Dixie Virgin Chronicles: Joanna (Book 6)

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Dixie Virgin Chronicles: Joanna (Book 6) Page 17

by Webb, Peggy

  “I’ll want to see how many of the Dixie Virgins can come. And we have to locate Mother.”

  “You want her, then?”

  “Yes. I’ve always wanted her.”

  Kirk’s stomach clenched with anger. He wanted to curse the woman who had abandoned Joanna, but he knew that doing so would further hurt the woman he loved. He pulled her closer, caressing her back, expressing his sympathy and support in the only way he knew.

  Joanna put her cheek against his chest. “I used to think I’d done something to make her leave, but I know that’s not true. Grandfather Deerfield explained to me that Daddy was Mother’s anchor, that after he died she just seemed to drift away from everything and everybody.” She lifted her head and looked at him, her eyes bright with unshed tears. “I know she hasn’t been much of a mother, Kirk, but she’s the only one I have—and I need her.”

  “Then you’ll have her, baby.” Kirk caught Joanna fiercely to his chest, vowing that he’d find Janet and get her to Tupelo even if he had to go and personally escort her home.


  Kenneth and Sophie Maitland flew home the day after Kirk’s phone call. They were delighted with the news. But Laura Deerfield was not. She flew in from Paris six days later and they all gathered at Sophie’s house, bringing Janet up to date on the wedding plans.

  “We’ve planned a quiet wedding,” Kirk told her. “Family and a few friends.”

  Holding on to his hand, Joanna smiled. “Yes. Nothing that will take a lot of time and planning. A simple wedding in Aunt Sophie’s rose garden. We’ve set Saturday morning as the date.”

  “Saturday morning.” Laura jumped up from her chair and began to pace and talk, punctuating her complaints with jabs of the cigarette she held in her hand. “Impossible. I have friends in Paris who can’t possibly get here in time. And what will everybody say, anyway? A Deerfield marrying in such a hasty manner. No engagement parties, no bridal teas. There’ll be talk. Cousins marrying. It’s simply unthinkable.” She whirled on Joanna. “I’d always pictured you marrying somebody exciting on the continent. I’m simply too devastated by this news to know what to do. I might not even be up to coming.”

  Joanna’s chin came up. “Mother, what you want is entirely immaterial to me. I’ve made my choice. The wedding is Saturday, whether you come or not.”

  Kirk was furious. After abandoning Joanna to the care of others, he thought, Laura flies in and tries to ruin the biggest moment in her daughter’s life. He squeezed Joanna’s hand.

  “Laura, we want you there, but we’ll understand if you can’t come. Under the circumstances, it might even be better for everyone if you don’t. I won’t have Joanna’s wedding day marred.”

  Sophie rose from her chair and faced her former sister-in-law. Her control was perfect. Only the bright spots of color on her cheeks betrayed her anger.

  “Kenneth,” she said quietly, “would you mind taking Kirk and Joanna into your study? I have a few things to say to Laura.”

  Kirk and Joanna followed Kenneth out of the room.

  “I think I’ll go into the rose garden,” Joanna said. “I need some air.”

  “I’ll come with you,” Kirk said.

  “No.” Seeing the tight, worried look on his face, she stood on tiptoe and kissed him. “Don’t worry. I just want to be alone for a while.”

  Kenneth and Kirk watched her go, then they went into the study. Kenneth poured two brandies and handed one to his son.

  “Sophie will handle everything, Kirk. Don’t worry.”

  “I have the utmost confidence in Sophie, Dad. But damn her frivolous hide, Laura did have a valid point. One I’ve considered myself.”

  “Cousins marrying?”

  “Yes. No matter how sophisticated we think we are, Tupelo is still a Southern town with enough old-fashioned morality to create a stir about this wedding. I can handle it, but I don’t want Joanna to be hurt.”

  “Son, you underestimate your bride-to-be. She’s like her granddaddy, capable of handling anything. I think you also underestimate this town. In this day of divorce, non-traditional families are almost the rule rather than the exception. Step-cousins, even step-brothers and step-sisters marry. There won’t even be an eyelash batted.”

