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Two Beasts: A Dark Fairytale Menage Romance

Page 63

by Dark Angel

  Sharing is fun, indeed… Especially when I’m the one being shared.

  New York Daily Journal


  From the desk of Editor-at-Large, Michael Anders.

  As Mayor of New York City, I have an unique insight. As the owner of my paper, here are my thoughts…

  The New York political world was stunned yesterday as out of nowhere, the long simmering feud between Governor Carter Andrews and Mayor Liam Jeffries moved from a war of words to a literal war of fists.

  The altercation occurred at the Harvard Club in Manhattan during a brunch between the Governor and Senator Vivian Hawthorne—who has been seen by many as the one person who can bring this situation to a more stable, calmer resolution.

  According to witnesses, Mayor Jeffries, from the town of New Kingston, stormed into the club and an angry escalation of words between the two men ensued. Sources are not clear who began the fight, or who may have emerged as the victor, as police were quick to respond to the scene and take the two men into custody.

  A curious situation confronted both a tiny town that serves as a suburb of New York City, as well as the greater State of New York. Both constituencies existed for a brief time with their chief executives incarcerated.

  The situation was finally resolved when Senator Hawthorne stepped in and bailed out both men.

  The situation has many legal scholars puzzled and perhaps more importantly, many social commentators decrying a crisis of leadership.

  It seems to us at the Editorial Board that the bad old days of Albany style backroom politics is back. That the corruption has returned. And to those who disagree with us and believe that this is simply the heated passions of two sides of the political spectrum coming to a disagreement, we point out that rather than let the voters decide which way to go, both men are now advancing their own cause based on stubbornness. Secret negotiations, welcomed at first by the Editorial Board because we thought a quick resolution would be imminent, has now instead created a culture where back room deals and scandal instead rule the day.

  It should be evident to any observer that the fact that Senator Hawthorne has been romantically linked to both Liam Jeffries and Carter Andrews means her judgment is compromised when it comes to both men. This resulted, most likely, in the fact that she bailed out both men. Any situation where two politicians have romantic links to each other cannot be one that can be called fair and unbiased.

  And where does this sordid triangle then leave the citizens of New York State? They watch as both their environment becomes polluted and sickly and their jobs leave for other shores. As the politicians end up fighting each other in the court of public opinion as well as really fighting each other, the people of this state can only hang their head in shame.

  But sadly, as bad as the conduct is between the two men, the real blame lies not with them, but in the actions of Senator Hawthorne. This paper believes that the conduct of the Senator has been egregious in its utter lack of professionalism. We would like to publicly condemn the Senator for letting an explosive situation deteriorate to the point where two men are engaging in fisticuffs. And the cause for the deterioration? Because the attentions of both men must have stroked the Senator’s vanity.

  For shame, Senator. For shame.


  I'm sitting in my office, transfixed by the landscape outside of my window.

  “We can’t do anything unless we get the people back to fucking work!” Liam bursts out.

  I sigh.

  “The Boltiador Global factories puts out more pollution than anything we would ever allow,” I say to Liam. “You’d never even get a chance to break ground; the state would close that shit down.”

  “We’d keep building,” Liam says, smirking. “Fuck that state.”

  “Yeah, except we wouldn’t turn on the fucking water or power, then what?” I shoot back. That was petty. But I feel petty.

  For the last week and a half ever since Vivian, Liam and I…had sex together, we’ve made some progress. We’ve understood what each side wants. Which is leaps and bounds ahead of where we used to be before.

  Did we really just both need to bone the shit out of Vivian to start talking at the table?

  Is that all it needed? Is that the secret to working across the aisle? As Liam would call it, “fucking the shit out of each other”?

  If I'm being honest with myself, I still can't believe what happened between us in the limo. That moment—as unbelievable as it was—is replaying itself in my mind over and over. I tell myself that I can't let that happen again. I need to stay focused.

  I know, you’re thinking about it too.

  I told you I had a monster cock swinging between my legs. Unlike Liam though, I don’t go tell every single goddamn person that asks. It’s like going to the grocery store and waiting to get your change and telling the cashier you have a 12-inch pecker. I don’t do that. But it gets the job done.

  But that was then. This is now. And I can’t let the people of this state suffer because I gave in to Liam because I got soft on the environment. On protecting their health and well-being. No, what happened in the limo is a one-time incident. I—we—need to move on.

  The intercom on my phone buzzes. I can tell from the flashing red light that the call is coming from my secretary.

  "Yes, Cathy?" I answer.

  "Governor Andrews, Jason from Strategy needs to see you. He’s outside. Right now."

  "That's fine. Go ahead and add it to my schedule. I'll be free in another hour, Cathy."

  "Thank you, Mr. Andrews. But he says he needs to see you now."

  I sigh. It’s always like this with him.

  But the thing is, when he needs to see me, he really usually needs to see me.

  I look over at Vivian and Liam who are sitting at the table.

  “Can we pick this up later?” I ask.

  Liam looks at me and pulls out a bottle of bourbon. That used to be my bottle, but he got a hold of it. He takes a long swig.

  Given the events of the last few days, I feel like I need it too.

