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Stroked by my Dad's Best Friend_A Billionaire Secret Baby Romance

Page 18

by Natasha Spencer

  “Even though I’m a married man?”

  “That still bothers me, but you said you’d explain everything. As for me, I’m willing to listen.”

  He smiled as he walked up to her. “So you weren’t as drugged as you thought you were.” He pulled up a chair and sat next to her. “I don’t know where to begin. Or if it’ll make a difference to how you feel about...”

  Amanda waved at him to move closer, so he did. Still, he hesitated again as he reached out for her. She cocked her head encouragingly, giving him the courage to rest his hand on her bed.

  A small, bandaged hand patted his massive one reassuringly before settling on it to rest. “Let’s cross that bridge when we get there, huh? Right now, I’m all ears. So talk. Sav said she’ll be gone for an hour or two. And she keeps her word.”

  The exhausted-looking man heaved a sigh as he leaned back in his chair. He looked out the window at the dark gray skies, yet felt warm and comfortable. It had been a while since he’d felt comfortable and he liked the feeling. Despite the room’s starkness and sterility, he realized that he felt strangely at home.

  He could feel her warmth through the fabric of the bandages, and though he wasn’t looking at her, he felt conscious of her presence in a way he’d never felt with another. Not even with Sophie before she started to change. Not with any of the other women he’d sought out to help dull his pain and loneliness.

  He didn’t know if she would understand his story, only that he had to tell it and hope for the best. So he took a long, shaky breath and began to speak. And as he spoke, the tears finally came, as did the anguish he’d felt for so many years and kept bottled up inside.

  Savitri walked in an hour later, but neither Amanda nor Arnaud noticed. Remembering yet another important thing she had to do, she closed the door behind her and made her way home with a hopeful smile on her face.

  And still the exhausted man spoke, feeling a growing sense of relief at his unburdening. And with it, a peace he hadn’t felt in many years.

  Chapter 11

  Amanda looked out the windows at the light snowfall, delighting in the way it carpeted the city in a thin layer of white. She couldn’t imagine winter without snow, and here it was – albeit in January, as everyone had said.

  “Just like British weather, eh?” Arnaud said as he walked up behind her.

  She chuckled. “Exactly what I was thinking,” she said as she continued gazing at the weather. He placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, still afraid of hurting her. “I’m not fragile, you know.”

  “I’m just glad you’re here.”

  She snorted. “Did you give me a choice?”

  He’d taken her to his apartment when the hospital finally discharged her. He insisted she was better off there than in her tiny studio. He’d even gotten her a nurse named Nadia, a Czech woman who looked like a bouncer but had a heart of gold.

  “It’s all for the best,” Savitri insisted, siding with Arnaud on this one.

  She was too tired to argue. Still sore all over, she had indeed wondered how she was going to manage on her own with bandages all over her. A personal nurse was just what she needed. And she had to admit – Arnaud’s place was absolutely fabulous.

  A three-bedroom affair, they’d all slept in separate bedrooms till Nadia was no longer needed. Savitri often stopped by to cook her spicy dishes, though Arnaud turned out to be quite a good cook – impressing them both with amazing gastronomic delights.

  Amanda’s contribution came in the form of pizzas or Chinese take-outs. On further thought, she realized that she might not have recovered as quickly had she been left to her own devices.

  She turned and Arnaud backed off a little, dropping his hand from her shoulder. He’d been doing that ever since she moved in – keeping his distance. He’d been terrified of her bruises and bandages, leaving Nadia to take care of everything. Yet even when Nadia left, when the bruises and welts had mostly vanished, he rarely touched her. And when he did, it was always very tentatively.

  “I said I’m not fragile,” she repeated, stepping closer to him. Instead of backing away, however, he stood rooted to the spot for a change.

  Amanda put her hands on his chest and stood on tiptoe to kiss him. He hesitated only briefly before his arms gently enfolded her. He was shaking a little, but his mouth was firm as it met hers. She moaned at his response, enjoying the feel of his rough stubble on her face and the growing hardness she felt pressing against her stomach.

