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Whispers From the Past

Page 2

by L. S. O'Dea

  Sweat trickled down his back. He’d hang for treason and Trinity wouldn’t rescue him.

  “After discussions”—continued Jason—“we don’t believe you meant to aid this House Servant in her escape.”

  Rex grabbed his arm, steadying him as his knees buckled and air whooshed from his lungs. He was safe. His mom was safe. Kim was safe.

  “However, we do feel you need to be punished.” Jason’s eyes darted to Conguise. “It has come to our attention that this isn’t the first time you’ve displayed...a deep regard for someone of another class.”

  He swallowed again. The punishment for interclass relations, although usually not enforced, ranged from community service to death.

  “For Araldo’s sake,” said Coxer. “Stop dragging this out and tell the boy his punishment.” She smiled slightly at him, her eyes sympathetic.

  “Twenty lashes. To be administered in public.” Jason’s voice was peevish.

  His body jerked, his instincts screaming for him to run, but he locked his legs and asked, “When?”

  “Tomorrow,” said Jason. “You’ll stay here under guard until then.”

  He nodded, unable to speak. Twenty lashes. He was going to be whipped—strapped up and publicly beaten. Rex opened the door to his room. He didn’t even remember leaving the Council Chamber. He dropped onto a chair. This couldn’t be happening. They never punished interclass mating. Never.

  “I’ll be back with some food.” Rex hovered in the doorway.

  “Just say what you want to say. I won’t tell anyone.” He tried to smile but his lips wouldn’t obey. “No reason to get anyone else in trouble.”

  “You’ll need your strength so you should eat and rest. Try not to think about it too much. You’ll get through it.”

  “Have you ever been whipped?”

  “With a lash? No, but I’ve been beaten.” Rex shrugged. “Just take it. Don’t plead and try not to whimper. It won’t make the pain less but you’ll feel better about yourself afterward. Plus, pleading and crying only make them happy. It never makes them stop.”


  JETHRO WAS STRETCHED out on the bed, trying to sleep. He’d forced himself to eat the dinner that had been delivered because Rex was right. He was going to need his strength. Tomorrow, he’d be flogged. Flogged. Twenty lashes. He should’ve run at the camp. He could’ve made it to the forest, as long as he’d been willing to kill the Guards, but at the time, it hadn’t seemed worth it. He’d never imagined he’d actually be punished. Not like this. And the reason for the punishment was a joke. He wasn’t being punished for letting Trinity go. He was being punished because they believed he’d mated with her. There was an entire part of the city dedicated to interclass relations, and yet, he was going to be flogged for it. Someone knocked on the door and opened it without waiting for his reply. Why would they wait? He was a prisoner. He had no rights.

  Jason stepped into the room, shutting the door behind him. He tossed a backpack at Jethro, who sat up and grabbed it mid-air.

  “I thought you might need some things, especially, your medication.” Jason sat at the table.

  “I’m not due for two days.” There was no way he was taking his shot now. It made him weak. He couldn’t be weak when they beat him.

  “Since your mom and sister are out of town, do you have somewhere to go after...”

  Odd, that Jason could deliver the punishment but not say the words. “After the flogging?”

  “Yes.” Jason stared at his hands.

  “I’ll go home.” Then it hit him. “Unless you’ve taken that from us too.”

  “We haven’t taken anything from you.” Jason looked up, eyes narrowed. “Yet.”

  “I know. I’m sorry. This is my fault.” The words were like bile but he had to control his temper. They could still do much worse to him and his family. He took a deep breath and forced himself to continue. “You were lenient in your judgement.”

  “No, we weren’t. We were going to be’re not going to like hearing this. We were going to let you go without any punishment. Most of us can understand a young man’s...proclivities. Conguise however pushed for punishment.”

  Betrayed again. His hands fisted at his sides as his gaze landed on Jason. How many Guards waited outside the door? Could he beat Jason and flee? No. That wouldn’t work. He was in the main Council Building. He’d never make it through the city and to the forest. Once he was captured, he’d be killed for assaulting the Supreme Almighty and his mom and sister would be punished too. Hugh’s family had barely survived his trial and they were wealthier and better connected than his. He forced his fingers to relax. “The professor has strong feelings regarding interclass relations.”

