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Trapped In Shadow (Shadow Walker Romance Series Book 4)

Page 4

by Caryn Moya Block

  “So the general lied?” Raven asked.

  “Or someone lied to the general,” Derek said. “Remember that his aide was a traitor. He could have told the general the man was taken into custody when he actually warned Hardy to run.”

  “Like I said, all the evidence could lead to something or nothing. Nadezhda has the general in three cities when known Zenith meetings were taking place. However, if the general is also hunting who killed his wife twenty years ago, he might be in the area to monitor the meetings.”

  “There really is only one way to find out for sure,” Stacey said. Everyone turned to look at her. “We need to ask him.”

  “He won’t tell you if he’s working with Zenith, and letting him know you are aware of the organization can only add your name to their hit list,” Nadezhda said.

  “Perhaps,” Stacey said. “But I can tell if someone is lying to me. Call it one of those strange psychic traits you were talking about. If he answers yes or no, I’ll know if he’s telling the truth.”

  “It could be dangerous to approach the general,” Hugh said. “Even if he isn’t working for Zenith. They have to be aware of him. Right now, they think Anastacia Holland died in the fire, but when you leave this building, you can be easily located. Especially since your covers are blown.”

  “It wouldn’t be hard to get to my father if we walk through Shadow. Or better yet, invite him here. Raven can tell him he has news of what happened at the cabin. Be vague.”

  “Your father has always been a friend to the Shadow Walkers,” Raven said, running his hand through his dark hair. “Or at least we think he has. It’s hard for me to believe he could be a traitor. I’ve known him since I shared a room at college with your older brother, David.”

  “I don’t want to think of him that way either, but my father is a spymaster and you can very seldom trust your instincts with someone like that. He could have been using all of us for years and we wouldn’t know it.” Stacey shook her head.

  A low ache settled in her stomach. She didn’t want to believe her father betrayed not only his country, but also his daughter, maybe both daughters. Did her father know that Nadezhda was his? Every time Stacey tried to think of what might be behind this, more questions came to mind.

  “We should still check out the pharmaceutical company in Brazil,” Raven said. “We need to know who ordered those tracking chips and see if we can get a lead on this Zenith group. Dasan will take lead on the op. You can leave tomorrow.” Raven glanced at his watch. “It’s seven p.m. here and ten on the East Coast. After you go over the security details of the drug company, get something to eat and call it a night. You’ve all had a long day. I’ll call General Holland tomorrow and invite him here.” Raven stood and the meeting was officially over.

  Stacey looked at her cotton shirt that still bore a smear of blood from Nadezhda’s wound and thought a shower sounded really good. She’d have to borrow some clothes. Dasan spoke quietly in Nadezhda’s ear. She blushed and dropped her eyes. Stacey looked at Hugh and caught him staring at her. His gaze heated as he looked his fill and Stacey felt her own flush coming on. That kiss at the cabin reminded her how combustible they could be together. Maybe it was time for that talk.

  Chapter Four

  “Acta hires its security force from a company in Manaus, Brazil,” Hugh said. They’d returned to the technology department and the four of them sat around a large table. “Six guards work each shift. Satellite imagery shows three men outside and the guard at the gate. It also shows a mine field surrounding the fence with the only way in being the road.” Hugh handed pictures around the table. “Inside the building are two high security labs. Two more guards are positioned near the doors.”

  “What kind of security measures are inside the building?” Dasan asked.

  “Charlie is hacking into their system and should have the answer in a few hours,” Hugh answered. “The building is located outside Manaus in the middle of nowhere. Even if we trip an alarm, it would take at least thirty minutes or more for someone to arrive.”

  “If this company is used by Zenith, then tripping an alarm could have deadly consequences,” Nadezhda pointed out. “They’ve been known to use lethal deterrent systems.”

  “We’ll need more information before we go in,” Dasan said. “Walking in Shadow should protect us for the most part.”

  Hugh sighed and glanced at Stacey. He should help Charlie locate what they needed, but that meant leaving Stacey alone.