  I reach out my hand and Liam hands me the bottle. I take a drink. The warm liquid slides down my throat in a fiery trail, and puts me at ease. If I'm going to take this meeting with Jason, I might as well be relaxed.

  “Governor Andrews?” my secretary asks again.

  I look at the time again. Shit. It’s been almost five minutes since she called.

  Vivian gets the hint.

  “Why don’t we pick up later?” she asks.

  She looks amazing per usual. Her blonde hair frames her face and reflects the light of the office. She's wearing a low-cut dress, and her cleavage absorbs my attention. Or at least in my mind it does. Did I really just say that I wanted all of this to end between us? Because now I'm already having second thoughts. Seeing her again makes my pulse leap for the millionth damn time today.

  "Look, we got a lot fucking done today, didn’t we?” Liam asks. “Can we unwind a bit…maybe say we schedule a dinner for this evening?" Liam asks, looking at me and Vivian.

  He’s inviting me to dinner.

  This is the strangest and most twisted affair I’ve ever had.

  Vivian looks at Liam for a second. Then she looks at me. As if deciding internally if she wants to do this. Because with dinner is going to be booze. In the city. There’s only one thing we’re going to do after that.

  “It’s a bit unconventional of a relationship, isn’t it?” I ask her.

  She looks at me and smiles.

  "If unconventional is what we’re after, let's meet at a circus-themed restaurant," Vivian suggests.

  "And where do you suppose we find something like that?" I ask intrigued.

  "Le Cirque," she responds, as if it's the obvious answer.

  "I wouldn't say that's exactly unconventional," Liam chimes in.

  "How many restaurants do you know are circus themed?" Vivian asks. "I'd say that's a little out of the box."

  Is it wrong that all I'm thinking about is Vivian's 'box' right now? I can't stop staring at her perfect breasts in front of me. I think I'd agree to just about anything if she suggested it.

  "Le Cirque is iconic," Liam quips. "That's a signature midtown restaurant."

  "I'm free tonight. What time?" I ask.

  "Let's make it 8 pm," Vivian suggests. "You two bring your gorgeous selves, and I'll bring the acrobatics."

  My heart leaps again as I wonder what exactly she's implying. Acrobatics? Is she referring back to what happened between us in the limo?

  "Done," Liam replies.

  I also go ahead and agree with Liam, "Count me in."

  We say our good byes and they walk out of the office. I sit back for a moment in my chair and think about how easy it was to speak with both of them. It was all so cordial. Hell, even the meeting was good. Liam is right. We actually are getting somewhere. We’re going to get this deal done. This couldn’t have been more different from our encounter at the Harvard Club. I mean, one minute, I'm putting my fist into Liam's face, and the next, we're making dinner reservations.

  I remember my impending meeting with Jason, Chief Strategist, and I snap my laptop closed and go to my desk. Vivian and Liam have left. I push the button to my intercom to summon my secretary.

  “Cheryl, you can let Jason in now.”

  As if waiting for the word, Jason, my Chief Strategist, bounds in. He's always been a high-strung person, but today he seems especially frazzled. When he turns his head, his body bounces along sharply with his every movement.

  With him is my Press Secretary, Michele.

  She looks up at me. "Have you seen the news Governor?"

  "I just got out of a meeting. I haven't seen anything," I reply.

  "Well then, you better crawl out from whatever rock you're buried under and watch this," she says, walking over to a nearby television. She clicks it on, and I watch as the screen comes to life.

  A reporter is speaking in a hurried tone. "Again, if you’re just joining us, we have breaking news being reported by the New York Daily Journal of yet another scandal in Albany. That’s right. New York State has had its share of political mischief, but this time, all levels of government seem to be involved. Political operatives on both parties are outraged in what they say is some of the worst abuses of power this state has ever seen. Revolving around Governor Andrews and his decision to block the investment of several factories from the Boltiador family and further move more jobs to China, inside sources tell me that a deal is being put into place that would do just that.”

  Well, it’s not that bad, actually.

  “At the heart of this decision is a desire that has nothing to do with government, but a desire to be romantically involved with the state’s junior Senator to Washington, Vivian Hawthorne,” the reporter continues.

  Okay. That might be pretty bad.

  “The Governor has been in a very unorthodox mood lately, acting in a very strange manner according to those close to him. Last week, he was involved in a fight that led to a temporary arrest in New York City. And now, sources confirm that he’s working with the Mayor of New Kingston to find a politically expedient way to move 10,000 would be jobs from the state and send them to China,” the reporter continues.

  Yeah, this isn’t looking that good. They don’t understand, that’s not what we’re trying to do. We’re trying to figure out a workaround. Maybe not bring over the highest polluting operations but more skilled work.

  “The Governor is also being implicated in revealing his plans and working in concert with Chinese Communist Party leaders in secret,” the reporter concludes.

  Okay now that is bad.

  “We’ll have more after these messages,” the reporter says as the news cuts to GEICO commercial.

  "I’ve never been so relieved to know I could save 15% on my car insurance by switching to GEICO."

  "What the hell is going on Governor?" Michele asks, her brows furrowed in worry.

