Palace. It’s bigger than this building.”

  “By two, maybe three,” Kieran added, red-faced and wheezing a little. “Truly, Richard, it will be decades before even half is populated.”

  “I don’t understand,” Richard said. “Aren’t we talking about MacNamara’s realm?”

  “No, Dad,” Peter said quickly. “Seth’s realm is not a part of that universe at all. MacNamara was a part of Faery with the Winter and Summer Queens, but in the Wyldes. Seth is the Lord of Gilán. It is completely separate from Faery and yet is still a Faery realm.”

  “And how does that work?” Richard asked. It was a domino race of faces around the table as everyone turned to me for an answer.

  “Damned if I know,” I said, shrugging. “I’m making it up as I go. I will say the Fae Lord magic is fascinating and very different than what I’ve seen before and I’m learning now.”

  “When did you name it?” Ian asked.

  “Gilán told me this morning,” I told him. “It stole me right out of my hotel room in the middle of the night to wake me up at dawn to tell me.” He wasn’t going to blame me for missing this one. Everybody missed this one.

  “Was that what it was called before you got it?” Ian asked, quite logically.

  “It didn’t exist before Seth got it,” Ethan said, pausing to cut some sort of meat.

  “The Rat Bastard had some powerful mojo he didn’t use very judiciously,” I said to Ian.

  “Or didn’t have the ability to use in that manner,” Kieran said. “Don’t belittle your own power, Seth.”

  “You say that now,” I said. “There are a few things in the Palace you haven’t seen yet that will make you wonder.”

  “Seth thinks he’s found a way for others to get in and out of Gilán without him now,” Peter said. “Shrank’s the only one to try, but it looks promising for everyone. We’ll test it tonight. If it works like he thinks it will, and I have no doubts, we’ll have a permanent hole in the wall.” Jimmy had finished already and Ethan wasn’t but about three bites behind.

  “Speaking of tonight,” Mike said, pushing his plate forward and reaching for his wallet. “Has our schedule changed in light of Jimmy’s appearance?”

  “Through Thursday can’t change,” I said immediately. Kieran grunted agreement.

  “And if we keep putting off hiring help, three of us will be out of socks and shorts by Monday,” Peter said, exaggerating but not by much. We were still working on my wardrobe in Alabama and the few things we’d been able to buy since. It was stretched incredibly thin now. The wardrobes on Gilán were fant
astic but, until we could get to it freely, it wasn’t much help. Tonight’s test was becoming more important.

  “I think we can keep doing what we’re doing, right?” I said. “You guys take the interviews today and Peter and I will go look over the property. Then we’ll check out Jimmy’s house, see if we can find any financial records his mother left, or whatever else we can find, then call if you want us to see any of the prospects. Make tomorrow’s plans from there.”

  “I’ll go with you,” Richard said, grinning. “I suddenly find myself on sabbatical.”

  “Cool!” Peter said cheerfully.

  Another server broke through the sound shields and rounded the table, heading for Mike. Placing a small black book on his right, the woman said quietly to Ferrin, “It’s time, sir.”

  He handed her the credit card without looking at the bill. “Thank you,” he said. “Quarter till, gentlemen.”

  “Yeah, I think that will work for now, Seth,” Kieran said. “Can’t think of anything better, anyway. You calling us or we calling you?”

  “We’ll call,” I said. “That way I can make sure I’m not driving in traffic.”

  “Okay, see you in a few hours,” Kieran said.

  Richard and Peter simply stood up, but Jimmy stood and moved away from the table like we were walking away. I wrapped portals around the four of us and jumped us back to Richard’s TDY apartment in Alabama. Jimmy’s impetus carried him over the back of the fake-leather couch and nearly into the floor. Peter laughed with Richard and helped Jimmy to his feet.

  “Sorry about that, Jimmy,” I said from beside the kitchen table, chuckling a little. “I wasn’t expecting that to happen.”

  “’Sokay,” Jimmy said though the look on his face said differently. “Thank you, Mr. Borland. This is a lot to get used to.”

  “Tell me about it,” I mumbled, in answer to Jimmy’s complaint. Turning to the road map laid out on the table, I was beginning to understand my father’s fascination with maps. “Jimmy, where is your house on here?”

  He walked over, oriented fast and pointed. “Here,” he said. “This was Billy’s house. This is yours, roughly, and this is where Yaeger’s place is. This map doesn’t show the other place you were looking at.”

  Tracing the roads back to this address, Jimmy’s house was only a few miles off from Yaeger’s. Just a few turns and we’d be there. Billy’s was more of a drive on the main roads, but just a few miles to Jimmy’s straight over land, a lot closer.

  “Okay, Dad’s all packed and ready,” Peter said coming to the table.

  “What? That was fast,” I said, surprised. I looked at Richard beside the door. A large beat-up trunk standing on end was on the floor beside him with his similarly beat-up briefcase, open and waiting. A small, black tray sat in front of it, glowing slightly and radiating strongly with several different energy types. His traveling wards, he was waiting for the all clear to shut them down and leave.

  “It’s never taken him long to pack,” Peter said, shrugging. “Definitely a talent I lack.”

  “Hah! Liar,” Richard cried. “You were like greased lightning when Seth called.”

  “Before we start out, let’s decide on a route,” I said, grinning at the pair of them. They joined me at the table and we perused the map. We decided to drop Richard’s rental car off, then make a large loop around the map, first to Jimmy’s, then to Yaeger’s and that area in general, then, time permitting, Billy’s house. We should be back to my house by five, Central Time, to make the call to Kieran in New York.

  “So we’re ready?” Richard asked, going back to his wards.

