Stanton Completely
Page 12
“Ok.” She grabs my hand and leads me around the other side and into the house where the dancefloor is and we see a low leather lounge in the corner and we slump into it to people watch.
An hour later Didge and I are feeling quite happy with our cocktails in our pole position from the corner and have seen enough action for the xxx channel. We have even seen a tray of cocaine go past. Heidi Mills drops into the chair beside us.
“So, I’m Heidi,” she introduces herself to Bridget.
Bridget fakes a smile. “Hi,” she replies as they shake hands.
“Natasha, I would love to show you around LA and introduce you to some people.” She smiles.
Oh god you are the last person on earth I want to hang around with but it is nice of you to offer. I raise my eyebrows in surprise. “Thanks,” I reply. “I’m really busy at the moment but down the track that would be great.” I smile as I lie through my teeth.
Bridget knowingly squashes my foot with hers and I elbow her discreetly.
Heidi stands. “I’m going to get another drink. Do you guys want one?” she asks. We both shake our heads and she shimmies past us.
“Oh my god, check it out.” Bridget hits me on the leg and I look up to see Cameron sit at the bench on the stool in the next room. A beautiful brunette comes around and walks in-between his legs, with her back facing us. We giggle and take a drink off a passing tray. Bridget’s phone beeps a message.
Where are you bitches?
Oh shit, we forgot about Abbie. We instantly text her our coordinates and continue to watch the Cameron show.
His hand slides up and down her legs as he talks to her and she seemingly giggles on demand. I sit riveted as I watch him. He’s more like Joshua than I care to admit. The girl puts her arms around him and leans in and he kisses her.
Abbie bounces into the seat next to us. “Oh you’re dead meat. Stanton is looking for you.”
I smile into my drink. “Good.”
“What’s Ben doing?” Bridget asks.
“Who fucking cares,” Abbie snaps. “He’s an asshole. Worry about what that other hot guy is doing.”
Bridget frowns. “Who? Carmichael?”
I laugh into my drink. “Carmichael. His name is Carson.”
“Whatever!” Bridget snaps.
Our eyes go back to Cameron as another blonde girl walks up to him and puts her arms around him and the girl who is already between his legs. Cameron’s hand immediately falls to her behind.
“No!” Bridget whispers wide-eyed.
We then watch in shock as Cameron slowly tongue-kisses one girl and then turns and kisses the other.
Abbie giggles. “Go Cam,” she chants.
My eyes meet Bridget’s in horror. We are on another planet in this place. For ten minutes we watch two girls practically dry-hump Cameron on his stool until he finally stands and leads them both out the front door by their hands.
“I guess we know what Cam is doing tonight,” Bridget murmurs.
My stomach drops. How many times has Joshua done just that? Picked up more than one girl and taken them home from one of these pussy parties. Past tense, past tense, past tense, I try to remind myself. I see Ben through the hallway looking around, obviously for us.
“I’m going out to see Joshua.” I frown.
“Ok,” they reply.
“You guys coming?” I ask.
“No, we are good here.”
I walk out to the backyard and see Joshua talking to a group of men. One hand is holding his drink and the other is in his pocket. His eyes narrow when he sees me and he runs his tongue over his front teeth. He’s angry.
I walk over to him and gently link my arm through his. “Hello.” I smile.
His eyes flick to me and the men all continue their conversation. “I will be coming alone to the next party,” he murmurs into his drink.
I roll my lips as I think of an answer. “Because I was dancing?” A waitress walks past and I grab another champagne off the tray.
“No, because I told you to stay where I can see you,” he replies.
I smile. “I won’t let you leave the house to come without me anyway.”
His eyes drop to mine. “Like you could stop me,” he whispers, annoyed.
I smirk. “I could easily stop you if I wanted to.”
He sips his drink as he raises his eyebrow.
“I would just tie you to the bed,” I murmur into my drink.
A trace of a smile kisses his lips.
I smile broadly.
“Natasha, what do you think of LA?” a man from across the circle asks me. Huh? My eyes flick across the group.
“I love it so far.” I smile nervously. “It will be better when I go to work though.”