  How has the media caught wind of this? I'm wracking my brain and nothing makes sense unless … Vivian and Liam are the only people who would know about this conversation. Could that really be true?

  I don't know Michele," I say, shaking my head. And that's the truth. I really don't know how in the hell this has been leaked.

  "Well, you better figure it out, and fast. You're going to be racing against the clock on this one. We're going to need to come up with a new technique to manage this one. As two of your senior advisors, I have to say that this isn't casting you in a favorable light with the public." I watch as she places both hands on her hips defensively.

  "Don't you think I know that?"

  "Well, you seen so nonchalant," Michele shrugs. "You can't sit here and expect everything to be OK."

  "Is that what you call this? If so, you've been fooled," I growl in irritation. "I'm anything but calm. I'm downright outraged."

  "We need to avoid any further negative media coverage," Michele says.

  Fine. I hate to do this. But I’m going to have to.

  "Okay, listen, lock it down then,” I say to Amy. “No communication inside or out until this blows over. I have a dinner with Vivian and Liam…”

  “I would cancel that now,” Michele says, her face incredulous. “Or you might as well quit.”

  “Cancel it,” I say.

  “Radio silence?” Michele asks.

  I nod.

  "We won't be taking any additional calls or emails until further notice," I say. "Make sure everyone is clear on that."

  She nods her head in agreement and hurries off to share the news.

  Again, I search every corner of my brain for answers, and the only name that keeps comes up is Vivian's. Could Vivian be behind this media leak? Could Liam?

  Did one of them just stab me in the back?

  We just spoke and everything seemed fine. I didn't detect anything out of the ordinary. If anything, it was one of the friendliest meetings we've ever had … outside of the limo.

  If one of them is behind this…why?


  “Another beer?” the bartender asks me and I nod my head, watching the television.

  The people around me are fucking quiet. The bar around me is pretty quiet too. They’re watching the TV, glued to what they’re seeing.

  Carter cancelled dinner yesterday. But I got it. What I don’t get is how this is blowing up.

  And it’s blowing up badly. Every hour brings more and more shit to be thrown so it can hit the fucking fan.

  “Preliminary reports obtained by the New York Daily Journal indicate now that a three way sex triangle has evolved between Mayor Liam Jeffries, Governor Carter Andrews, and Senator Vivian Hawthorne. Sources at the paper are tight lipped as to how this information was obtained…” the reporter on television continues.

  Fucking media. Fucking reporters. We were so fucking close to a deal. We were so goddamn close to figuring a lot of this shit out.

  Of course the people who know me in New Kingston don’t know what to say to me. They stay away, not sure who or what I am anymore. Actually, I’m not sure who or what I am anymore. Have I betrayed the people of this town? I’ve been fighting for them. I wasn’t looking to sell them out.

  “However we can confirm from what we’re hearing that the three leaders were close to putting together a deal that was acceptable to the Governor. No word of the specifics of that deal has emerged right now…” the reporter goes on and I realize he’s just made it sound like I was ready to sell out this town all for some pussy.

  Jesus fucking Christ. I need to get ahold of this train before it destroys everything I’ve worked to build. I take out my phone and look through my contacts. I see it right there. I need to call him. I need to call Carter.

  I never thought I’d ever be in this situation, but fuck it. I’ll do anything for the people of this town. And right now, the only thing that there’s left for me to do is go to the one person I used to hate to see if I can’
t make this right.

  “Office of the Governor,” the voice on the other side of the line addresses me upon picking up my call. She sounds like an intern. Working for free. Maybe put it on her resume for after college. Hoping to get picked up by one of the political clubs around the state. Maybe run for office one day. Look to break the fucking glass ceiling.

  “Let me talk to the Governor,” I say curtly, taking a sip of the beer that’s in front of me.

  I wait for a minute as the girl on the other end of the line takes a breath. “I’m sorry, but the Governor isn’t taking any calls right now,” she answers me calmly.

  He’s probably in a meeting. I can understand what that guy must be going through. I mean, it may sound like a fucking cliché, but after we had sex—and yeah, I didn’t fuck him or anything like that—but whatever we did together I’m classifying as sex—I did a lot of thinking. Sure, the guy grew up wealthy. But that doesn’t make him responsible for the problems that I had growing up. He’s not the cause of it. I can see that he’s trying to do what he thinks is right. So what if I don’t agree with him 100% percent of the time? We’re both fucking American and we love this country. And this state. We’re trying to do the right thing in our own way.

  “Let me leave a message for him then,” I say patiently. She’s just doing her job. No need to get snappy with her.

  “I’m sorry, the Governor isn’t taking any calls or messages at the moment,” she replies back without any pause this time.

  What. The. Fuck.

  What the fuck is going on? Is Carter trying to lock me out of this? Doesn’t he fucking realize that I have as much invested in this shit as he does? That if he’s locking me out and trying to make plans that could screw me over that’s not fucking cool?

  “What do you mean he’s not taking any fucking messages?” I snarl into the phone, my annoyance coming out. A few of the people in the bar look my direction. There’s wariness in their eyes. As if they’re trying to feel me out. “Why are you even bothering to pick up the goddamn phone then? Why not just turn it the fuck off?”


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