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Love Don't Cost a Thing

Page 1

by Shelby Clark

  Colin was a FBI Agent by choice. Coming from a family background with wealth and women at his disposal was a walk in the park. He was use to having his way. He didn’t mind splurging his riches, for it was his design to lore in the ladies. He believed his forwardness and strategies was a plus to his manhood, until he met Monica, a new FBI Agent who was new to the Bureau.

  But would it be the same with Monica? Colin felt she was definitely different. She caught his eye and he knew the attraction was mutual. Colin was determined to win her, but could he succeed? Could he use the same approach to buy her love and affection?

  Their first encounter in the Evidence Submission Department created some sparks between the two of them just from some unintentional hand and eye contact. Monica had the attention of Colin’s hormones, but how will he gain hers? Will it be with love or with the same old game plan, with his wealth?

  Love Don’t Cost A Thing


  Shelby Clark

  Love Don’t Cost A Thing

  Copyright © May 2013, Shelby Clark

  Cover art by Mina Carter © January 2013

  Interior book design by Bob Houston eBook Formatting

  Shelby Clark

  Pikesville, MD 21208

  No part of this e-book may be reproduced or shared by any electronic or mechanical means, including but not limited to printing, file sharing, and e-mail, without prior written permission from Shelby Clark.

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer's imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.


  To my husband, family, and friends who helped as well as supported me to make my dreams a reality

  Chapter I

  “Agent Colin Bradford, do you so solemnly swear that everything previously discussed and recorded here before your superior officers as your witnesses, attest to any statements made during your debriefing?” the officiating agent asked as he was swearing in Agent Bradford’s statements and testimonies.

  “I do.”

  “And while still under oath, do you bear witness that all proclamations rendered are true to the best of your knowledge, and do you agree to sworn secrecy, that this assignment will not be shown or discussed with anyone outside this room?”

  “I do.”

  Agent Bradford made a sigh of relief as he exhaled after the swearing in of evidence and proclamation, which was immediately followed by the signing of several pages of Affidavits.

  “Welcome back, Agent Bradford,” many of his counterparts proclaimed as they shook his hand.

  “Thank you, sir. Thank you,” he responded as he quickly headed for the door. Man, I couldn’t wait to get out of that room. It always feels so stuffy in there. Heading down the hall towards the evidence submission room, Agent Bradford caught his second wind and began whistling until he heard someone call out to him.

  “Agent Bradford, wait up dude!” a male voice yelled out.

  Turning around to acknowledge the call, he stopped in his tracks. “Agent Harvey, what’s going on? Come on, walk with me.”

  “I heard you just got back. How was your assignment?” Agent Harvey asked, leaning closer as if he was waiting for some exciting news to fall into his ear.

  “Harvey, you know as well as I do that any information concerning our assignments is strictly confidential.”

  Agent Bradford stopped and extended the back of his right hand as he tapped it against Agent Harvey’s chest, preventing him from continuing to walk while he pondered the reason for the man’s inquiry.

  “Colin, it’s me buddy. We know everything about each other. Come on, just tell me, did you meet any babes on your down time?”

  “Neil, what are you talking about? Man, I didn’t have that type of time, but hold on, is it me or does this hall seem longer than usual? It seems as if we’ve been walking for some time.” Colin slowed his steps to take a quick look behind him.

  “No, it’s not. But you keep stopping every time you want to make a point. Anyway, listen. You’re headed to the ES room right?”

  “Uh, yeah, why?”

  “Because I want to warn you,” Neil said.

  “Warn me of what, Neil? What are you up to?” Colin asked, pausing as he held onto the door knob waiting for Neil’s answer.

  “We have a new agent in the ES room. She’s a real babe! Come on, I’ll introduce you. Hold on to your holster. I mean it, she’s hot! Don’t be surprised if your weapon goes off.”

  “Dude, come on, don’t be a douche. I need to get these things turned in.”


  Agents Bradford and Harvey entered the Evidence Submission room. Standing at the service counter, Colin Bradford canvassed as much of the department as his view permitted. As soon as Colin saw the new agent, he thought he felt his heart skip a beat. He became fixated, captivated by her beauty and her floral, oriental scent. He had to know her name without delay. Hitting his friend on the arm in a rhythmic tapping motion, Colin made his demands known under his breath.

  “Neil… you have to introduce me… now. She is Hot!”

  The Agent walked over to the counter with her trainer. “Oh… hello, Agent Harvey. What can we do for you today?” the trainer asked.

  Agent Harvey cleared his throat before he answered. “Um, hello, Bernice.”

  “Excuse you! Agent Harp to you, sir. Period!”

  “Excuse me, Agent Harp! Agent Bradford and I would like to submit these items.”

  “Hello, Agent Bradford. Happy to see you’re back from your assignment. Everyone’s talking about it,” Bernice expressed as she rolled her eyes, turning away from Neil.

  “I also wanted to introduce him to the newest member of the Bureau. Agent Bradford this is―”

  “Excuse me, Agent Harvey. Agent Bradford, I’d like to introduce you to Agent London. She’s new here in our department. I’ve been assigned to show her the flow of things since I’m the Senior Agent here,” Bernice stated, interrupting Neil before he could finish his sentence.

