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Two Beasts: A Dark Fairytale Menage Romance

Page 144

by Dark Angel

  My panties are soaked clear through and I love it but I have got to get upstairs right now! I'm looking at the little display above the elevator it's on floor 26. Okay, this is going to be all right., The arrow is pointing upward. God damn it.

  Heaven only knows how far up the elevator is going to go before it makes it it's excruciatingly slow descent down to pick me up and then take it's mother fucking time to get me back up. Screw it. I’m taking the stairs.

  The slick, warm wetness of my excitement is cooling my thighs as my hands tremble to put the key in the lock. Another small blessing thank God Victor gave me a key I don't think I could bear to stand here and knock. The key finally turns in and I burst into the room completely out of breath.

  "I made it."

  The look on Victor's face is absolutely thrilling. He is pissed. There is no other way to interpret the look on his face. I did not intentionally set out to anger Victor but now the possibility that he is going to take that anger out on me in a very sexual way has caused my pussy to gush. There is a flood between my legs like I have never felt before and I swear to God if I could hold onto this feeling forever I would.

  “I don't care where you have been. I do not care what you have been doing. What I do care about, is that you were not here when I wanted you to be here."

  These cold, hard edge of his voice cuts right to the center of me. His stern words are better then any vibrator I have ever used and one million times better than any man I have ever been with. Victor did this with just words. Oh my God there is no way I am making it to that auction.

  "I'm very sorry that I disappointed you. I was having a drink with some friends. I. ..”

  "No one cares about your excuses. The only thing I care about is that you are here and you are ready and available when I want you."

  Oh my God I am in heaven.

  "There is a pile of lingerie in the bedroom you have exactly 10 minutes to have it on and be ready for me, or I promise you will regret it."

  Yes this is definitely heaven. Maybe it is hell, but either way this is going to be amazing and I don't care where it takes place. I am sprinting for the bedroom before I can consciously think the word “go”.

  I have no idea what to do with this. When Victor said there was a pile on the bed he meant it. This is not lacy Teddy or a satin corset. This is and actual pile. It is a pile of black leather straps and silver buckles. I do recognize the boots and they obviously go all the way up my thighs.

  I can't let him down I have to figure this out. Setting aside the boots, because I know what they are, I pick up the rest of the pile. I'm not sure if I have this thing right side up, let alone what I'm supposed to do with it or how to put it on. I have to figure this out. Turning it to the left didn't help. Turning it to the right doesn't help anymore. Upside down is nothing near useful. Okay think, think, think. How am I going to figure this out?

  Apparently when I'm turned on I forget that I live in the modern era. Three minutes of my 10 minutes are up and then it occurs to me, Google it.

  Thank the stars and little kittens for the Internet. Apparently this collection of leather and buckles is actually called a Her Harness. I quickly fast-forward through the YouTube video of how to put it on and suddenly this conglomeration of random straps and buckles make sense

  I swear to the moon and stars above there is no way that if anyone had ever tried to explain to me what a Her Harness is that I would've understood it this thing is the physical incarnation of dominant submissive sex. The thick leather straps over my shoulders run down my chest to an o-ring that encircles my hardened nipples and then continues down to a belt type thing. Between each strap is a set of light chains connecting the two shoulder straps together that jangle and chill my cleavage. From the belt are hanging two more sets of straps with a smaller belt that go around my thighs and ride just at the crease of my ass cheeks.

  I can't believe I'm wasting my time trying to figure out how to describe this thing that Victor bought for me. The point is this harness is meant for nothing but sexual functionality. There is not a strap or a buckle the comes anywhere close to covering my pussy or my ass. It is built for strength. I have never in my life considered the idea that the word sturdy could be a sexy word but tucking away the last end of the belt that is encircling my left thigh I am certain I will never think of the word sturdy in the same way ever again.

  Before I had found the YouTube video of how to put on the Her Harness I thought this that was going to be the hard part. Turns out what is the hard part is putting on these boots. Okay, scratch that. The hard part is standing up in these boots. I get that men find them sexy but have you ever tried to stand up, let alone walk in 6 inch stiletto heels?

  "You have thirty seconds. You'd better be ready."

  The closed-door and walls between me and Victor did absolutely nothing to lessen the sternness in his voice. I swear to all that is good and holy, I am going to have an orgasm just from listening to that tone of voice.

  The thirty second warning presents yet another problem. I cannot imagine that me standing here with my leg shaking like a newborn deer is going to please him. The other problem is that I don't think I can stand like this for much longer than perhaps 10 seconds. I have always performed better under pressure and a little quick thinking solves the problem. I climb onto the bed laying on my stomach and kicking up those disastrously tall heels behind me. I am just settled when the door opens.

  "Are you trying to piss me off? "

  What? Piss him off? How can he be pissed off by a leather clad sex toy laying on his bed?

  "You said that you wanted to be trained. Here is the most important lesson you need to know, never, under any circumstance, presume to know what your master wants."

