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The Maid and the Queen

Page 35

by Nancy Goldstone

  as absent from Charles VII’s coronation, 144–45

  Joan given sword by, 111, 122

  Joan’s escort prepared by, 110–11, 113, 115

  Joan’s first conversation with, 102

  Joan’s visits to, 99–100, 106

  Joan tested by, 108

  René’s ransom indemnified by, 220

  Vaucouleurs defended by, 101

  Baugé, battle of, 84–85

  Bavaria, 41

  Bavaria, duke of (father of Isabeau of Bavaria), 29

  Bayeaux, 66

  Beaucourt, G. du Fresne de, 192

  Beaugency, 139, 141

  Beaulieu-les-Fontianes, 161, 162

  Beaupère, Jean, 174, 176, 238

  Beaurevoir, castle of, 162–63, 167, 170, 182

  Beauté, 213

  Beauvais, 35

  Beauvais, bishop of, 167, 168, 171, 172–73, 178, 180, 181, 246

  Bedford, duke of (regent of France), 85, 86, 103, 237

  death of, 212

  insulting letter to Charles VII, 151, 155

  Joan’s letter to, 125, 130

  Joan’s virginity checked by, 171

  marriage of, 150

  Parisian poor feast neglected by, 138n

  portions of France conquered by, 98

  reinforcements requested by, 149

  in Triple Alliance, 90

  war council summoned by, 99, 101

  Belgium, 29

  Bellême, 66

  Belles Heures, 7

  Benevento, 226–227

  Bible, 14

  Blois, 136

  army massing in, xv, xvii, 122, 123–24

  Bois de Vincennes, 213

  Boisguillaume, 172

  Bordeaux, 247

  Bouillé, Guillaume, dean of Noyon, 234, 235–38, 242

  Bourbon, duke of, 58, 231

  in attempt to free René, 219

  stained glass window of, 222

  Bourdigné, Jehan de (chronicler), 8, 25, 70

  on rebellion in Provençe, 18–19

  “Bourgeois de Paris,” 188, 204, 213, 214

  Bourges, 45–46, 70, 82, 90, 92, 103, 151, 226

  Boussac, lord of, 170, 190

  Brabant, duchess of, Isabeau’s marriage arranged by, 32, 33–34

  Bréhal, Jean, 239, 240, 241, 242–44, 246

  Bridget of Sweden, 120

  Brie, 157

  Brittany, 191

  Craon in, 35–36

  Brittany, duke of, 35, 64, 67, 71, 231

  Armagnacs joined by, 45

  Charles’s cause abandoned by, 90, 139, 191

  Charles supported by, 98, 139, 190, 191

  in Triple Alliance, 90, 98

  Buchan, earl of, 85, 92

  Bulgnéville, 195, 218

  Burgundians, 70, 80, 82, 90, 101, 144, 214

  Armagnacs massacred by, 68, 69

  in attempt to take Compiègne, 157

  at Congress of Arras, 208–12

  English alliance with, 61, 65–66, 83–84, 99, 196–97, 200, 202, 208

  Joan captured by, 159–60, 160, 166

  Joan’s fear of, 112

  noblemen’s pledge to wage war against, 45

  Parisian citizens as, 153

  in proposed truce with Armagnacs, 67, 71

  in pursuit of Charles VII, 67–69

  and rehabilitation of Joan’s image, 236

  in switch of allegiance to Charles VII, 212

  in University of Paris, 165, 166

  see also John the Fearless, duke of Burgundy; Philip the Bold, duke of Burgundy; Philip the Good, duke of Burgundy

  Burgundy, 29, 226

  Burgundy, duchess of, 233

  Burgundy Gate, 125, 132

  Burne, Alfred Higgins, 128

  butchers, 46, 47, 71n

  Caen, 66

  Caesar, Julius, 3

  Cagny, Perceval de, 155–56, 157

  Calais, 149, 157, 247

  Caldora, Antonio, 226–27

  Caldora, Jacopo, 226

  calendar, 26

  Calixtus III, Pope, 240–41

  Castille, king of, 231

  Castillon, battle of, 247, 248

  Catalonia, 5, 16

  Catherine de la Rochelle, 123

  Catherine of Alexandria, Saint, 89, 99, 169, 179, 181, 188

  Catherine of Burgundy (daughter of John the Fearless), 48, 51

  birth of son of, 85

  engagement of, 43, 46, 192

  Henry V in marriage negotiations with, 54, 59, 83

  Catherine of France (daughter of Charles VI), 63, 86

  Henry V’s marriage negotiations with, 54, 71

  Catherine of Siena (mystic), 78, 120, 261

  Cauchon, Pierre, bishop of Beauvais:

