Enticed by His Embrace (Carnal Connections Book 2)

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Enticed by His Embrace (Carnal Connections Book 2) Page 8

by Abby Gordon

  “I’m not sure that’s a word,” she told him, shifting her hips back against him.

  “It is now.”

  His fingers fondled her folds and she moaned. His left arm held her upper body near her collarbone, holding her up as his right fingers played with her pussy and clit.

  “Master,” she whimpered, as two fingers entered her.

  “Do you want me to fuck you, Venus?”

  Her pussy walls were slick as she tried to hold his fingers inside.

  “Please, Master, please, fuck me.”

  His mouth explored her neck.

  “God, I want to, but we both need to eat. And we need to talk. I want to make sure you know what you’re getting into.”

  “After,” she pleaded.

  He groaned and nipped her collarbone. Then smacked her bare ass. “First.”

  Shocked, Pippa looked at him, intending to protest. Seeing the resolve in his expression, she swallowed her words. There was a strength to him, a focus, a certainty about who he was. That was part of the attraction. He was what she’d never had in her life.

  Now, he held her gaze, waiting for her reaction. Accepting his decision, Pippa nodded, relaxing in his embrace as he straightened. The washing machine beeped as it finished its cycle.

  “Let me put the towels in the dryer.”

  He kissed the top of her head and released her. She could still feel his eyes on her butt as she walked away. And smiled. She couldn’t help it. She swayed her hips about more.

  “You’re learning,” he observed.

  Transferring the towels to the small dryer above the washing machine, she glanced over at him and smiled. His pose was so like the one he assumed in her dream as she came out of the water. And realized she still hadn’t seen him naked.

  “You’re still dressed,” she marveled.

  “Tell me about it.” He shook his head, loosening his tie and undoing the top two buttons of his dress shirt. “I can’t remember doing anything like this before. I’ve finger-fucked you, fucked you, against the door no less, and I’m still fully dressed,” he murmured in disgust, more to himself than to her. He glanced at the door then back at her. “Where are my things?”

  “I put them in the wardrobe,” she replied, moving the dials on the machine. “Jessica’s things don’t half fill it, and I just brought three shirts and a pair of cords.”

  He opened the wardrobe, smiling when he saw what she’d done. “Thank you,” he said simply.

  Pushing the start button, she joined him, relishing how his arm seemed to instinctively go around her waist.

  “I figured the wrinkles might come out, and if we need to, we can hang anything in the bathroom when we take a shower.”

  “Mm, the thought of your sweet, little body wet and slick under my hands,” Tony considered, his voice low and husky. “All sorts of possibilities for the future.”

  That thought hadn’t even occurred to Pippa, and now she couldn’t get it out of her mind.

  “In the shower,” she echoed as he toed off the low boots he’d been wearing.

  He chuckled as he pulled off his socks. “I am going to enjoy teaching you about the pleasures of sex and everything about it.”

  “Maybe as much as I will enjoy learning about it,” she answered with a grin. “Let’s get the talking done quickly.”

  “Now there’s a plan I can work with,” he agreed with a quick kiss to her forehead.

  Taking her hand enthusiastically, he headed for the couch. That simple act, the clasping of hands, touched her in a way nothing else he’d done had.

  “What is that expression for?” he wondered, sitting down and pulling her onto his lap. “That surprised look?”

  “I can’t remember the last time someone simply held my hand,” she replied.

  “Let’s start there,” Tony suggested, as she leaned forward to pour the tea. “What did you do when you left home? Where were you?”

  “Cornwall. Not the absolute end of England, but close. A medium-size village on the north coast. My childhood was fairly normal. Mother was having a baby a year it seemed,” Pippa reflected. “Well, maybe not that often, but about every eighteen months or so. She’d just had one a couple months before my birthday.”

  “So there were, what, six? Seven of you? That’s a lot of kids.”

  “Nine total. I have an older brother by three years who left as soon as he finished school. I haven’t seen him since. I don’t blame him. I just wish I’d been able to finish so I at least had that.”