  Still joined at the lips, they somehow stumbled into Nadia’s former bedroom, which was when Amanda spluttered. “Bad omen taking me into another woman’s bedroom!” Chuckling, Arnaud picked her up and strode into his room like a groom carrying his bride into their home.

  He slowly removed her blouse, letting it slide gently over her shoulders as her lacy bra came into view. Her skirt pooled on the floor at her feet as he kissed her. He broke the kiss to make quick work of his own clothing, holding her green gaze as his fit physique came into view. She backed her way onto the bed while ogling the perfect view.

  He was very gentle as he lay beside her, lazily kissing her as his hand explored the mounds of her breasts. He broke the kiss off and watched his hand trace a slow, sensuous line between them, down to her belly, all the way to her pubes – already shiny with her arousal. He gently probed her engorged clitoris and she gasped at just how good it felt.

  She grabbed his hand, guiding it to where she needed it most, showing him the rhythm she wanted. He was a great student. Arching her head back, she moaned again as his mouth explored the curve of her neck before moving down to take a nipple in his mouth. He was hot and hungry as he took more of her breast in. She ran her hand through his hair, urging him to devour the other one, and he obliged.

  But she needed more of him than just his fingers. She needed him now. “Please, Arnaud,” she said as she grabbed his massive prick.

  He looked down at her so tenderly, she almost came. Kissing her once more, he pulled his hand away, getting up on his hands and knees to straddle her.

  She thrilled at the sight of his huge, body looming over her with his pulsing huge cock. Spreading her legs, she guided him to her opening, and grabbed his ass to pull him in.

  But he insisted on taking his time, smiling at her teasingly and letting her know that this time, it was going to be his way. She arched her back as she felt his tip tease her opening, doing exactly what his fingers had done mere seconds ago.

  Arnaud entered her with an excruciating slowness that set her teeth on edge. Only when she felt the hard planes of his pelvis grind against her own was she able to look up at him. His eyes were half-closed in ecstasy as he gazed back at her. He grinned as he ground his groin against hers, making her arch her back, once more.

  He pulled out just as slowly, but not all the way, giving her time to adjust to the massive stretching he was giving her. When she had the entire length of him back inside her, she wrapped her legs around his waist and squeezed with all her strength. He groaned as she tightened against his entire length.

  Breathing harder, he pulled out, resisting her efforts to draw him back in with her legs. “You like it that way, huh?”

  “For now,” Amanda grunted. “It’s been so long. We can do a slow version in that tub of yours later. For the last time, I’m not fragile. So will you just fuck me already!?”

  He responded by entering her even more slowly with a mischievous grin. Amanda reached out to give her legs a pair of helping hands, but he grabbed her wrists and pinned them to her sides as he continued entering her in a slow, lazy, agonizingly delicious rhythm.

  She arched her back to meet his thrusts, feeling feverish as he stretched her to the limit. Her orgasm, when it finally came, was so explosive she vaguely wondered if they could hear her at the MNHN.

  And still, he kept up the slow, lazy rhythm.

  “Fine then,” she managed after catching her breath. “We do it rough in that tub of yours after!”


  Richard Anderson smiled at the sight of Amanda standing at the window looking out. He wished he were the one who put that smile on her face. His happiness faded when he saw Arnaud walk up to her from behind and put a filthy hand on her.

  “Gaah!” he pounded the wheel of his car to stop himself from rushing into the building and storming the place. He knew he could get Amanda to see reason, if she just gave him the chance. He’d sent her flowers, didn’t he? And he had apologized. Most important of all, he had given her the space she needed to think.

  He’d tried to visit her on her second night at the hospital, but Savitri saw him in the driveway. She gave him such a massive tongue lashing that the hospital’s security staff had to ask them to leave. One of the nurses recognized her, however, and what did that stupid Indian twit do? She told them to never let him in.

  Amanda would never be able to think with that French bloke hanging around her. Fancy aristocrat with his fancy cars and homes, Richard huffed. He couldn’t afford such a car, admittedly, but he could give Amanda the love and the care she so badly needed, and that only he could give!

