Amelia Earhart
Page 37
76 “It is my ship”: Putnam, Soaring Wings, 172.
77 Fall lecture tour: Dwiggins, Hollywood Pilot, 95.
78 Future of aviation and Russia: PSC, Scrapbook #14: Akron Beacon, February 14, 1935.
79 ICC: NYT, August 7, 1935, p. 17.
80 Pacificism: Home Magazine, August 1935, pp. 22–23, 59–60.
81 Chatauqua: Courier Express (Buffalo), August 10, 1935, p. 1.
82 Helen Richey: PSC, Scrapbook #14: NYT, November 7, 1935.
83 Never taking a man along: PSC, Scrapbook #14: unidentified Ft. Wayne newspaper, March 21, 1935.
84 Defending Richey: PSC, General Correspondence File, Telegrams, November 9, 1935.
85 “terribly feministic”: Cochran Papers, DDEL, Ninety-Nine Series, Box 4, President’s Correspondence, January 6, 1936.
86 Problems of career women: PSC, Scrapbook #14: Sun-Tribune (Chicago), October 13, 1935.
87 “there was never enough time”: Morrissey, interview, April 20, 1983.
88 Facing discrimination: PSC, Helen Schleman, “Dedication of a Portrait,” April 13, 1975.
89 “Surely we must have something”: Goerner, Search for Amelia Earhart.
90 “wages should be based”: PSC, Scrapbook #16: Post Dispatch, April 3, 1936.
91 Equal rights amendment: Equal Rights 22 (November 15, 1935): 1.
92 Purdue: PSC, Schleman, “Dedication of a Portrait.”
93 Frances Merrit: PSC, Scrapbook #12: News (Indianapolis), November 27, 1935.
94 Marian Frazier: Star (Indianapolis), November 24, 1935, sec. C, p. 1.
95 “She came home dead tired”: SLRC, 83 M-69 F. 4.
96 Dinner with the family: SLRC, 83 M-69 F. 10, November 23, 1935; ibid., F. 13, November 26, 1935.
97 Zanesville interview: PSC, Scrapbook #14: NYWT, December 2, 1935.
98 Dorothy Fleet: Fleet, Our Flight to Destiny, 116.
99 Dinner party at Lotus Club: NYT, December 23, 1935, p. 13.
100 “with nearly everything else”: PSC, Scrapbook #14: Herald (Miami), December 24, 1935.
101 Children’s book: Betty Huyler Gillies, interview, January 10, 1984.
102 Blanche Noyes: Noyes, COHC, vol. 1, pt. 3, p. 13.
103 Vidal giving Noyes a job: Letter from A. E. to Vidal, May 8, 1936, Vidal Collection, Box 19.
104 Mantzes’ divorce: LAT, March 3, 1936, “City News,” p. 1.
105 “I ran outside”: Dwiggins, Hollywood Pilot, 77–78.
106 Letters to Amy: SLRC, 83 M-69 F. 11, March 18 and 23, 1936.
107 Car accident: PSC, Scrapbook #14: unidentified clipping ca. February 16, 1936.
108 “leaving my ship”: SLRC, 83 M-69 F. 11, February 26, 1936.
109 “it would take months”: ibid., April 1, 1936.
Chapter 18. A Threatened Partnership
1 “a reasonable partnership”: Putnam, Wide Margins, 283–84.
2 “I’d like to find a tree”: Pioneer Press, October 6, 1935, sec. 3, p. 5.
3 Communications between G. P. and Mantz: Letters from Putnam to Mantz, January 4 and 7, 1936, Dwiggins files.
4 Amelia wanted an Electra: ibid.
5 Special equipment: Letters from Putnam to Mantz, March 24, 1936, Dwiggins files.
6 Cracked brackets: Dwiggins, Hollywood Pilot, 96.
7 Plane’s total cost: Letter from Putnam to Mantz, September 30, 1936, Dwiggins files.
8 Amelia’s messages: Letter from Putnam to Mantz, March 24, 1936, Dwiggins files.
9 Uniqueness of flight: PSC, Scrapbook #11: Carl B. Allen, in NYHT, February 21, 1937.
10 Ignoring regulations: National Archives, RG 59 841.413, October 17, 1932.
11 Five-hundred-dollar fine: Richard S. Allen, personal files.
12 Richard Southgate: National Archives, RG 59 800.79611.
13 “a thorough field test”: National Archives, RG 237 835, October 15, 1936.
