Enticed by His Embrace (Carnal Connections Book 2)

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Enticed by His Embrace (Carnal Connections Book 2) Page 9

by Abby Gordon

  And now she was a sommelier who spoke French and Italian. That had surprised her as much as it had Jessica. Pippa was still a bit suspicious about the “teach yourself French and Italian” kits that Jess “found” at a street market soon after Pippa had decided to study for the exams. But her friend had seemed so pleased with herself that Pippa hadn’t pushed the subject. And found that she had a talent for languages.

  Yes, she decided, her gaze roaming Tony’s body. She might not be entirely in Tony’s social circles and economic level, but she would be. And no matter what anyone said, she was worthy of him and deserved him. She was certainly going to make sure he never regretted being with her.

  Her eyes traveled back to his face and she saw his blue eyes were open.

  “What are you thinking?” His voice was low and husky from waking up and the lust that was already stirring his cock against her belly.

  “What I’ve learned the past few years,” she murmured, shifting her hips against him. “How I’m going to make sure you don’t regret being with me.”

  “I will never regret that,” he promised, kissing her gently. “But I haven’t told you anything about myself.”

  Wrapping her fingers around his cock, Pippa smiled at his moan. “Better talk fast.”

  “You do learn quickly,” Tony observed, stroking her arm. “Nothing quite as dramatic as your story.”


  “Let’s see,” he murmured, cradling her closer. “Where to start? Early childhood, we moved around every few months because of my father’s job as a salesman. When I was twelve, we were in the middle of Connecticut and I attended a public middle school, very different from what you have here, I believe.”

  “The opposite I think.”

  “Pretty much,” he agreed. “The very private and exclusive school fifty miles away decided to offer scholarships for those unable to afford its six-figures-a-year tuition.”

  “Six figures?” Pippa echoed. “Good heavens.”

  “They weren’t going to lower their standards though, not for the riffraff who didn’t have any money,” he drawled. “So, to get in, you had to pass a series of exams.”

  “And you passed,” stated Pippa, certain of his abilities.

  “I did. Jesus, that first week,” Tony paused, shaking his head, “I was so damn ready to tell them all to go straight to hell and quit. My roommate was a complete asshole, and he had a few friends who were always with him. Like a pack of wild dogs or something.”

  “They beat you up?” Alarmed, Pippa lifted herself on an elbow and stared at him.

  “Beat me, hid my uniforms, my books, tore up my mattress and pillow. I never did find out what they did to the sheets and blankets.”

  “Bloody hell,” she breathed, shaking in fury, blue eyes snapping angrily.

  “Sh,” he murmured, pulling her back down to him. “Not everyone was like that. Friday night, after the eight of them had woken me up, dragged me out of the dorm and…” He took a shuddering breath. “They left me there. I don’t know how long. I just lay on the ground, crying, bleeding, and sure I was going to die.”

  Pippa trembled with rage at what had been done to him. “What… what happened?”

  “Sean and some of his friends found me. Bronson Franklin heard them when they came back, sniggering and high-fiving each other for what they’d done. He went and got a bunch of his friends and cousins. Sean and the others. Ben Hancock said it took them a couple hours to search the grounds and the woods. They carried me back. Took me right to the president’s home, woke him up at two in the morning, and demanded that the other boys be expelled or they’d go public with what had happened. And that they would have charges filed against the other students for trying to kill me.”

  “Good for them,” she cheered, cuddling close. “I really like Sean now.”

  He kissed the top of her head before he continued, “The president tried to reason with them, even threatened them because they’d been out of bed so late, but Ben’s oldest cousin, Brian, was with us. He was a senior and man, he didn’t put up with shit if you messed with his family or friends. Brian picked up the phone and called his father.”

  “In the middle of the night?” Pippa rested her chin on his chest and stared in amazement.

  “Twelve-thirty or so,” Tony confirmed. “Brian told him what had happened. Mr. Hancock explained to the school president that, not only was he not going to punish the boys for being out of bed, he was going to remove the perpetrators within twenty-four hours or he would go to the papers with the story.”

  “I like him,” Pippa said decidedly with a smile.