“Oh what do you do?” another man asks.
“I’m a psychologist,” I reply.
“Oh, healthcare like Cam,” someone replies.
I smile and nod as my mind flicks to Cam. “Cameron left with two girls,” I whisper to Joshua and his eyes hold mine as he thinks of a reply.
“Cameron’s single,” he mutters.
What in the hell is he doing at this moment? Two girls are probably taking turns at sucking his dick. Oh my god, eeww. Gross.
The men keep talking about Cameron’s new role. “What then?” Joshua whispers as he moves us back from the crowd a bit.
My eyes flick up to him and I frown in question as he pulls me from my disgusting Cameron thoughts.
“You have me tied to the bed. What then?” he asks.
Oh shit, he wants to play dirty talk and I’ve got nothing… hmmm. Quick, think of something. I troll my brain for something sexy.
“I would sit on your face,” I blurt out. Oh god, that sounded shit. I inwardly wince.
He smirks sexily. “Really? Could be hard for me to breathe.”
Um. “I wouldn’t care if you couldn’t breathe because I would be sliding up and down on your face getting myself off while I hold onto the bed head.” I nearly giggle at the ridiculousness of my last comment. Where do I come up with this shit?
His eyes hold mine.
I lick my bottom lip for effect. “You see when a woman needs an orgasm she has no regard for anything that goes on around her. Her mind is focused on one thing only,” I whisper.
His eyes darken and drop down to my legs and then back up to my breasts. “And how would you get your orgasm?” he whispers.
“I would turn around and suck that big dick of yours while I kneel over you. That big cock would touch the back of my throat while my eyes close in need.”
He slowly cracks his neck and his eyes drop to my cleavage and then back up to my lips.
Ok he liked that. I inwardly high-five my dirty talking skills—it’s been a while. “And then I would crawl down your body and mount you reverse cowboy position.”
His eyes darken further.
“So you could see my body struggling and my legs would have to be spread so wide to take in that massive cock of yours. And you would feel how deep inside my body you are, feel the quiver of my muscles contract around you as you slide home,” I whisper.
He lifts his chin as he cracks his neck again.
“In… out… stretched to the hilt,” I whisper as my eyes linger on his beautiful big lips.
His mouth hangs slack and I know he is picturing just what I am telling him. His arousal is obvious.
“And you can film it,” I whisper.
His eyes widen. “I can film it?” he asks.
“On your phone you can film it, and we can watch it on the television in our room.”
His darkened eyes drop to my body and then my lips as his chest starts to rise and fall deeply.
“Again and again,” I whisper as I lean in close and kiss him gently. I can feel his erection though his pants and pride hits me that I can get him like this without touching him.
He smiles and gently kisses me again as he brings his hand gently to my jaw. “You do give a great closing argument,
Marx. We are going home.” His hand wraps possessively around my waist and he pulls me into his body. “Now. I need to fuck!” he growls into my ear.
Bridget walks up and stands beside me, and Joshua blows out a frustrated breath. Our moment is temporarily broken.
“Do you both want margaritas?” Joshua sighs.
“Yes please,” we both murmur and he walks off.
“Carson just asked me to dance with him and then he tried to kiss me,” Bridget blurts out in a rush.
“What?” I reply.
“Yep.” She nods. “And then when I was walking off the dancefloor I see Ben glaring at me all possessive like and I just wanted to punch him in the nose.”
I nod. “Maybe you should have,” I reply.
“Do you think I should just forget Ben and kiss Carson?” she asks.
I frown. “It’s a hard one. What would Abbie do?” I bite my lip as I think.
“She would go for Carmichael.”
I nod again.
“He is exceptionally hot,” she murmurs.
“Meh.” I shrug. “Doesn’t do it for me,. I prefer Ben.”
“Ben’s a prick!” she snaps.
“Mmm, there is that unfortunate fact.” I nod.
I see Heidi Mills around the other side of the pool. “Oh look, it’s the American stick insect,” I mutter flatly.
Bridget clinks our glasses. “Bridget Jones.” She smirks.
