Trapped In Shadow (Shadow Walker Romance Series Book 4)
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Hugh reached an arm out of Shadow and swiped the card, then grabbed Stacey’s and swiped hers. The front door opened and the group moved into the building still in Shadow. Minimal lights were on since the building was closed. Hugh headed for a lit “Stairs” sign.
“Lobo, we are inside the building in the stairwell.”
“Thermal imaging shows one guard on rounds. Right now, he’s on the third floor. The other is standing guard in the basement.”
“Roger that, we’re splitting up now. All right, ladies,” Hugh said turning toward Stacey and Nadezhda. “Do you remember how I showed you to open and close a portal from within Shadow?”
Since Shadow marked them as mates, Hugh could teach them the process. They practiced while they waited to leave Manaus. Stacey could probably open and close a portal in her sleep as well as visualize herself through Shadow. Nadezhda definitely could do the opening and closing. They both nodded.
“Okay, then, Nadezhda, you go after the guard on the third floor. I’ll go to the lab on the second floor. Stacey, you’ve got the basement. Remember to meet back at the van. Don’t hesitate to call out if you need help. We can all hear you.”
Nadezhda ran up the stairs. Stacey turned to go down when Hugh grabbed her arm and swung her around. He kissed her hard and then let go moving up the stairs. Her lips still tingling, Stacey hurried down the stairwell to the door marked basement. She closed her eyes and walked through the closed door and into a hallway.
A guard sat in a chair next to a steel door at the end. Stacey walked closer and then paused at a hallway junction. She opened a door out of Shadow and then took aim with the crossbow. The dart hit the guard in the chest. He reached for the radio on his belt, but fell unconscious slumped in the chair before getting it to his face.
Stacey hurried forward and swiped the card through the reader. The door opened. She walked into a small glass room and quickly noticed the retina scanner used to get through the door across from her. If the room sensed her presence without the retina scan happening, it could trigger an alarm. Thinking quickly, she grabbed the guard and dragged his chair through the door. Hopefully, the retina scanner would open for security.
She hefted the man up, struggling with his weight and put his chin in place while opening his eye. The device hummed and a female voice came over a speaker.
“Security entrance protocols enacted. Sixty second countdown to electrical floor activation.”
“Dammit, Lobo, I screwed up,” Stacey said, running through the glass door and into the lab. She found the nearest terminal and gave a prayer of thanks that it was already up and running. She inserted the drive and started the download. “Will the drive download in time? We’ve got forty seconds.”
“It’ll be close, Stinger.”
“The guard is down on the third floor, returning to extraction point,” Nadezhda’s voice came over the com unit.
“Guards outside are down. I’ll meet up with Nebula,” Dasan said over the com.
“Thirty seconds until electrical floor activation,” the female computer voice said.
“Stinger, get back into Shadow!” Hugh demanded. “You can always reach out and grab the drive. Shadow will protect you from the voltage in the floor. Lobo, I have the information on the hard drive from lab one. Going down to the basement lab to join, Stinger.”
“Roger, that. You two get out safely. The drive should be finished downloading around the same time the floor activates.”
“Roger that, Lobo.”
Stacey opened a door into Shadow and stepped in. She began to close the portal except for a small hole for her arm.
“Twenty seconds until electrical floor activation,” the computer said.
“Stacey!” Warm hands grabbed her waist and pulled her against a hard body. She leaned against Hugh while watching the drive download, ninety five percent, ninety-seven…
“Security override not initiated, security protocol two now enacted. Ten seconds until electrical floor and fire vacuum initiated. Ten, nine, eight…”
“What does that mean?” Stacey asked.
“It means the air will be sucked out of the room to kill any possible flames. You’ll have to grab the drive and I’ll close the portal.” Hugh moved next to her. Stacey put her arm through the hole and grasped the drive. The computer continued to countdown. Stacey watched the bar on the computer, ninety-eight percent, ninety-nine…
“Three, two, one…”
“Got it!” Stacey yelled, yanking the drive and her arm into Shadow.