  archbishopric lost by, 180

  as Burgundian, 166–67

  in charge of Joan’s trial, 166, 171–72, 173, 174, 209, 236, 237, 238, 243, 244

  at Congress of Arras, 209, 210

  in grudge against Joan, 167

  Joan’s execution and, 181, 182–83

  Joan summoned by, 168

  made bishop, 167, 209

  spy sent to Domrémy by, 171

  Châlons, 144

  Champagne, 157

  battle at, 190, 194, 195, 196

  Chappes, 194, 195

  Charlemagne, 3

  Charles, duke of Orléans (son of Louis I), 45, 231

  in alliance with Philip the Good and duke of Brittany, 225

  in battle with English, 7, 55, 58

  as English prisoner, 7, 58, 105, 127, 156, 161n, 223, 224–25

  marriage of, 225

  Charles V, king of France, 5, 8, 19, 28–29, 32, 78, 255–56

  Charles VI, king of France, 32

  as absent from Agincourt, 56

  appearance of, 28, 116

  as athletic, 29

  birth of, 34–35

  Charles VII disinherited by, 84, 93, 167, 192

  child born to, 34–35

  coat of arms of, 37

  death and funeral of, 85–86, 199

  held prisoner in Louvre, 49–50

  Charles VI (Cont.)

  Henry V’s conditions accepted by, 83, 84

  Henry V’s truce with, 73

  insanity of, 28, 36–38, 37, 39, 44, 47, 50, 52, 59, 63, 85, 86, 104

  Isabeau’s fabricated story of kidnapping of, 65

  Isabeau’s move on Paris opposed by, 63–64

  Isabelle offered to Richard II by, 20–21

  John the Fearless pardoned by, 44–45

  Louis II loved by, 43

  pages killed by, 36

  personality of, 29

  rebellion in Flanders crushed by, 29

  rulings on responsibility of court in absence, 39, 40

  throne inherited by, 28

  typhoid fever of, 35

  vassals summoned to fight English by, 52

  wedding of, 32–34

  Charles VII, king of France, xv, 87

  in alliance with Holy Roman Emperor, 204–5

  in attempt to free René, 219

  in battle of Baugé, 84–85

  in battle of Chartres, 85

  battle of Verneuil lost by, 91–92, 98

  Bedford’s insulting letter to, 151, 155

  christening of, 169

  coronation of, 144–47, 148, 149, 151, 152, 155, 157, 167, 189, 197, 204, 211, 243

  council of, 98, 101, 102–3, 191

  death of, 248

  in decision whether to see Joan, 113–14

  demoralization of, xv, xvii

  desire for separate peace with duke of Burgundy, 146–47, 149, 204, 205–8

  disinheritance of, 84, 93, 167, 192

  in dispute over bishopric of Angers, 227–28

  earl of Suffolk’s embassy to, 230–31

  as embarrassed by Joan, 155

  engagement of, 47–48, 51

  in entrance into Paris, 214–15, 215

  escape from kingdom considered by, 104–5, 148
/>   in escape from Paris, 67–69, 121

