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Megan Hart and Lauren Dane - No Reservations

Page 14

by No Reservations (lit)

  Leah thumbed in a number that was familiar even though she'd only had to call it a few times. It rang and rang, and in the half a minute before it was answered she panicked, wondering if she'd miscalculated the time difference. If she was making a huge mistake.


  'Caroline? It's Leah.'

  'Leah! Hello, hon, how are you?' If Brandon's mother was pissed off, she wasn't showing it.

  Leah pulled out the low chair in front of the bathroom's vanity and sat. The tray of sample-sized, high-end beauty products rattled and she reached to still the shaking bottles with the flat of her hand. She knew she should say something or look like an even bigger idiot than she had when she'd left Iowa with hardly any explanation.

  I'm in . . . we're in Las Vegas.'

  'Oh, yes, I know.' Caroline laughed. 'Bingo called me when he got in so I'd know he was all right.'

  Caroline paused, then continued before Leah could speak. 'I told him he didn't have to do that, you know. I'm glad he did, of course. I worried when I heard there was ice down your way, that his flight might have problems. But he didn't have to call me.'

  Leah's parents must've worried about her, she thought. Sometimes. Didn't they? Isn't that what parents did? It's what she would be expected to do for a husband and children. Worry about them. Take care of them.

  'But how is it?' Caroline continued. 'Bill and I went out there once, oh, it must've been three years ago now. We had the most incredible food there, I came home in my fat jeans and still couldn't button them. I'm sure you won't have that problem, you're so slim. But my goodness, the shows there. Have you been to see a show?'

  'Urn . . . yes,' Leah said, not ready to spill it about watching naked men gyrate while bathed in baby oil.

  Caroline's voice dipped low. 'I thought about going to one of those burlesque places, you know, but Bill and I decided to see Barry Manilow instead.'

  Leah laughed then covered her mouth with her hand. 'How was he?'

  'Oh, Leah, he is so dreamy,' Caroline said. 'But I'm glad he kept his clothes on.'

  Leah laughed again, softer this time. 'Caroline, I'm sorry I ran out on you all. That's why I'm calling.'

  'Oh, hon. Don't you apologise for a darned thing. I could tell we were just overwhelming you within ten minutes of you walking in the door. You got that deer-in-the-headlights look. I'm surprised you lasted as long as you did.' 'I did?' Leah swallowed, face heating. 'I'm so sorry. That was so rude of me, I'm sorry.'

  Caroline laughed. 'Stop that, right now. Sony's for when you do something wrong. Not for just being yourself.' Leah looked at her reflection as she spoke. Being herself around Brandon's family? 'About that. . .'

  'Hold on a second, hon. Scamp! Get that out of your mouth! Bill! Can you please come and get the dog away from the baby. He's trying to eat little Prue's crackers! OK, hon, go ahead. You were saying?' Caroline didn't sound stressed by the chaos Leah could hear in the background.

  'Is this a bad time? I could call back.'

  'No, we're all just getting ready for the big party tonight. The kids are coming over to play games and I guess the men will watch some sort of sports. I've got the Crockpot going and Linda - you remember Bingo's Aunt Linda, don't you? God love her, the woman's seventy and still makes her own bread. Well, she slipped and fell on the ice and we all thought she broke her hip but she didn't, so she's about due to arrive any minute and I've got everyone on standby to get out there and bring her in from the car.'

  Caroline's story washed over Leah in waves. A few days ago the words would have drowned her, but now she floated in them, comforted. It sounds like a good time.'

  Brandon's mom didn't remind Leah she could've been there if she hadn't run away like an idiot. 'Oh, I'm sure it will be. But you must have something fancy planned for tonight. New Year's Eve in Las Vegas, that has to be a pretty big deal.'

  I don't know yet. I guess so.'

  Caroline paused. Leah heard the background noise soften. 'I had to go in the pantiy just to hear myself think. Make Bingo . . .' Again, she paused. 'I guess I should stop calling him that. He's a little too old to be my Bingo any more.' 'Oh, he's not,' Leah assured her, but Caroline laughed.

  'Leah. I have four sons. Every one of them has brought home a dozen girls to meet me, and I never said a word to them about it, but I could always tell which were the ones who would be sticking around for a while and which would be never heard from again.'

  Which am I?' Leah asked, smiling, because the words that might've sounded like a challenge from someone else, only sounded kind from Caroline.