Hugh closed the portal as a whoosh sounded from inside the lab.
“Security protocols enacted. Waiting for security override,” the computer continued.
Hugh put his arm around Stacey’s waist. “Hold on, time to go.”
Stacey grabbed Hugh’s arm as that strange shift happened and then they were standing next to the van by the side of the road. They stepped out of Shadow.
Dasan knelt next to an unconscious Grey Wolf. “What happened?” Hugh asked.
Dasan’s jaw clenched, his eyes cold, he lifted Grey Wolf over his shoulder. “Nadezhda decided it was time to leave. I’m taking Robert to the clinic. Set the charges in the van and Shadow Walk home. We’ll debrief as soon as you arrive.”
Hugh nodded and climbed into the van. Stacey watched Dasan disappear with his burden. “Stacey, Nadezhda left you a note,” Hugh jumped out of the van and handed her a piece of paper. In a simple script it read, Sorry, time for me to rejoin my team. I’ll catch you later, love Nadezhda. Is this note for me, or Dasan, Stacey wondered?
“Into Shadow. I’m going to blow the van,” Hugh directed.
“Dammit!” Pain ripped through her and she almost doubled over. Stacey crumpled the note in her hand. How could Nadezhda leave like that?
She stepped into Shadow and Hugh joined her. At least she could trust Hugh. He took her hand before pressing the button on the remote. The van went up in a ball of flame, all evidence of their being in Manaus going with it.
Stacey felt that strange shifting, like walking on sand, and suddenly they stood outside the conference room at Isanti, Inc. The open door showed Raven speaking to Dasan. The tall man looked haggard, his shoulders slumped. Nadezhda’s leaving really hurt him. Of course, her actions reflected on Dasan since she was his destined mate.
Raven said something and Dasan shook his head. He sighed and straightened his shoulders. Hugh picked that moment to open a door out of Shadow and they both entered the room.
“Ah, there you are,” Raven said. “Sit down everyone. Charlie will be here any minute to receive the flash drives.”
They all moved to the table. Stacey sat. Leather was so not her favorite material to wear.
“Robert Grey Wolf is fine, he is already awake, but Dr. Rick insisted he remain in the clinic overnight for observation since we don’t know if they injected him with something,” Raven said. “I understand you ran into trouble?”
“Some mission parameters were unknown and dealt with, that’s all. We all made it out safely,” Stacey pointed out.
“Yes, all in all, a successful operation.” Raven nodded. “But go over everything in detail for me please.”
Dasan began with their arrival in Manaus and gave a succinct summery of the mission. He finished with returning to the van and finding Grey Wolf unconscious and the note from Nadezhda.
Hugh picked up with meeting Stacey at the basement lab, escaping as the room’s air was sucked out, and setting the charges in the van.
Raven rubbed his chin and nodded. “So, the retinal scan and security protocols were a problem. We’ll have to do better next time. I don’t like when we miss such important details.”
The door opened and Charlie entered. Hugh pulled out his drive and Stacey pulled out hers. They both handed the items to Charlie.
“Get those scanned and have a report on my desk ASAP!” Raven said.
Charlie grimaced, and nodded. “Yes, sir.” He hurried from the room.
sp; “There was something else,” Hugh said. “I looked over the lab on the second floor. They were making Rohypnol, better known as ‘roofies,’ and Ketamine, known as ‘Special K,’ I think we’ll find evidence that leads us to human as well as drug trafficking. The chips could be used to keep track of their property, so to speak.”
Stacey shuddered. Human trafficking was big business for some. She’d taken out a man last year thought to be in charge of a huge syndicate. She’d felt the rot eating his soul with her psychic gift before she made the hit. The problem was there was always someone else waiting to step into his place.
Chapter Six
Hugh opened the door to his apartment on the fourth floor of the Isanti building.
“What no guest quarters tonight?” Stacey asked. She ran a hand through her hair. She looked tired and a little dejected. Hugh knew Nadezhda was directly responsible. Her sister leaving like she did, made Stacey once more question whom she could trust. Hugh planned to remind her she could trust him.
