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Bred for Love: An MM MPREG Shifter Romance (Cliffside Wolves Book 3)

Page 6

by Aspen Grey

  So they’d run their mouths…of course. But Paul was being the bigger man and not letting it bother him. Or at least, not letting it look like it bothered him.

  “I—I really though I’d never see you again,” I started to explain. “I honestly was just—”

  “Stop,” he said quickly. “You don’t have to justify yourself to me. I completely understand. I left you hanging. I could have been dead for all you knew. I don’t blame you for anything you did in the last four years. Besides, I’m the one that gets to claim you as mine for the rest of my life—not just a night!”

  Chapter Thirteen


  Four months later…

  “We’re g-g-gonna be late,” I stammered, doing my best to speak as my mate railed me from behind like it was the first time we’d done it. His cock was threatening to crush my insides, go all the way up my throat and out the other side. He was fucking me like a man possessed, which in a way, he kind of was…

  “Don’t worry,” he whispered into my ear with a sexy growl as he buried his cock in me and our wet balls slapped together. “Trevor’s a good dude. I helped him build his kitchen. He’ll wait for us.”

  I opened my mouth to respond, but was cut off as Alec’s strong hand closed around my cock and began to stroke it. His fingers slid down the natural curve of my beautiful pregnant belly that I’d grown so proud of, as had Alec, which was another reason he simply couldn’t keep his hands off me lately.

  Honestly, I’d thought that once I ballooned up he’d start to relax a little bit with how much he wanted it. But I was wrong. After three months when I really was showing, he had gone on fire for me, almost like we’d just started our relationship all over again from the beginning and he was getting his first taste of my body.

  And in a way he was.

  I was pregnant now, filled with curves that hadn’t been there before. Even my scent had changed slightly in a way that of course I couldn’t detect but he could.

  It was basically normal for us to fuck twice a day now, once when we woke up before our shower, and once at night before bed. Getting your brains fucked out and then passing out in your mate’s arms? That’s Heaven right there.

  But once I hit the three-month mark, those two a days turned into three or four a days. Alec just couldn’t keep his hands off me and I loved it.

  I swooned as he stroked me, arched my back and turned my heads and pouted my lips, begging for him to kiss me. He didn’t need to be asked twice. His beautiful lips crushed against mine and my heart swelled. My orgasm raced towards me like an Olympian sprinting towards a pommel horse. When it hit me, I let out a long groan and pressed my palms against the wall to steady myself. And when Alec exploded inside of me, I cried out.

  “Fuck, baby!”

  “Take that cum!” he roared as he milked my dick with one hand and filled my ass with his monstrous dick at the same time. Hot, warm, sticky ropes sprayed into me and oozed out of my hole as I shuddered and came with him. He leaned down and kissed my neck, lapped at my earlobe as we came down from space together. I groaned as he slid out of me and collapsed down onto the chair, one hand under my ass to keep too much of his sweet seed from dipping out of me.

  “How do you do it?” he huffed. I looked up and marveled at his glorious physique, his rippling abs and glistening cock standing out from between his powerful legs. I still couldn’t believe all of that went inside of me. Like, where did everything go? I kind of wanted to see an x-ray of what went on down there when he was drilling me.

  “Do what?” I smiled.

  “Drive me so fucking crazy,” he chuckled. “Make me horny all the goddamn time?”

  “What can I say?” I teased. “It’s a skill not everybody has.”

  “Oh, you’ve got a lot not everybody has,” he smiled as he reached down and lifted me into his arms. “Quick shower before we head to Trevor’s.”

  “We’re going to be even later!”

  “Well, I’m covered in sweat and you’re leaking cum,” he replied as he carried me into the bathroom and set me down in the shower. “Probably not the best way to show up.”

  “True. But a quick one. And no funny business!”

  “For now,” he replied. “But tonight? I can’t make any promises…”

  We showered quickly and dried off but didn’t bother getting dressed. We had a spare change of clothes up at Trevor’s house and were going to shift and run up the mountain. It had been a while since we’d done that, and as we shifters do after not taking our wolf forms for a while, we were itchy.

