Lap of Luxury
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A thesis that is meditative is a healing tool to all who analyze it. John’s philosophy judged not one but coached the uncommunicative.
“You are my soul-mate for life, the love of my life,” he told her with affection before the team who continuously made her life worth every minute.
“You, John, are my reward for all the hardship I had been through in my lonely past.” She laughed and ran her fingers through his sunset hair.
Josef spoke up, “John will always be there to help you endure your pain I know that for certain.”
“That’s good to know, because he gives me the strength to work through my problems.”
She adored her dashing saviour.
The day before Christmas as the girls baked a huge gingerbread lighthouse with the name LAP OF LUXURY in icing at the very top, the American’s arrived and early Christmas morn, there, the gifts the pixies had brought lay at the base of the tall trees much to Rachel’s delight and the rest of the children.
As planned the plump roast turkey, plum pudding, fruit mince pies and gingerbread lighthouse went down a treat on the island where the LAP OF LUXURY proudly stood.
The gift John and LisaAnn gave the patients was the best they had ever received, they joyfully told them.
Ann-Marie was placed in a home for the physically disabled in South Australia.
With LisaAnn’s approval, Pastor Amos had sent to Ann-Marie his copies of the newspaper clippings that told the sad story of Marcus and Melanie Porter.
The birth of Jayne’s twin baby girls
Chapter Fifteen
Doctor John Wright came in to this world to give his wife an abundant life and she returned the awesomely kind gesture by giving to him two adorable children that give daily their gifts to them both – life and its abundance.
For those who cried out desperately into the silent, lonely dark night, too, dreamed a saviour would deliberately discover they were there and breathe wholesome life into them, those rich qualities, that, in reality, cost not a single penny, yet are more precious than all of the world’s gold and silver, a receiving heart at first, then a joyful giving heart to follow, the mind that understands and the heart that feels always the power of brotherly love – this is for them the abundant life – the LAP OF LUXURY within.
Many witnessed this humble couple rescue these drowning souls in their lifeboat of tranquility, guiding them through the stormy waters to the Island of Plenty – Windrush Island, a place overflowing with luxury they had blindly searched for all their lives where they kept them brave on sunny days and courageous on stormy days.
They were and always will be their fearless heroes through this life and the next.
As the residents and the Wright family gathered in the courtyard of the LAP OF LUXURY John shared with them his motto for life: “The retrospective mind is like a mirror, it reflects what the dreamer dreams into it, which means: the mind that looks back at yesterday, hangs on with fondness today, to the perfect view of tomorrow.”
His patients repeated his message of hope.
Francia, Bill, John, LisaAnn and Cassandra
The end of the sequel.
The last book in the trilogy: Some Sleep to Remember Some Sleep to Forget will be available soon.
Some Sleep to Remember Some Sleep to Forget
The two evildoers return to deceive and disappoint but the Wright family and their friends yield to each other and they rise up on eagle’s wings to be carried away to safety.
for the complete set of classic love stories.
Pillow Prattle
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