He urged her into the room, before locking the door behind him. Removing his leather coat, he hung it on a hook by the entrance.
Stacey glanced around the room and then walked to the picture on his desk. It was a portrait of her caught on security cameras the last time she visited Isanti. She picked it up.
“This isn’t a very good photo. It’s kind of grainy.”
“It was a gift from Katherine Darkwood. She thought I’d like to have a picture of my mate. She was right.”
“How sweet. I guess I’ll have to thank her. I didn’t realize you were the sentimental type.”
“I think there are a lot of things you don’t know about me, but there is one thing you do know and must always remember.”
“Oh, yeah? What’s that?” Stacey asked putting the photo back on the desk.
Hugh walked forward and took her hand. “I love you, Anastacia.” He sank to one knee. “Will you marry me?”
“Marry you? Don’t you think we should finish the mission first?”
“I want to hear your promise to marry me. There will always be a mission or something else going on. I love you. You can trust me! Honey, say yes. I want a life with you by my side. No more running, remember? You promised.”
Stacey’s eyes glittered with unshed tears. “I love you too, Hugh. I know I can trust you. You may be the only person in my life I can really trust. I sound pretty pathetic, don’t I?”
“No, baby,” Hugh rose and pulled Stacey into his arms. “Say it, Stacey. Tell me you’ll be my bride.”
He pulled her tightly, fitting her to his chest, their hearts beating as one. Her arms went around his waist. A wave of love poured over him and he buried his face into her blond tresses.
“Yes, Hugh. I’ll marry you.”
Hugh pulled back to study her face. She smiled shyly. His mouth swooped down to take hers. She’d said yes. She’d promised to marry him. Finally.
Stacey’s hands ran up his chest and around his neck before threading her fingers through his hair and holding him close. They kissed like there was no tomorrow, and in their line of work, tomorrow wasn’t promised. They only had today.
Hugh’s fingers went to the shell buttons on her silk shirt. He needed his hands on her. They’d waited so long, almost missed their chance. Thank the Great Spirit they’d found each other again. He pushed the black shirt from her body. His hand caressed the skin of her tight stomach before finding her breast still encased in silk lace. He undid the front clasp of her bra and then bent her backwards to let his lips explore her silky flesh. He sucked a distended nipple into the heat of his mouth, pulling hard.
“Hugh,” Stacey moaned.
She held him close, her nails pricking his scalp like a kneading kitten. Hugh switched sides, enjoying the gasp and whimper that fell from her lips when he lathed the tight nubbin.
“So good,” she whispered.
Her breath flowed over his skin causing his engorged flesh to get even harder. He moaned. He needed to get out of the leather pants before he permanently damaged himself. Stacey grabbed at his shoulders when he pulled back.
“Clothes off. Now.” Hugh fumbled with the buttons on her pants. She batted his hands away and took over the task. He went to work on his own pants instead. Peeling the leather down and off, kicking his boots off in the process. He reached for the buttons on his shirt. Stacey was there before him.
“Let me.”
She undid the shirt and pushed it off his shoulders in no time. Hugh paused. Taking in the sight of his naked mate. Her toned, muscular body was a weapon in itself. He lifted her into his arms and headed for the bedroom. Luckily, it wasn’t far.
He laid her on the velvet comforter and followed her down settling on top of her, his erection rubbing against her hot center. He wanted to be inside her, melding them together.
“You’re so beautiful,” he said, pushing a strand of hair off her face.
“You don’t need to give me pretty words. I want you. Now.” Stacey wrapped her legs around his hips.
Hugh positioned himself, nudging at her opening. “You deserve pretty words. You deserve everything. I love you.” He sank deeply, pushing past any resistance.
She was hot, squeezing him like a fist. He paused, afraid if he moved, it would be over way too soon. He groaned. Stacey pulled him closer, if that was even possible.
“Hugh, I need you.” Stacey’s whole body trembled with desire. She would go up in flames, her body felt so hot. “Please, baby.”