  Once again, I am no good at poker. I know the look on my face spoke of nothing but pure confusion and that is why Victor continues.

  "It never occurred to you that I may not want you laying on the bed. You should be standing primly and properly at the end of the bed. This way I know that it is my choice as to how I'm going to take you."

  Actually that makes quite a bit of sense. He was right it honestly did not occur to me that by laying on the bed I was making a choice for him.

  "Why are you still laying on the bed? "

  There is no way I am ever going to be able to think straight while he is using that voice. There is something magical about his anger. The way that he is talking to me is like nothing I have ever experienced before. I have thought in the past that I wanted to be with a dominant man. Most of the men that I have been with have been polite and accommodating. One or two have been downright shocked and docile when I have suggested any type of sexual activity, but for the most part they’re kind, gentle and willing to go along with whatever I want. When I say that I want a man to be dominant I was saying that it was from a position of theoretical curiosity. Now that there is a man treating me this way I have to admit I completely underestimated the full weight of the word need and the weight of the word want.

  "What are you doing still laying on the bed? "

  apparently my thoughts took too long to sort through. My ankles feel like Jell-O the instant the boots and those heels hit the floor. It is not helping anything that this bedroom is carpeted and padded with very expensive flooring. I am going to manage this come hell or high water.

  "I am sorry, sir. I just thought…"

  "What did I tell you about your excuses? "

  "No one wants to hear them? Sir."

  "Exactly. You have failed in your first two and most important duties. I suggest you stop making excuses and apologies and try to rectify your mistakes."

  This time my ankles and my knees are not shaking because I cannot stand in these heels they are shaking because of his words. His words and his admonishment sent me over the edge. This was not a complete loss-of-control orgasm. It is the most delicious tantric orgasm ever. I feel the drops of lust trickling out of my pussy and down the insides of my thighs. My head is fu
zzy. My vision is out of focus. This man gave me a a complete new type of sexual release just his words. When I come back to my senses fully I have got to contemplate the idea that Victor is actually a God.

  "Now that you are done being self-indulgence I would like to direct your attention to some remodeling that I had done in your absence."

  I'm not sure if it is the standing, the no-touching orgasm that I'm experiencing or the fact that Victor just changed subjects abruptly, but either way what he just said made no sense to me whatsoever. Thank you to all the little cherubs in heaven that he still used that stern angry voice when he said it. That is all I need.

  Not wanting to repeat the mistake of making a choice for my master, and not being able to fully trust myself to function fully I am just waiting to see what's going to happen next.

  That was obviously the right choice to make because Victor is walking toward me. He is obviously taking this role seriously. His face is a rock solid mask of sternness. The look on Victor's face is erotically disconcerting in its blankness. There is nothing in the set of his jaw or the iciness of his stare the gives me any clue about what is going to happen next.

  As if the tone of his voice wasn't enough the feel of physical contact turns this entire experience up to eleven.

  Without saying a word Victor grabs my wrist with one hand and with the other produces yet another leather strap with a buckle on it from his back pocket. I am transfixed. Even if I were inclined, in this moment to object or resist the power in his hand wrapped around my wrist was unimpeachable. The look on his face is made of steel but the strength in his hands and the force of his grip is made of pure iron.

  I see nothing as he buckles that strapped around my wrist. I can imagine about 100 possibilities that can stem from just this one strap around my one wrist but if I have learned anything at all tonight that is that silence is golden. I don't say another word and neither does Victor as he secures another strap to my other wrist. It isn't until he walks away from me that he speaks again.

  "I had these installed, especially, for you."

  I don't even want to turn my head. There is a deep abiding need inside of me to please him. No matter how tough the task I know I have to succeed in pleasing Victor.

  I was so rushed and so confused when getting ready it never occurred to me to look around the room. Without turning my head, my eyes track to where Victor had walked to. On the wall was a very stylish hook and trailing from the hook to the ceiling were to black ropes. Watching Victor untie the ropes from the hooks sent me into overdrive. My legs had not stopped shaking from the strange orgasm that I had experienced just moments ago, but watching him feed the ropes upward and realizing that to clips were lowering beside me set my knees shaking at a vigorous pace.

  Victor did not waste any words on explaining what he was about to do. I didn't need him to explain what he was about to do. I knew that those clips were the other half of the set made up by the straps around my wrist. Everything about this moment is absolutely incredibly sexy. The way that Victor walks across the room and again wraps those iron hands around my wrist is hotter than anything I have ever experienced.

  The involuntary squeak is out of my mouth before I can stop it Victor had returned to the ropes and it pulled them tight so that my arms were stretched towards the ceiling above me. It didn't hurt. It just surprised me.

  "I have had enough of your excuses and your complaining. You are mine. You are my property and you will function properly and perfectly every time that I want you to."

  I know I screwed up. I also know that I don't want to screw up. I want nothing more than to make Victor completely happy and satisfied. I just could not help myself.

  "Since you insist upon acting this way that I am left with no choice than to move directly to this."