14 Instrument flying rating: ibid., October 20, 1936.
15 Pacific weather data: ibid., November 6, 1936.
16 Honolulu takeoff: Letter from Putnam to the secretary of the Navy, October 16, 1936, Dwiggins files.
17 Eleanor Roosevelt: Columbia University Rare Book and Manuscript Library Manuscript Collection. Meloney-Putnam, November 5 and 9, 1936, and January 15, 1937.
18 Practice refueling: PSC, World Flight 1, Preflight Correspondence, November 10, 1936.
19 President’s help: ibid.
20 Navy’s cooperation: Franklin Delano Roosevelt Library, Hyde Park, NY, National Archives and Records Service. General Services Administration. Memos re: Earhart, November 17, 18, and 20, 1936.
21 Howland Island: National Archives, RG 237 800, May 13, 1935; December 8, 20, and 24, 1936.
22 Scratch-grade runway: Richard C. Black, COHC, pp. 33–34.
23 Electra’s colors: Letter from Mantz to Putnam, May 7, 1936, Dwiggins files.
24 Other commitments for plane: Letters from Putnam to Mantz and from Mantz to Putnam, September 30, 1936; ibid., October 24, 1931 and November 14, 1936.
25 Announcement of purchase: PSC, Scrapbook #14: NYHT, April 20, 1936, p. 30.
26 “flying laboratory”: NYT, January 16, 1930, p. 23.
27 Denial: PSC, Scrapbook #14: NYHT, April 20, 1936, p. 30.
28 “all applesauce”: SLRC, 83 M-69 F. 11, April 1, 1936.
29 Announcement and confirmation: PSC, Scrapbook #15: LAT, May 14, 1936; NYT, May 14 and 22, 1936.
30 Department of Commerce: NYT, September 4, 1936, p. 8.
31 Cruise for Amy: PSC, Scrapbook #16: Eleanor Roosevelt, “My Day,” unidentified Baltimore newspaper, n.d.
32 Advice to Amy: SLRC, 83 M-69 F. 11.
33 Family relations: SLRC, 83 M-69 F. 23, July 1, 1937, August 24, 1937; SLRC, 83 M-69 F. 34, June 25, 1941.
34 Frances Putnam’s death: PSC, Scrapbook #17: NYT, July 1, 1936.
35 “All the while poor Fannie”: SLRC, 83 M-69 F. 11, July 1, 1936.
36 First flight in Electra: LAT, July 22, 1936, p. 1.
37 Electra bill of sale: Roy A. Blay, interview, Lockheed Corporation Publications Office, Burbank, California.
38 Commerce license: Allen, files.
39 Practice run: PSC, Scrapbook #15: Examiner, August 3, 1936.
40 Los Angeles to New York: PSC, Scrapbook #15: unidentified Kansas City newspaper, August 21, 1936.
41 Bendix race: PSC, Scrapbook #15: Cleveland News, September 4, 1936.
42 Finishing fifth: NYT, September 5, 1936, p. 1.
43 “too much Hollywood ballyhoo”: Allen, A&M 2252, West Virginia University Library.
44 Flying the Electra to Purdue: PSC, Scrapbook #15: Indianapolis Times, September 20, 1936.
45 Democrat voter rally: PSC, Scrapbook #16: New York Daily News, September 27, 1936.
46 Seconding speech: NYT, September 5, 1936, p. 1.
47 Endorsement of Roosevelt: Letter from Vidal to Mary Dewson, September 29, 1936, Vidal Collection, Box 19.
48 “I am deeply interested”: Equal Rights 22 (November 15, 1936): 1.
49 Lecture at naval academy: NYT, November 6, 1936, p. 22.
50 Vincent Bendix: PSC, Scrapbook #16: Tribune (South Bend, Ind.), November 22, 1936.
51 Gene Vidal: Letter from Vidal to Mary Dewson, September 29, 1936, Vidal Collection, Box 19; PSC, Scrapbook #15: Times (Indianapolis), September 21, 1936.