I nod and smile at the stupid movie-lines game we play.
“Oh shit, she’s coming over to us. God, buzz off. Don’t tell her anything,” I whisper, annoyed.
“Are you both having fun?” she asks.
I nod and fake a smile. What do you want bitch?
“Do you live around here?” Bridget asks.
Heidi chuckles. “Oh I love your accent. You’re Australian too. I couldn’t hear it over the music inside.”
“I’m Natasha’s sister,” Bridget replies.
Her face drops. “Oh,” she replies. Abbie comes out and walks around to us and I don’t think I have ever been so happy to see her in my life.
“Hi,” Abbie announces. “Who are you?” She smiles, being her best passive-aggressive self.
Heidi seemingly sums up Abbie. “I’m Heidi.” She fakes a smile as Abbie throws me and Bridge a look.
Joshua returns with three drinks. “Fuck off, Mills,” he growls.
My mouth drops open in shock. “Joshua,” I gasp. “Don’t be so rude!”
Abbie’s hand immediately goes to her hip as she narrows her eyes at the girl.
“She’s not somebody you should be associating with, Natasha,” Joshua sneers
“You don’t know that, we could become friends,” I gasp. This rude behaviour is unacceptable. I don’t want to be friends but if I did he has no say in it.
“Well, seeing she just hit me up for a lunchtime meeting tomorrow in a hotel for sex with no strings, I’m thinking not.” He narrows his eyes at her in contempt.
My heart drops and my horrified eyes meet hers, what?
“Stan,” she gasps. “Stop talking!”
“You did what?” I snap. Of all the nerve, what a scrubber.
“You’ve got a hide,” Abbie growls. “Fuck off now, you slapper, before I punch your ugly face in.”
Bridget gets the uncontrollable giggles into her drink.
Joshua glares at her and I put my hand on my hip angrily.
“Seriously go away, Heidi, you make me sick,” I sneer as I shake my head in disgust.
Heidi huffs and storms off through the crowd, furious that Joshua has called her out.
I stand still… in shock. What the hell just happened? Abbie and Bridget can’t control it anymore and burst out laughing and even Joshua is trying to hold it in.
I bite my lip to hide my smile.
“Punch your ugly face in,” Joshua repeats. “Who says that?”
“I do,” Abbie snaps as she takes Bridget’s drink from her and sips it.
That’s it, I can’t hold it anymore and I burst into laughter.
“What’s so funny?” Adrian asks as he walks up.
“Abbie just told Mills she was going to punch her ugly face in,” Bridget laughs.
Adrian chokes on his drink. “What?” he gasps. “Her face is anything but ugly.”
“We had an incident,” Joshua murmurs as he shakes his head in annoyance.
Adrian shakes his head in disgust. “I bet you did,” he sighs.
Carson walks over and grabs Bridget’s hand. “Bridget, would you like to go and get something to eat?”
“Huh?” she whispers as her eyes flick to Joshua and me. She spots something across the pool and my eyes follow to where she is looking. Ben is talking to that girl with the long black hair.
Bridget gets a new bout of bravery. “I’m going to go to a bar with Carson,” she announces.
Joshua’s and Adrian’s eyes meet.
“Ah… Didge,” I reply. Oh hell, what do I say to this?
“You had better take a guard,” Joshua replies. “I will ask Ben who he wants to send with you.”
Bridget’s horrified eyes meet mine and she puts her hands on her hips angrily. “I will not be taking a guard with me!”
Carson stands back and winces. This is uncomfortable.
“Why don’t you go with her Abbie?” Adrian asks.
Ben walks over. “What’s the problem?” he asks.
Joshua looks uncomfortable and pauses before he answers. “Bridget wants to go to a bar.”
Ben’s eyes flick angrily to Carson who withers under the glare. Oh shit.
Ben then seems to regain his composure and lifts his chin defiantly. “No Bridget, you won’t be going anywhere. We don’t have enough security here tonight to cover two locations.”
My heart drops for Bridget. This situation is totally messed up.
“Oh fuck off, Ben, you have like ten men here,” Abbie snaps.