  As he was speaking Victor was reaching into his back pocket again in this time I knew exactly what this strap was for. It is a black leather strap that matches the rest of the outfit and in the center is a massive metal O-ring.

  "Open your mouth."

  Again my body is reacting before I can have conscious thought. My mouth is open as wide a possibly can and I am feeling the icy cold of the metal settling behind my teeth before I can consciously register what is happening to me.

  "That is better. Now I do not have to put up with your whining."

  This is completely unusual. I had thought prior to this that I wanted to be dominated. What had never occurred to me is that I might actually find sexual thrills in being humiliated. The thought of Victor thinking of me as a whiner added to my excitement. For some reason the concept that Victor might be looking down on me was erotic.

  Still trying to be perfect for him I kept my head and face straightforward as he walks across the room. I shifted my eyes to the side keeping him in view. There is another hook on that wall. Only one rope is secured to that hook and watching Victor released the rope and hearing the squeaking of the pulley above me I realized I can't see where the end of that rope is coming down.

  I must be the most depraved sex fiend in the world. The idea that I have no clue what Victor is going to do with that third rope is at the same time scary and exciting.

  The cool wet feeling of lube against my ass hole is certainly not unfamiliar to me but the chilling cold of metal is unfamiliar. Not being able to see what this was that was pressing against my ass was again thrilling because it was unknown. Among the things that I am familiar with is that moment of hesitation before I relax and except something entering me from behind.

  The metal is ice cold and I can feel that cold spread through the middle of me. I am still trying to wrap my head around exactly what is inside of me when I hear metal clicking against metal. This is completely out of any frame of reference I might have. I'm still trying to put together what exactly has been inserted into my body when the movement of Victor returning to the hook with the single rope catches my eye.

  The other two ropes were holding my arms above my head leaving just the slightest bit of bend in my elbows but there was not enough tension to pull me off of my feet as I stood there firmly on in these high-heeled boots.

  There is no keeping my head steel. I watch as Victor Titans the rope and I feel myself being the listed off the ground by this metal thing in my ass. I bend at the waist my ass sticking out a little as I try to keep at least my toes on the ground. Victor ties the rope to the hook just at the right height so that my toes stay firmly planted on the soles of these boots. The force causing me to bend my waist stretched my arms to their limit.

  Victor walks out of my field of vision and I have time to contemplate what is happening and what could happen. In a fraction of a second one million possibilities flashed through my mind and I settle on one question. I am in six inch high hill boots with a one inch platform on the soul., With some kind of metal sex toy in my ass, even at his 6’4" height how is Victor going to shove his 12 inch cock into my pussy without some kind of stepladder?

  Seriously? That is what you are worried about?. The rules of the auction say that you have to be a virgin. So, there is no way that he is going to actually Fuck you.

  Yes but I also have this thing on my ass where else is he going to fuck me?

  Obviously my logical and ideological brain had fallen out of sync somewhere along the way. As interesting as this internal debate is I don't think I'm going to have time to finish it because Victor is back into view and he is holding a riding crop.

  Of the million possibilities that flashed through my mind when Victor disappeared from view a riding crop was probably somewhere in that 300,000 to 350,000 range. Now it is number one.

  Victor is maddening. Doesn't say a word all he is doing is holding that riding crop in front of me twisting it around so that I can get a view of every single angle.

  The ring won't let me scream when Victor taps my nipple with the riding crop. It was just hard enough to leave a tingling sensation on my skin but my God it is amazing. I can't stop my body lurching as he taps
the other nipple just as hard. My head will only twist so far but I keep my eye on Victor until the very last step he takes around me and in my mind I want nothing more than for him to use use that riding crop on my outward poking ass. I get my wish

  I can feel my skin burning and swelling in the two spots where his rapid slaps landed. God it hurts so good. Then nothing. Two strikes and that is it?

  Victor is gone just long enough for my mind to develop all sorts of deliciously depraved scenarios but, my mind had not gotten far enough because when he steps into my view this time he is holding a black leather strap that is three inches wide. Again Victor is doing that twisting thing so that the lights glint off the polished leather. This is sadistic.

  My mind is playing the worst case scenario game in the BDSM home version. Victor gives me just enough time for my mind to fully form the idea of what it's going to feel like when he spanks me with this wide piece of leather before he walks out of view. I don't have to wait very long instead of two rapid strokes he applies one strong spank. The thick piece of leather is long enough to cover both of my ass cheeks at the same time. Again my flesh heat up and I can feel the welt from the impact rising.

  Then nothing. He is gone again. This gap in time between spankings gives me the opportunity to take some stock of my current condition. My asses on fire. My arms ache. There is a metal something in my ass and there is a sticky wetness inside my boots on the insides of my thighs. Anyone can say that pain is bad but in this context all I want is one of two things. I either want Victor to slap my ass with something else or I want him to drive that massive cock into my pussy. That is what I want no matter how much it hurts.


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