52 Gore Vidal: Vidal, “Love of Flying,” 19–20.
53 Jacqueline Cochran Odlum: Mrs. James E. Bassett, Jr., interview, January 14, 1984.
54 Cochran’s childhood: Cochran Papers, Cochran, The Stars at Noon, 11–12.
55 Relief tube: Letter, August 14, 1987, Richard S. Allen.
56 Friendship with Cochran: Cochran Papers, DDEL, Article Series, Box 1, pp. 1–3.
57 Psychic powers: ibid., Box 8, final draft of The Stars at Noon, chap. 5, pp. 8–9.
58 Powers attributed to Amelia: PSC, Scrapbook #16: New York Daily News, February 16, 1937.
59 Amelia at Indian P
alms: Cochran Papers, DDEL, Speech Series, Misc. Aviation, Box 1. Speech to the Ninety-Nines.
60 Bruce Odlum: Putnam, Soaring Wings, 232–33.
61 G. P. and Cochran: Cochran, COHC, p. 25.
Chapter 19. Crackup
1 “caught up in the ‘hero stream’ ”: Railey, PEB.
2 Mantz as instructor: Dwiggins, interview with Paul Mantz, May 13, 1964.
3 Johnson as instructor: Johnson, More Than My Share of It All, 43–45.
4 Assistance from Roosevelt: PSC, World Flight 1, Preflight Correspondence, January 8 and 11, 1937.
5 Margot DeCarie: SLRC, 83 M-69 F. Box 2, F. 53, February 7 and 21, 1939.
6 Interview: Boykin, “Amelia Earhart at Home,” 46–47.
7 California home for Amy: Morrissey, interview, April 20, 1983.
8 Instructions to Amy and Muriel: SLRC, 83 M-69 F. 11, January 31, 1937, and February 8 and 23, 1937.
9 News coverage: NYT, February 11, 1937, p. 19.
10 LaGuardia: NYT, February 17, 1937, p. 18.
11 Oklahoma arrest: PSC, Scrapbook #17: Blackwell Daily Journal, February 21, 1937, p. 1.
12 Deal with Herald Tribune: PSC, World Flight 1, Preflight Correspondence, March 15 and 16, 1937.
13 Endorsements: PSC, Scrapbook #17: NYHT, March 7, 1937.
14 Feature film: Morrissey, interview, April 20, 1983.
15 “Amelia Earhart kitchen”: NYT, February 13, 1937, p. 3.
16 William T. Miller: National Archives, RG 237, 835.0, March 9, 1936, January 16 and 29, 1937; February 8, 10, and 11, 1937; January 11, 1937, March 1, 1937.
17 “quiet but nice”: Sims, Vivian Maatta, interview, March 29, 1987.
18 Emergency signal kite: Vidal Collection, Box 19A, unidentified clipping, March 3, 1937.
19 “what is easy for Amelia”: PSC Scrapbook #17: NYWT, March 19, 1937.
20 Harkness Davenport: Harkness Davenport, interview, September 22, 1985.
21 Instrument rating qualification: National Archives, RG 237 835, March 11, 1937.
22 Davenport’s instrument rating: Davenport, interview.
23 Written and radio tests: National Archives, RG 237 835, March 14, 1937.
24 Autographing cacheted covers: Carl B. Allen, unpublished book review, NASM Library, p. 1.
25 “I’ve got to get away”: ibid., p. 8.
26 G. P. and Mantz: Putnam, Wide Margins, 287.
27 Mantz on Cochran: Dwiggins, interview with Paul Mantz, May 13, 1964.
28 Cochran on Manning: Cochran, COHC, p. 33.
29 Mantz on Manning: Letter from Mantz to Putnam, February 11, 1937, Dwiggins files.
30 Fred Noonan: PSC, Scrapbook #17: Plain Dealer, March 14, 1937.
31 “had her doubts”: Sims, interview.
32 G. P. wanted Noonan: Bassett, interview.
33 “two hitchhikers”: NYHT, March 14, 1937.
34 Cachets: NYT, March 18, 1937, p. 1; PSC, Scrapbook #17: Sun (Baltimore), March 18, 1937.
35 “Never jockey the throttle”: Dwiggins, interview with Mantz.
