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Timeless (Book One: Caylin's Story; A Watcher Duology; Young Adult Paranormal Romance)

Page 18

by S. J. West

  You can count on it.

  Until tomorrow….

  Until then. Goodnight, Aiden.

  Goodnight, my love.

  I lay my phone back on my nightstand and fall asleep with a smile on my face and in my heart.


  I wake up so early the next morning the sun isn’t even up yet. I force myself to lie back down and try to go back to sleep, but it doesn’t work. I look over at the clock on my nightstand and see that it’s only 5:30. I groan in frustration and briefly bury my face in my pillow.

  I hear the faint rattle of dishes and know my father is downstairs getting things ready to prepare breakfast. I haven’t talked to him since going to the vessel’s inner realm, but I feel sure my mom told him everything that happened. Perhaps not the part about Uncle Malcolm but certainly everything else.

  Knowing I’ll never get back to sleep, I hop out of bed and head downstairs to see if I can help him prepare breakfast for everyone.

  I find my dad whisking up some eggs in a glass bowl. When he sees me he smiles and says, “What are you doing up so early?”

  I shrug and come to stand beside him. “Couldn’t get back to sleep.”

  “Too excited about today?”

  I laugh nervously. “Yeah.”

  I look at the ingredients my dad has out and instantly know what he’s making.

  “Quiche?” I ask.


  “Want some help?”

  “Sure, go ahead and layer the bacon, spinach and cheese in the pie crust.”

  I do as asked, enjoying the time with my dad in the quiet of the morning. It’s usually so noisy in the house with Mae and Will around. It’s nice to have this moment alone with him and just feel at peace.

  “So,” my dad says, “I hear Aiden hasn’t kissed you yet.”

  The peace is gone.

  “Mom told you,” I say, feeling completely embarrassed that my father knows such a fact about my life.

  “She told me everything about yesterday,” my dad says. “And I know about Malcolm too.”

  “I wasn’t sure she would tell you. We’re not supposed to tell him you know.”

  “Your mom knows I won’t say anything to Malcolm about his future. And she couldn’t keep something that upsets her so much a secret from me. I would have known something was wrong. This way I can help her when she needs to talk about it.”

  “Dad,” I say, thinking this the perfect opportunity to ask something I’ve wondered about for years, “doesn’t their relationship ever bother you? Everybody knows Uncle Malcolm is in love with mom. I’m not really sure what it is she feels for him, but you can tell it’s something more than just friendship.”

  “In the beginning their closeness used to bother me,” my dad confesses. “But, it doesn’t bother me now.”


  “Because your mother’s heart has always and will always belong to me. I’m the only man she will ever truly love and share all of herself with. Your Uncle Malcolm is more than a friend to her, but he will never be a match to her soul. God granted only me that special place in her heart. Plus, Malcolm keeps you kids and your mother safe in a way I can’t anymore.”

  “Do you ever regret becoming human?”

  “Never,” my dad says with absoluteness. “It’s one of the best decisions I ever made.”

  “Were you and Uncle Malcolm friends before you met mom?”

  My dad chuckles. “No, we hated each other’s guts with a passion.”

  “Really?” I ask, completely astonished by this fact. “But you’re, like, friends now. How did that happen?”

  “We came to an understanding. It took a few fights to come to that understanding,” my dad says with a sly grin, “but we eventually got to a point where keeping our families happy became more important than our petty squabbles. Plus, you kids love him. Your mother and I knew we could never have a conventional family and provide you with a lot of blood related aunts, uncles, and cousins. So, we did the next best thing and surrounded you guys with people who truly love you. Malcolm was never my first choice to become an uncle to you, but now I realize I couldn’t have asked for anyone better. He loves you kids like you were his own. And he makes your mother laugh. If anyone deserves to have as much laughter in her life as she can get, it’s your mom.”

  I grab the bag of shredded cheddar cheese and begin to spread it over the bacon and spinach I’ve already layered in the piecrust.