Bridget shakes her head in disgust at Ben. “I know what you’re doing!”
Oh shit, this is about to get ugly.
Ben grabs her by the upper arm. “I would like a word,” he sneers
She rips her arm from his grip. “Stop it,” she whispers angrily.
He pulls her away from the group over to near the back of the wall and they continue their heated conversation.
“Why is Ben being such a cock?” Carson asks.
I look at him deadpan. Now that’s the pot calling the kettle black. You are the biggest cock I have ever laid eyes on. Adrian seemingly reads my mind and snickers under his breath.
Bridget comes back to the group and kisses all of us on the cheek. “I’m leaving with Carson,” she announces and Abbie smiles broadly and winks at her.
My eyes flick to Ben who is openly furious and my eyes meet Joshua’s across the circle and he smirks into his drink. Ben deserved this but the loser in me feels sorry for him.
“What guard am I taking Ben?” Bridget asks sarcastically as she lifts her chin in defiance.
Ben’s furious eyes hold hers. “I will send Peter. I’m busy tonight.” His eyes flick to the girl with the dark hair across the pool.
Bridget narrows her eyes in anger and I can see the red fumes shooting from her ears. “Fine,” she snaps.
Bens smiles sarcastically. “More than fine—it will be great.”
Bridget huffs and grabs Carson’s hand to further infuriate Ben and he takes the bait as he openly clenches his fists beside his body.
Oh jeez, this is uncomfortable. We all stand still and hold our breath, unsure of what is going to happen as Bridget disappears through the crowd hand in hand with Carson. I can’t help but wonder what Ben would do if he didn’t work for Joshua and I’m thinking Carson might be out cold on the floor. Joshua hands Ben another drink and he gulps it down as they move away to talk.
Abbie smiles broadly. “Go Didge,” she whispers.
I shake my head. “She’s an idiot,” I reply.
“Nice girls com
e last, Natasha,” she snaps.
“Nice girls win in the end, Abbie, mark my words. You can’t have your cake and eat it too,” I murmur.
“That’s bullshit and you know it, Natasha Marx.”
Chapter 9
I wake feeling very second-hand. When we got back from the party this morning at 4 am Joshua had his wicked way with me and bent me over every hard surface in this bedroom and the bathroom. It seems alcohol gives him superhuman stamina… I’m bloody sore. No man can have sex for that long, surely. I rub my hand through my hair as I remember the activities and I shake my head and smile. God, he’s an animal.
He’s not here. I look around the room and by the position of the sun peeking through the blinds I know it’s late. I need to get up. I wish we lived alone so I could go searching naked for my man. I’m sick of being so damn respectable. I am missing our little apartment-love-bubble too, where nakedness was the norm and sex on the dining table was a prerequisite. I shower, dress, make the bed and go in search for him. As I am walking toward the kitchen I see Bridget sitting at the bench. She subtly shakes her head and widens her eyes as if warning me about something. I frown in question—am I interrupting a fight with Ben? And then I turn the corner and see it and stop dead in my tracks: Margaret is sitting at the bench and spins her chair around to see me. Her chin lifts defiantly and her cold eyes meet mine.
Oh crap, what the hell is she doing here? This is going to be bad. Really bad. I feel my stomach clench with nerves and I tentatively walk into the kitchen. Is it too late to run? Why didn’t bloody Bridget text and warn me?
“Good morning,” I say meekly.
“Good afternoon don’t you mean?” she replies coldly. My nervous eyes flick to Bridget who wisely is staring at her coffee in its cup. I’m pretty sure the coffee is not going anywhere, Bridget. I glance at the clock and it’s 11.30 am. Oh god, this is a disaster. Where’s Joshua?
I walk over to the coffee machine and slowly make myself a cup of coffee in silence. What should I do? I don’t want to talk to her alone before she talks to Joshua… or do I?
“So you are all living here?” Margaret asks Bridget.
“Um, yes,” Bridget replies.
Oh god, this looks bad. It must seem like all of my friends are here in LA freeloading off Joshua… well we all are sort of, but it is not by choice.