  “Not even Gracelyn Phillips?”

  Kenneth laughed. “Not even her.” He held out his glass. “I propose a toast. May your marriage to Joanna be as happy as mine to Sophie.”

  “I’ll drink to that.”


  From: Joanna

  To: Clemmie, Molly, Bea, Janet, Catherine, Belinda

  Re: My wedding

  I’ve landed my man! And what a man! Getting him to the altar took lots of jasmine perfume and some seductive moves so scandalous they ought to be against the law, but I’m finally going to be a bride!

  Mother acted a horse’s ass, but Aunt Sophie set her straight. I don’t know what she said, but Mother’s been meek as a lamb ever since.

  I don’t know where we’ll be going on the honeymoon. All Kirk will tell me is “It’s a surprise,” and “Pack light.”

  Oh, can you come to the wedding! I want all of you! I’ve designed bridesmaid dresses to DIE FOR! They are in rainbow colors. Say yes!


  From: Janet

  To: Joanna, Clemmie, Belinda, Bea, Molly, Catherine

  Re: Wild horses

  Wild horses couldn’t keep me away. I’m so happy for you, Joanna. Kirk is one of most respected men in Tupelo. Yay, you!


  From: Belinda

  To: Joanna, Clemmie, Bea, Janet, Molly, Catherine

  Re: Your Big Day

  I’ll be there with bells on! I’m showing now, so be sure my bridesmaid dress is big enough around the waist! Oh, and can you believe this! Reeve says I’m sexier now than I’ve ever been. He can’t keep his hands off me! Happy, happy, happy!!!


  From: Clemmie

  To: Joanna, Bea, Janet, Molly, Catherine, Belinda

  Re: Yes!

  Michael can’t take a break from filming, but I’ll be there! Can you believe this? We got TOM CRUISE for the lead in our movie! He said it’s the most fun he’s had since he played the Vampire Lestat.


  From: Bea

  To: Joanna, Janet, Clemmie, Molly, Catherine, Belinda

  Re: Both of us

  Russ and I are both coming. And then we’re heading straight on up to the Peabody for a second honeymoon. But not for the same purpose as Belinda! I’m looking for the fun without the bundle of joy! At least, not yet.


  From: Molly

  To: Joanna, Janet, Clemmie, Bea, Catherine, Belinda

  Re: Peabody

  I wouldn’t miss your wedding, Joanna! Oh, your Virginia is going to be SO HOT AND SO HAPPY!!!


  From: Catherine

  To: Joanna, Janet, Clemmie, Bea, Belinda, Molly

  Re: The circus

  I took the job at the circus, and I can’t wait to get started! But I’ll be at the wedding, Joanna! I wouldn’t miss it for the world. All of you have now found Mr. Right, and after the wedding I’ll be the only one left standing with Virginia intact. I’m jealous! Not! Oh, this is the best news, sweetie!



  Kirk fitted his key into the front door at Meadow Lane and carried his bride across the threshold.

  “Welcome home, Mrs. Maitland.”

  “I like the sound of that. Say it again.”

  He kicked the door shut behind them and nuzzled her neck. “I love you, Mrs. Maitland.”

  “Show me,” she told him, and he carried her up the stairs and kicked the bedroom door shut behind them.


  They slept till noon the next day, then after a wonderful wake-up session in their tumbled bed, they drove to the Ten- nessee-Tombigbee Waterway in Fulton. A brand-new forty-four foot Hatteras yacht was docked there. The Joanna gleamed in the sunshine, white as a bride, awa
iting her maiden voyage.

  “Is this the surprise you’ve been keeping from me?” Joanna asked.

  “Yes.” Kirk took her hand and led her aboard. “My wedding gift to you.”

  Joanna fully understood the significance of the gift. That Kirk had chosen an expensive present didn’t surprise her at all. He was generous, as well as wealthy. That he had chosen a yacht was astounding. Boats were a leisurely means of travel, generally owned by people who led rather carefree lives.

  She threw her arms around his neck. “It’s magnificent, Kirk. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome, baby.”

  Her mouth found his for a proper thank-you that threatened to become a lengthy session below decks. Finally she pulled back, laughing.