  “Nine children,” Tony’s voice was full of shock. “That had to be hard on your mother’s body.”

  “That’s why I was supposed to start having the babies,” she said, sipping from her mug. “The doctor said any more would probably kill her. The financial benefits increase for each child.”

  “Insane,” he muttered. “Nearly as insane as her wanting you to…” He shook his head. “I know there are people like that, you read about it, but,” he kissed her cheek, “it’s different when you hear about it from someone who went through it.”

  Smiling, Pippa handed him a sandwich, then took a bite of hers.

  “What did you do when you left?” he repeated.

  “I had a backpack of clothes, two of my favorite books, all the money I had, and a picture of my family.” Shaking her head, she glanced at the window as the rain lashed at the panes. “Three days ago, I left my flat with a backpack of clothes, those same two books, all the cash I had, and my laptop. I didn’t think twice about not bringing the family photo.”

  “I don’t think I would have had it in the first place,” he observed.

  “I’m not sure why I took it,” Pippa admitted. “It doesn’t matter now. I had a hundred pounds from birthday gifts. And my grannie gave me another hundred. She’s the only one who believed me. Or at least said she did. I took a bus to St. Ives and got a job at a pub for the summer tourist season. That lasted two months. I saved every bit I could. When that job was over, I hopped a bus to Newquay, stayed there a few weeks, then went to Plymouth. I was there three months, then on to Southampton for four months. While there, I met Finchley, the maître ‘d for the Lincoln’s main dining room. He was there for a restaurant conference. He offered me a job at the hotel and I jumped at the chance.”

  “Amazing,” he marveled, kissing her swiftly. “You didn’t give up.”

  “I couldn’t. They’d said I’d be back, begging them to take me in within the year, if I survived that long. I couldn’t go back so I had to keep going.”

  “And when you got here?”

  “Finchley helped me find a flat I could afford.” She laughed and gestured about them. “If you think this is small, my place would fit in half of this one.”

  “Wow,” he murmured, shaking his head and grabbing another sandwich.

  “A couple days after I started at the Lincoln, I met Jessica. I might have been surviving, but she helped me live, to enjoy life again.” Pippa gave a little laugh. “To a point. First thing she did was teach me how to take care of myself.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I didn’t know anything about anything. Nutrition, exercise, money, none of it. Stuff like that is sort of taught in school, but it’s not like I picked up on it at home either. My stepfather stayed fit for his job, of course, but Mother,” Pippa considered that. “I think she gave up on a lot of things after a while. When I left, I was probably a couple stone overweight.”

  “How much is that?”

  “About thirty pounds or so,” she replied. “And by the time I got to London, I’d gained at least another stone. I wasn’t happy with anything in my life. I didn’t see any reason to try to do more. To try to be more.”

  “And Jessica did what?”

  “Oh, gawd, Jessica did everything.” Pippa sighed and smiled. “She was like the big sister I’d always dreamt of having. Of course, I gave her hell at the time. She threw out all my makeup, saying they made me look like a freak and that was the last thing
I was. I was furious. I mean, here’s this woman, another teenager, barely a couple years older than me, telling me what to do. I yelled at her in the women’s locker room. Asking her who she thought she was to treat me like that. I liked the way I looked and what I wore. I was swearing at her too.”

  “What did she do?” he chuckled.

  “She said I wasn’t happy and the sooner I realized it the sooner I could be happy.”

  “Pretty profound for someone who was nineteen or so.”

  “Yeah, and after I stormed out, I thought about what she’d said. I showed up here at three in the morning in tears and the pouring rain.”

  “I think it’s always pouring rain at three in the morning,” Tony observed.

  “Just about,” she concurred. “Jess gave me a dry nightshirt, fixed me some tea, and listened.”

  “She knows what happened?” he asked curiously.

  “I told her that my mother and stepfather wanted me to do something and I couldn’t so I left. She said she understood that and wouldn’t push for details until I was ready to tell her. I’ve only ever told you the details.”