  fate feared by, 104

  Henry VI’s desire for vassalage of, 211

  indecisiveness of, 97, 98, 103, 105, 114, 225

  induction ceremony of, 86–88

  in invasion of Champagne, 226

  Isabeau’s fabricated story of kidnapping of, 65

  Isabeau’s summoning to Paris, 69–70

  Joan invited to see, 114–18, 119

  Joan’s armor purchased by, 122

  Joan’s desire for coronation of, 100, 107, 114, 137–38, 143–47

  Joan’s letters to, 113

  Joan’s telling of secrets to, 117–18

  Joan’s trial investigated by, 234, 235–38, 273

  John the Fearless’s military defeat of, 66

  John the Fearless’s truce with, 71, 72

  in journey to Reims coronation, 138

  large nose of, 116

  Lorraine as important to, 80

  Louis II knighted by, 19

  Louis III’s friendship with, 51

  made dauphin, 62

  Margaret of Anjou’s marriage negotiated by, 231–32

  Marie of Anjou as playmate of, 51

  marriage of, 85

  Metz battle won by, 233

  Normandy won back by, 233–34

  in Paris campaign truce, 150–51

  Philip the Good in talks with, 98, 150–51, 156–57, 189–90, 205–12, 218

  Philip the Good’s reconciliation with, 205–8, 212–13

  and plot to kidnap La Trémoïlle, 203–4

  as raised in home of Yolande of Aragon, 48, 49, 50–52, 64, 70

  René’s captivity and, 196

  René’s friendship with, 51, 82

  René’s ransom and, 221

  The Romance of Melusine presented as gift to, 14

  rumors of illegitimacy of, 39, 103–4, 127–28, 191, 221

  secret prayer of, 117–18

  standing royal army maintained by, 248

  stinginess of, 161n

  Tours blocked to, 97–98

  troops summoned by, 70–71

  unhappy childhood of, 48–50

  uprising at Rouen put down by, 64–65

  Yolande’s coup against, 101–3

  Yolande’s disappointment in, 90, 92

  Charles, Simon, 118, 144

  on decision to see Joan, 114, 115

  on Joan’s recognition of Charles VII, 115–16

  Charles of Anjou (son of Yolande of Aragon), 191, 192, 203, 222

  Charles of Maine, 202

  Charny, lord of, 207

  Chartier, Jean (chronicler), 104, 122, 203

  Chartres, 85

  Chastel, Tanneguy du:

  appointed prévôt of Paris, 60

  Charles VII cared for by, 62

  Charles VII escorted from Paris by, 67–69

  Isabeau’s move on Paris opposed by, 63, 66

  John the Fearless killed by, 72–73

  John the Fearless’s plot to murder, 61

  Yolande’s dismissal of, 98

  Chastellain, Georges (chronicler), 155, 159

  Cherbourg, 230

  Chezy, 128, 131

  Chinon, royal court of, 15, 110–11, 112–18, 119, 137, 147, 148, 174, 191, 243

  chivalry, 5, 107, 162, 163, 168, 193

  in poetry, 7

  war captives and, 196

  Choisy-au-Bac, 158

  Church of Saint-Loup, 129

  Clarence, duke of, 85, 101

  Clare of Assisi, 78

  Clermont, count of, 45, 102

  at coronation of Charles VII, 145

  Compiègne, 48, 62, 152, 157, 158, 160, 166, 168, 169, 190, 198

  Congress of Arras, 208–12, 271–72

  constable of France, 35

  in battle with English, 54–56, 58

  Constantinople, 239, 240

  Corbeil, 213

  cortes, 16, 47

  Coudray, castle of, 202

  courts, 81

  courts of love, 7

  Coutes, Louis de, 130

  Craon, Pierre de, 35–36

  Cravant, battle of, 90

  Crépy, 151, 152

  Croy, lord of, 207

  Crusades, 34

  Calixtus’s desire for new, 240–41

  Cyprus, 9

  Darc, Catherine (Joan’s sister), 77

  Darc, Isabelle (Joan’s mother), 77, 78, 96, 144, 241–42

  Darc, Jacquemin (Joan’s brother), 77

  Darc, Jacques (Joan’s father), 77, 96, 144, 241

  Darc, Jean (Joan’s brother), 77

  Darc, Pierre (Joan’s brother), 77, 241

  “day of the herrings,” xvi

  Dickinson, Joycelyne, 271–72

  Dieppe, 213

  Dijon, 88, 195, 205, 218–21, 230

  Domrémy, 79–80, 88, 96, 99, 156, 174, 243, 244

  as loyal to Charles VII, 80, 88, 144

  news of court in, 81–82, 89, 110, 116, 144

  spy sent to, 171

  Douglas, earl of, 85, 92

  education, 78

  Elizabeth, queen of Hungary, 78, 120

  Embrun, archbishop of, 165


  Burgundian alliance with, 61, 65–66, 83–84, 99, 196–97, 200, 202, 208

  at Congress of Arras, 208–12

  1415 invasion of France by, 52, 54–57, 58

  1417 invasion of France by, 65, 66

  1429 invasion of France by, xv

  1429 offensive of, xv–xvii

  Joan’s execution defended by, 187–88

  Joan’s fear of, 112

  money lost on French war by, 197–98

  Paris occupied by, xv

  regency government’s disastrous military campaign against, 34

  see also Agincourt, battle of; Joan of Arc, the maid of Orléans, trial of

  Estouteville, Guillaume d’, 239, 240, 242

  Etampes, count of, 192

  États généraux, 102–3, 221

  Eu, count of, 233

  Fairy Tree, 174

  Falaise, 66

  Fastolf, Sir John, 140, 141, 142, 143

  Flanders, 29, 44

  flayers, 46

  Fontaine, lord of, 84

  fort of the Augustins, 133–34, 136

  Fort St. Loup, 131, 132, 133

  France, Anatole, 107

  Froissart, Jean (chronicler):

