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Echoes from Yesterday: Pirates of the Badlands Series Book 4

Page 29

by Sean Benjamin

  Captain Rodney’s voice replied. “Lieutenant, Captain Mallory wants to see you in her office now.”

  Blondie was surprised but quickly replied. “On my way, sir.”

  Two minutes later, she was let into the chief of staff’s office by a yeoman in the outer office. She moved to the front of Mallory’s desk and came to attention.

  “Lieutenant Bychovskaya reporting as ordered, Ma’am.”

  Sky looked up from the floating computer screen between her and Blondie and smiled. “At ease, Lieutenant.” As Blondie assumed an “at ease” position, Sky continued. “I have been reviewing personnel records recently and you have put in for a transfer to another warship once a month since your return from Pirate Flotilla One.”

  Blondie nodded. “Yes, Captain. I would prefer a small ship currently engaged in combat operations if such a billet is available, but I will take anything. Captain Zerbe recommended disapproval in each of her endorsements, but I hope Captain Rodney will consider a different endorsement when I file again in one week.”

  Sky continued to smile. “We will be foregoing Captain Rodney’s input. As it so happens a billet has opened up on a destroyer and I wondered if you would be interested.”

  Blondie smiled widely. “I will definitely take it, Ma’am.” She followed that with a question. “Is it a Spinnaker?”

  Sky enjoyed the young officer’s enthusiasm. Instead of answering the question, she reached forward to her floating screen and rotated it 180 degrees. The image of Captain Raferty Hawkins seated in his command chair was on the screen. “Sorry to disappoint you, Blondie, but the ship you will be going to is the pirate vessel Predator. Raferty Hawkins commanding. The transfer is immediate… if it meets with your approval, of course.” He added the last with a smile.

  Blondie gasped in surprise. “Dear God,” she whispered.

  Hawkins shook his head. “He has nothing to do with it, as I’m sure you know since you have served with us already.”

  “Yes!” Blondie nearly shouted as she held up a clenched fist. She added in a more sedate voice. “I’ll be the best intel officer in Flot 1, Captain.”

  Hawkins shook his head. “I already got an intel officer. Her name is Baby Doll. Perhaps you remember her? I do need a chief engineer and thought you might be interested in that billet.”

  He knew her first love was engineering. After all, it was her work in engine harmonics that had brought her to the attention of the pirate leader in the first place. Blondie frowned for a brief second and then looked shaken. She spoke softly. “Not Ace and Joker.” Raferty quickly surmised what she was thinking. “No, neither of them were killed in the recent fight. Ace will be getting a new command and Joker will go as his chief engineer. Many in engineering will be going with them so you will have a challenge with a short-handed department in a damaged ship.” He smiled at her now. “I have a feeling you are up for it.”

  Blondie returned the smile. “I certainly am, Captain. In fact, I look forward to it.”

  “Excellent. You need to bring two sets of every day uniforms and your dress uniform with you. You will be, as a secondary duty, the Aurora Empire’s liaison officer to Pirate Flotilla One. You’ll get to wear the uniform occasionally to impress the natives back in the Badlands.”

  “Do I have to wear one of them over to you today?” Blondie asked with a hint of distaste in her voice.

  Hawkins shook his head. “Nah. We may be natives, but we aren’t easily impressed so don’t bother.”

  Blondie smiled in relief. She really wanted to get out of the uniform and into something more comfortable. It suddenly felt like she was in a straitjacket and it would soon choke the life out of her.

  Sky took up the conversation. “Wear anything you want. As of this moment, you are officially detached from Home Fleet for your special assignment to independent duty… Blondie.” She smiled and then added, “I can call you that now.”

  Blondie smiled back at Sky as Hawkins spoke from the screen. “We will have a shuttle there in one hour for pickup. Think you can be ready?”

  “Yes, Captain. I’ll be ready.”

  Hawkins nodded and finished up his part of the conversation. “So be it. See you in a while, Blondie. It’s good to have you back with us.”

  Blondie spoke with a catch in her throat. “It’s good to be back, Captain.” She paused and then added softly. “I really missed you all.”