  He kissed her and shifted her on his lap, turning so she could relax against him. “I’m glad you trusted me.”

  “And then Jessica began what she called ‘Project Pippa,’ as if we were in one of those reality shows or something,” she laughed. “It was like Pygmalion or something.”

  “What did she do?”

  “She threw all my food out and told me, for four weeks, I was to eat only protein and veggies six days a week. The seventh day, I could have what I wanted.” Pippa chuckled. “She knew that, on the first seventh day, I would gorge on everything I’d wanted that week.”

  “What happened?”

  His eyes were intent on her face and Pippa smiled as he seemed caught up in the story.

  “My body hated it. I felt so sick. I called her up, wanting to know what was going on, and she explained that my body wanted the good food not the junk. So, we started over, and in four weeks of just that, with only one junk food meal a week, I lost a stone. About fourteen pounds.”


  “Tell me about it,” she nodded, loving the approval and respect in his expression and tone. “The second week, she gave me a pedometer. She said her grandmother walked at least five miles a day, and her waist was the same as it was when she was twenty. So that was my goal—to be able to walk five miles a day by the end of the second month.”

  “And you did.”

  “By the end of the sixth week. And then, sadist that Jessica is, she taught me ballet exercises.”

  “Sadist? I don’t get it.”

  “Thirty minutes of ballet and parts of your body are screaming for mercy,” Pippa assured him. “But, by the end of the second month, I’d lost another stone. Ballet did the rest. I do it every other day for an hour. And most days, I walk five miles.”

  “She really helped you, didn’t she? Amazing woman.”

  “In so, so many ways. She believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself. When I was certain I couldn’t be more than a waitress. She talked Dave, the club manager before Andy, into bringing me over from the dining room. And then, about three and a half years ago, when we were helping set up for a wine tasting, she talked me into looking into being a sommelier.”

  “You’re serious?”

  She beamed at him, slipping off his lap. Going to the laptop, she pulled the parchment from the cloth case and handed it to him. He pulled her back to him before opening it.

  “I kept it here to keep it from getting rumpled and so I wouldn’t lose it.”

  “You are serious,” he breathed as he read it, mouth moving to the first lines. “This is incredible. Absolutely…”

  Pippa loved the awe and respect that shone from his eyes. Tony put the precious letter on the coffee table then took her face in his hands.

  “Just shows me even more how amazing you are,” he whispered before kissing her.

  With a sigh, she parted her lips, letting him do whatever he wanted. When one hand moved to support her head, she trembled as the other went to her breast, kneading it a moment through her tee. As she moaned, the hand travelled to her belly then between her thighs. As she opened them, he teased her folds.

  “Mine, sweet Pippa, all mine,” he reminded her. “Smart, sexy, submissive.”

  Two fingers plunged into her and hit a fast hard rhythm stroking in and out. Helpless under the sexual onslaught, Pippa writhed, quickly begging her need.

  “Please, Master, please.”

  “Come, Venus,” he ordered.

  The heel of his palm ground against her clit and she cried out. Her arms and legs twitched quickly and she curled up as the fire rushed through her. Tony cradled her upper body to his chest. Heat blazed in his eyes as he stared down at her.

  “I love making you come,” he whispered. “The way your body responds to my touch. The little noises you make. Makes me so damn hard.” His grip shifted. “Take you shirt and bra off. I want to play with all of you.”

  She whipped the tee off and quickly unhooked the bra. Tony dropped them one after the other on the coffee table. Under his fiery gaze, Pippa shivered and watched her nipples pebble, her breasts swelled. He just stared at her body.


  “Each time,” he whispered, meeting her puzzled gaze. “Each time, I tell myself that I’ll be gentle with you. I’ll explore your sweet body. And each time, I get so damned horny, I can’t stop myself from plunging into your heat and claiming you.”