  “He was a great man,” Tony agreed.

  “Did the president do what he said?”

  “Eventually. Mr. Hancock had a trump card.”

  “What was that? Dirty pictures of him doing something really naughty?” Pippa asked eagerly.

  Tony laughed. “Nothing like that. Knowing the president and that he would try to get out of it, Mr. Hancock made a phone call. To his mother. Probably right after he talked to the school president. Now,” he shifted her slightly so she was curled against him. “Alma Hancock is one of the leading ladies in Boston society. On her mother’s side, the family goes to the Aldens, and her father was a Standish.” Pippa frowned at him. “Families who were on the Mayflower. Fairly big deal in the states, especially in Massachusetts.” She nodded, impressed. “So, just about anyone who is anyone anywhere or in anything—business, social, or politics—knows to stay on her good side. She’s one of those people who seem to know everything you don’t want anyone to know. And she’s not afraid to use it if necessary.”

  “And she did?”

  “She showed up about ten o’clock that morning.” Tony paused and Pippa saw his eyes go hazy with the memory. “I was in the infirmary, ribs all wrapped up, bandages all over me. I couldn’t see out of my left eye and the right eye was nearly swollen shut.”

  Pippa gasped at his injuries and wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing her cheek to his chest.

  “Sh, sweetheart,” he murmured. “It’s all good now.”

  “No, it’s not,” she insisted, shaking her head and meeting his gaze. “They beat you up, tried to kill you.”

  “They didn’t succeed. And the whole thing introduced me to people who have become my best friends.” He held her close, stroking her back. “So, Mrs. Alma Hancock shows up at the infirmary. Her grandsons Brian, Ben, and Boone were with her. They stood guard outside my room. All of them did until I moved back into the dorms a week later. They weren’t going to take a chance that someone else might get in.”

  “Wow,” Pippa murmured.

  “Mrs. Hancock comes in. I’ve only been at the school, around these people, for a week, but I’d heard enough about her to be nearly as scared of her as I was by the people who’d beat me up. But she couldn’t have been kinder. She sat next to the bed, held my hand, and asked me everything that had happened since I’d arrived at the school. She got the names of everyone, good or bad. Then she had me describe everything that had happened the night before. I started crying and she wiped my tears.” He smiled at the memory. “It was the first time I’d ever seen a linen handkerchief. I still have it.” Pippa smiled. “She told me that those who had done it, and those who had helped them, that none of them would be in the school in two hours.”

  “Two hours? But her son had said twenty-four.”

  “Yeah, Mrs. Alma was on the warpath as Brian described it. By one that afternoon, a dozen boys were gone as well as three teachers and the president.”

  “She did that? In two hours?” Her eyes widened in surprise.

  “She did indeed. She is the most formidable woman I’ve ever met,” Tony stated with a grin, then got serious. “I’d do anything for her.”

  “Me too,” Pippa breathed, stunned by the tale. “And after? How did people treat you after?”

  His mouth quirked. “There were still a few issues. Still are. They all knew I wasn’t
one of them, and for some of them, it really mattered. But most of them, especially Sean, the Franklins and the Hancocks, treated me as just another classmate. Sean became my roommate. Their families took me in. See, that fall, my mother died from cancer and my father started drinking heavily. He’d absolutely adored her and couldn’t imagine life without her. I tried to tell him that I needed him, still needed my father, but I couldn’t get through to him.”

  Pippa didn’t say a word, just held him tighter. She felt the stillness in his body, as if reliving the grief.

  “He drank himself to death in two years. He spent the last couple months in the hospital in a near coma. Sean and my other friends made sure I was able to spend every weekend with him. And at his funeral, just like at Mother’s, every one of them and some of their parents were with me. So I wouldn’t have to be alone.”

  Tears in her eyes, Pippa pressed a kiss over his heart.

  “So, we’ve a lot more in common than you thought,” he told her, voice quiet and reflective. “Both on our own early off, had to find a way through things, and we both had people who reached out and made sure we didn’t forget that we could make it.”

  She nodded. “Very true.”

  “Although I would love to look up your stepfather and beat the living shit out of him. Put him in intensive care for a week or so.”