  Hawkins nodded and answered in the same soft tone. “We’ve missed you too, Blondie.”

  Hawkins signed off and the two Royal Navy officers looked at each other. Blondie spoke first. “Thank you, Captain. I know you must have had some input in this.”

  Sky smiled at the comment. Blondie was an astute officer. In fact, Sky had been asked by Admiral Barrett about Blondie going to Flot 1 and she had supported the transfer. She now nodded to the younger woman. “I did endorse the transfer, but the main credit goes to Captain Hawkins. Remember that private message he sent to the Admiral that you downloaded for him?” Blondie nodded and Sky continued. “Among other things, it had a list of… I won’t use the word “demands,” but I will say there was a list of strong suggestions as to what the pirates wanted in return for their help at Aegis base. At the top of the list was the transfer of you to Flot 1.”

  Blondie looked surprised and Sky nodded to reinforce her comments. “That’s a fact. I saw the list myself. Captain Hawkins wanted you back and he wasn’t about to take “no” for an answer. In fairness to the Admiral, he had no intention of saying “no.” He knows you are wasted here and will be of far greater service to the Empire with Flot 1 than with us. He heartily approved the transfer. He will also ram it through Fleet Personnel to ensure it is all nice and tidy. You will be the Royal Navy liaison officer to Pirate Flotilla One. You will continue to draw your pay and allowances as any other Royal Navy officer. You will be an integral part of their crew to ensure you get a true perspective on events in the Badlands. Have fun and try not to get killed.”

  Blondie smiled and nodded as Sky stood up and came around her desk. She extended her hand with a disk in it. “Your orders and the parameters of your duties with Flot 1, Blondie.”

  Blondie took the disk and then stepped to Sky and embraced her for a quick second. She then stepped back and smiled. “Thank you. This is a… lifeline for me. Even if I get killed with Flot 1, I would not change a thing. This is exactly what I want and have wanted since I came back from them.”

  Sky smiled at the heartfelt admission. She had known Blondie had missed her friends and felt trapped here, but even she hadn’t realized the depth of the young officer’s despair. She said in a quiet voice. “I’m glad to help, Blondie. Wish we could have done it sooner.”

  Blondie shook her head and spoke softly. “This works out just fine.” She added in a stronger voice. “Got to run, Ma’am.”

  Sky agreed. “Of course. I’ll be down at the quarterdeck to see you off. Tactical and Baby Doll are coming to get you, so I want to say hello.”

  Blondie smiled at that. With the mention of Baby Doll earlier, and now the mention of Tactical, it meant neither of them were casualties of the recent battle. She exited the Chief of Staff’s office as Sky turned back to her computer and placed a return call to Hawkins. She had an idea. When his image appeared on her screen, she spoke. “I’m thinking since you have a shuttle coming for Blondie, I might catch a ride over and you can buy lunch.”

  Hawkins gave her an unabashed grin. “Great idea. I’ll tell Tactical so she can expect you. Stay over here for as long as you want. I would love the company.”

  Sky shook her head. “Be only for a few hours. Busy times here.”

  Rafe frowned and then nodded. “Here and everywhere else in the damn universe.” He now smiled at her. “I’ll take whatever time I can get. After lunch, Tactical can run you back to Sirocco. She will use any excuse to fly the shuttle around. See you shortly.” They nodded at each other and signed off.

  Blondie returned to her quarters. She gather
ed the items she needed to take with her and began to fill two small duffel bags with them. She put in one work uniform and her dress uniform at the bottom of the bags and filled both bags with her personal gear and clothing. She then packed the remainder of her personal belongings, uniforms, and equipment in a storage box to remain on this ship. She went into the bottom drawer of a small dresser and took out several pieces of flowing garb. She quickly changed into the clothes and let her hair down her back in one long, blonde braid. She reached into the very bottom of the drawer and took out a dagger in its sheath. She strapped it around her right upper thigh. Once the sheath was secure, she pulled out the weapon and held it up. Her lips formed in a smile. The dagger felt good in her hand. She had thought she would never again wear this as part of her every day attire. She tilted the blade a bit so it caught the glare of the overhead illumination. The word PREDATOR engraved on the blade shone in the artificial light. A weapon, to be sure, but much more. Baby Doll had given her this treasure, and the pirate intel officer’s words on that occasion were burned into Blondie’s memory.