  Jason glanced away for a moment, seeming to consider his next words carefully. “I saw your drawings.”

  His hand drifted to his backpack. He had a lot of drawings of Trinity. Some were rather sensual. All were from his imagination but they could get him into more trouble.

  “I assume the one they call Trinity is the star of your artwork.”

  “Yes.” There was no reason to lie, too many others had seen her.

  “She’s quite attractive.”

  “Only on the outside. Inside, she’s an ugly bitch.”

  Jason laughed. “Most beautiful females are. You know the saying. The deadliest poisons are concealed in the most beautiful flowers.” He paused. “Some say it’s the poison that makes the flower so appealing. There’s something about the forbidden that draws men like us.”

  Jethro bit the side of his mouth. He was nothing like Jason. “I guess.” It hadn’t been Trinity’s unsuitability that’d attracted him. It’d been her kindness to a crippled boy.

  They sat in silence for several moments.

  Jason fidgeted in his seat, cleared his throat and said, “I’m going to tell you something in confidence. I admire your abilities. You’re excellent in battle and with the Guards. You also managed to capture two Producers—“

  “One. Trinity isn’t a Producer.”

  Jason waved his hand in the air as if the comment was inconsequential. “One Producer and one Servant who thinks she’s a Producer.”

  “Don’t forget the Guards Cal killed.” He scooted forward. If he could convince Jason of his value, perhaps the Supreme Almighty would repeal the punishment. “I captured them too.”

  “Exactly.” Jason jumped from his seat. “You’re indispensable to me.” He pointed at his chest. “Me. I would’ve never pushed for this punishment. Conguise is smart and he can be useful, but he isn’t a normal man. He doesn’t have the same desires as the rest of us. Some...many of variety in our bedrooms. We understand and empathize with you.”

  “And yet, you handed down my punishment.” It wasn’t surprising that Jason dallied with the other classes but the hypocrisy was numbing.

  “I had no choice. Believe me, I argued for you but Conguise was adamant. If it’d been someone else, anyone but her...” Jason shook his head. “There was nothing I could do.”

  “Great. You’ve eased your conscience. You can go now.” He stretched out on the bed.

  “How dare you dismiss me!” Jason stormed across the room.

  Before the other Almighty could blink, Jethro was on his feet and had captured Jason’s arm. “I’ll take my beating tomorrow. Not tonight.”

  Jason’s face paled and his eyes widened, as he tried to pull free. Jethro’s grip tightened as he struggled with the urge to punch Jason over and over—to beat him until there was nothing left but bone fragments—but he dropped his hold and sat down on the bed. Jason stumbled backward until he bumped into the far wall.

  “I’d really like to rest.” It was getting harder and harder to control his temper. He needed to move—run, fight, swim or mate—but the only option available to him right now was fight. He looked up at Jason. There was a gleam of something in the other man’s eyes. He tensed, his body almost vibrating. Jason was planning something and at this mom
ent, he didn’t care what it was. If the other Almighty figured out a way to repeal the punishment, Jethro could go home, stopping by a brothel first. If he encountered any problems on the way, he’d get to fight and mate. Of course, if Jason’s plan were to attack, then he’d defend himself. He wouldn’t get to mate, but he’d still get to beat something bloody.

  “You and I are even more alike than I thought,” said Jason. “But you need guidance, for that fight in you. You need to turn it into ambition and drive. You need a mentor. A new mentor. Conguise has taken you as far as he can, but I see a big future for a man like you.”

  “Future?” Since his sentence, he hadn’t thought past the flogging, but if he had he’d have guessed his future was over.

  “Yes, and it’s entirely up to you. What do you want to do?”

  “Am I free after my punishment?”

  “If that’s what you want.”

  Free to do what? He wouldn’t run the Producer Camps and he no longer wanted to escape into the forest. He’d only wanted that so he could be with Trinity but the thought of her deceit made his stomach twist and he almost snarled. “I want to do what I said and ruin Trinity’s life.”

