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Love Don't Cost a Thing

Page 6

by Shelby Clark

  “Come on, spill the beans so we can get out of here. What is it?”

  “Moe, who is Preston and why didn’t you ever mentioned him?”

  “Preston is a good friend. Actually, he was my best friend for a long time. Why? How do you know about him?”

  “He’s here with your sister along with Justin.”

  Monica jumped to the edge of her seat and screamed. “Ah, really? Shut up! I don’t believe it.”

  Look at her, she is glowing and ecstatic. Is there more to this Preston? “Why didn’t you mention that he was coming or that he was your best friend?”

  “Colin, I didn’t know that Lele…”

  “Wait, who’s Lele?”

  “Lele is Leah. That’s what I used to call her. And have you shared everything about your past with me, Colin? No, you haven’t.”

  “Hold on, babe, I was about to say no I haven’t. But I thought we had time to share and now things are coming out all at once at me.”

  “No, it’s not. And nothing has come out at you at all. This is my family and if we are going to be together, you have to make them your family.”

  “I hear what you’re saying and I don’t have a problem with that.”

  “Honest, babe, I didn’t know they were coming with her. I wouldn’t keep anything from you like that. What sense does that make? And I have nothing to hide from you.”

  Colin took a deep breath to swallow the lump he was feeling rise up in his throat.

  “Are there any or were there ever any feelings between you and Preston? Should I be concerned about him?”

  “No and no, sweetie, not at all. I’m wearing your ring. Like I said, we’re just friends.”

  “When we get there, I would like you to introduce me as your fiancé. I will follow you home.” Colin planted a wet, heated kiss on her lips, thrusting his tongue deep into her mouth, reminding her of his claim and stake.

  I hope she really is being honest with me and herself. No, I trust her. All these vultures around here and she never gave me a reason not to trust her with them. But that Preston better watch himself, or I will. I definitely don’t have confidence in him. He looks like he’s up to something.

  They both left to go to Monica’s condo.


  Colin noticed Monica’s eagerness as they were coming up the elevator. He grabbed her hand to hold on to it.

  “This elevator is so slow. I can’t wait to see my sister.” She withdrew her hand to remove her gloves.

  No hand holding, that’s fine.

  Monica unlocked the door and grabbed Colin’s hand again as they entered the condo.

  “Hello, I’m home! Where’s everyone?”

  Leah, Justin, and Preston greeted Monica and Colin at the door.

  “Moe, we’re so glad to see you. I miss you sissy! Aw!” Leah yelled as she hugged her sister tight.

  Colin slanted his eyes as he watched Preston’s actions. Preston’s eyes met Colin’s as he refrained from hugging Monica. She then bypassed Leah and ran to Preston and gave him a hug and a kiss on his cheek.

  Colin cleared his throat and waited.

  Monica broke from her embrace with Preston. “I’m sorry, babe. Everyone, this is Colin. I know he picked you up from the airport, but I just wanted to properly introduce you. He’s my fiancé.”

  “Moe, girl, I must say, you have very good taste in men, just like your big sis. Did you two have any plans for tonight? Come, sissy, come sit next to me.”

  Monica went and sat next to Leah, and Colin sat in the single arm chair where he could monitor everyone’s behavior. He was quiet as he studied the environment and everyone’s behavior. They all were reminiscing about their past.

  She looks so happy, but is it because of her sister or Preston? I see Preston watching me as if he’s completely conscious of what he’s doing in front of me. If he touches her, I’ll smash that dick’s head!

  Colin’s cell phone went off. “Excuse me.” He got up and went into the kitchen for some privacy, but still keeping everyone in plain view.


  “Colin. This is Neil. I’m calling from the Bureau.”

  “I knew that it was the Bureau because of the extension. What’s up?”

  “The Director wanted me to get you and a couple of the Agents to come down and go over some new evidence we just received. I can’t say too much over the phone. Come now.”

  “Will do, Neil. I’m on my way.”