  You're a keeper.

  Thank you.'

  You're welcome.'

  Leah traced the pattern of gold sparkles in the marble countertop. 'Your son is a very good man.'

  Of course he is. I raised him, didn't I?' Caroline chuckled. 'My sons know how to treat their women, Leah. Just like their dad does.'

  Leah swallowed against her rise of emotion. Yes. About that. . .'

  Leah, Caroline said sternly. 'I have three daughters-in-law, and I'm going to tell you something I never said to any one of them.' Leah's throat closed, so she couldn't answer, but Caroline didn't seem to mind. The silence let her carry on without interruption. Leah braced herself for the bad news. You're good for my son.'

  Leah blinked. 'You never said that to any of the others?' 'Nope.'

  Why not?' Leah had met Brandon's brothers' wives, all of whom seemed to get along with his family. They all had a handful of kids and all favoured the sorts of jewelled and glittery sweatshirts his mother did. They all seemed to fit together in away she knew she never would.

  None of them needed me to.'


  'Leah . . .' Caroline's voice softened. 'Brandon will always be my boy. But he's not a boy any more, is he?' 'No. I don't think so.'

  'I don't, either. And I'm proud of the man he is. I trust him to make good choices. So if you're the choice he's made, I believe he's making the right one.'

  Caroline sounded so enviably serene, and so much like her son, that Leah had to laugh a little. 'I never thought I'd ever be having such a conversation with you, Caroline.'

  'But you called me, didn't you, hon?' the other woman asked kindly. 'Yes. I'm not sure why.'

  'Because it's what you do when you need some advice. You call your mom. I'm used to it, hon. It's what I do. It's part of who I am. I'm happy to do it for you, too.'

  Leah swiped at her eyes though she knew the tears were evident in her voice. 'Thank you.'

  'You're welcome. Have fun tonight.'

  'I'm sorry we aren't there to celebrate it with you.'

  'I told you before,' Caroline said sternly. 'Sorrys are for when you do something wrong.'

  Sudden cacophony sounded in the background, i have to go, hon. Aunt Lindas here and she forgot her buns. The ones she baked, obviously, not her rear-end, though you never can be sure with Linda.'

  Leah laughed, wishing with utter sincerity she and Brandon were there to see that. 'Happy New Year. 'You too, hon. Give Brandon a kiss from me.' 'I will.'

  Caroline hung up and Leah cupped her phone in her palm.

  She loved him. What was so hard about that? 'Nothing is the answer to that,' Leah whispered and drank more soda. Absolutely nothing.'

  All at once the giddiness in her belly was like the bubbles rising in a bottle of cola. She clutched her arms around herself and put a hand over her mouth to hold back her giggles.

  Leah went back into the bedroom and slid beneath the covers to align herself along Brandon, who'd stopped snoring. He made a little noise when her hand slid up his thigh to find his cock, half-hard. She gave it a gentle stroke and he stirred.

  'Good morning,' she said.

  'Mmmmphf'It's time to get up.'

  'I'm already up.' He put his hand over hers. 'Feels good.'

  She knew what would feel better. Leah dove beneath the covers and slid her mouth over his belly, his thighs. She licked his sac and laughed when he let out a muffled
half-yelp. She sat up, tossing back the covers, and looked at him with a grin that felt very, very wicked.

  'Hands on the headboard,' she said.

  He was wide awake now. He did as she said, though the padded headboard had no place for him to grab. His finger splayed on the white fabric and dug in slightly. His cock was not fully erect and Leah eyed it, licking her lips. 'Delicious.'

  She ran her hands up his sides, over his chest. She stopped to toy with his nipples, making them hard. Then she tickled his sides until he groaned and wiggled in protest - but he didn't put his hands down. His fingers just pressed all the more into the headboard's soft cushion.

  No matter how many times she had him in this position, or any, it never got old. Just watching Brandon do what she told him to do got her heart thumping and her pussy slick. And yes, she had to know his limits, had to be responsible for his pleasure as well . . . but it was no hardship, was it? When she knew him this well, when he gave her everything she could ever ask for or need, it wasn't difficult at all to do the same for him.

  Even if it was for the rest of their lives.

  Leah straddled Brandon's thighs and took his cock in her fist. She stroked. He smiled. She stroked him again, slowly, twisting. His smile twisted, too.

