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The Sheikh's Demanding Fiancée (The Botros Brothers Series)

Page 6

by Leslie North

  “Your babies won't let me have it easy,” She replied.


  Sara smiled and nodded. “We are having twins,” she said softly. Tariq laughed and hugged her. Not even in his wildest dreams had he ever thought he'd have twins. He was overjoyed. He was even happier that Sara was their mother. Amir broke the happy moment as he barged into the room. He rushed to Sara's side.

  “You all right?” he asked her. She smiled and nodded.

  “I am better than all right,” she replied.

  “Thank God, you are. You scared the life out of us,” Fiddah said as she walked into the room with the rest of the family.

  “We are having twins,” Tariq announced with the biggest smile ever. Everyone gasped before cheering for them.

  “I knew my eating habits were strange,” Sara said. Aaliyah and Soraya laughed as they recalled the conversation when Sara stated that her second pregnancy was different from her first. Sara got off the bed.

  “Are you allowed to leave?” Malik asked her.

  “Yes, I am completely fine. The doctor said to get more rest and drink lots of fluids,” Sara replied.

  As they were leaving, Mrs. Botros held Soraya back. She wanted to have a private conversation with her. Soraya laced her fingers together as she waited for Mrs. Botros to speak.

  “Do you care for my son?” Mrs. Botros got straight to the point. There was no beating around the bush.

  “Yes, I care for him deeply,” Soraya replied.

  “Then you must encourage him to do the right thing and marry Faiza.”

  Soraya's face dropped. She could not believe what her ears were hearing. How was that the right thing and why did she have to do it? Mrs. Botros was heartless to request that she do such a thing. As if telling Amir in front of her hadn't been hard enough.

  “How can you ask me such a thing?” Soraya's hands started shaking.

  “I am sorry my dear but this is his son, his blood. You have been with him for a few months and I understand you care for him but this is more important. He cannot have a child out of wedlock and then not marry the woman. It is not good for the family name.”

  “I cannot help you,” Soraya's voice was low. This woman cared more about the family name than the happiness of her son. It was despicable, the whole conversation was despicable.

  “I have already spoken to Faiza and she is willing to marry Amir. My dear, do not fight a losing battle.” Mrs. Botros turned on her heel and left the room. Soraya was left standing there alone, feeling angry and upset. Faiza had already agreed? The two of them were going to plan the wedding without Amir's consent? Surely, this was not happening. Soraya knew from the start that being with Amir was not going to be easy. She knew that there were going to be problems. She did not expect his mother to be the biggest one. Soraya slowly walked out of the room.

  “You okay?” Amir asked Soraya when she rejoined the others. She smiled and nodded. She could not tell him what his mother had just asked of her. She herself could not even believe what had just happened. She kissed Amir on the mouth and looked at his mother as if to say it’s on. Soraya was not weak and she not about to act it now. Self-pity was not her forte. Amir had already refused to marry Faiza. She had to trust that he was not going to go back on his word. Mrs. Botros nodded at Soraya as if to accept her challenge.

  * * * *

  Sara was lying on the bed when Amir came in. He brought her something to drink to calm her stomach. She sat up and took the glass from him. She took a sip. “Tastes good,” she said. He smiled at her.

  “I am good at everything I do,” Amir complimented himself. Sara shook her head.

  “What is going to happen with you and Faiza?” Sara had to ask.

  “There is no me and Faiza.” He was still determined not to marry her.

  “Your mother says otherwise.”

  “She will not get her way.”

  A knock sounded at the door. Soraya walked in with a bowl of fruit. She joined Sara on the bed and handed her the bowl “I can't believe that there are two of them in there,” Soraya said and touched Sara's belly. She started talking to the babies. Sara laughed.

  “By the way, where is the father of my ever-so-hungry babies?” Sara asked Amir.

  “He was speaking with Malik and Lana. She says she has files to deliver tomorrow,” he replied. Sara narrowed her gaze. Of course, Lana would go out of her way to come out to the desert for him. She shook her head. This woman was looking for trouble. Everyone could see the way she looked at Tariq. Sara knew it was not only in her head.

  “Who is Lana?” Soraya asked when she noticed Sara's reaction.

  “Office secretary,” Amir replied.

  “Who is really into my husband,” Sara said and bit into a strawberry. Aaliyah knocked on the door and let herself in. She brought extra pillows for Sara. Sara was starting to feel special with all the pampering. Fiddah had checked up on her before she retired for the night. Aaliyah placed the pillows behind Sara's head and made her more comfortable. She joined them on the bed too.

  Tariq was heading back to his room when he heard laughter. He frowned slightly as he opened the door. He found Soraya and Aaliyah sitting on his bed with Sara. Amir was sitting on an armchair next to the bed.

  “Why is there a gathering in my bed with my wife?” Tariq asked.

  “We were checking up on her,” Aaliyah replied.

  “Okay then, goodnight,” Tariq gestured for them to leave but no one moved.