36 Mantz’s takeoff: National Archives, RG 237 835, March 17, 1937.
37 Flight and landing: Dwiggins, interview with Mantz.
38 “I’m terribly tired”: Evening Star, March 18, 1937, p. 1.
39 Holmes’ party: Dwiggins, Hollywood Pilot, 102–3.
40 Contaminated gas: ibid.
41 Propeller bearings: PSC, Scrapbook #17: NYHT, March 21, 1937.
42 Noonan drunk: Basset interview.
43 “So many things can happen”: PSC, Scrapbook #17: NYHT, March 18, 1937.
44 “It seems as if I hit a wet spot”: NYT, March 21, 1937, p. 1.
45 Left tire blew out: PSC, Scrapbook #17: Boston Globe, March 21, 1937.
46 Other versions: NYT, March 21, 1937, p. 1.
47 Mantz’s version: Dwiggins, interview with Mantz.
48 Capp’s opinion: Edna Whiting Nisewaner, letter from William C. Capp.
49 Five-hundred-dollar fine: R. S. Allen, files.
50 Electra’s repairs: National Archives, RG 237 835, March 23 and 24, 1937.
51 Electra moved to docks: Bell, “History of the Hawaiian Air Depot.”
52 Arrival at San Pedro: LAT, March 21, 1937, p. 1; LAT, March 26, 1937, p. 1.
Chapter 20. The Vortex
1 Ben Howard: Howard, COHC, vol. 2, pt. 2, pp. 64–67.
2 Talking about the accident: “The Amelia I Knew,” The Ninety-Niner (1949), Cochran Papers, DDEL, Article Services, Box 1, p. 2.
3 Williams’s criticism: PSC, Scrapbook #17: NYWT, March 31 and April 6, 1937.
4 G. P.’s defense: PSC, Scrapbook #17: NYHT, April 7, 1937.
5 Raising money: Bruno, COHC, vol. 6, pt. 1, pp. 13–14.
6 Byrd’s donation: Morrissey, Courage Is the Price, 199.
7 Kraft Music Hour: PSC, Scrapbook #17: unidentified clipping.
8 Cachets restamped: Curley, “Amelia Earhart,” 19.
9 Additional one thousand covers: PSC, Scrapbook #17: NYHT, advertisement.
10 Muriel’s radio interview: SLRC, 83 M-69 F. 23, March 23, April 15, and June 14, 1937.
11 “American’s Great Women”: McCall’s, May 1937, cover.
12 Loss of Miller and Manning: Letter from Miller to “Vivian,” May 5, 1937, Dwiggins files.
13 Jacques de Sibour: PSC, World Flight 2, Preflight Correspondence, de Sibour to Putnam.
14 Letter of authorization: National Archives, RG 237 835, May 10 and 14, 1937.
15 Albert Bresnik: Albert Bresnik, interview, January 27, 1988.
16 Noonan’s car accident: San Francisco Chronicle, March 30, 1937, p. 7, and April 5, 1937.
17 Margo DeCarie: SLRC, 83 M-69 F. 53, April 20, 1940.
18 Noonan as navigator: Letter from Mantz to Putnam, June 8, 1937, Dwiggins file.
19 “without dumb luck”: Cochran, COHC, p. 33.
20 Amelia at Indian Palms: Claudia M. Oakes, interview with Cochran, May 20, 1979.
21 “some inner compulsion”: Cochran Papers, Speech Series, misc., Aviation, Box 1, p. 2.
22 Tired of G. P.: Vidal, “Love of Flying,” 18–19.
23 “sweet giftie”: Vidal Collection, Box 19A, Item 10.