  “Let me get you situated and then I’ll come back and help Charlie find that information.” Hugh rose and held out his hand to Stacey. She frowned and took it anyway. “There are guest rooms on the same floor as our apartments. We’ll need to take the elevator to the fourth floor. You’ll have to order room service, I’m afraid. It wouldn’t be wise to go down to the public areas on the second floor until we know whose side the general is on. Too many people who work here know him and think of him as a friend.”

  Dasan followed behind them as they made their way down the hall.

  “Dasan,” Hugh sent telepathically. “I want security to keep an eye on our women, both of them are flight risks.”

  “Already taken care of. I have men monitoring both of them in Shadow.”

  Hugh glanced at Dasan and frowned. He didn’t like the fact someone in Shadow would be watching Stacey undress and sleep. Dasan shrugged.

  “Nadezhda made a phone call from the clinic. I’ve asked security to send the recording to your computer. When you go back to your office, listen and tell me what you think.” Dasan sent to Hugh.

  “Roger that,” Hugh replied.

  Hugh walked up to the first guest room. Using the keycard, he opened the door. “This one is for Nadezhda. Here’s the key.”

  Nadezhda took the card and walked inside. Dasan followed her. Hugh tugged on Stacey’s hand and guided her to the next door. He opened it and motioned her inside. The door closed slowly behind them. Stacey moved into the room and to the window to close the drapes. Hugh set the keycard on the table.

  “I’d hoped we’d have some time to talk,” Hugh said. “But if we’re going into Acta tomorrow, then I have work to do tonight.”

  Stacey turned to look at him, her eyes troubled. “I understand. At least you wanted to talk. I was afraid after finding out one of my covers was Stinger, you’d want to drop me as quickly as possible.”

  “No, dropping you never entered my mind. That doesn’t mean I don’t want some answers. I don’t like that you lied to me.”

  Hugh stood frozen, afraid that if he moved he wouldn’t be able to leave and help Charlie. He was angry and hurt, but more than anything, he wanted this woman. He wanted to claim her so badly he trembled and his hands fisted.

  “Why do you think I keep running from you? I know I’m no good for you. Lying has been my life since I was six years old.” Stacey’s shoulders slumped, she kept looking at him, her gaze pleading.

  “I get why you thought it necessary, but don’t say you’re no good for me. You’re my mate. No one will ever be as good as you.” Hugh ran his hand through his hair.

  Working on his control, he walked over and gripped Stacey by the upper arms. “No more running and no more lies. Not between us at least. Promise me!”

  Hugh knew that Stacey possessed an inner core of honor that wouldn’t let her break her promise to him. She never made promises she couldn’t keep.

  “Are you sure you can trust the word of an assassin?” Her eyes sparkled with unshed tears.

  Hugh’s jaw clenched. “Promise me.” He shook her slightly.

  She smiled hesitantly while a lone tear trickled down her face. “I promise, no more running or lies between us.”

  Hugh took her mouth. It wasn’t a tender kiss, but a demand for surrender. Stacey leaned into him softening, accepting his plundering tongue, kissing him back. Giving him her promise in more than words.

  He broke the kiss and stepped back. “If I don’t leave right now, I won’t be able t
o. I’ll see you at breakfast.”

  “Come back when you’re done working. I’ll be waiting.”

  Hugh nodded and turned abruptly, leaving, each step painful as he made his way to the tech department.

  Once at his office, Hugh sat for a moment, his head in his hands. He needed to convince Stacey to leave this dangerous life. Sighing, he moved to a terminal and called up the recording Dasan sent him. Nadezhda’s voice came in clearly, but whomever she talked to must have used some kind of blocking device so he couldn’t be recorded.

  “Orion, this is Nebula. No, I’m all right. Yes, my sister too. They found a tracking chip imbedded in my arm. You’ll have to check the whole team. No, she didn’t know about Zenith. Yes, I believe her. General Holland may come to Isanti, Inc. No, don’t stop working on that, just get another team to come to New Mexico. I’ll contact you later when I know more details. One way or the other, Holland is going to pay for killing my mother.”