  He’d screwed up, but that was in the past. He’d spend his entire life making it up to her and making her happy, just like she deserved. All that French dude wanted from Amanda was a little bit of action. He’d get tired of her soon enough, though, Richard knew. And when he did, Richard would come to the rescue and heal her heart. He just had to be patient.

  Any day now, Mr. Rich Guy would throw her out of his fancy place. And Richard would be there waiting for her... so long as Amanda got thrown out after office hours, that is. A weekend would be good. It would take time, he knew, but Amanda would eventually see reason. He just had to be patient and bide his time.

  Chapter 12

  “Sure you want to do this?” Savitri asked as she helped Amanda pack up her few belongings.

  “For now, yes. You know, I’ll actually miss this place.”

  “Why would you? Arnaud’s place is gorgeous!”

  Amanda grinned. “You know what I mean.”

  “And what if it doesn’t work out?”

  Amanda finished wrapping her box with tape. “Then what will be will be. Sav? I thought you’d be happy for me.”

  “I am, luv. I am. It’s just that... well, are you sure this isn’t just a case of rebound? I get why you’re falling for this guy, but... this just isn’t you, this impulsiveness. I mean, sheesh! You map out your days, weeks, and months on an Excel spreadsheet. It’s obscene!”

  “There’s nothing wrong with organizing things on an Excel spreadsheet! But you’re right. It is impulsive, isn’t it? And you’re right. I am a little nervous. But it’s Paris!” Savitri rolled her eyes. “Ok, so that was corny. Look, I’m happy, alright? Everyone, especially you, have been going on about me being such a depressing creature. Well I’m not depressed anymore.”

  “And the wife?”

  Amanda shrugged. “If you can call her that.”


  “Ok, that wasn’t nice given the condition she’s in. But that’s just it.”

  Savitri shook her head. “Explain to me again why he can’t just divorce her?”

  “Guilt, partly. But the real reason is that his family’s wealth and business interests are so tied up to hers that...” Amanda shrugged. “They have different rules, these people. A divorce could cost thousands of people their jobs, not just here in Europe, but all over the world. I don’t want to be responsible for that.”

  Savitri sat down on the bed and bit her lip. “I have a confession to make.”

  “Well that was a quick change of topic. What’s wrong?”

  The Anglo-Indian woman shook her head. “Doesn’t it strike you as odd that you’ve been attacked twice? I mean, most of us have never gotten mugged even once.”

  “What’s your point?”

  “Richie went to the hospital while you were in.”

  “And you never told me!?”

  “Gave him a massive telling off, I did. Then I called the police on him, but they let him go. I’m sorry I didn’t say anything, but I didn’t want to worry you.”

  Amanda shook her head and described her earlier meeting with her ex. “But he’s never been the violent sort.”

  “That we know of.”

  “I’m not worried about him, Sav. Alright?”

  Savitri nodded, but she looked distracted as she got up to pack more stuff.

  “Look, Sav. If it doesn’t work out, you’ll have a new roommate till I find a new place. Won’t that be fun?”

  Her friend groaned. “Meaning we’ll try to fit in thirty square meters while I provide a free shoulder to cry on.”

  “Exactly! It’ll just be like old times.”

  “What joy.”

  “Hey! I thought you wanted to stuff my face till I got so fat I couldn’t fit through a door?”

  “I realized that I wouldn’t then be able to fit another man in, either.”



  “Oh my dearest!” Duncan crooned as he greeted Amanda. “I’m so glad to see you’re alright! And don’t you dare walk out this time, do you understand?”

  She chuckled. “I promise I won’t.”

  She was back at Duncan’s compound only because Arnaud had sworn not to leave her this time. Unfortunately, he did just that. He’d also sworn that it would be a small gathering. Fortunately, he kept his word on that one. The meal wasn’t on the roof deck because of the weather, this time. It was in a large dining room with a table set for twelve.

