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The Demon's Bargain (Demons Unleashed Erotic Novellas)

Page 4

by Lisa Alder

  She sobbed. Gods, not again. Please not again.

  She didn’t even realize she had spoken aloud until he murmured gently, “No. We must face down these bad memories and make new ones. You understand.”

  Vetis whispered to her and repeated his commands over and over slowly until she finally realized he was trying to calm her down. “Can I let go of your feet?”

  She nodded. Prayed he wouldn’t hurt her.

  “Let your legs fall open.” He repeated the command. His midnight blue gaze held hers imploring her to trust in him.

  She did as he instructed, her mound spread wide and exposed to the air. And to him.

  Vetis curled his fingers around the carrot. The instrument of her torture. “Let’s banish this memory.” He held the carrot near the leafy greens and extended it toward her.

  “Bite it.” He traced her mouth with the smooth peeled tip, the odor sickly sweet in her nose.

  She hated carrots. Ever since. Hated them. She opened her mouth and chomped. Hard.

  The tip broke off in her mouth with a crisp snap. The sharp sound pleased her and she imagined destroying her abuser’s penis instead of the carrot. She chewed savagely and with each crunch tried desperately to eradicate her memories.

  Vetis winced.

  Amara spat the masticated carrot onto the tray. “More,” she said fiercely.

  He obliged by holding the offensive vegetable out to her. Crack. She broke off another piece as her anger bubbled.


  She did feel better. “Yes.”

  He turned the carrot around in his hand so that the greens dangled from his fist. “Still not quite right. But I have an idea.” His smile was full of sin. “Lean back against the pillows.”

  Amara started to object then shrugged.

  He began with the arm he’d bound first. The slightly rough edges of the greens teased the delicate skin on the inside of her right wrist, and then he gently swept the leafy tips along the sensitive veins of her inner arm. Not quite a tickle. Then across her collarbone and along her throat, he brushed against her rapid pulse. Her blood beat so hard she thought it might just burst right out of her.

  With a flourish, he twirled the greens over the hardening tip of her breast, the contact feather light against her nipple. “And how does that feel, hmm?”

  Her heart’s frantic beat was a dual assault of lingering terror and new burgeoning sensations. The newer odd reaction of her body overpowered the terror in her mind and caused the fear to fade.

  She swallowed. “F-fine.”

  He tsked. “Only fine? Mustn’t neglect the other beauty.” He shifted the greens to her other breast and twirled just a little bit harder.

  Her thighs quivered at the strange tingle in her feminine parts.

  “So that’s the way of it.” Vetis painted a path down her stomach, her belly button caving involuntarily. He brushed the greens down toward her mound and she was unable to take her gaze away as he teased her little bud. Then he traced a path from her belly button to the crease in her ass. The greens prickled, yet didn’t hurt.

  He wasn’t hurting her. The miracle grew as she realized she felt something other than pain when he touched her sex.

  Could this be desire?

  The tingling increased and a buzz throbbed low in her belly.

  In long, slow sure strokes, he swept back and forth, each stroke just a little shorter, until he teased only her clitoris. With one last twist, he whirled the greens away. A whimper escaped her.

  “Now that’s much better.” Vetis’s rapt focus was on her exposed slit as he bent down so nose his nose almost touched her nether lips. He breathed in her scent. “Ahh.” His exhale blew gently across her clitoris. “The delectable scent of aroused woman.”

  Gods, she wanted...she didn’t know what. Something.

  “You are quite exquisite, my peach.”

  She couldn’t wait to see what he would do next.

  Chapter Eight

  Vetis surveyed his handiwork.

  When he’d concocted this bargain, his main goal had been relief from boredom. But her husband’s disregard and Amara’s total lack of feeling stirred dangerous emotions in him. He had been denied sensual pleasures because of his physical imprisonment. But Amara was imprisoned only by her own horrible experiences. Because her husband had used her. And that enraged him.

  Vetis shoved back the trickle of guilt--for wasn’t he going to use her in a similar way? She just didn’t know it.