  “You might as well join in,” Amir said. He faced the women. “My brother has always been so uptight,” he said to them. Tariq narrowed his gaze and shut the door with his foot. He headed toward the bed.

  “And what if I wanted to make love to my wife?” he asked.

  “OOOOO,” Aaliyah and Soraya sounded at the same time before they started laughing.

  “That is why you are having too many children,” Amir said. Sara laughed and buried her faced in her hands. Leylah wasn’t even a year old yet and she was going to have siblings in a few months.

  Chapter 12

  Sara, Aaliyah and Soraya were out in the courtyard doing yoga. The doctor had recommended Sara exercise to relieve stress. She was not that tall and she was carrying twins. It was a lot of stress on her body. The three of them rolled out their yoga mats and began stretching. Soraya and Aaliyah thought it would be fun to join her. Tariq was sitting on the patio with Leylah on his lap. Amir was sitting next to him.

  “Good afternoon, Sheik Tariq and Sheik Amir,” a voice sounded. Tariq and Amir both turned and saw Lana standing there in a red dress and black heels. Tariq looked at Amir as if to ask who she was.

  “Hello, Lana,” Amir replied. Sara paused on her knees. She looked up and saw Lana staring at Tariq dreamily. She sighed deeply. Soraya asked her what was wrong, she pointed Lana out. The three of them watched her for a moment. She tried to touch Leylah's face but Leylah jerked her head away from her. Sara laughed and carried on with her yoga.

  “Who is she?” Soraya asked.

  “One of the office secretaries,” Sara replied.

  Lana sat down next to Tariq and spoke with him. She informed him what had been going on at the office since he left. She gave him files that contained the information he required along with the necessary forms for his signature. One of the servants approached Amir and informed him that his presence was required. He followed her into the house to the dining room. His mother was there with Faiza and the little boy he had seen on her phone. Amir stood in the doorway.

  “Come and meet Asim,” his mother said to him. Amir looked at Asim. He was filled with mixed feelings. He didn't know how to react. Was he meant to hug him? Shake his hand? Amir rubbed his face and walked slowly toward him. He stood there for a moment and analysed him. Then he sat down. Faiza rubbed his hand. He shot her a look from the corner of his eye.

  “Why did you not tell me you were bringing him over?” Amir asked Faiza. This was another surprise she had thrown his way. He did not
take any of it kindly.

  “I told her to bring him over. It was about time you met him anyway,” Mrs. Botros said.

  “Mother, you cannot control everything!” Amir raised his voice. He was fed up with his mother's constant intrusions.

  “This is not about control. I am trying to fix your mistake.”

  “No one asked you to,” Amir stood up and headed for the door.

  “You cannot keep walking away!”

  “Why should I stay? To entertain your misguided concerns and control issues? There is nothing here to discuss.”

  Faiza stood up and started walking towards Amir. “We were close before,” she said to him. He frowned at her.

  “Do you have a point?” he asked her coldly.

  “We can be close once more. We ought to try it. Amir. You and I cared deeply for each other and at one point you considered marrying me,” she said as she stopped in front of him.

  “Considered. Past tense. If you and my mother want to indulge yourselves in this charade, then go ahead but do not include me in it.”

  Amir walked out of the room fuming. Those two women had completely gone insane. He was even surprised that Faiza was being like this. He did not expect her to partake in his mother’s plans. He walked back into the room. “Faiza, in case you did not know, I am with Soraya now. I love her,” Amir said. He turned to look at his mother, “I will not forgive anyone who disrespects her or brings sadness to her life,” he added. He walked back out.

  Faiza was surprised. She looked at Mrs. Botros. “Oh, pay no attention to Soraya,” Mrs. Botros said. “You know that my son is never serious about any of his lovers,” she added and dismissed the subject. She picked up her grandson and sat him on her lap. Faiza sat down. Even though Amir's mother dismissed Soraya, Amir's words still lingered in Faiza's head. She had never heard him say he loved any woman. It bothered her.

  * * * *

  Only Tariq, Sara and Aaliyah were at the dinner table. No one else bothered to join. The atmosphere in the house was still tense. Amir had taken Soraya with him out of the house. He could not be in there, he felt like if he stayed any longer; he'd explode. He grabbed the keys to one of the Range Rovers and left. They dined at one of the best hotels in Salma City. As soon as they arrived, a waiter seated them despite the restaurant being full and no reservation. Amir received special treatment because of his status wherever he went. As they waited for their food, Soraya reached out to stroke Amir's face. “I am not used to seeing you like this,” she said to him.

  “My apologies, I don't mean to darken the mood,” Amir said. Soraya laughed.

  “No one is complaining. For once, you're not trying to annoy me or throw food at me. Which by the way, I still have not avenged,” she said jokingly. Amir looked up and smiled. He kissed her hand.

  “You can walk away from all this you know.”

  Soraya raised her eyebrows. He sounded like he had given up. She did not expect to hear him speak like that so soon. “Wow, Amir, after all that time you were trying so hard to be with me. Following me everywhere and practically kidnapping me, you'll let me go this easily?” she asked him.