  “No wonder you told me to pack nothing except play clothes.”

  “I intend to see that you do lots of playing on this honeymoon.”

  “With you?”

  “Only with me.” He kissed the top of her head. “You know what this gift means, don’t you, Joanna?”

  “Yes, Kirk, but I want to hear you say it.”

  “You’ve taught me that there’s more to life than work. With you at my side, I believe I can achieve a balance between work and play. I will never again become so involved in business that I lose sight of the really important things in life.”

  “Such as?” she prompted softly.

  “My wife, my marriage, my children.”



  “Do you think we can start practicing making one of those children right now?”

  “I thought you’d never ask.”

  He led her below, drew the curtains, and obliged. Much later he said, “I think this is going to take lots of practice, Mrs. Maitland.”

  “So do I Mr. Maitland. When’s the next practice session?”

  “Minx.” he gave her a love pat on the backside. “Upsy daisy. If these two old sailors don’t heave to, we’ll never get to Aberdeen, let alone the Caribbean.”

  “The Caribbean, Kirk? How long is this honeymoon going to last?”

  “Forever.” He found their scattered clothes and tossed them onto the bed. “The cruise part is going to last three months.” Seeing her look of astonishment, he laughed. “The company is in very good hands. Whitman Harris is an excellent manager. And he’s relieved to finally get a chance to prove his worth.”

  They dressed and went topside.

  “Do you still remember your boating skills, Joanna?”

  She laughed. “How can I ever forget? Grandfather Deerfield drilled us both until we would have done the U.S. Navy proud.”

  “That’s what I was hoping. It would have been rather awkward to have to run out at the last minute and hire a boat crew to go along on our honeymoon.”

  “And much too crowded.”

  The Joanna got underway, cruising majestically down the man-made canal, through the Tombigbee River and into the string of lakes along the Mississippi-Alabama state line. Three leisurely days later they entered Mobile Bay and headed out into the gulf.

  Far out on the gulf, with nothing around them except endless stretches of water, they dropped anchor. With the sunset washing them in gold and red and purple, Kirk took Joanna into his arms.

  “It’s been far too long, Joanna. Shall we go below?”

  “I have a better idea, Kirk.”

  Stepping back from him, she unhooked her strapless halter and let it drop to the deck. He came toward her, smiling. Hooking his thumbs into the waistband of her shorts, he slithered them down her legs.

  “I’m crazy about your ideas.” He stepped out of his shorts and lowered her to the deck.

  She tangled her hands in his hair and pulled him down to her. “Shall I tell you the one I have for Deerfield?” She was laughing when she said it.

  “Later, baby. The company can wait. I can’t.”

  The boat rocked gently with the rhythm of waves and the rhythm of love as Kirk and Joanna found ecstasy.

  -The End-

  While Carrie Bradshaw was looking for Sex in the City, the Dixie Virgins were looking for love, marriage and a baby carriage! Sassy, funny and charming, The Dixie Virgin Chronicles is a seven-book series that follows the feisty, independent women who met at a summer camp for girls, and live by the rule Never let the boys from Camp Geronimo get close enough to see your Virginia. Get all seven books!

  The Dixie Virgin Chronicles: Belinda (Book One)

  The Dixie Virgin Chronicles: Janet (Book Two)

  The Dixie Virgin Chronicles: Molly (Book Three)

  The Dixie Virgin Chronicles: Bea (Book Four)

  The Dixie Virgin Chronicles: Clemmie (Book Five)

  The Dixie Virgin Chronicles: Joanna (Book Six)

  The Dixie Virgin Chronicles: Catherine (Book Seven)


  Don’t miss Catherine’s story!

  The Dixie Virgin Chronicles: Catherine

  Book 7


  From: Catherine ([email protected])

  To: Joanna, Bea, Molly, Janet, Clemmie, Belinda

  Re: The circus

  You’re not going to believe this! The woman who was doing the elephant act left the circus without saying a word, and I’ve been asked to take her place under the Big Top. OMG! I told the owners I’m a vet, and I don’t know a thing about performance, but they said I’m the only one who can handle the elephants. I have to admit I have a knack for the big beasts. The tigers and lions tolerate me, but Elmer and Elvira and Angel LOVE me! That’s twelve tons of pachyderm affection!