  “So nice to meet you, Agent London. Welcome to the Bureau,” Colin replied as he caught hold of her hazel brown eyes.

  “Excuse me, Agent London, but Colin, dude, can I speak to you for a second? I’m about to leave.” Stepping off to the side, Neil uttered his concerns to Colin. “Look, I can tell you’re interested in this woman. But Colin, I’m your friend, listen to me. Don’t be an ass-wipe with this one. Take it slow man. Go slow. Don’t start buying her the world. You always do that and the women either take you for granted or they start demanding more, and it turns out bad.”

  Colin rebutted, “Listen to you, dude. You did something to piss Bernice off. She never acts like that when I come in here. She was three seconds from coming over that counter to put her hands around your neck. Besides, I don’t see anything wrong with showing a woman how you feel about her or treating her special. My mother and sisters taught me this early, that all women want, the finer things in life. And, you want to advise me? Come on dude, you have to clean up your act first,” Colin stated, laughing.

  Grabbing Colin’s arm, Neil was persistent. “I know I can be a jerk with the women, but not you, bud. I have a feeling that this lady is not just sexy, but different. She’s not like the ones we’ve been messing around with.”

  “Your damn straight she’s not. She’s like something I’ve never seen before. I have to find out more. So can you please stop holding me up?”

  “Just remember, take it easy on the gifts and the spending. Don’t run her away or smother her
if she gives you her time. And no offense to your family, but you know all the women in your family are vein anyway.”

  “Yeah, yeah, I hear what you’re saying. I get it.” Pulling away and ignoring Neil, Colin returned to the counter to speak with Agent London. She was left there to handle Agent Bradford’s documents.

  “I’m sorry for all this commotion. Agent Harvey gets too involved on the job sometimes.”

  “Apparently, he’s involved with more than just the job, but the women here too. There’re a lot of rumors floating around about him. I’ve only been here half a day, and heard plenty.”

  “Yeah, that’s pretty much the truth.”

  “I wouldn’t give a man like him the time of day. I’m so glad the rumors aren’t about you.” Agent London’s eyes never left Agent Bradford’s. Not paying attention, she reached for the additional packages and grabbed his hand instead.

  Burning desire filled Colin’s member. The softness of her hands made him crave for more. I sure would like to feel the rest of her.

  “So is this what you’re submitting, Agent Bradford?” She gave an inviting smile.

  Staring into her eyes without blinking, he cleared his throat. “Please…um, please call me Colin.”

  “And you may call me Monica, but my friends call me Moe,” she mentioned with a wink of her long eyelashes.

  Colin smiled. “Look, I’m about to be done for the day and the last thing I want to hear is Agent… or anything pertaining to work.” He moved in closer toward her. Colin thought he felt a magnetic pull between them both.

  “Woo, is it me or did it just get hot in here?” Monica giggled, lightly fanning herself.

  Damn, she’s enticing. I can devour her right here and now. He responded laughing arrogantly, “I’m sorry, Monica. I have that effect on women sometimes.”

  “Oh really, well I’m sorry too, because I didn’t get that response when I was introduced to you. You’re feeling really sure of yourself aren’t you, Mister.” Monica raised a brow, batting lashes, and gave a sideward smile.

  Colin knew she was flirting with him, but time was slipping away. He forgot that they were at work, he was so engrossed with Monica and their conversation. Nevertheless, he was willing to do whatever was necessary to hold onto the moment. Conversing with a co-worker has never been so exhilarating or refreshing, especially after a long, tedious assignment that involved sand, the Great Victoria Desert, and all its rodents.

  Man, I could talk to her forever. I have to get to know her better. Clearing his throat with a chuckled, he responded, “So you’re just going to let the air out of my head, just like that? I mean, no warning or mercy, huh?”

  “Yes, just like that, and no warning at all.” Monica quickly covered her mouth in an attempt to muffle her laughter. “Well, you’re pretty lucky I like you, Agent Bradford. I could’ve been harder than that. Plus, you set yourself up for that. I couldn’t help it. I had to give it to you.”

  “I did, didn’t I? And you just had to give it to me.”

  “Like I said, yes, I did.”

  Monica saw her trainer giving her the signal to cut her conversation short. “Look, Colin, I have to get back to work. I only had a half a day to come in, and I have to wrap things up before I leave.”

  Colin reached and held onto Monica’s hand. “OK, well look, hold on for a second. Since you’re about to get off, why don’t you have lunch with me. We can continue this conversation over a nice meal and get to know each other better.” The warm, flushed color that appeared on her cheeks gave him hope that her answer would be yes.

  Still blushing, Monica withdrew her hand. “Sure, why not. Just give me a half hour. I’ll meet you in the lobby.”

  “I sure will. I’ll be there as soon as I sign and log out.” Colin left the Evidence Room with great urgency.