  Gaap had insisted that Vetis spy on her thoughts. They needed to make sure that she wasn’t involved in the Fae’s plot. Vetis thought not. But he must verify his beliefs with confirmation.

  Amara leaned back against the pile of silk pillows, her arms still restrained. Her legs sprawled open to reveal her completely to him. For now, she was his to look and touch and play with as he saw fit. Her nether lips had swollen and plumped with each brush stroke of the carrot’s greens.

  Her mound was flushed a most delicious shade of pink. The beautiful flower of her womanhood pulsed among her nest of sunlight curls.

  As he blew on her clit, the musk of her arousal perfumed the air. The rush of energy from her unexpected creaming gave him a buzz. Gods the temptation to lick into her until she orgasmed was strong. But that wouldn’t get rid of her bad memories.

  His goal was still one night of her pleasure but now he craved more. He wanted to release her from the mental cage that imprisoned her body. He justified his actions. His intent was to eradicate her dark memories. And discover anything he could about her husband’s interaction with the Fae.

  “I would love to fuck you with my tongue.” He blew on her once more and then glanced up to her face, her eyes rounded with some emotion he couldn’t identify. “But alas that will have to wait until later.”

  She hadn’t said a word but he noted with satisfaction that she was breathing in shallow pants. Her breasts rose and fell. Flushed a pretty pink, her nipples pouted for a tonguing.

  The first step was completed. But Vetis didn’t just want submission, he wanted her total surrender which would take time and finesse.

  He removed the evidence of her destruction of the carrot from the tray and tossed the remains into the trash. Then he carefully selected a succulent, ripe peach. With a sharp knife, he very precisely cut the plump fruit in half. Sweet juice ran down his arm as he began her lesson.

  “You are aware of the history of Demons.”

  She nodded, but her attention remained glued to the knife. He hesitated, wanting to reassure her even if she wouldn’t believe him. “Know this. I will never harm you. Are we clear?”

  She bobbed her head tentatively.

  “I believe I need oral verification.”

  “Yes.” The husky answer rasped along his nerve endings.

  “Excellent.” Vetis praised her and ignored the twisting in his stomach. He would never harm her physically but how would she feel if she ever learned that he was using her memories to protect the Demons?

  Vetis ignored the twinge of conscience and focused on teaching her about pleasure. “We existed for thousands of years without...pleasures.”

  Her gaze drifted back to the knife and he knew he was losing her.

  “Eating real food is a banquet of sensual delight.” He inhaled the aroma of the peach with as much gusto as he’d inhaled the bouquet of her musk. After being denied food for centuries, he reveled in the sensual tastes and textures of real food. The bright colors pleased him after years of darkness. He shoved away the memory of that grim prison. He would not go back there. But this was about her, not him.

  Vetis held one of the halves to her perfect lips. “Eat,” he whispered, “and imagine that I am nibbling on your own delectable peach.”


  “I am particularly fond of peaches.”

  Her tongue ventured out to twirl around the sweet center of the fruit tentatively. And Gods, he could imagine that tongue curled around his balls just as sweetly

  “I am going to eat you up like this peach,” he growled. “Eat.”

  As she took a small bite, he squeezed the fruit just slightly. Nectar ran down her chin and traced a path down her naked body.

  The juice trickled along the valley between her breasts, a small pool gathered in her belly button, stalling there.

  She hummed low in her throat and took another bite.

  Vetis squeezed the peach again. The liquid trailed inexorably toward her clitoris. His mouth dried as the sweet juice dribbled toward his prize and he knew exact moment the juice found its pearl.


  Gods, he was harder than the tectonic plates that had disintegrated with the final catastrophic earthquake.


  “More?” he smiled wickedly.


  “I’d like a taste of peach,” Vetis slyly pressed his case. He wanted her to share her body with him willingly. “Will you share with me?”

  She flushed and nodded her assent.