  “Ready?” Alec asked me as we stepped outside, but not before glancing around to make sure there were no humans in sight. We could avoid them easily once we got going, but if there was someone outside milling around for a cigarette or something…well, let’s just say that having the humans in Cliffside looking around for stray wolves would really put a damper on our activities.

  “Good to go,” I smiled. Alec shifted, taking his beautiful dark wolf form. Like his human physique, Alec was lean and mean with a fierce face and beautiful coat. I shifted too. My shape had changed due to my pregnancy, and I was a little slower than him, but he kept the pace with me so I could keep up.

  It felt so freeing to race away from the main part of town, up the slope towards the hills where Trevor and Owen lived. We were doing a pack dinner. Damon and Jordan would also be there, but everyone had agreed to put the little ones to bed before we ate so we could spend some time talking and not just wrangling little shifter children with nuclear power plant levels of energy.

  We moved quickly through the shadows beneath the trees, breathing the clean Maine air. I looked up at the stars and thought about how much we had gone through to get to this point and how my life had turned into an actual fantasy. I felt like a prince out of a romance novel—well, actually I felt like the princess who’d returned to her (his) prince after being hunted by the big bad evil monster.

  But I escaped that monster…I thought with a smile as I looked at my mate as he ran beside me. But it was just then, when we were half way to Trevor’s, when the unthinkable happened.

  It was like slow-motion. A monstrous shape emerged from the shadow beyond Alec. I tried to cry out, but there was no time. A wolf, an alpha, streaked through the air with its jaws open. His teeth found my mate’s flesh and tore. Blood sprayed and Alec tumbled head over heels to the ground before slamming into a stump.

  I tried to race over to him, but the attacker leapt in front of me and snarled. I recognized him instantly.

  It was Scar.



  Scar was aptly named for the long scar on his left cheek that looked as though someone had tried to carve his face from his skull with a dull knife. With Alec’s blood dripped from his fangs, he advanced on me. He was twice my size and I was pregnant. Despite the adrenaline coursing through my veins, there was really nothing I could do. I couldn’t fight and I couldn’t run.

  Alec lay motionless behind him. He was still breathing; his precious life’s blood was spilling out of him with every second.

  This can’t be happening!

  He’d already taken my parents; he couldn’t take my mate from me!

  The bastard had obviously pheromone blocked and somehow found and followed us. How big was his goddamn criminal empire if he had tracked me all the way to Maine? It seemed impossible, but then again, I had done it.

  My back pressed against a tree and panic flooded through me. Scar advanced on me, his face terrifying—the face of death. I snarled, readied myself for a fight to the death. But as he closed in on me, he stopped and shifted.

  “Bet you thought I wouldn’t find you,” he said simply. He was tall and thick, a big bruiser, like an underground boxer or a bouncer. I thought of simply attacking him right then, but he wasn’t close enough. He’d have more than enough time to shift back and deal with me. So, I took my human form too.

  “I thought you would have given up by now,” I rep
lied. “You already killed my parents. Now you have to kill me too?”

  “Your parents owed me money,” he growled. “And I know they gave you some of that money before I got to them. I’m here to collect.”

  “Well, I don’t have any of it,” I replied. “I spent it all getting up here.”

  “That’s fine. I’ll just take whatever you and your mate have, and then, if you’re lucky, I won’t kill you. I can’t say the same for your alpha.”

  My eyes flickered to Alec who was still lying motionless on the ground, blood streaming from his wound.

  Get up! Get up!

  “I don’t understand,” I muttered. “Why does this mean so much to you? You already killed my parents…”

  “I’m a fucking loan shark, Paul. You know what happens to a loan shark who lets people slide? People take advantage of him, fuck him over, rob him. Can’t let that happen to me.”