  His mouth came down and took a nipple. Pippa gasped as he sucked on her breast. A rasp of teeth across the sensitive nub had her crying out as a flash of lust swept her. She didn’t know how long his mouth was on her breasts. He went from one to the other, nibbling, licking, sucking, blowing across it to send chills through her.

  And all the time, his fingers stroked in and out of her pussy. Sweat covered her body as he focused on her. Time stood still. Meaning and reason fled. All that mattered was what he was doing to her. Her hands clutched his head, not wanting him to stop.

  “More, more, please, Master, more,” she mumbled incoherently, lost in a sexual haze.

  His submissive on his lap, her hot pussy dripping in his hand as he finger-fucked her and her soft full breasts aching for his every suck, nibble and lick. Tony was sure he was in heaven. And her sweet moans in his ears. Oh, yes, definitely heaven. Her walls were so wet, they couldn’t get a grip on the three fingers he was stroking in and out of her.

  “Come, Venus,” he told her, rubbing her clit. “Come for me.”

  On command, her pussy clenched and her body convulsed. Her mouth fell open in a low rippling moan. His chest swelled with masculine pride. There were few better feelings than knowing you’d made your woman orgasm.


  And again, his fingers were in a vise and her body shook from head to toe. He couldn’t wait any longer. Easing her limp body onto the couch, he stood and quickly stripped, letting his clothes fall on the floor. Lifting her left leg along the back of the cushions, he moved between her thighs. Her eyes fluttered.


  “Yes, Venus?”

  “I need you.”

  “I’m right here, baby. I’m going to fuck you.”

  A low hum in her throat, Pippa’s eyes opened. She arched up off the couch, looped her arms around his neck, and pulled him down with her.

  “Good, because that’s when I feel best.”

  With a growl, Tony shifted, positioned his cock, and drove into her pussy. Their mouths collided and their arms wrapped around each other. Earlier against the door, Tony had been driven by the need to claim her, to finally possess her. Now, all he could think of was losing himself in her. Fucking her into exhaustion, releasing every drop into her pussy, and collapsing on top of her.

  His hips pistoned up and down, driving his cock harder and faster into her. Her cries and whimpers grew faint as she panted. Their bodi
es were slick with sweat and the air became thick with the scent of their lust. Pippa lost the strength to hold onto him and her arms fell to her sides, her right leg dropped over, giving him even more access and power over her.

  Tony grunted in his efforts. More, faster, harder, had to take her. Had to fuck her. No one else. His. His. His. With a surge of power, he thrust into her, bowing backward in his need to get every ounce of himself into her.

  His release tripped hers, and her pussy walls tightened around his cock. Closing his eyes, he held himself above her, feeling his release pulse into her. Pippa gulped in air, her head lolling to the side.

  With a sigh, he let himself drop down on her, burying his face against her shoulder, inhaling the musky smell of her.

  Chapter Eight

  Something very warm was on top of her. Disoriented, Pippa blinked her eyes a few times at the very male chest in front of her nose until her brain caught up. Smiling, she carefully moved her head along his bicep to see his face. Then bit back a laugh at the snore. Tony snored. Well, the man had to have at least one flaw, she told herself. Everything else he’s done has been perfect as far as she was concerned.

  Sometime during their afternoon nap, they’d shifted positions on the couch. She was now wedged against the back cushions. Tony was on his side, right leg over hers, effectively pinning her in place. Breathing softly, worried about waking him up, she stared up at him. As far as she’d come, as much as Jessica had told her she could become whatever she worked at, it still seemed impossible to believe that a man like Tony Henderson wanted her. The self-doubts of her childhood reared up, threatening to overtake her again.

  I’m not that person anymore, she told herself sternly. She read books, good books, listened to classical music and even liked some of it, and art. She loved the Romantic period and the Italian Renaissance era. One day, she was determined to travel through Italy and actually see the paintings and sculptures. And Paris. She would spend hours in the Louvre. The past couple years, for her birthday and Christmas, Jessica had bought her two or three books or CDs of the music and art. Pippa would pour over them, sometimes with a magnifying glass.


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