24 Jockey shorts: Vidal, “Love of Flying,” 18–19.
25 Burbank to Oakland: C. B. Allen, unpublished book review, Earhart Collection, NASM Library.
26 Trailing wire: Dwiggins, Hollywood Pilot, 106–7.
27 Shakedown cruise: C. B. Allen, unpublished book review, p. 11, Earhart Collection, NASM Library.
28 Edna Gardner Whyte: Edna Gardner Whyte, interview, January 24, 1984.
29 Near crash landing: PSC, Scrapbook #18: Miami Daily News, May 24, 1984.
30 Denial: ibid.
31 Fuel-flow gauge: Telegram from A. E. to Mantz, May 24, 1937, Dwiggins files.
32 Morse code key: C. B. Allen, unpublished book review, p. 12, Earhart Collection, NASM Library.
33 Shortened aerials: Letter from Putnam to Mantz, June 3, 1937, Dwiggins files.
34 Revised plans: NYHT, May 30, 1937, p. 1.
35 Bruce MacIntosh: Clint and Marian Morrison, correspondence, August 5 and 6, 1987.
36 Interviews and photographs, PSC, Scrapbook #18: Miami Herald, May 30, 1937.
37 Lunch with Harvey Firestone: PSC, Scrapbook #18: NYHT, May 31, 1937.
38 Extraction: Goerner, Search for Amelia Earhart, 169.
39 Flag to Cochran: Cochran Papers, “To the Ninety-Nines,” Speech Series, Miscellaneous Aviation, Box 1, p. 2.
40 “It’s not a premonition”: Allen, unpublished book review, p. 9, Earhart Collection, NASM Library.
Chapter 21. Just One More Flight
1 “for fun”: Sunday Star, July 7, 1937, p. 1.
2 Fans at airport: NYHT, June 3, 1937, p. 1.
3 Gas fumes: PSC, World Flight 2, notes for book on world flight.
4 Chief means of communication: Note from Kelly Johnson on drawing by Elgen M. Long, December 3, 1980, Earhart file, Lockhee
d Publications Office.
5 Error in navigation: PSC, World Flight 2, notes for book on world flight.
6 Navigating by instinct: Earhart, Last Flight, 114.
7 Anne Lindbergh: NYT, June 14, 1931, sec. 2, p. 1.
8 Joseph Gurr: Letter from Joseph Gurr to Frederick A. Goerner, May 3, 1982, p. 5, Earhart Collection, NASM Library.
9 1935 flight: NYT, January 13, 1935, p. 1.
10 1935 St. Louis: Earhart, Last Flight, 121–23.
11 1935 Eleanor Roosevelt: PSC, Scrapbook #18: NYWT, June 8, 1937.
12 Bad weather: NYT, June 9, 1937, p. 27.
13 Dakar to Gao: NYHT, June 11, 1937, p. 1.
14 Gao to Assab: NYHT, June 13, 1937, p. 1.
15 Arrival at Karachi: NYT, June 16, 1937, p. 25.
16 Karachi to Calcutta: NYT, June 18, 1937, p. 23.
17 “ardent feminist”: Equal Rights 23 (June 15, 1937): 82.
18 Telegram from G. P.: PSC, World Flight 2, telegram, June 18, 1937.
19 “personnel trouble”: Collins, Tales of an Old Air-Faring Man, 147.
20 Across Bay of Bengal: Earhart, Last Flight, 170.
21 Akyab: NYT, June 19, 1937, p. 6.
22 Trying for Rangoon: NYT, June 20, 1937, p. 25.
23 Race to Singapore: NYHT, June 21, 1937, p. 1.
24 Circling the field: NYT, June 21, 1937, p. 25.
25 Bandoeng for repairs: ibid.
26 Malfunctioning instruments: NYHT, June 27, 1937, p. 1.
27 Landing at Koepang: NYT, June 28, 1937, p. 1.
28 “I will rise at 4 A.M.”: Earhart, Last Flight, 187.
29 Radio broadcasts: NYHT, June 27, 1937, p. 1.
30 Communications with Itasca: CG Log.
31 “I think will have recovered tomorrow”: PSC, World Flight 3, June 10, 1937.
32 “personnel trouble”: Collins, Tales of an Old Air-Faring Man, 147–48.
33 Noonan to Collopy: August 28, 1937, Dwiggins file.
34 “every aid to locating it”: C. B. Allen, unpublished manuscript, p. 11, Earhart Collection, NASM Library.
35 Gyroscope: Lt. Cmdr. Thomas Zinavage (USN, ret.), interview, December 20, 1986.
36 Meteorological reports: Rear Adm. Richard B. Black (USN, ret.), COHC, p. 36.
37 Government charts: LAT, interview with Elgen Long, June 28, 1987, pt. 2, p. 9; San Diego Union, interview with Grace McGuire, December 21, 1986.
38 Inadequate radio skills: August 28, 1937, Dwiggins files.