  “Moe, can I talk to you for a minute please?” Colin requested as he walked to the door. Monica followed him out.

  “What is it? Are you leaving?”

  “Yes, I got called back to work. I wish I didn’t have to leave. I’ll call you tonight, afterwards.”

  “Oh, alright. But is everything OK?”

  “You seem to be giving Preston a lot of attention.”

  “I was talking about the job.” Monica snarled.

  “Oh, ah, yeah. That’s what I meant to say. Yeah, yeah. Everything is fine. You go and spend time with your family. Like I said, I’ll call you tonight.”

  Colin walked back to the living room.

  “Good night, everyone. I’ll try to stop back by here, but I have to go now.” He turned to Monica who was standing beside him and planted another deep kiss on her lips, then left.


  Colin walked into his office. He found Neil sitting there waiting for him.

  “Were you waiting long?”

  “No, I wasn’t. I used the spare key you keep over the door post to get in.”

  “Yeah, remind me to hide it somewhere else.”

  “What’s up with you? You’re not yourself. You seem down in the dumps.”

  “I don’t know if I’m going to be much help to you tonight. Dude, my head is spinning with all these thoughts!”

  “What thoughts? Women? That’s normal dude, shit, you’re a man. That’s what we do!” Neil grabbed ahold of his manhood as he boasted.

  “Stop playing needle dick, I’m serious!”

  “Bro, come on, don’t insult me like that. You’ll mess up my image saying things like that. Tell me what’s on your mind. I may be of some assistance.”

  “It’s Moe.”

  “Don’t tell me she wants out!”

  “No. She’s not talking like that now, but…”

  “But what? Come on, Colin. Say what’s on your mind, bud! How can I help you if you’re only going to tell bits and pieces?”

  Maybe this is stupid and I should forget about it. I can’t. I got to talk to someone before I explode.

  “Moe’s sister, Leah, is here from Africa.”


  “And she brought guests with her, her fiancé and…”


  “And Moe’s best friend who happens to be a dude. Bro, she never even mentioned him, not once. If they are best friends, shouldn’t his name have surfaced at least once during our conversations?”

  “It would seem so. And that definitely doesn’t sound good. So, does she have feelings and shit for him or something?”

  “That’s what I thought. I just have this feeling about the dude. I don’t trust him.”

  “What did she say?”

  “She said they’re just friends and that I haven’t shared everything either.”

  Colin got up and began to pace the office floor scratching his head. He stopped dead in his tracks to look at Neil, waiting for some suggestions.

  “I’m your best friend and she knows that. Other than that you have nothing else to share except your family. Does she know about that?”

  “She does.”

  “Come on, Colin. I see you two together all the time and anybody can see you two are in love with each other. You have to trust her if you want her.”

  “I know, but what if that rat-face cunt came here to try to get a chance with her?”

  “Well you know how to handle yourself. While you were there did you give him the superior stare and look him up and do
wn, giving him gestures to let him know not to tread on your turf?”

  “I did, but she’s not all mine yet, not until she says I do.”

  “You should’ve pissed on his leg, I would’ve.”

  “No, bro, we’re above that. But I do have to admit it would’ve felt good beating the snot out of him. Then again, we’re agents. We have to be professional on and off duty.”

  “Yeah, you’re right, but he would’ve understood then. What’s the hold up in the marriage department anyway? You have to encourage her.”

  Colin banged his fist on his desk. “What the hell do you think I’ve been doing, Neil! She keeps saying I’m rushing her.”

  “Easy big guy. Don’t pop a blood vessel on my account. I’m just trying to help.”

  Neil got up and moved his seat further away from Colin. Colin covered his face as he fell back into his office chair.

  “Ugh! I hate this shit. As soon as things are perfect some shithead comes around to fuck it up. It never fails.”

  “So, are you giving up?”

  “Hell no! So that ass wipe can come in running to pick up the pieces. Best friend my ass. I see how he looks at her. Why can’t she see it?