  Behind him, Alec moved slightly and I fought the instinct to move my eyes to him. I couldn’t see his wound from here, but prayed it wasn’t life threatening. Then again, everything was life threatening if you bled long enough. Whatever was going to happen needed to happen fast.

  If only we’d reached Trevor’s house…we’d have the whole pack on our side.

  How long had Scar been tracking us? Had he known we were on our way to see the others and that’s why he chose this precise moment to strike?

  “So, what’s going to happen is this,” he told me. “I’m going to escort you back to your place and you are going to pay me. If you need to get money out of the bank tomorrow, I’ll spend the night with you and we can…get acquainted.”

  Alec lifted his head slowly and brought his eyes to us. He was moving slowly, doing his best to make no noise, but he was too far away for a surprise attack. Scar would have enough time to take his wolf form before Alec could reach him. If we were going to get out of this, I was going to have to do something to help.

  “Acquainted, huh?” I asked, stepping slowly forward. “That gives me an idea…”

  I shifted my hips and bit my lip, fighting the urge to sink my teeth into him.

  “I’m a good looking omega, right?”

  Scar laughed and nodded. “Sure.”

  “So, why don’t we work something else out?” I teased, stepping even closer. I ran my hands up and down my curves. Surprisingly, his eyes began to wander. This guy really was a scumbag.

  “You offering yourself to me?” he laughed. “You think I couldn’t just take you if I wanted to?”

  “But why take something when you can have it willingly?” I replied. Alec stirred again behind him, got his two front paws planted beneath him. “It’s much more fun that way.”

  “You’d do that to your mate?” he asked. “Cheat on him like that?”

  “If it gets us out of this mess, yes.”

  “Hmmm,” Scar pondered. He was actually thinking about it! Part of me wasn’t surprised. He was a true psychopath, and his reaction was terrifying me even more. “I guess you have a point, but what guarantee do I have that you’ll even be into it? You a good actor?”

  “I mean—I don’t have to act that much,” I replied. “You are a good looking alpha.”

  “You got that right!” he burst out laughing. “But, nah. I don’t believe you. Sorry, I just don’t. I killed your fucking bum parents. There’s no way you’re gonna give me that ass without a fight!”

  The ruse was over, but it didn’t matter.

  Alec had his back legs under him. He was ready to pounce. All I had to do was distract Scar long enough for him to make his attack. Finally, I let my eyes flicker to Alec. Scar picked up on it immediately and turned, but as he did, I took my wolf form and leapt at him.

  He spun back around to face me and shifted, but it was too late. My mate and I attacked from both sides. Scar managed to swat me away with a thick paw, but it wasn’t enough to do any real damage. I landed easily on my feet and watched with glee as Alec sank his teeth into Scar’s neck and pulled.

  Blood sprayed as he tore flesh. Scar uttered a guttural groan as his body went limp and he collapsed to the forest floor. He was done for, but Alec wasn’t taking any chance and stood over him with two paws on top of him to make sure he was down.

  I shifted and let out a terrible scream of triumph and despair. The son of a bitch who had killed my parents was dead, but he’d almost killed my mate and terrified me. I’d thought I’d gotten free of him but I was wrong. But, was it possible that now it was finally all over?

  I opened my mouth to call out to Alec, but as I did, a new feeling rushed through me. This wasn’t fear, adrenaline or victory. This was a physical feeling, one that I’d known was coming soon but hadn’t expected tonight.

  It was my water breaking. My eyes went wide and I looked at Alec.

  “Alec,” I cried out. “The baby’s coming!”

  Chapter Fourteen


  I could hardly even feel the pain in my shoulder as Owen stitched me up. Why? Because I was holding my brand new baby boy in my arms.

  “This was a close bite,” Owen told me. “You’re lucky you’re alive.”

  I looked from my brand new baby to my mate who was lying on the couch looking worn out but blissfully happy.

  “I know. I am lucky.”