  on Charles VI’s illness, 36

  on duke of Burgundy, 29

  Front, Guillaume, 244

  Gascony, 73

  Gaucourt, lady of, 121

  Gaucourt, Raoul de, 116

  Gerson, Jean, 165, 236

  Gien, court in, 144

  Glasdale, Sir William, 130–31, 134

  Gouffier, Guillaume, 117n

  Gravesline, 223

  Gutenberg, Johannes, 14

  Guyenne, 226

  Guyenne, duke of, 45, 46, 47, 48, 56, 58, 59

  death of, 60

  as depicted by Shakespeare, 53–54

  illness of, 59

  Isabeau’s attention focused on, 50

  Hainaut, count of, 61–62

  Hainaut, duchess of, Isabeau transformed by, 32–34

  Harfleur, 55–56, 213

  Henry IV, king of England, 21n, 40, 53

  Henry V, king of England, 88, 103, 128, 165, 217, 247

  Burgundian alliance with, 83–84

  Charles VI’s truce with, 73

  Chartres defended by, 85

  crowning of, 167

  death of, 85, 199

  as depicted by Shakespeare, 52, 53–54

  in 1415 invasion of France, 54–57, 58

  in 1417 invasion of France, 65, 66–67

  French cities taken by, 66, 71, 72, 73, 84

  French government controlled by, 84

  in marriage negotiations with Catherine, 54, 71, 83

  as seasoned military commander, 52–53

  Henry VI, king of England, 127, 149, 150, 168, 180, 198, 223–24

bsp; birth of, 85

  Cauchon as counselor to, 167

  crowning of, 148n, 157, 197

  in distress at Philip the Good’s separate peace, 212–13

  Joan’s execution defended by, 188

  lineage of, 103–4, 137

  marriage of, 231–32

  Parisian poor feast neglected by, 138n

  Philip the Good’s demand for money from, 198–99

  and proposed marriage to count of Armagnac’s daughter, 225

  recognized as king of France, 85, 211

  Henry VIII, king of England, 231

  Hildegard of Bingen, 78

  Holy Inquisition, see Joan of Arc, the maid of Orléans, trial of

  Holy Roman Emperor, 5, 228, 232, 238

  Holy Roman Empire, 79, 196, 204–5

  Hôtel Barbette, 41, 48

  Hôtel d’Artois, 44

  Hôtel Saint-Pol, 38, 64, 67, 212, 215

  Hundred Years War:

  symbolic end of, 247

  see also England; specific battles

  Hyères, 26

  Isabeau of Bavaria, queen of France:

  as absent from funeral of Charles VI, 86

  in alleged affair with duke of Orléans, 39–40, 104

  Charles VI as upset by presence of, 38

  Charles VII’s engagement negotiated by, 47–48

  Charles VII summoned to Paris by, 69–70

  child born to, 34–35

  civil war averted by, 39

  death of, 212

  in dispute over audit, 41

  duke of Orléans’s alliance with, 40, 65

  exile of, 64

  in flight from duke of Burgundy, 49, 50

  French language unknown to, 32–33

  greed and lavish spending of, 39, 40, 41, 46

  Henry V’s conditions accepted by, 83–84

  John the Fearless’s alliance with, 65, 69

  John the Fearless’s plot to murder, 61

  in march on Paris, 63–66

  marriage of, 32–34

  Paris taken by, 69

  in power struggle with count of Armagnac, 63

  in prophecy of Marie of Avignon, 92–93

  as remote parent, 48, 50, 51

  Yolande of Aragon’s alliance with, 47, 60–61

  Isabelle, duchess of Bar and Lorraine (wife of René of Anjou), 80, 81, 82, 232

  made lieutenant general of southern Italy, 219, 221

  Isabelle, duchess of Milan, 17n

  Isabelle of Brittany, 191–92, 193

  Isabelle of Valois, 20–21

  in marriage to duke of Orléans’s eldest son, 40


  Louis I’s invasion of, 17–18, 27

  Louis II’s invasion of, 19, 27, 46n, 47

  Louis III’s invasion of, 71–72, 89, 161, 191, 218

  René’s invasion of, 221, 226–27

  Jacob, E. F., 143n

  Jargeau, battle for, 139–40

  Jaume (Yolande of Aragon’s deceased brother), 256


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