As if her begging finally got through the haze of lust holding them in its grip, Hugh pulled back. He sank in again, hitting nerves Stacey forgot she possessed. It had been a long time since she’d allowed someone to touch her skin, hold her close. Her hands gripped his butt. There would probably be bruises, but she needed him deeper.
She locked her ankles behind his back, squeezing him with her thighs. He pounded harder, deeper, filling her completely. Stacey groaned. Flames licked her skin. Moisture covered them both. Her hands moved up his back, her nails scoring his skin.
Hugh increased the tempo, one arm locking her tightly, as he thrust into her.
“Open your eyes. Look at me!” Hugh demanded.
Stacey forced her eyes open. Hugh’s face was a mask of concentration. His eyes glittered and his jaw clenched. His body became a piston thrusting inside her, with hard muscles pushing. They were connected. Both of them panting, their breath washed over each other.
“Give it to me. Come on, Stacey. Let go, I’ve got you.”
Stacey couldn’t look away. Her focus narrowed. She could almost see their auras merging, male and female, two souls becoming one. Hugh pushed deep. She detonated. Thrown into heaven by the man holding her. Pleasure rushed over her.
Hugh yelled her name. Another wash of warmth filled her. He buried his face in her neck, his arm tightening around her. They were together. She was safe.
Stacey woke a few minutes later to a warm cloth between her thighs. She blinked up sleepily at the man who cleaned her and gazed at her so tenderly. He put the cloth on the nightstand before lifting her into his arms and walking around to the other side of the bed with the covers now lowered. The cool sheets felt good against her skin as he tucked her in.
“Hugh,” she sighed.
“I’ll just be a minute. Go back to sleep, sweetheart. You’ve had a long day.”
She could hear him rustling around the room, but it wasn’t long before he joined her in bed and pulled her into his arms. She snuggled close, her head on his shoulder, her leg thrown over his. He ran his hand down her hair before pressing a kiss to her head.
“Sleep, baby. I’ve got you.”
Stacey smiled. She had him too. Her hand rested over his beating heart. Hugh was as much hers as she was his. Peace settled over her. She’d finally found where she belonged. In this man’s arms.
Sunlight warmed her face. Stacey blinked. She gazed at the man who still held her tightly. She let h
er hand caress his waist and then down his hip. She paused at the ridges of skin left from the many surgeries needed to put him back together. She winced, remembering their narrow escape. Her fear for him.
“I guess it’s kind of ugly. I’m sorry if it bothers you.”
Stacey glanced up catching his gaze. He looked troubled, weary.
“Don’t be ridiculous. If you hadn’t come to save me, I would have died in that warehouse. I’m the one who is sorry for almost losing your life and the pain I know you went through afterwards.”
“How do you know what kind of pain I suffered? You left me.” Hugh’s jaw clenched. She’d hurt him.
“I left you for your own protection. Someone must have known about that mission for us to be caught in a trap like that. I kept tabs on you, though. Even then I needed to know you were okay. I was obsessed with you.”
“Obsessed? I didn’t see you for five years after that.” Hugh closed his eyes and a look of pain crossed his features.
“Just because you didn’t see me, doesn’t mean I wasn’t there. I was glad when you went home, giving up our crazy lifestyle. I knew you were safe, or as safe as I could make you.” Stacey ran her finger over his eyebrows, first one and then the other.
“Safe, but alone, Stacey,” Hugh’s hand snapped out and captured her wrist. His eyes stared into hers. “Pretending I was okay and recovering, when not having you by my side tore at me. The only reason I didn’t come after you was I thought you didn’t want me. I thought you were happy without me.” He pulled her hand down and pressed it against his heart.
“I didn’t know what happiness was until you came into my life, Hugh.” Stacey needed to give him this, if only to help ease the torment of her previous actions. “You must have realized that much. I never laughed before you were assigned as my partner, not since my mother died. I only smiled as part of the job, until you showed me how to have fun again. No one ever teased me before you. It’s no wonder I fell completely head over heels in love with you. Then someone betrayed us. You were hurt and needed time to heal. I couldn’t live in a world without you in it. That’s why I left.”