  “We don’t have a common nation or planet. We don’t have uniforms. We don’t have an oath of loyalty. What we do have is our ship. This is your tie to Predator.”

  A proof of citizenship. A symbol that the owner was a part of something bigger. A promise from the ship’s crew to always support the dagger’s owner, and a commitment on the part of that owner to the ship and the ship’s company.

  Blondie now saw that bond had never wavered on her part nor on the part of the Captain of Predator. She now realized Raferty Hawkins was always going to get her back, one way or another. He had clearly been planning this from the day he left her here. She had kept the dagger and had kept the faith, and now it was being rewarded. She was getting her dream job aboard her dream ship.

  She sheathed her weapon and went to her jewelry box. She took out her cheetah earrings and donned them for the first time since she had been back from the Murmansk mission. She looked into the jewelry box. The box contained Royal Navy emblems, rank insignia, belt buckles, campaign ribbons, and her medals. She had no need for any of those things now. She closed the lid and placed the small container in the storage box. As she stared at the storage box, she realized she needed to send it to her family. She would never return to this ship except as a crewmember of Predator. She knew she would never need the items in the storage box again. The box remaining aboard this ship somehow meant she would be returning for it. She had no intention of ever doing that, so she needed to deal with it now.

  She briefly looked in the mirror and smiled at herself. She looked happier than she had in months. It was good to be back. Soon it would be good to be gone. She had never felt so free.

  She bundled up the uniform and boots she had been wearing and stuffed it in one of her bags as the second work uniform needed for her liaison duties. She used her personal computer to compose and send a quick message to her family before placing the computer as the last item in one of her duffel bags. Finally, she pulled on a pair of knee high black boots. She slung the two small duffel bags over her shoulders and grabbed the handle of the wheeled storage box. She departed the small stateroom pulling the box and did not look back. She took the box to the shipping section in the Logistics Division and paid to have it sent home. She watched the sailor lift the box from the counter and carry it into a back compartment. She had written to her family telling them that she was sending it so they would not be surprised at its arrival. They would never open it as it was her belongings, so it would probably end up packed away in the attic or the garage awaiting her return for it. The box could stay there for years as far as she was concerned. She would not miss it. Or her life here in Sirocco. Or her life in the Royal Navy. Even though she was still standing on a Royal Navy flagship, it was all in the past now. Hopefully, it would never return.

  Blondie made her way to the quarterdeck while ignoring the stares she elicited during her travels through the flagship. The quarterdeck was outside one of the hatches to the hangar deck. It had wide windows that looked out onto hangar bay 1. A ceremonial place, the quarterdeck was rarely used for routine arrivals and departures, but it was being used here for the arrival of the shuttle from Predator. The appearance on the quarterdeck of a pretty blonde woman in brightly colored clothes with two bags was definitely not routine. Blondie timed it well. Through the wide portholes, Predator’s shuttle could be seen sitting in the bay and the shuttle bay hatch was just sliding open as Blondie crossed the open expanse of metal deck. Tactical and Baby Doll stepped through the hatch and smiled as they saw their shipmate. The women moved to embrace each other.

  Many other crewmembers were on the quarterdeck to view the pirate shuttle, or were passing through the area as they travelled about the ship. However, word of the transfer had leaked out, and a few people were there for other purposes.

  Lieutenant Bichlen was the leader of a trio of young intel officers. They had stood at the portholes watching the shuttle arrive and now lurked nearby as the women came together. Bichlen still did not care for Blondie and felt she was partially responsible for Captain Zerbe’s transfer. The three officers moved close to the three women. Several people stopped as they sensed a drama unfolding. The officers were behind Blondie so she was unaware of them, but the two pirate visitors were always on the lookout for trouble and had spotted these three closing in long before they got close. Bichlen spoke in a soft sarcastic voice, “Since you’ve found a way back to your pirate friends all must-.”