  Giving a little laugh, Pippa shook her head. “He’s not worth it.”

  “You are,” he stated firmly, rolling and shifting their bodies so she was on top of him. “You are, my Venus.”

  Her hips straddled his so his erection lay under her pussy. Pippa looked down at him uncertain as to what to do. His hands reached up, fondling her breasts. With a sigh, she closed her eyes, arching slightly so he could do what he wanted. She wasn’t surprised when he went up on an elbow and sucked on her nipples. Moaning, she bowed back, giving him total access to her body. Her hands caught his shoulders, roamed his chest, savoring the feel of his muscles against her palms.

  His teeth nipped her stiff tips before working their way up her neck. “Put my cock in your pussy and ride me,” he whispered against her mouth, then lay down before her.

  Eyes wide in surprise, she nodded, lifting her body as her hand found his erection. Bending forward, her blonde hair flowing around them, she positioned the thick mushroom head, slit already dripping, between her pussy lips. Chewing her bottom lip, she peered at him. His hands parted her hair, lifting it over her shoulders.

  “Push down,” he coaxed. “Take me inside you.”

  Slowly, as much because of his size as because she relished the feeling of him filling her, Pippa took his cock into her pussy. Shuddering, she tossed her head back, hair flowing behind her, and pressed down. And moaned.

  “Oh, Gawd, that feels good.” She gulped and closed her eyes, savoring the heat building up. She shifted and shivered. “Right on the nerves.”

  “Move on me,” Tony told her, hands on her hips. “Just…Oh, yeah, just like that, baby.”

  Pippa used her abs and pussy muscles like she’d never moved them before. Hands on his chest, she tucked in and pushed away, lifted and lowered and then, as they were both covered in sweat from her ride, she opened her eyes and met his hungry gaze.

  “I can’t go fast enough,” she panted. “Master, I can’t.”

  “Yes, you can,” he told her, one hand going between them. “I’ll help, but you ride me, Venus. Ride me hard.”

  “But you. I don’t think I can go fast enough for you to release,” she protested.

  “Don’t worry about me,” Tony whispered, playing with her clit. “This is you. I want to watch you ride me.”

  God, she was beautiful. Encouraged by his words, Pippa resumed her movement, her moans and sighs music to him. He’d figured her hair was long and loved that it went nearly to her waist. Rich gold, soft and silky as her skin. Her breasts bounced as her hair tickled his thighs. His fingers were itching to fondle her nipples. She was so damn sensitive there. Tony smiled as he watched her. She was sensitive and responsive everywhere he touched her. Especially the nerves in her clit. He rubbed it, teased it, watching her face for reaction. She was just on the edge, had been for a few moments. But she couldn’t quite get herself over the cliff to orgasm.

  “Master,” she whimpered as her hips ground against his. “Please. Please.”

  One hand holding their lower bodies together, he pushed his upper body off the couch.

  “What do you need, Venus?” he crooned. “What do you want?”

  As his right forearm braced her spine so his palm could spread between her shoulder blades, his left found a breast and grabbed her mound. A moan wrenched from her throat. Tony smiled. His Pippa liked a bit of pain with her pleasure. His fingers pinched the nipple and her body shuddered, pussy clenching his cock.

  “Master,” she begged. “Master, please.”

  “What do you want, Venus?” he asked, loving the control he had gained over her. He knew damn well what she needed, why she couldn’t orgasm. “Master is here.”

  “Need to come,” she pleaded. “Please, Master.”

  His right hand wrapped her hair around it until he pulled her head back. “Look at me, Venus,” he ordered, voice harsh with need. “Look at Master.”

  Her eyelids fluttered, finally staying half-open. “Master,” she murmured.

  His fingers pinched and tugged her nipples, and she cried out, writhing on top of him. Her pussy walls clenched. Her body trembled with the effort. Not quite. Hovering on the brink, but not tumbling over. Tony pulled her head to him, nibbled on her ear, and felt the shudder that swept through her. He pinched hard on her nipple.

  “Come for Master,” Tony commanded. “Come for me now.”