  “Obsession is a tricky master.”

  “I’m not obsessed. She played me for the fool and I want to pay her back.”

  Jason pulled the chair next to the bed. “How about I let you run a campaign. You can pick your own team of Guards. As many as you like. No Cal to keep tabs on you.”

  He straightened, anticipation coursing through his blood. He could track and capture Trinity and all her friends. He could have his revenge. He’d turn them all over eventually but first, he’d make her watch as he tortured everyone she loved. He’d let her beg and plead. He might even let her offer her body to save one of them, but not Hugh. Nothing would save Hugh.

  “If you catch this Trinity again,”—Jason’s voice was a smooth whisper of promise—“Conguise wants her, but I’ll give her to you.”

  His heart beat slow and steady in his chest. This was too good to be true. “What would you expect me to do with her?”

  “I don’t care. You can do whatever you want to her. However many times you want and in whatever position you want. She’ll belong to you. She’ll have no rights, no friends—only you and her.” Jason leaned back, resting his hands on his large stomach. “There are needs a man has that wouldn’t be right to ask an Almighty to do, but the lower classes...They’re happy to assist and they’re very good at it.” He blinked a couple of times and then his eyes met Jethro’s. “Or you can kill her. It’s not what I’d suggest for someone as attractive and spirited as her, but she’ll be yours to command.”

  He cleared his throat, desire had dried his mouth. “She’d belong to me?” She’d be his forever. He tried to fight it, but no matter how angry he was he still wanted her. He no longer loved her. He hated her, but his body wanted what it’d been promised.

  “Yes,” whispered Jason.

  He could chain her to his bed. Take her whenever he wanted. He forced his mind away from all he’d do once she was his. He had to focus on the here and now. “How do I know I won’t be punished again for having relations with someone outside of my class?”

  “You’ll have to trust me and I know that’s not going to be easy, so...” Jason took a deep breath and stood. “Come with me.” He paused at the door. “And don’t think about running. Stay with me and I’ll give you everything you want.” He winked. “I’ll even give you things you haven’t realized you want.”


  AS SOON AS Jethro followed Jason into the hallway, two Guards fell in line behind them. He could take the Guards. It’d be easy, but then what? There was no way he was joining Hugh and his group, not when his every breath screamed for revenge. For every lash he took, he’d hurt Trinity somehow. Not physically, he’d been raised to never hit a female, but he could hurt her in other ways. The best option he had for capturing her and keeping her was to align with Jason. So, he’d take his beating and then plan his vengeance.

  They went through a side door and down a maze of back hallways to a private exit. He followed Jason into a waiting carriage as the two Guards climbed on the top.

  “Tonight, you’ll be my guest. I’ll return you to the Council Building tomorrow morning,” said Jason.

  They traveled in silence on the short trip to Jason’s house.

  At the door to his home, Jason paused, finger to his lips. “My wife’s asleep and we don’t want to wake her.” He winked. “She’ll ruin our fun.”

  He followed Jason into the house and up the stairs. The place was beyond opulent. Where the professor’s house was decorated with a quiet, expensive dignity, this house was all show. If it were expensive and gaudy, it was there. It was probably supposed to intimidate but instead it made him want to take a shower. Everything here had a price.

  He followed Jason into a large room to the right of the living room. By the desk and chairs it was the study. The Guards took seats near the door, as Jason waved him toward the back of the room.

  “Had this place remodeled before we moved in. I needed a little more privacy.” Jason pulled a key from his pocket, moved a picture aside and opened a door that looked like part of the wall.

  His instincts clamored, telling him to leave because this couldn’t be normal, even for the rich. No one would need this kind of privacy for anything legal.

  “Come on.” Jason grinned. “Paradise waits.”

  He’d come too far to back out now. He didn’t need Jason as an enemy and the Supreme Almighty was nervous about whatever was back here. The man stunk of fear and...arousal. His dinner sat like a rock in his gut as he trailed after Jason into what was a suite of rooms.