  “Yep,” I said. “Here, let me take that.” Going to the trunk, I moved to pick it up as Richard made moves to retrieve his briefcase and wards off the top, then I shifted it directly to the foyer of Peter’s suite of apartments. “What’d you have in there, a sedan?”

  Richard grinned while he fumbled slightly with his case and wards, snapping the lid on the stone and scroll combination that I could see a little better now. The wards ebbed away as Richard closed his briefcase.

  The first tickle I felt when I came into the apartment over ninety minutes ago rushed through me again, much stronger this time. The Night Sword surged forward into my left hand, humming in warning. The Stone pushed a shield out in front of me and something at the base of my spine told me that rush was wrong, just wrong.

  My senses expanded outward from the apartment. I felt Peter, not saw but felt, push Jimmy against the wall and tell him to stay down, then he sent his own searching magic out along side of mine. Solid walls disappeared as my sight changed to see energy patterns, plunging into the foam of reality rather than its solidity. Glomming onto the wrongness, I followed it back to its source, across the parking lot, into another building, another apartment. It was shielded against magic, warded. Weak wards, though, I could break them. The problem was, I didn’t know if I wanted to, yet.

  “Someone’s spying on you, Richard,” I said calmly, still staring at the apartment through the walls. “Your wards were holding them off.”

  “Guess that puts you on the ‘Not Without Backup’ list, too,” Peter said, looking at his father imperiously.

  “It’s definitely making the keys a higher priority,” I muttered.

  “Can you tell where?” Richard asked nervously.

  “Yes,” I answered, moving to the front window and using the Night to point. “That building, second floor, nearest right. It’s warded, but I don’t want to break it until I can get close enough to see inside.”

  “Well, they couldn’t have seen much beyond coming and going,” Richard said, staring out the window. He sent several different searching spells out as I watched, mumbling under his breath in Latin and ancient Greek, twisting his hands into odd shapes and making weird gestures. Well, odd and weird to me, anyway. He came back as empty of information as I had.

  “The rental company can pick up the car from here,” Peter said.

  “Good,” I responded, still in rapt attention on our neighbors. “Jimmy, take my keys and stay with my car. Be ready to leave at a shout.”

  I had to give Jimmy credit. He was taking this well, being bounced around the country, tripped over a couch, seeing things disappear, and now the Night Sword’s appearance with the three of us freaking out over it. I’d be surprised if he didn’t steal my car and run. He might be too scared of me to do that, though, or too hopeful I could help him. He snatched the keys and scurried out the door as quickly as he could without a word.

  “There’s someone in the apartment,” Peter said, catching the flicker of movement in the curtains as Jimmy ran to the car. “Dad, wait in the car with Jimmy, please.”

  “Not a chance,” Richard growled and headed for the door, scowling back at Peter. I had a feeling I’d have a similar face-off with my own father at some point and decided to stay out of this one completely. Watch and learn.

  “Dad, we can handle this and Jimmy needs protection,” Peter growled back.

  “They weren’t spying on you, Peter,” Richard said, stopping at the door, his hand poised to turn the handle. “And quit trying to protect me. I didn’t get to be over one-eighty by sitting on my ass.”

  “Impressive,” I told him. “You don’t look a day over thirty-five.”

  “Thank you, Seth,” Richard said proudly and opened the door. The dirty look Peter gave me told me I stepped in it pretty deep. So much for staying out of it. I thought it was an innocuous comment. We followed him out hurriedly.

  The Night didn’t object as Peter pushed a chameleon spell over the three of us to mask our approach. It was one of Ethan’s spells, wrapping the environment around us more completely than a simple glamour. It was still detectable but harder to see in general, like all of our magic. None of the curtains twitched in the least and faint auras began to show through the ward, two of them. The first aura was a person. The second was too small, an object then.

  This complex was on a hill, so as we stood on the
sidewalk looking into the window, we were actually even in height with the second story bedroom. From the slight opening in the curtains, we could make out three lenses aimed at slightly different targets in Richard’s direction. Nothing else showed through the darkness, even to my doubly enhanced eyes. The ward had to come down first.

  “Peter, you take the side,” I said, pointing off to the right of the building. “Richard, you stay here and keep the front boxed in. I’ll flush out the other side. If nothing comes out, y’all can join me inside in a minute.” I walked the distance to the front door, foregoing the steps down the hill and back up to the second floor by using a Stone-built bridge instead. Peter was in place before I was, at the corner of the building and checking out the neighboring buildings for similar situations. Richard was pulling power from a ley line behind him and juggling several different spells in his mind. He knew some scary stuff, but I staved off peeking in. The flash I saw was enough for me.

  When I got to the door, I pushed Peter’s chameleon off and knocked. When the peephole darkened, I smiled broadly at the door. “Are you prepared for the coming of the Lord?” I asked loudly, then surged through the door and into the apartment, throwing the man back down the hallway. The door followed him part way into the living room, careening off a wall and driving one corner into another wall.

  I walked into the apartment and looked around briefly. All the walls were covered with sigils of protection and illusion. In the corners were small packets of something that gave me the sense of forgetfulness and ignorance. This was fairly minor magic, by the feel of it. My pause gave the man time to regain some of his senses and he scurried away, backward and crab-like, further down the hall for the bedroom. I ripped the sigil magic to shreds as I followed him back.

  With the Night at the ready, I stepped cautiously into the room just as the man shoved his hand through a plate glass container holding a simple black-handled knife, the blade a mere four inches long. He pulled it out and waved it at me menacingly. I smiled at him and looked around the room. All the room contained was a table with two laptops. At the window were a video camera, an electronic still camera, and a telescope. I looked back to the man to see him staring at the knife in his hand oddly. When I looked at it, I saw nothing but a knife.


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