  And she jolted in his embrace, bowing back, pressing down on his lap as her pussy clamped tight. He tweaked the tip again.

  “Come.” Pulling her mouth to his, he smothered the cries he knew would come.

  Her body jerked again and again. Her release had him nearly on the edge of his own orgasm. Releasing her mouth, Tony smiled, kissing his way down her throat.

  “Such a good girl,” he said in a low voice. “Master’s good girl.”

  Sobbing in her relief and reaction to the orgasm, she slumped against his chest. He held her tenderly, stroking her arms and back as she recovered, smiling against her hair. He’d heard about, but never had that kind of control, been part of that kind of conditioning. She couldn’t orgasm without his permission, without his command. Without some sort of pain to push her into pleasure. He’d have to be careful. He didn’t want her ever to need pain that would injure her. Not his Venus. He would never risk her in anyway.


  “Yes, Master?” Her head moved on his shoulder. “Thank you, Master.”

  He kissed her temple. “Master needs to come. Would you like to learn how to take care of Master?”

  Her head moved several times in a nod. “Please, teach me, Master.”

  “We probably need a towel or two. This could get messy,” he commented. “Although, we may need to pay for Jessica’s couch to be professionally cleaned by the time we’re done anyway.”

  Pippa’s giggle made him smile. He brushed hair off her sweaty face.

  “Or we could go in the bathroom and then shower,” she suggested.

  Grinning, he twisted around to kiss her. “Brilliant.”

  Pulling out of her, he laughed at her protest.

  “I didn’t mean be out of me.”

  Tony grabbed her hands and tugged, giving her little choice but to stand. When she wobbled on unsteady legs, he chuckled. An arm around her waist, he headed for the bathroom.

  “Now, this could take some getting used to for you,” he warned. “I’ll always be watching your face to make sure you’re all right, understand?”

  “Not quite,” she replied, glancing up at him. “What are you talking about?”

  Pausing at the bathroom door, he studied her so intensely her eyes widened.

>   “Master, you said that you couldn’t get me prepared to take me in my arse,” she whispered, fear in her voice.

  “Not that, sweetheart,” he murmured. “I just think you might be ready for something a bit more.”

  “More what?” Pippa wondered as he turned and went to the wardrobe.

  Tony went through the ties and picked two. Pippa watched him come back with a worried look on her face.

  “Master, what are those for?”

  Tossing one to rest on his shoulder, he took the other then turned her around. Carefully, he used the tie as a blindfold. Securing it on her head, making sure none of the golden strands were caught, he whispered in her ear.

  “Trust me, little Venus?”

  “Yes,” she breathed.

  Tony smiled. He could smell her arousal. Already, she was more helpless, forced to trust him. Trailing his hands down her arms, he brought her wrists together behind her back and heard her quick inhale. Holding her hands together with one hand, he took the tie from his shoulder and bound her wrists.


  Just a hint of fear. His hand slid around her hip to her pussy and found her more drenched than ever. He let himself chuckle wickedly in her ear.

  “My Venus likes being helpless. Forced to trust her Master. Maybe as much as when I do this.”

  His other hand went to a breast and pinched the nipple. Pippa gasped, her hips bucking as two fingers teased her hole.

  “Master, please.”

  He loved doing it to her. God help him but he loved the creature she became when he touched her. Three fingers stroked into her pussy, hooking up as he rubbed the heel of his hand against her clit. Her little body writhed in his embrace as his other hand roughly grabbed her breasts, tugging and pinching her nipples. He made her wait until she was nearly sobbing in her need.

  “Come,” he hissed in her ear.

  Blindfolded, wrists tied behind her back, Pippa couldn’t believe how turned on she was. When his hand cupped her pussy, parting her lips to see how wet she was, and he whispered about her liking being helpless, she knew he was right. But when he caught her nipple between his fingers, she knew she was lost. Lost to whatever he wanted to do to her. Whenever he wanted to do it. And she would beg for it. Beg for her release. When he did the hook and pinch with her pussy, while his other hand groped her breasts, she thrashed from head to toe, helpless, hoping, and on the edge. Waiting for the word only he could say to send her flying.


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