  'I love to watch you come,' she told him.

  'I kind of like it too,' he told her in a thick voice with a hint of amusement.

  'Imagine that.' She licked her finger and swirled it around the head of his cock, then captured the slick, glistening drop of pre-come seeping from the slit. He watched her as she tasted it, and his erection throbbed in her hand.

  She could make this last for hours, if she wanted. She knew she could stroke him to the edge, then leave him there and know he wouldn't move until she came back, and when she did he'd be as ready for her as he was just now. But Leah didn't leave. She stroked him with one hand as she rocked her clit against the other.

  Desire coiled tight in her belly. Sit up.'

  He did, his arms going around her. Leah shifted to wrap her legs around his waist as she guided him inside her. He filled her so completely it made her want to weep. Instead, she let her forehead rest on his as they stayed without moving for the span of several breaths.

  His hands moved up and down her back, smoothed along her spine, then settled on her hips. When Brandon kissed her, soft and sweet, Leah opened her mouth for him. She'd thought upon starting this she'd get him close and ease off, then ride his mouth for a while until she came. But now with him settled inside her, a frantic pace didn't seem to suit.

  And she didn't need to command him for Brandon to understand that. He moved after a minute, his hands going under her ass to lift her on his cock as he thrust. Her arms and legs wrapped around him. Her clit rubbed with delicious, perfect friction each time he moved.

  And he kissed her over and over, just the way she liked it. Needed it. His tongue stroked hers as his lips nibbled. Leah tipped her head so he could mouth her throat. His teeth skimmed her. Her cunt swelled, hot and slick, and he groaned when she bore down on him with well-trained internal muscles.

  The pace quickened as they rocked together. The bed, so soft they sank half an inch into the mattress, wasn't helping this position. Brandon, a hand behind her neck and one at the small of her back to support her, fell back onto the bed and took her with him.

  This changed the angle of his cock and Leah gasped when the head of it moved along the tight bundle of nerves behind her pubic bone. Her knees dug into the bed as she leant forwards, their mouths still locked in kisses. All she had to do was lift her ass, just a little, and . . .

  'Fuck, yes!' She bit out the words, let them fall into his mouth, where he swallowed them.

  Brandon thrust harder, every motion smooth and slick and precise. At this angle she didn't have to do anything but let him fuck into her, she didn't have to move or shift. She only had to . . . be.

  The hand on her ass cupped her flesh, stroking. The other one joined it. He moved her as he moved himself. Their bodies slapped. Her clit scraped his belly with every downthrust and there was no stopping the ecstasy sweeping over her.

  'Yes,' she said into his mouth. Yes, yes, yes.'

  Leah buried her face into the curve of his neck, and Brandon said into her ear, You're so hot, and tight and wet for me. I'm going to come so hard. All up inside you.'

  Leah groaned and bit him, which made him gasp. 'That mouth . . .'

  He knew all too well what his dirty talk did to her, at odds as it was from how he seemed the rest of the time. 'This mouth?' He licked her earlobe. 'This mouth that wants to eat your pussy right now?'

  There had to be laughter, even if it was mixed with a gasp of pleasure. Sex was simply too precious and ridiculous at its base not to invite laughter. Brandon wasn't offended when she giggled. He just fucked into her harder. 'Let me taste you,' he told her.

  If she moved off him, she thought she might die of disappointment. If she didn't let him get that tongue on her clit, she also thought she might die. Dilemma, dilemma.

  Leah moved, sighing as his cock slipped out of her. She put her hands on the headboard, her knees on either side of his head, her clit hovering over his mouth. His lips and tongue found her, licking and sucking. She was out of control in half a second, writhing, grinding onto his tongue. Coming.

  Her body jerked and shuddered as her climax coursed through her, but even before she was finished she moved back down his body to sink onto his cock again. She kissed him, tasting herself. A second orgasm lurked, not unexpected except for how soon it would come and how strong it would be.

  Come inside me,' she ordered, looking into his eyes.

  His eyes flashed and he gave a small nod. He bit his lower lip in concentration as he thrust faster, but not harder. Still gentle, still controlled, each rubbing the head of his cock against her G-spot.

  'Oh,' Leah cried, surprised at the warmth and sensation flooding her. This was unexpected, this was different. 'Oh . . . God . . . Brandon!'