  Hugh shook his head. It sounded like Nadezhda and her team planned an attempt to assassinate General Holland.

  “Hugh! You need to look at this!” Charlie called from across the room.

  Hugh frowned as he made his way to Charlie’s workstation. “What’ve you got?”

  Charlie looked into a microscope. “This chip they took out of Nadezhda, and the one out of Lindy, these are mine.”

  “What?” Hugh asked. He’d followed the manufacturing process code to Acta.

  “The design. This is my work.” Charlie shook his head and looked up at Hugh. “I designed a tracking chip that could travel through Shadow when Derek disappeared. I took it to Raven and the board, don’t you remember? The one I made was out of corn resin plastic and silver and copper circuits so it wouldn’t disintegrate in Shadow, but with these, we now know putting it into a glass tube seems to work as well.

  “The board decided that since the signal could be picked up and monitored by other sources when outside of Shadow, it was too dangerous to chip our teams. But Hugh, this chip is my design. It has the same circuit pattern I used, down to the small emergency transponder I put in it. Isanti uses it in the Shadow friendly cell phones we give to team members.”

  “So, you’re saying someone stole your design and gave it to Acta?”

  “That’s what I’m saying.” Charlie nodded.

  “We’ve got to talk to Raven. I hope he hasn’t Shadow Walked to Montana tonight. Cara won’t be pleased that we’re calling him back in.”

  “I don’t think we have a choice. Someone inside this building has been leaking our secrets.”

  “Any idea who?” Hugh asked. Charlie’s face looked agonized when he shook his head.

  The people who worked on the research and development team were screened by security and had been there for years. Hugh and Charlie as managers were the only members of the tribe. Hugh thought of all of them as friends. The tech department was nearly empty right now, with Charlie and Hugh working alone. Team members were allowed to make their own hours as long as they worked forty hours a week. One of them could walk in at any time.

  “I can’t believe one of our team would betray us, but I also don’t believe we’ve been hacked. We’ll need to run a complete diagnostic of the system. First though, did you get the information on Acta we need for the op?”

  “Yes, I think I have everything you need including the names of several of the scientists. You’ll need to steal two of their keycards for you and Stacey to get into the secret labs. The floors of the labs are designed to sound an alarm if someone steps on the surface without the proper entrance procedure. Unfortunately, that means you can’t use Shadow to walk in.

  “The minute you came out of Shadow to download the computer files the alarm would go off and that would be bad. From the design specifications of the building, I think the floors of the two labs are booby-trapped with a strong electrical charge. One that would fry anyone unauthorized who entered the room.

  “I’ve already put a team member on a plane to Manaus. He’s carrying the device to clone the keycards with all natural materials, as well as Shadow friendly flash drives. He will meet you at the Manaus Airport.”

  “Good. I’m going to call Raven.”


  Stacey tossed and turned. Her borrowed sleep shirt twisted around her. It was after midnight and Hugh hadn’t come back. Maybe he didn’t want her as much as he professed. Maybe being involved with a known assassin was too much for him after all.

  She got up and used the bathroom, mad now that Hugh made her hope she might actually have found someone who wanted her, just for her, and then didn’t have the courage to tell her he’d changed his mind.

  Dammit, when was she going to learn? There was nobody in her life she could really trust. That’s what this kind of profession did to a person. Stacey thought to visit with her sister, but instead waited in case Hugh did return. Was it true that blood was thicker than water? Could she trust her sister?

  She washed her hands and climbed back in bed. It was too late to visit now, besides, for all she knew, Dasan was still with Nadezhda. Yawning, she rubbed her hand over her eyes. She needed more sleep before the operation tomorrow. Morning would be here soon.

  She eyed the black silk and leather outfit in her size sitting on a chair, the clothes of a Shadow Walker, delivered after Hugh left. Whether Hugh was interested in a relationship or not, they still must work together to find out what was going on with her father and this Zenith group. Her whole life was turned upside down. Her covers exposed, she was vulnerable. She didn’t know what to think.