  Baby Doll immediately cut him off. “Just keep running your mouth, boy. Give me the excuse I need to kick your teeth in.”

  “You can’t talk to me-.”

  Again, she cut him off as she stepped toward him. “Point of fact is I can talk to you any way I damn well please. Another point of fact is, she is a combat vet with fights against the forces of two Empires and several independent units. While she was out there getting shot at and winning the war, you’ve been sitting on your ass in the rear.” Baby Doll now gave Bichlen a mocking smile as she added, “She will be in several more fights in the future. And you’ll still be sitting on your ass here in the rear.”

  Bichlen’s face was a mask of barely suppressed fury as the insults hit close to home. Any member of Home Fleet would have taken offense at the remarks or, rather, at the truth of them. He stepped forward to move within two paces of Baby Doll. Baby Doll took a step toward him, inviting the attack. Tactical kept silent but left no doubt she had the other two intel officers in her sights. No way would Blondie let this pass without helping. The hands of all three women drifted to their daggers. The surrounding crowd was silent as they awaited the inevitable clash.

  “Baby Doll. Tactical. So good to see you.” The command voice of Admiral Barrett blanketed the entire quarterdeck as he came through a large hatch and walked toward the proceedings with Captain Mallory at his side. He spoke a bit louder than necessary when giving the simple greeting. Onlookers suddenly remembered they had somewhere to be and the quarterdeck started to empty in a hurry.

  “Good to see you, Admiral,” Baby Doll replied immediately while flashing an innocent smile. Behind her, Tactical nodded a greeting as Blondie came to attention.

  Barrett stopped before Baby Doll and the other two women took a step forward to join the conversation. “A pleasure seeing that both of you are well. I had to come down to say hello and see our young officer off.” Barrett deliberately ignored the three intel officers, but Sky did not. She stared at Bichlen until he felt the weight of her gaze and looked at her. She motioned discreetly with her hand as she pointed to the bulkhead at the quiet end of the quarterdeck. The message was clear. Wait over there for me. And stand by for an ass chewing. The three officers sullenly moved to the indicated area and waited.

  The Admiral paid them no notice as he focused on the women. “Stand at ease, Blondie.” Everyone knew the use of the nickname was not casual. He was unofficially acknowledging her transfer and her transformation,
and that he approved of both. Blondie relaxed as the Admiral shook hands with the two visitors. “I plan on having all of you over here before you depart for home, but we will have time for that in the near future. Please carry back to your crews my personal thanks, and the thanks of the Empire for your timely intervention in the Electra System. It was the difference in the battle in my opinion.” He leaned closer to the two pirates. “After communicating with Admiral Levant, I’m sure he shares that same opinion.” He turned to Blondie. “I am pleased we can send such an able officer to represent the Empire within Pirate Flotilla One. I would say ‘do us proud,’ but it is not necessary. I am quite sure you will do exactly that.” Blondie resumed the position of attention. She knew Admiral Barrett was stretching several regulations and procedures in giving her this wish. She spoke softly with heartfelt sincerity. “Thank you for this assignment and your confidence in me. I will do my best to represent the Navy and the Empire in Flot 1, and with all the people and governments we come in contact with.”

  Barrett nodded at that. “A big responsibility, but I am positive you will do quite well.” He looked at the three pirates. “I would like to spend more time but duty calls. Please forgive me rushing off.”

  “Not at all, Admiral,” Tactical responded. “Busy times for all of us.”

  “Very true,” Admiral Barret agreed as he shook hands with the three women, and then turned away and moved to the exit. He did not even glance at the three wayward officers, but everyone knew that he knew they were there.

  Sky looked at Tactical. “Give me a minute before I join you.” Tactical nodded and Sky moved toward the three intel officers. The three pirate women moved through the shuttle bay hatch to their shuttle, but the hatch remained open for Mallory.

  As the three pirates entered the shuttle, Blondie remarked, “I’ve fought against independent units?”

  Baby Doll shrugged. “Sounded better than saying ‘fights against death squads in barrooms’ and ‘fights against street gangs in alleys.’”


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