  “Did you know Uncle Malcolm was going to ask God to make him human after mom died?”

  “Yes, we’ve talked about it.”

  “Why would he want to do that?”

  “Because a life without your mother in it isn’t worth living to him.”

  I stop spreading the cheese and look at my dad.

  “I know he loves her but…he loves her that much?”

  “He always has. From the moment he saw her, he’s been in love with her.”

  “How can he stand to be around us?” I ask. “Every time you and mom are in a room together, I’ve always been able to see how much you love one another. I can’t imagine Aiden loving someone else and me choosing to stay so close to his family.”

  “He does it because your mother and you kids are more important to him than himself. Malcolm used to be extremely selfish and egotistical. Well, he’s still egotistical, but his love for your mother has taught him how to be selfless. He puts the needs of his family before his own. And, I think he’s come to terms with his role in your mother’s life. He’s happier now than he’s ever been.”

  “Jess thinks mom should wait until she’s about to die to tell Uncle Malcolm about his future. What do you think?”

  “I think it will be very hard for your mother to do that, but I also know she wants Malcolm to be happy for as long as possible. Like I said, he’s happy now. She isn’t going to do anything to take that away from him. I have a feeling she’ll take Jess’ advice and wait.”

  “Do you think he’ll be mad?”

  “Mad that she keeps a secret like this from him for that long?”

  I nod.

  “I’m not sure it’s in your Uncle Malcolm to ever be truly mad at your mother. He’ll accept her request to stay alive until the girl you saw in the vision is born. He loves your mother enough to do whatever she would ask him to do.”

  Will phases into the kitchen with his baby doll in his arms.

  “What are you doing up so early?” I ask him.

  “Wilhelmina needed a diaper change,” he says with a yawn. He looks at me like he’s searching for something. “Where’s your doll at?”

  “The back of my car.”

  Will’s eyes open so wide I have to laugh.

  “Are you purposely trying to fail the assignment?” Will asks in astonishment.

  “No, in fact I’ll pass with flying colors.”

  “How are you cheating, and why aren’t you letting me cheat with you?”

  I laugh. “Because Uncle Malcolm didn’t booby trap your doll like he did mine, little brother. Besides, I thought you liked taking care of that thing?”

  “Uh, no. I don’t. I was just acting like I enjoyed it yesterday.”

  “For Katie Ann’s benefit?” I ask knowingly.

  Will blushes. “None of your business.”

  I put the now empty cheese bag in the garbage can and walk over to Will.

  “Listen, if you want to impress her, why not give her something for Valentine’s Day?”

  “Like what?” Will asks, genuinely wanting to hear my suggestion.

  “I don’t know. You’re pretty good at poetry. Why don’t you write her a poem and leave it in her locker tomorrow morning?”

  “Do you think that will work?”

  “Are you kidding? Girls love that kind of thing. Trust me. She’ll be your girlfriend by the end of the day.”

  Will smiles. “Thanks, sis. I think I’ll go write it now.”

  Will phases.

  I hear my dad
sigh behind me. I turn to him and watch as he pours the egg mixture into the pie shell.

  “Why the big sigh?” I ask my dad.

  “You and Will are growing up too fast,” he says. “Why don’t you ever listen to me and stop growing already?”

  I laugh because it’s an old joke with my dad.

  “You still have Mae,” I remind him. “She’s still got a lot of growing to do.”

  “I’ve been trying to talk your mother into having another child.”

  “Really?” This is the first I’ve heard of this plan.

  “She’ll turn thirty-seven this month. If we’re going to have another baby, it needs to be soon.”

  “Then I think you guys should do it,” I say. “Another little Cole running around would be nice.”

  My dad smiles. “I’ll let your mother know you said that.”

  “Said what?” My mom says, walking down the stairs with Mae riding on one hip.

  “Caylin thinks we should have another kid too,” my father tells her.

  My mother rolls her eyes. “I said I would think about it, Brand,” she gently admonishes. “You’re not the one who has to carry a baby around for forty weeks then push it out.”