  Seeing her look, Duncan explained, “Now don’t panic, dear. You’ve already met Camille and Sylvie. The rest are old friends.”

  “That doesn’t help, Duncan. How will they react to seeing...?”

  “Arnaud’s girlfriend? Why, I expect they’ll be positively delighted. It’s been such a long while, you understand?”

  “Thanks. I was about to say mistress, but girlfriend will do.”

  “That’s not a four-letter word here, in France. But don’t be ridiculous. Everyone knows about the poor state that Sophie’s in and would be delighted to see Arnaud up and about again.”

  At her questioning look, he continued, “He doesn’t really go out much, our Arnaud. Since his marriage to her didn’t work out, he got married to his work, instead, ha ha! But a little birdie named Marie tells me he’s been taking more and more time out lately, and that he’s been leaving the office early. I’m assuming that’s because of you, hmmm?”

  “Who’s Marie?”

  His eyes widened in a guilty. “Oh, eh... excuse me, my dear. A host’s job is never ending!” And off he puttered to greet some people who’d just walked in.

  Amanda wondered if she had to go and introduce herself to be polite, but she needn’t have worried. Arnaud reappeared with an apologetic look and began introducing her to some more people.

  “So you’re Amanda!” gushed the woman with an Australian accent. “Arnaud’s been raving about...”

  “No he’s not,” her partner cut in. “You’ll have to forgive Sheila. She tends to exaggerate. But she is right. Arnaud’s been... uh, more relaxed lately.”

  As the couple moved off, she turned to Arnaud. “Why does everyone know about me?” He responded by nodding to Camille who was talking to several people. “Oh. Ok, so maybe this wasn’t such a good idea.”

  “Why? I want my friends to know about you.”

  “Don’t you find it sort of awkward?”

  “Not at all. We live together now, and,” he grinned, “I want to show you off. Please, Amanda. It’s not a problem. Everyone here knows the situation, so relax.”

  Camille walked up to her with a sheepish smile as she shooed her nephew off. “Amanda, you must hate me so much. I did so want to speak with you before tonight’s dinner. If only you could forgive me for letting my mouth run away like that the other night.”

  Amanda shook her head. “It’s alright, really. I was bound to find out sooner or later.”

/>   The woman wrung her hands. “It’s just that I assumed you knew. And that you understood.”

  “I’m not sure that I ever will. But he has been very good to me and,” she sighed. “If that’s what being a mistress is about, then I’m willing to give it a shot. It feels weird saying that out loud.”

  “That’s not something to be ashamed of. Everyone here knows about Sophie. And everyone approves.”

  Camille was apparently correct. Dinner turned out to be easier than Amanda had thought. Everyone seemed eager to tell her something about Arnaud, something he suffered with good humor. She started to relax and laugh along with everyone at his expense, feeling better at being here.

  With dinner over, they began breaking up into small groups. Arnaud was cornered by two men, but Amanda didn’t mind. She knew everyone’s names, by then, and was feeling more comfortable.

  Sheila came up to her and guided her to a sofa. “I hope you’re enjoying yourself?”

  She nodded. “I’m glad I came.”

  “It must seem very strange, all this,” Sheila waved around the room. “Oh, I forget. You’re British. We have nothing this historical back in Australia. No. I meant, it must be strange, you and,” she gestured toward Arnaud.

  She took a deep breath. “I’m getting used to it, Sheila.”

  “I just want you to know how happy I am for you. And for him. He needs you, I think. It’s been a while since I’ve seen him this... well, Carl likes to say ‘relaxed’ but I’d prefer the word happy.”

  “It’s mutual.” At the other woman’s questioning look, she added, “I’ve had a bit of bad luck with relationships, myself.”

  “It’s scary, isn’t it? Putting your heart out there and taking another risk. But I think you’ve made the right choice. I certainly think he has.”

  “It’s just,” she heard Arnaud laugh with another group and smiled. “It’s just that I never thought I’d ever be someone’s mistress.”

  Sheila smiled. “In a perfect world, as they say.”


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