  Her capitulation triggered a rush of satisfaction. Power surged through him as her emotions awakened slowly before him like a tender shoot unfurling toward the sunlight.

  Vetis carefully twirled the fuzzy skin of the peach along her body, painting her with lush strokes of the furry fruit. Then he squeezed the other half of the peach over one nipple. The nub puckered, gloriously aroused by the cool sticky juice. “Your body is deliciously responsive.”

  He fed her a bite, pleased with the way she savored and licked the peach before she opened her mouth over it. Her actions were unknowingly seductive.

  He drizzled more juice over the other nipple, thrilled with her body’s response to the stimulation. Then he lifted the fruit to her mouth for her to finish. When she was all done, she licked her lips.

  “Hmm,” he said. “We’re all...sticky.” He lifted a warm wash cloth from the tray and fastidiously cleaned his hands. The second phase of his seduction was complete.

  Amara waited patiently in front of him. Nectar from the peach slicked a path from her chin to her clitoris, the sweet liquid tempted him to lap her up.

  “Don’t worry. You’re next.”


  Amara’s senses were heightened, every detail seemingly charged with eroticism.

  The soft cushion of the down pillows at her back, the slippery silk beneath her butt, the sensitized nerve endings from Vetis’s sensual touch.

  The room felt much warmer than when she’d awakened. Her skin had heated everywhere, except for the cool peach nectar that coated her slit and curls and the twin assaults of sticky juice. The cool breeze hardened her nipples until they were so tight they almost hurt.

  Her legs were spread wide, open for him to do what he wished with her.

  And her female parts ached, empty and barren. As if her body waited for something indefinable that she couldn’t quite grasp.

  Her womb clenched. But not in fear. Anticipation.

  And she wondered. Was this pleasure?

  “Where to start.” Vetis knelt in front of her on the decadent bed and crowded her back against the pillows. The hairy roughness of his legs pressed her thighs open even wider. His attention was riveted on her sex.

  “We’ll save the best for last.”

  He leaned over her, the silk robe cocooning them in decadence. His pink tongue came out of his mouth and her eyes widened to see it was so very long. With the soft tip, he traced the contour of her lips, the touch lighter than a butterfly. The juice from the shared peach sweetened the tender kiss, totally at odds with the stamp of lust on his hard face.

  Then with the gentlest foray, he eased his tongue just between the bow of her lips and curled it around the inside of her mouth.

  He groaned softly. “Open for me.”

  Amara parted her lips, unwilling to disobey him. She had never been kissed like this. Soft and testing as if he needed her mouth more than he needed to breathe.

  Tentatively she touched her tongue to his.

  The experience was definitely pleasurable. His tongue ventured further into her mouth, as if breaching her defenses slowly, then he opened his lips fully over hers.

  He devoured her.

  His hands held her head still. Vetis swirled his tongue into and out of her mouth, each time he ventured a little further until his tongue penetrated her throat.

  His knees pushed her legs up, until her knees were almost even with her hands. She could do no more than grip the satin bindings in her fists and thrust back with her own tongue.

  A hot drop of his seed sizzled against her stomach. She could smell the scent of his cum, but it was intermingled with the sweet peach and her own feminine scent.

  “Gods I can’t wait for this.”

  His cock pushed insistently against her belly. He ripped his hands from her throat and gripped the wooden headboard behind her. A purple vein ran down the widening rod and disappeared into his black curls. The bulbous head was red and hot and monstrously aroused. She would never be able to take him into her body.

  Her stomach clenched. The beginnings of arousal dried up in a flash of fear. Amara wondered if this was it. Her muscles tensed as she waited for pain and prayed it wouldn’t hurt too badly this time.

  As if he knew her doubts, Vetis opened his mouth and scraped his tongue down the bowed curve of her neck. Sliding his extra-long tongue over her breast, he then curled the talented muscle around her nipple and tweaked it.