  “It pains me to even say that to you but I don't want to see you hurt. My mother can be very persistent and hurtful.”

  “Well, I am not going anywhere and neither are you, whether you like it or not!”

  Amir laughed. This was a whole new side of her that he was seeing and he loved it. He nodded at her and kissed her hands. His heart felt at ease knowing that she was not going to walk away from him. That was the only thing he feared. He was suddenly feeling like the luckiest man in the world. In that moment, he realised that he could not live without her. The waiter brought their food. Soraya picked up her cutlery and immediately dug into her food. She was starved.

  “So what is the deal with Lana?” Soraya asked him.

  “The secretary?” Amir was confused as to why she was even a topic.

  “Yes, she seemed rather smitten by Tariq.”

  Amir laughed before he responded. “You noticed?” he asked her.

  “We noticed her speaking with Tariq. What is even more amusing is the fact that Tariq did not realise nor did he care,” Soraya burst out laughing.

  “Sara noticed?”

  “Yes, but she did not seem to care,” Sara had noticed it too but dismissed it. She trusted Tariq not to be interested in her.

  “Everyone knows how cold Tariq can be. Sara experienced it first-hand. So, she is not worried about another woman becoming his mistress,” Amir laughed softly as he recalled how Tariq was toward Sara when they first met.

  After dinner, the staff bid them farewell as they left. As they stepped out into the cool air, Amir smacked Soraya's bottom and laughed when she shoved him playfully. There's the man I know, she said to herself. The valet brought their vehicle to the front of the hotel. Amir opened the passenger door for Soraya shutting it behind her and then got in from the driver's side. He stuck the key into the ignition and drove off. They headed back home. By the time they arrived home, everyone had retired to their rooms except for Sara who was coming back from the kitchen carrying ice cream.

  “Pregnancy cravings, don't judge me,” Sara said immediately defending herself. Amir and Soraya both laughed.

  “No one is judging you, love. I was just going to ask for some,” Amir said and opened his mouth for her to feed him. Sara took a spoonful and popped it in his mouth. Sara asked them about their night. They filled her in on the details as they headed upstairs.

  Chapter 13

  Soraya was in the kitchen helping Sara to make Leylah’s food. Sara was sitting on the table holding Leylah. Sara and Soraya were having a girl-to-girl chat; just having a giggle. Suddenly Faiza came into the kitchen. Soraya and Sara were shocked to see her but then again she had been coming around more often. Sara was fed up with seeing her all the time. Whenever she came around, Soraya and Amir were left in a bad mood. All this drama had begun because of her. Faiza was looking at Soraya. “You must be Soraya,” Faiza said to her. Her tone was not friendly.

  “Yes, I am,” Soraya replied. She looked back at Faiza. This moment was inevitable and Soraya knew it had come when Faiza approached them in a confrontational manner.

  “May we speak in private?” Faiza asked Sara. Sara looked at her with a blank facial expression. She was not willing to move, especially since she was very comfortable and feeling lazy.

  “She will stay,” Soraya said.

  “Fine, I'll get to the point. Amir and I have a son together as you already know,” Faiza's tone was cool. Soraya was wondering where this was going. “The right thing for us to do is to get married. We could be a family if you would step out of the way,” she added. Sara's jaw dropped. She could not believe Faiza had just said that. She had actually come for a face off. She had come to claim Amir. Sara looked at Soraya waiting for her response. Soraya retained her calm demeanour.

  “My position does not matter. What matters is if he wants to marry you, and I do not think that he does,” Soraya replied. She was not going to let Faiza intimidate her.

  “It is about doing the right thing.”

  “And what is that?”

  “Encouraging him to be with his family,”

  “The right thing would have been for you to have told him about the pregnancy three years ago.” Soraya slipped her hands in her pockets and stared her down. Faiza crossed her arms over her chest.

  “I had my reasons and those are none of your business,” Faiza replied.

  “You made it my business when you decided to warn me off Amir.”

  Aaliyah walked into the kitchen and slowed when she saw Faiza. Aaliyah looked at Soraya, she was standing in front of Faiza. The atmosphere was tense. She looked at Sara who was sitting comfortably on the table holding Leylah whilst watching Soraya and Faiza.

  “What is going on?” Aaliyah asked as she picked up Leylah. She kissed her niece on the cheek and hugged her. For a moment, nobody said anything.

bsp; “Anyway, it is your decision to do the right thing or not,” Faiza said and walked out of the room. Soraya wanted to pick up the pot and throw it at her head. She had the audacity to ask her to do the right thing. She herself had not done the right thing. They would not be in this situation if she had not kept her pregnancy a secret. Even after birth, she did not come to Amir to tell him that he had a son.

  “Well that was interesting,” Sara said, breaking the silence.

  “What did I miss?” Aaliyah asked.

  “Faiza asked me to do the right thing and encourage Amir to marry her and be with his family,” Soraya answered. She shook her head and served Leylah 's food.


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