  A large, purple velvet couch took up most of one wall. The carpet was white, lush and thick. A fire burned, making the room almost hot. To the right a large table filled with food and drink sat between two doors. One of them opened and a female House Servant glided toward them. She was young, really young like maybe thirteen or fourteen and she was wearing a nightgown—a transparent nightgown. She stopped by Jason’s side and he ran his fat hand down her shoulder and over her breast.

  “See,” he said, smiling. “You can be assured I won’t punish you for having relations outside your class.”

  Two other doors opened on the other side of the room and three more House Servants strolled into the living room. They were all young—too young for what Jason had in mind, for what Jason had already done. He should’ve stayed at the Council Building. Waiting for his flogging was bad, but this was a nightmare and there was no escape.

  “Get him a drink,” said Jason.

  One of the females poured two drinks, bringing him one and giving one to Jason.

  Jason held up his glass. “To a man’s proclivities.” He patted her on the bottom and tossed back the liquor. “I’m feeling generous tonight. How about two for you and two for me?”

  Two of the Servants came over to him and began running their hands down his chest and back. One squeezed his butt and he stumbled forward. “I...I...”

  “Never been with two?” Jason laughed. “Trust me, you’ll love it.” He walked to the counter and grabbed a bottle. He handed it to one of the females by Jethro. “Take him to your room.” He winked at Jethro, but bent and spoke in her ear. “I’ll expect a complete disclosure on his performance.”

  Jethro let them drag him into a bedroom. He was going to be sick. They were too young. He couldn’t do this, but if he didn’t Jason would retaliate. This was Jason’s way of ensuring he’d never tell anyone. After tonight, he’d belong to the Supreme Almighty.

  One of the Servants started kissing his neck, her hands wandering to places they shouldn’t. He grabbed her shoulders and held her away from him. He smiled and said, “Tell Jason I’m not ready for two.”

  “Send Tee.” She tipped her head at the other, shyer female. “I promise. I’m more fun.”

  He had to sell this. His eyes wandere
d slowly over Tee as he tried to ignore her almost naked body, focusing on her face. She had long, straight black hair and smooth skin. Her large, green eyes were downcast. “I like them sweet and innocent.” He dropped his hold on the bolder Servant and yanked Tee to his side.

  “Suit yourself.” The other Sevant left in a slight huff.

  He let go of Tee and locked the door. He turned to the young Servant, hoping he wasn’t making a huge mistake. “Listen,” he whispered. “Can I trust you not to tell anyone?”

  She nodded, staring at him with unease.

  “I don’t want to do anything tonight. Okay?”

  “Really?” Her eyes brightened, but suspicion still lurked in their green depths.

  “I swear. But Ja...”

  She grabbed his hand, pulling him to the bed. He locked his legs, stopping their progress. Shit, how’d she go from shy to aggressive in one second?

  “Come on. They’ll be listening.” Tee glanced at the door.

  “Then we need to be quiet.” He sighed in relief. He wasn’t going to have to fight her off.

  “No. We need to make noise. Mating noise.”

  “You’re right.” He wasn’t thinking straight. This wasn’t what he’d expected when he’d left with Jason. “Promise you won’t tell anyone that we didn’t...”

  She shook her head and crawled onto the bed. She started bouncing and moaning. His lips curled in distaste as his face heated. She shouldn’t even know what sex sounded like. Jason should be punished for this.

  After several minutes of noise, she cried out and dropped onto the bed. “Now, we can sleep.” She patted the spot next to her. “You should undress. They’ll come inside without knocking.”

  “I locked the door.”

  She rolled her eyes. “They have keys and”—she pointed across the room—“there are other doors.”

  It was another hidden-panel door.

  “I’ll lock—”

  “No.” She grabbed his hand. “They’ll be suspicious if that door is locked too.” Her big eyes pleaded up at him. “Please. I’ll get in trouble.” She dropped his hand and her fingers found the buttons of his shirt. He stumbled away from her almost falling over his own feet. She giggled and he frowned, but he took off his shoes and shirt and moved toward the bed.


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