  He loved her breasts with his mouth, licking up the peach juice from her body, then more. Nipping, then suckling, then pinching. With each caress her body responded with a wash of sensation. Vetis kissed his way down her body leaving her breasts. Except they didn’t look like her breasts. They were flushed and swollen and wet from the attention of his mouth.

  “Please,” she whimpered.

  Her womb clenched. The muscles bunched as if wanting to hold onto something.

  Was this pleasure? This unbearable wish for him to never stop. This unshakeable need for more.

  “Please what?” he growled against her stomach.

  “I don’t know.” The need to writhe against him, to find friction for her over-sensitized body burned. But with her hands restrained and her legs trapped against his, she couldn’t move.

  Vetis dragged his hands from the headboard and down the length of her body. He stopped to cup the globes of her breasts, then pressed the heels of his palms against her lower abdomen and pushed on her womb. The rough pads of his fingers burned a trail of sizzled nerves in his wake. Then he slid his hands to the top of her thighs and held them wide.

  “Gods look at you, just weeping for my cock.” His gaze was nearly crazed as he drew her into the dark pool of his desire. His erection rose proudly from the cradle of his curls, his balls seemed swollen larger than before and his bulbous tip glistened with desire.

  “Not yet,” he chanted over and over again.

  Amara listened to him, confused by her feelings as two separate emotions vied for dominance. Disappointment. The things he was doing to her body felt so good. But relief too. For soon the pain would come. She knew this to be true because pain was all she’d ever known.

  Chapter Nine

  Vetis leaned back on his knees, kneeling in front of her with his hands on her soft inner thighs. The temptation to slam into her waiting heat nearly overwhelmed him but fear lingered in the subtle tension of her limbs and the shadowed corners of her mind. Bright flashes of pain and images of violation strobed in her thoughts as she anticipated his invasion.

  Patience was a virtue, he repeated silently. Gods, he hated virtue.

  “Another little known fact about our imprisonment.” He slithered toward her mound until his nose nestled in her curls. “They separated the males and the females, so I was without this particular feast for thousands of years.”

  He extended his tongue slowly and let the muscle come out further than before. He hadn’t wanted to scare her with its unusual length.

is started at the bottom of her slit and pressed his hot tongue against her swollen flesh. Slowly, deliberately, he laved his tongue against her sex and teased without entering her. Licking up her cream, he flattened his tongue against her clitoris and pressed rhythmically against the aroused bundle.

  And Gods, yes, her hips began to rock on their own.

  Fluttering the tip of his tongue, he flirted with her sex and outlined her nether lips with the same care and attention he’d shown to her mouth earlier. The temptation to just plunge into her hot channel was potent.

  Instead he slipped inside gently, using the tip of his tongue to arouse her, just barely penetrating her silken sheath.

  When she moaned low in her throat, he slid in just a little further. But he didn’t expand his tongue as he’d like to. He kept the muscle long and lean instead. Desire swelled and plumped her walls as he tasted her womanly musk. Gods he was so thankful to have this pleasure again.

  He slid his tongue further inside of her, touched the entrance to her womb and closed his mouth over her entire mound. Her clitoris throbbed against his upper lip and her buttocks thrust against his chin, her hips urgent now.

  He curled his tongue inside of her vagina, searching for that perfect button. Ah, there. When he found it, he pressed hard against the spot and reveled in the tightening of her slick channel. He fluttered the tip inside her and listened for the catch in her gasps.

  With a long lusty moan she orgasmed around his tongue, sucking him further into her body and squeezing every throb of pleasure for herself.

  Amara collapsed against the pillows, her body flush with the satiation of completion.

  Triumph roared through him. With reluctance, Vetis withdrew his tongue from her body and sat up. He rubbed her cum from his face, licked his fingers to taste her essence, and then gripped his painful erection in his palm.

  “My turn.”


  Amara flopped on the bed like a rag doll with no control over her limbs. Her brain still fizzed with the electric sensations he had evoked.

  She couldn’t move.

  His large palm held his erection as he’d held onto the carrot earlier. He was huge. The rush of fluid between her legs shocked her.


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