  I’ve decided to give it a whirl! You know how I love sparkle, and the costume is outstanding! Besides, we’re just a small 3-ring circus, a dying breed of Big Top shows under canvas. Ringling and the larger circuses dominate now, and all their performances are in big-city coliseums.

  The only downside I can see to being part of the Big Top entertainment is that Billy Joe might see a picture of me and hunt me down. So far, I’ve been able to avoid the unwelcome embrace of the ridiculous Mr. Wainwright, much to Mother’s dismay. Still, I don’t plan to live the rest of my life looking over my shoulder for that stupid man who just won’t give up!

  Gotta run! Elvira is off her feed, and I’ve got to check on her.



  From: Belinda ([email protected])

  To: Catherine, Clemmie, Janet, Bea, Molly, Joanna

  Re: Star

  What fun, Cat! You’ll be the star of the show! Speaking of stars, my own little Lawrence star is kicking like the devil! I’m big as a barrel, and I swear I’m going to give birth to a soccer player. Reeve is equally convinced I’m carrying a little princess in there, and he’s treating me like a queen! I’m so happy I could burst! And I expect I will in few weeks!



  From: Clemmie ([email protected])

  To: Catherine, Belinda, Joanna, Janet, Bea, Molly

  Re: It’s a wrap

  Cat, that’s marvelous! You will shine, as you always do!

  Michael and I finally wrapped up filming. It was so much fun, especially getting to know Tom Cruise, that I’m now totally smitten with movie making! I’ve already started writing another screenplay. As soon we wrap up the film edit here in Hollywood, we’ll be flying back to Peppertown to take a little breather. And to work on having a baby! That’s right, Belinda, I’ve got baby fever, and so has Michael. Not that we don’t work on the baby-making process all the time (happy sigh), but Michael thinks our little Mississippi house is much more relaxing and conducive to conception! I do hope he’s right. I can’t wait to be big as a house!



  From: Molly ([email protected])

  To: Catherine, Belinda, Clemmie, Janet, Bea, Joanna

  Re: Cat’s show

  OMG, Cat! When is your first show? Is the circus coming anywhere close to Florence? I’m dying to see you perform! You’ll be SPECTACULAR!

p; Belinda, I’m so happy for you, and Clemmie I just know you’ll be the next Dixie Virgin to get pregnant! I’m going to light a white candle for you and do a naked fertility dance under the moon. In the privacy of my own back yard, of course, and I know Sam will get all kinds of wonderful ideas! We’re having SUCH FUN we’re going to wait a while to share our lives with a little person who requires so much attention! At least, we plan to wait! At the rate we’re going, it’ll be a miracle if I don’t end up joining the Dixie Virgin pregnancy brigade!

  Plus, Sam and I both have lots we want to do! The art gallery is finished, and I’m going to plan an opening! Any ideas?

  Much love,


  From: Janet ([email protected])

  To: Catherine, Molly, Belinda, Bea, Joanna, Clemmie

  Re: Fun

  Cat, you’re an amazingly strong and independent woman! You can do whatever you set your mind to! Knock ‘em dead under the Big Top!

  Oh, I wish I could see you! I lost that little patient I told you about, and it was so hard I thought I might leave the profession altogether. Dan and I are trying to find a time to get away, but his school year is not over, his little soccer team needs him, and I’ve got patients running out my ears. A weekend would be the best we can manage right now, but it hardly seems worth the time to drive to Memphis and be cooped up in the city.

  Oh, I didn’t mean to be a sourpuss! Clemmie, call the minute you get home! Now that Joanna’s back from her honeymoon, the four of us can all have lunch like we did last summer. I’d love that!

  Molly, maybe you can drive over from Florence and join us! I’ll bet the five of us could come up with a humdinger of a party for your grand opening!



  From: Joanna ([email protected])

  To: Catherine, Clemmie, Belinda, Janet, Bea, Molly

  Re: the boat


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