  “Oh yeah,” I say with a shiver, “I’d mentally blocked out that part after the video I saw yesterday.”

  My mom walks over to my dad and he leans over to give her a lingering kiss on the lips.

  “Good morning,” he murmurs, inches away from her face.

  She smiles. “Good morning.”

  “Morning!” Mae chirps.

  My mom and dad laugh.

  I suddenly realize I’m going to miss these little moments with my family after I go to college. But, then I realize that new part of my life will include Aiden. I hope he and I will make special moments like these with our own family so that we can remember them for the rest of our lives.

  After everyone leaves for the day and I’m left at the house by myself, I go up to my room to prepare for a day on the beach with Aiden. I rummage through my drawer of bathing suits but just can’t seem to find one that screams kiss me now or I’ll die.

  I suddenly remember a bathing suit my mother owns. I feel confident she won’t mind me borrowing it. We’re always borrowing clothes from one another anyway. I’ve never actually seen her wear the two-piece suit before so it practically looks brand new.

  It’s a tiny yellow bikini. I remember my mom saying something about it being a souvenir from a beach trip with my Uncle Malcolm, but I never got the full story on that. I figure if she wore it once upon a time she won’t mind me wearing it too.

  When I actually put it on though, I have my misgivings.

  It’s small. Like, barely nothing there small.

  As I twirl in front of the mirror, staring at how much it doesn’t cover, I have second thoughts about wearing it. But, I figure if this doesn’t get me kissed today nothing will.

  I remember my mother’s words to me from the night before. I just hope the talk Aiden wants to have today will provide me with an opportunity to ask him why he hasn’t kissed me yet.

  Am I placing too much importance on our first kiss? Probably.

  But, I’m seventeen and never kissed a guy before. When my Aunt Tara said she wouldn’t blame me if I jumped Aiden, I almost wanted to thank her for understanding. Aiden was beyond gorgeous. And he was all mine to have and to hold, if he would just let me. But, I didn’t want to do anything to make him even more skittish about deepening our physical relationship. Not that we actually had a physical relationship to deepen yet besides holding hands and the occasional hug. I couldn’t help but want more every time I looked at him. And, as Aunt Tara said, who would blame me for wanting more from Aiden?

  I throw on a plain white t-shirt, a pair of cut off blue jean shorts and flip-flops. I already have a beach bag prepared with a towel and sunscreen. I call Jess to make sure it’s ok for me to come over so early, and she tells me they’re already out by the pool.

  “Is Aiden there yet?” I ask.

  “He and Mason had some Watcher business to take care of,” Jess tells me. “But they should be back by lunch.”

  My heart sinks and I wonder why Aiden didn’t text me that he wouldn’t be at Jess’ house until that afternoon.

  “Come on over, kiddo,” Jess says, sounding like she knows I’m disappointed. “You can help me teach Max and Brynlee how to swim.”

  “Ok, be right there.”

  Jess and I spend most of the morning in the pool with her kids. Max takes to the water like a fish, but Brynlee keeps crying every time Jess tries to bring her into the pool.

  Finally, Jess gives up and ends up playing with her daughter on a pallet beside the pool while Max and I play in the water. Thankfully, time passes by faster than I thought it would. After a few hours of pool play, Jess and I go in to prepare sandwiches for lunch.

  Mason phases into the kitchen as we’re putting the finishing touches on lunch, but Aiden is nowhere to be seen.

  Mason automatically goes to Jess and takes her in his arms.

  “Excuse me while I kiss my wife,” he says to me before turning into Jess to do exactly what he said he would.

  When they finally break apart, I hear Jess take in a deep breath like Mason literally took her breath away with his kiss. I have an envious moment and wonder how much longer I’ll have to wait for Aiden to do that to me.

  “I missed you,” I hear Mason whisper to Jess.

  “Good,” Jess teases back, “you should have. I’m quite fabulous you know.”

  Mason chuckles. “Yes, I know.”

