Book Read Free

Rock Her World

Page 19

by Max Sebastian

  He waited, hardly daring to look back at the pictures she’d sent, in case Mary or another flight attendant—or even a passenger—might see him looking at them.

  Then, at last, a text message from Kat:

  [Kat]: No more time left, gotta get back to the hotel! You still love me, sweetie?

  Julian chuckled.

  [Kat]: I swear, I actually came just from sucking it.

  And then, as though she needed to underline why:

  [Kat]: His cock is so unbelievably big :-)

  Julian looked at his flight map on the screen in front of him. Two more hours’ flight time.

  [Julian]: Of course I still love you. I can’t wait to see you… flight has two more hours to go.

  [Kat]: Two hours… I’ll be waiting for you, sweetie. Are you hard for me right now?

  [Julian]: Very.

  [Kat]: Mmm… can’t wait to take that in my mouth. And in my pussy. I’m so wet right now

  [Julian]: You can’t take him back to your room?

  [Kat]: My room’s too close to Josie’s!

  [Julian]: Or some shady corner somewhere?

  [Kat]: I’ll just have to wait until after the show.

  Chapter Eighteen

  She met him at the airport, something she hadn’t done in a long while. Looking absolutely gorgeous in a denim mini skirt and a skimpy pink top, with thigh-high boots. She was glowing, even with the lateness of the hour, even with the fact that she’d had a busy day, a busy evening. She’d sucked on another man’s cock.

  And wasn’t that last thing what was on his mind as she met him? As she flung her arms around him? As she pressed her lips to his, and he swept her up into a passionate, urgent kiss?

  She’d showered, she smelled fresh, citrusy, the unmistakable fruitiness of shampoo. But those lips had stretched around another man’s cock earlier that evening. She might not, technically, be unfaithful yet, but her pretty mouth was. Julian felt his erection rise so full inside his pants as he kissed her, it was hurting a little.

  Her eyes were blazing as they finally parted—or at least, parted at the lips. They continued to hold each other. And it wasn’t so long before Kat realized what he was concealing inside his pants—and now she was pressing herself against it.

  “You don’t hate me, then?” she asked.

  “Of course not,” he chuckled, and kissed her again. “Why would I possibly hate you?”

  “Because another man came in my mouth a couple hours ago,” she said, catching Julian somewhat off guard by such a blunt response.

  “Shhh!” he said, glancing around them in case anyone had heard. No one had, apparently. Everyone else was too busy in their own stories, embracing loved ones or just pushing on toward their own routes home.

  “What, you embarrassed that your wife just sucked another guy’s cock?” she said, grinning at the horrified expression on his face.

  She giggled, “Hey, it’s okay. Nobody cares.”

  She locked her arm in his and now led them away toward the short-term parking lot. He said, “You won’t be talking like that at the airport later in the tour. When you’re filling stadiums.”

  “Stadia,” she corrected him. “I doubt we’ll actually fill them, though. Even at the end of the tour.”

  “You’ve got to have confidence. You guys are amazing.”

  “But we’ve lost Blue Tonic.”

  Julian chuckled, “They’re just a support band. Can’t you find another?”

  “We were lucky to get them—they have a pretty crazy fan-base, you know that? Grass roots movement, almost.”

  “Maybe Billy will get out of rehab in time.”

  “We can hope.”

  For a moment, he noticed just how tired she was. Then she looked at him and broke out into another big smile, as though she’d just reminded herself that he was here, and that even if things didn’t turn out the way everybody hoped, it was still something of an adventure compared to being a music teacher at some high school in suburban Kingston.

  “The important thing is,” he said, “You have Daryl. Right?”

  “That’s the important thing?” she giggled. “I thought it was more like, we have each other. You know, you and me. A sweet marriage.”

  “Oh, that’s important,” Julian chuckled as they headed through the automatic doors out of the terminal building, heading toward the concrete parking garage. “But it’s not the important thing about this tour of yours.”

  “And here I was thinking this tour was all about the music!” she laughed out loud.

  “It’s about the music,” he nodded, smiling himself. “Just not all about the music.”

  “You are just a big, horny man,” Kat said, totally amused, and thankfully diverted from the gloom.

  “So you think we should get back to the hotel and deal with that?”

  “I’ve told you,” her eyes blazed. “I’m not allowed to.”

  “Tell that to the cock you just enjoyed.”

  She rolled her eyes at him, but he could see just how buzzed she was, just how completely hyper she was about the whole strange cock thing. Wasn’t that what all this was about for him?

  It was a nice, warm night. Julian felt seriously tired after a long day, and considering the time difference, it was well into the early hours for his body, even if it was only midnight or so for Kat. So when they got to the hotel, and up to the room, and Kat was showing him where everything was, Julian just ended up collapsing on the bed, anyway.