  “Bud, just lie low. It will play out and they will be gone soon. But if you approach her with this, you may push her straight into his arms.”

  “I know, but what if she’s not ready to get married because she wants to see how she feels about Preston, and how the dude feels about her?”

  Colin grabbed hold of a pencil and snapped it into several pieces as he pondered his thoughts.

  “No, man, don’t think like that. Let that thought go. You know Moe is a decent, straight to the point and very serious woman. She don’t play those types of games. She won’t even joke with me.”

  “I’m trying, Neil.”

  “Right now, show her that you trust and love her. Damn, I wish I could listen to myself sometimes so I would stop making stupid mistakes myself.”

  “I know, it’s easy to help others instead of yourself. For instance, she keeps telling me to regulate my spending.”

  “I told you that in the beginning. That could’ve driven her away too.”

  Colin stood up and banged the desk again. “Damn, do I have to change everything? What about her? Why can’t she except that this is who I am.”

  “Dude, I don’t think your desk can handle another hit from your fist man. But listen, isn’t she still with you? That says a lot, and she’s wearing your ring, even in front of the douche bag over there.”

  “You’re right!”

  “Go back to her place and take her home with you tonight. You’ll feel a lot better once you get her in your bed. And pencil neck can only imagine in agony what you two are doing.”

  “Yeah, I like that!”

  They both burst into laughter. Colin calmed down.


  Colin pulled over to the side of the rode to call Monica to see if she was still up.

  “Hello, Moe?”

  “No, this is Leah. Hi, Colin.”

  “Hi, Leah, I didn’t wake you did I?”

  “No, I’m just spending some one-on-one with Justin.”

  “Where’s Moe?”

  “Oh, she and Preston walked to the store.”

  “There’s no store in walking distance, besides nothing is open. Good bye, Leah.” Colin replied in a deep voice before disconnecting the line.

  Colin sped off, driving around in the night to clear his head. He finally decided to stop at her condo. He headed for the garage. As he drove closer, he noticed two figures sitting in Monica’s car. He sped up, then slammed on his brakes. He jumped out of his car and rushed up to the passenger side of her car. Monica’s eyes widened as she jumped. She was startled by Colin’s sudden appearance.

  Snatching the door opened, he pulled Preston from the car by his collar. The other fist was cocked back and ready to strike. Colin stood taller. He leaned over into Preston’s face yelling.

  “What the hell is going on here? You’re going to disrespect me just like that.” He dropped Preston onto the ground, then walked to Monica’s side of the car as she jumped out.

  Monica was in a frantic rage. “Colin, wait, it’s not what you think! Colin, stop!”

  “No, you stop, Moe. What am I supposed to think?”

  “You’re supposed to trust me, Colin.”

  “I do trust you. But it’s him I never trusted. And now look, you’re out here in a dark garage alone with him. I walk up and his arm is around you. What was next?” Colin yelled.

  “That’s enough, you’re overreacting. I told you, it’s not what you think. Nothing happened!”

  “If you believe this is innocent, Moe, then you must be blind or very naive, and I know as well as you do, you’re neither.”

  Colin began to walk back to his car. Preston tried to help with the situation. “Dude, calm down, nothing happened here. Listen to Moe!”

  “Yeah, probably because I ruined it for you. Get back in the car man, and mind your fuckin’ business.”

  “Let me talk to you man,” Preston pleaded.

  “You don’t want to talk to me right now. I’m telling you, dude, piss off right now before I come over there and shove you in the car myself! I see straight through you, OK?!”

  Preston stared at Colin for a second and returned to the car.

  “Moe, look at you. It’s cold as hell out here. You only have on some flimsy sweats, a tee, and a jacket. I can even tell you don’t have a bra on.”

  “I just stepped out the house for a minute.”

  “No, I called your cell an hour ago and Leah has your phone.”

  Monica checked her pockets and the car to see if she had her phone.

  “I didn’t realize I didn’t have it with me.”