  They pull away from one another, but I get the feeling if I wasn’t there they might find a way to get Max and Brynlee down for their afternoon naps early to give them some private time together.

  “Where’s Aiden?” Jess asks as she continues to help me make sandwiches and Mason goes to the kitchen table to see his kids.

  “He went to change clothes,” Mason tells us, picking Brynlee up out of her high chair and planting kisses on each of her chubby little cheeks. “Black leather doesn’t exactly scream beach wear.”

  I feel my heart begin to flutter with excitement. Not much longer now, I tell myself even though half the day has gone. It wasn’t exactly what I had planned when I woke up that morning.

  “Sorry I had to take him with me today,” Mason says to me, making me wonder if my thoughts are that easy to read.

  “It’s ok, Mason. I’m sure you guys had more important things to do.”

  “Well, if it’s any consolation, he complained the whole time.”

  I smile because it does make me feel slightly better knowing Aiden really wanted to be with me instead.

  “And what’s making you smile like that, beautiful?”

  I look up and see Aiden standing on the other side of the kitchen island from me. His hair is loose allowing his curls to flow freely. He’s dressed in a white long sleeve linen shirt and matching pants.

  “I told her how much you complained about having to help me today,” Mason says, supplying the answer to Aiden’s question for me.

  “Oh.” Aiden looks slightly embarrassed now. “Well, can you blame me? Who wants to go chasing after a changeling when they have a beauty like Caylin waiting for them?”

  I feel blood rush to my face and can only hope I don’t look as red as a tomato. I don’t think I’ve ever blushed so much in my life. It seems like every time I’m with Aiden he says or does something that excites and embarrasses me at the same time.

  “Ok, ok,” Jess says picking up the two small plates she made for her kids. “Let’s put a pin in the flirting until after lunch. Caylin’s been playing in the pool all morning with Max. I’m sure she needs some food before you guys go have your own fun on the beach.”

  “Make sure you eat enough,” Aiden advises me, “I don’t want you to blame not winning our race on having an empty stomach.”

  “Oh?” I ask. “That confident you’ll win?”

�I don’t go into things thinking I’ll lose either,” he tells me, reminding me of my own words to him when we arm-wrestled.

  “Well, just remember what happened the last time you went up against me. I seem to remember making you cry like a little girl.”

  “I did not,” Aiden says mocking a defensive attitude. “I was rather gracious in my defeat.”

  “And then you cried like a little girl,” I tease.

  “Hmm,” he says narrowing his eyes at me. “We’ll see whose left crying after I completely crush you this time.”

  “Give it your best shot but know that I will win.”

  Aiden lifts a surprised eyebrow at me. “And why are you so confident you’ll win?”

  I stare into his eyes because I want to make sure he hears my next words to him.

  “Because the prize I want is worth doing everything within my power to win. I’m not going to lose today, Aiden. So be ready.”

  Aiden looks a little stunned by my statement, as if he didn’t expect me to say it with such conviction. He doesn’t seem to have a comeback for it.

  “Come on kids,” Jess says to us, “let’s eat before I waste away.”

  “Yes, please, let’s eat,” Mason says. “Then maybe my kids will fall asleep for a long nap.”

  I see Mason lean over to Jess and say something in her ear. Jess giggles.

  “Don’t you ever get tired of marshmallows for dessert?” She asks.

  Mason smiles in a way that tells me a marshmallow might be a code word for something else.

  “I have a never ending obsession with matches and marshmallows for some reason,” he tells her, making Jess giggle again.

  It’s only then that I realize ‘matches’ are probably a code word for something else too.


  I don’t waste time eating. The sooner Aiden and I are alone the sooner I can win this race of his and claim my prize.

  “Do you want to wait a little bit before we start?” Aiden asks me as we put our empty plates into the sink.

  “No,” I tell him, “I’ve waited long enough. Let’s go.”

  Aiden takes one of my hands into his.

  “We’re going over to my place for a while,” Aiden tells Jess and Mason.


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