  My baby boy moved slightly in my arms. Little baby Clyde. We’d named him after Paul’s father. He was an omega and had Paul’s beautiful blue eyes. He was so soft I could hardly believe it. He radiated warmth and made my heart soar in a way it never had before. It wasn’t that I loved him more than Paul—I just loved him differently.

  “It’s a miracle really,” Owen said as he finished my stitches.

  “No. He is,” I corrected him.

  Clyde stirred in my arms and cried out quietly. Paul extended his arms. “I think he wants more.”

  “I think he does too,” I smiled, handing him over to his other daddy. It was amazing just how naturally he latched onto Paul’s chest and began feeding. I’d anticipated just how incredible it would be, but nothing could have prepared me for the reality. Paul and I weren’t just mates any longer; we were fathers.

  “Feels incredible,” Paul said to Owen. “I’m like…drunk off the happiness!”

  “It’s like that,” Owen smiled. “You’ll be that way for a while too. Until he starts crawling around and you have to keep him from hurting himself.”

  “Don’t ruin it!” he scolded Owen. “Party pooper.”

  “Sorry,” he giggled. “Just keeping it real, ya know?”

  “Sorry we missed dinner, Owen,” Paul said.

  “Yeah, you guys were really rude,” he joked. “I mean—almost being killed and then going into labor is a pretty lame excuse. How was it, by the way? The labor?”

  “You know, I don’t see what those women are complaining about!” Paul laughed. “It was no problem at all!”

  We all laughed. Owen nodded. “It’s the best feeling in the world, isn’t it? Becoming a father? I’ve got to say, Alec. Trevor and I were both pretty surprised to see you finally settle down. You must be really special, Paul.”

  “He is,” Alec replied. “And now I finally understand what you and Trevor have together as a family. It was everything I was missing for all these years.”

  “It seems like Cliffside has no shortage of action going on,” Owen chuckled. “From old mafia ties to medical mysteries to loan sharks—I wonder what’ll happen next!”

  “Hopefully just a nice couple of shifters come to town, meet, realize they’re meant for each other and settle down together,” Paul suggested. “No drama. No problems.”

  “That would be nice,” Alec said. “But not too exciting, don’t you think?”

  “How’s the shoulder?” Owen asked Alec. “Do you want something for the pain?”

  “Nah, I’m good. I’ll just ice it or something.”

  “Tough guy,” Owen winked. “You want me to stick around? I can if you want.”

  “No, yo
u’ve done enough,” Paul replied. “Go give our apologies to everyone else. But tell them we’d love to see them later this week.”

  “Sounds great,” Owen replied. He gathered up his things and headed out, but not before giving little baby Clyde a big kiss on the forehead. After all, who can resist a newborn?

  Once he was gone, I headed to the freezer and grabbed an ice pack, slapped it on my shoulder and came and joined Paul on the couch. We just there together for a while, both in a sort of drunken state of bliss. It was our first day as a real family and felt like one of those things you really didn’t have to talk about to understand. It was just simply amazing, and that was all there was to it.

  “It’s hard to believe,” I finally said. “All the things that had to happen for us to end up here.”

  “A bit of a bumpy ride, but we made it in the end. Do you think Scar’s gang will come looking for us?” he asked.

  I shook my head immediately. “No. They’re all just hired goons. They’ve got no personal stake in this. To be honest, I was shocked that Scar even came after you like he did. Real nutcase.”

  “I’m sorry I brought it up,” he said quickly. “Let’s not talk about Scar.”

  “I agree.”

  He leaned over and kissed me, then, very uncharacteristically, I snuggled up to him and leaned my head on his shoulder. He made as much room as I could without disturbing Clyde.

  “We’re going to need a bigger couch,” he said after a moment.

  “You can say that again,” I laughed. “I’ll have to get to work.”



  One year later…

  I brushed the varnish onto the table top with extra care, paying attention to my brush strokes. I knew that unless I made a really glaring mistake the lines in the finish would fade with time, but as this was the dining table for our new home, I wasn’t about to give it anything but my best.


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