  His hands gripped her hard enough to pinch but she didn't care. He was coming, she felt him inside her, pulsing and throbbing even as her own body gave over to the waves of ecstasy flooding her. They came together. The world spun. Leah collapsed against him, breathing hard.

  A few minutes later, Brandon's stomach rumbled.

  Leah sat up, laughing, and lightly pinched his nipple. 'Very romantic' He captured her hand and kissed her palm. 'Sorry.'

  'Don't be sorry,' Leah said and kissed him. 'Sorry's for when you do something wrong.' Brandon blinked, then smiled. 'Were you talking to my mom?' Ah, she was caught. 'Yes. I called her when you were sleeping.'

  He didn't ask why. He kissed her again, then wrapped her in his arms and rolled them both over so they could spoon. His stomach rumbled again, louder this time. Leah laughed.

  'I think we need breakfast. The hotel has an amazing buffet. I should go see if Kate and Dix want to go with us.' 'In a minute.'

  She gave him the minute, not anxious to get out of bed. His breath ruffled her hair. Leah turned to face him. Brandon smiled. 'Love you.'

  'I love you, too.' She kissed him. 'And Brandon, about. . .' 'Uh uh,' he told her, sitting up. 'Not before I eat.'

  She gave him a look that told him she knew exactly what game he was playing, and that she was letting him. 'God forbid you go without a meal.'

  He put a hand on his belly. "You don't want me to lose my strength.' God, no. Who'd fuck me so deliciously tonight?'

  'Nobody,' he said with that self-confident surety she loved so much about him. 'Not as good as me.' 'Breakfast,' Leah said. And later, we'll talk.'

  Chapter 15

  Kate breathed in deep and stretched. As she rose to consciousness she realised the whooshing sound wasn't the waterfall in her dream, but the bathtub in the adjoining bathroom. She snuggled back into the comforting weight of the bedding, not bothering to open her eyes just yet.

  The scent on the air meant he was in there shaving. She knew his body. Knew he'
d be standing, hip leaning against the marble counter. His movements would be slow, methodical as he started up his neck, whiiick, wivkiiick, as he dragged the edge of the razor over that sweet, hard flesh to remove the hair. He'd already have used the electric trimmer to edge around the line of his goatee.

  So utterly beautiful and masculine all at the same time. She liked the way he was smooth on the exterior, perfectly groomed and dressed. Even in jeans he looked like he'd stepped from a men's magazine. The man was very neatly put together for such a hedonist. But scratch beneath the surface and he was delightfully dirty.

  Because it pleased her, she imagined the width of his shoulders tapering down to his waist. The high tight ass, powerful thighs, long legs and hard calves. She knew he'd be naked, that was his preferred mode of dress when it was just the two of them and she couldn't complain. The skin of his ass to the taps of his thighs would be paler than the rest from all those afternoons at the pool in his backyard. Her tan lines were faded due to the depth of winter. But Dix's skin had a golden tone year round.

  The thought of the dark, soft line of hair swirling around his belly button and trailing southwards to his cock brought a shiver. All Pickles had was a memory. Kate had it within reach. It was hers. All six feet of handsome, utterly unrepentant male ready to fuck her or carry her heavy bags was hers. He loved her. Flaws and all. Her life was very, very good.

  Happy, she rolled from bed and padded through the doorway to stand and watch Dix shave, i kinda liked the five o'clock shadow thing you had going. You looked like a wicked pirate.'

  He turned, laid the raior down and moved to her in two long strides. 'I am a wicked pirate, darling Katherine. You know I covet your booty. Can I raid you?'

  She laughed as he kissed down the side of her neck. 'My sails are unfurled, I'm so ready to be boarded and raided.'

  'Get in the bath. I figured the sound would wake you. It's still quiet out there so I figure we've got a while before Leah and Bingo wake up. Maybe we can all grab breakfast.' He paused, raking his gaze up her body slowly. 'After.'

  She grinned, pausing to press a kiss to his shoulder as she passed to get to the giant tub. A groan of pure pleasure slipped from her lips as she stepped in and the water enfolded her like a lover. God, she loved hot baths. Showers were for when she didn't have enough time and she just needed to be clean and run out the door. A bath was a treat, a way to press the luxury of stillness into your routine. You didn't need special potions or goo, you just needed a large tub, hot water and twenty minutes. A long hot bath was better than a drink and almost as good as sex. Almost.


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