  Colin stood in the four sided, bullet proof glass lobby. The glass walls extended from the ceiling to the floor. They gave a clear view to the outside landscape and parking lot. Colin looked over his backdated memos that were left in his office mailbox while he waited patiently for Monica. It wasn’t long before a beautiful woman of mocha complexion with long brown hair and an hour glass figure was striding in his direction. He knew right away that it was her. Colin felt like an anxious, untamed puppy waiting for his bone, but he knew he had to calm down. Taking in a deep breath, he loosened his tie and collar before she approached him.

  “OK, so you ready to clear this joint?” Monica asked as she walked up alongside Colin.

  “Yes, I am! That sounds like music to my ears. It’s been eight months since I’ve been amongst civilization. I can’t wait to leave this building and to get out of this suit.”

  “Holy crap! You’ve been gone that long?”

  “Yes, I have, and I can’t begin to explain all that I had to deal with.” Colin chuckled. “But you’ll see eventually, what accommodations you have to make for your position. All in the name of our job right?”

  Monica laughed too as they walked towards their cars. As they exited outside, the wind was blowing and the temperature was below twenty degrees. She answered Colin with chattering teeth. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. Look, you follow me to my place and we can drop my car off and then go straight to lunch.”

  “Sounds good. But be careful, there’re still some icy spots in the parking lot.”

  “Yeah, I noticed when I came in earlier, but I will. I’m famished, let’s get going.”

  “Yes, I know what you mean.”

  Colin examined Monica up and down as she entered her car.

  But I would settle for, and be completely content with, a bite of you, Monica. You just don’t know, I’m about to explode.

  He became conscious of his intense stare because she turned around to look at him as if she felt it.

  “What are you standing there gaping for?” Monica giggled. “Get in your car, man, let’s go!”

  Colin slanted his eyes and smiled, tailing Monica’s car to her place. He waited for her to park and jump into his car. They sped off to a restaurant of his choice.


  “I’m glad you allowed me to pick the place for lunch. I wanted something very nice for you.”

  “Colin, we could’ve gone anywhere simple. I’m easy and trouble-free, I just wanted to eat. I am a simple and plain type of gal. I don’t need extravagant or fancy.”

  “No. You’re more than that. As beautiful as you are, you should be treated with much more. That’s how I see you.” Colin reached across the table and caressed the top of her hand.

  Still smiling as she took in her surroundings, Monica responded, “That may be true from your point of view, but I don’t have to have things lavished on me.”

  “So, you’re saying you don’t like the finer things that life may have to offer?” Colin knew he really meant that he had to offer, but didn’t want to come off aggressive.

  “I mean, don’t get me wrong, it’s nice sometimes, but it’s not necessary or mandatory all the time.”

  “I think I know what you’re saying. Well, how about we skip all of this and just get down to business?”

  “What?” Monica answered with widened eyes.

  “I mean let’s lighten the chatter and, let’s order our food first, and then we can continue conversing.”

  Colin could tell by Monica’s facial expression that she thought he was making a sexual request.

  Monica laughed with a little embarrassment. “Oh! Since you’re so familiar with this restaurant you can order for the both of us.”

  Colin joined in with her laughter. “I’m sorry. I should’ve been a little clearer.” Signaling a waiter to come over to their table, he began to order.

  “Good afternoon, sir. What would you like to order?” the waiter asked.

  “Good afternoon. Ah, we’ll have the Greek Salad, the asparagus soup…”

  Monica interrupted abruptly, “Holt, hold the asparagus. NO asparagus soup!”

good, trust me, you’ll like it. Just try it, if you don’t like it, just don’t eat it.”

  “Alright, I’ll try it, but I’m not playing, Colin. I better not get sick because of this. I don’t like surprises when it comes to my food.”

  “You won’t, I promise.” He continued with their order. “Bring some of your infamous goat cheese bread also. Ah, and the gazpacho with crab, and the picnic plate that is accompanied with the shrimp and scallops. Thank you, sir.”

  The waiter bowed before walking away. “Thank you, sir.”

  “Yes, sir, right away, sir,” the waiter said.

  Another waiter brought over a bottle of Verdi. “Would you like a glass of wine, complimentary of the house?”

  “Yes, please.”

  Monica reached for her glass. Colin saw that her face remained a bit red, and wondered if she was still entertaining embarrassing thoughts. To quickly enhance the atmosphere, he grabbed his glass as well.

  “See, that’s why I chose this restaurant. Rioja, always gets great reviews, not just by Denver Restaurant Critics, but in my book as well. I love how elegant and classy they are. Come on, let’s propose a toast.”

  Monica’s smile returned. “What are we toasting to?”

  “To your new job and to…”

  “And to… what?”

  “To us. I would like to take you out on a real date. I think we’re hitting it off pretty good. We’re awesome together. What do you think?”

  Monica took a sip of her wine and froze, gazing at him before she responded. “I think I’ll let you know after lunch.”

  “I can’t wait to hear what you have to say.”


  Arriving back at her condo, Monica expressed her gratitude.

  “I really enjoyed having lunch with you today, Colin. You helped make this day really special for me.”

  “Well, I’m glad you enjoyed yourself.”

  “I did indeed. I don’t have family here. So it was really nice sharing this special moment with you. But, you really didn’t have to go to the extremes. We could’ve gone to my favorite place for lunch, Famous Dave’s Legendary Pit Bar-B-Q.”


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