  “What am I supposed to think? Is this why you didn’t want to get married just yet, so you can check your feelings for Preston?” Colin argued as he reached for his car door.

  Monica tried to block his hand. “No! Please, Colin don’t leave like this. I promise you, you’re wrong.” She gazed at him with wide eyes.

  “Moe, how would you feel and what would you think if this situation was me and another woman. You would swear that I was fuckin’ her. Think about it and get back to me.”

  Colin jumped in his car and sped off, leaving Monica standing in the middle of the garage.

  Chapter VI

  Monica snuggled up to her older sister, laying her head on her shoulder for comfort. “Lele, what should I do? Colin might call off the engagement.”

  “No he won’t. He’s just angry and confused right now.”

  “But it’s been a week and he won’t answer my texts or my emails. When I go past his office, the door is shut and locked. His receptionist says that he works from the field.”

  “Well, Moe, maybe he needs this time just like you asked for time from him. Isn’t that what you told me?”

  “Yes, but that’s different, Le,” Moe snarled.

  Leah got up to get something to drink, letting Moe fall to the side of the couch.

  “Damn, you could’ve gave me some warning that you were getting up. Where’re you going? I’m pouring my heart out to you.”

  Leah kept walking as if she didn’t care.

  “I’m thirsty, do you mind? And you don’t need sympathy.”

  “Yes I do. My man, my husband-to-be, might be leaving me. I need your help, big sis.”

  “No, you don’t. You need a kick in the ass.”


  Leah looked around the condo. “Where’s Preston and Justin?”

  “They took my car and went to the store.”

  “Good, we can talk freely.”

  “About what?”

  “About everything, you, Colin, and Preston! What’s going on? Do you have feelings for Preston?”

  “Hell no! You know the only regard I had for him was as my best friend.”

  “No feelings at all? This is sissy you’re ta
lking to.”

  “Nope, none, never in the least.”

  Leah held the palms of her hands up with puzzlement. “Well, I don’t get why Colin is so upset.”

  “I do, but I want to say that I’m madly in love with Colin.”

  “Then why is Preston here?” Leah questioned.

  “What? Because you brought him here.”

  Leah slung a pillow from the couch to gently hit Monica.

  “Monica London, don’t make me hurt you up in here! When I talked to you on the phone and told you about Preston, that was your cue or your moment to tell me not to bring him. When you’re into your man, you don’t have time for a single man hanging around, friend or not. Would you want another woman hanging around Colin?”

  “No, I wouldn’t. I would have a problem with that.”

  “You say you want to love him and marry him.”

  “I do.” Monica still tried to defend herself. “Well, you didn’t say he was coming too. I didn’t know he was going to hop on a plane to come here with you.”

  Leah cut her some slack. “I don’t even know where he’s staying or what he’s up to. Justin and I ran into him at the airport during a layover.”

  “What did he say to allow you to let him travel with you?”

  “He didn’t say much except that he wanted to see a long lost friend, his best friend. The next thing I knew he booked a ticket and was coming with us. I told him all that’s happening with you.”

  Monica jumped up from the sofa and began to pace the floor.

  “Wow, I don’t believe this!”

  “Sorry, sissy, I thought it would be a good surprise for you.”

  “Ooh, that scandalous! You told him about me from the beginning when you talked to him at the airport. So he knew I was engaged and he wanted to try and mess it up for Colin and me, thinking he would try and move in on me. And it looks like he did.”

  Monica covered her eyes to catch her tears.

  “Moe, what happened between you and Preston? Moe!”

  Shaking her head with embarrassment, she wouldn’t look at Leah.

  “I don’t want to say.”

  “Talk to me, sissy. I can’t help if you don’t open up.”

  “I can’t believe he did what he did.”

  “What did he do?”

  “He’s not my friend. He’s not even a man. He’s a bitch, who’s selfish and self-centered. He almost messed me over. Colin and I will get married when the time is right.”


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