  The phone rang and she jumped. Leaning out of bed, she picked it up.


  “Stacey, I hope I didn’t wake you.” Hugh’s voice stroked over her senses. She shivered.

  “I thought you’d be back by now.” Stacey tried to keep the hurt out of her tone. She scooted into a sitting position in the bed.

  “I know. Something’s come up and it looks like I’m going to be a while. I didn’t want you to think I’d abandoned you. Get some rest. I’ll let myself in when I’m done here.”

  “Okay. I appreciate you calling me. I thought you’d decided to walk away.”

  Hugh chuckled. “You’re not getting rid of me that easily. Dream about me, baby. When you wake up, I’ll be right beside you.”

  Stacey hung up the receiver and hugged her knees. She couldn’t keep the smile off her face. Hugh wasn’t leaving her. She rolled over and hugged a pillow to her breast. Now she could sleep.

  Sometime later, Stacey heard the door. She opened her eyes while reaching under the pillow for the obsidian knife Hugh gave her during her last visit to Isanti. She’d learned quickly that guns disintegrated in Shadow.

  “It’s okay, Stacey. It’s me,” Hugh said, undressing and then climbing into bed.

  “What happened?” she murmured as he pulled her into his arms.

  “We’ll talk about it in the morning. Go back to sleep, baby. It’s going to be a long day tomorrow.”

  Stacey snuggled closer to Hugh and relaxed for the first time since this whole mess started.

  Morning sunlight woke her only a few hours later. Stacey blinked and looked at the face of the man who held her close. His long dark eyelashes rested on his cheeks. His black hair, mussed from sleep, held a slight wave. She trailed her fingers down his chest and then to the side where the scar from a bullet puckered his skin.

  It was her fault he got this scar and the ones she knew were on his hip and knee. He’d come to her rescue like any good partner. He opened a door into Shadow so she could escape. She’d been caught under a piece of scaffolding and Hugh needed to lift the heavy metal to get her out while they were under fire. That’s when he got hit. She shuddered remembering how afraid she’d been. Hugh was her partner, her guardian angel. In coming to save her, she’d almost lost him.

  She’d dragged him into Shadow and visualized the military hospital that handled government employees. Hugh had been rushed into surgery. He�
�d almost died. She’d kept tabs on him while he healed from the injuries five years ago and then never stopped. She loved him. When he went home, she’d never see him again, or so she thought.

  For a while the doctors said he’d never walk again. Then the old shaman, Isanti Quiet Thunder showed up at the military hospital. Hugh requested transfer to the Isanti clinic and left the general’s team.

  It was soon after that, when she felt so alone, that her father asked her to go deep undercover as Stinger. Stacey didn’t have time for thinking about Hugh and what might’ve been. The extremely dangerous assignment was all consuming. It lasted almost four years. Even now she was occasionally called upon to reactivate the Stinger persona in the service of her government. At least she thought it was her government. If what Nadezhda said was true, it could have been in service to Zenith.

  “What are you thinking about so hard?” Hugh asked, his voice soft.

  Stacey smiled up at him, her finger still circling the scar from the bullet wound.

  “How do you know I’m thinking hard?”

  “You get this little crinkle between your eyes.” Hugh ran his finger lightly over her forehead and then down her nose. “Tell me.”

  Stacey shrugged. “You, me, life.”

  Hugh kissed her gently. “You are fantastic and I love you. I didn’t realize how much until you walked back into my life and Derek’s kitchen. Me, I need a shower and food, but first I need to kiss you again, and life is good because you’re here with me.”

  Could it be that simple? He kissed her, his lips insistent, his tongue asking for entrance. She opened for him, feeling her body flush with heat. She trembled and wrapped her arms around his neck. Hugh groaned and took the kiss deeper. His hands cupped her face, angling her head for deeper penetration. Their tongues tangled. Someone knocked on the door.


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