  But, even with sleep hitting him so hard, he was thrilled to be there. Thrilled to be with her. Thrilled that they were on this adventure—that she was now virtually confirmed as a naughty wife.


  And then came the day of the first show.

  To start with, Kat and Julian were woken by a hammering on the door. Julian pulled himself groggily out of bed to open it, only for an excited redhead to bound through into their room.

  “It’s today!” she was squealing, and Julian found her rolling around the bed with Kat, excitedly.

  “Renee, are you serious?” was all Kat could say, although the excitement of her luminous red haired bandmate was infectious.

  “Are you kidding?” Renee said, “Don’t you know what day it is?”

  She made it seem like Christmas morning, and she was seven years old again. In a way, it was like Christmas morning. Julian felt it, too, though he wasn’t playing in the band. For him, the excitement stemmed from the possibility that after the show, his wife would be free to engage in a little naughty fun with her new lover.

  Still a little tired, he slumped by the room phone and ordered breakfast via room service, for three. Once done, he returned to the bed, to find Kat and Renee by the wardrobe, apparently trying on outfits. They were a similar size, so the outfits were interchangeable.

  The surprise was the willingness of Renee to strip in front of him, right down to her birthday suit.

  He had to cover himself up in the bed sheets to avoid revealing his response to the sight, but when Kat laid eyes on him, he could only look at her back, wide-eyed and open-mouthed.

  “It’s nothing you haven’t seen before,” his wife told him. Julian chuckled—this was his wife explaining why he should be allowed to watch another woman strip naked in their room. Things had gotten strange in this marriage.

  He supposed there had been all that FaceTime stuff with Renee. Even so, this was in real life.

  “You should be giving me a show, too,” Renee complained, peering at his loins, and the way he was obviously covering something up with a mound of sheets. “Fair’s fair, right?”

  But Kat handed her some more clothes to try on, and distracted her.

  Breakfast arrived, and Julian had to carry a pillow to conceal himself from the room service guy as he opened the door for him. Renee wasn’t worrying about covering herself, however.

  Then they were all sat on the bed, tucking into a spread of fruit and pastries and pancakes, and it really did feel like Christmas w
ithout the presents.

  “So what’s the plan for tonight?” Renee asked them.

  “Tonight?” Kat prompted her.

  “You know…” Renee’s eyes glimmered, “after the show.”


  “With a certain… drummer?”

  Kat looked at Julian, and then laughed. “I don’t know,” she shrugged, and Renee’s clear disappointment brought out a broad smile across her face. “I guess we’ll play it by ear…”

  “But you are seeing him, right?” Renee inquired, not worrying about the niceties. “I mean… tonight’s the night, right?”

  Kat looked at her husband again and shrugged. “We’ll see what happens.”

  “Seriously?” Renee was finding it hard to conceal her frustration. “But you guys… are going to… you know… aren’t you?”


  “Maybe?” Renee rolled her eyes and whimpered. “If it was me… I’d already know exactly how it was going to go down.”

  “You should ask your husband…” Julian suggested.

  Renee gave him a sharp look. “I’ve told you about him,” she said. “He’s not much like you, honey. It’s why I have to live vicariously through you guys…”

  Kat sighed, “I don’t know what to say,” she said, feeling Renee’s frustration. “I guess… if we have enough energy left after the show… maybe tonight might be a good time…”

  “Are you kidding? You are always so buzzed after a show,” Renee grinned wickedly. She looked at Julian, “And you’re still okay with all of this? With your darling wife submitting to another man?”

  Now it was Julian’s turn to shrug. “Sure,” he said.

  “Seriously?” Renee yelled at no one in particular, steaming up with pure frustration that she was not blessed with a husband with a wife-sharing fantasy.

  Julian, though, felt a little of the frustration that Renee felt about not really knowing whether, or when it was all going to happen. When was Kat really going to go all the way with Daryl? Surely she had no reason not to, now?

  After breakfast, the two women were getting ready to go out, and though Julian felt a little shut out of it as they were talking clothes and makeup, when Kat hit the shower, and Renee ended up joining her, he was at least offered a fairly sensational show.

  Oh, they weren’t getting affectionate in there, but here was Renee helping Kat to shave her pussy, and it wasn’t for her husband’s benefit.

  “You’ve got to make sure,” Renee was saying as her attentions with the razor made Kat giggle.

  “It tickles!”

  “You want him to spend time down here, right?”

  “I don’t know…”

  “You do, trust me.”

  Julian just felt speechless watching them. She really was going to fuck someone else, right? It was really going to happen.

  Then the two women were finally gone, bearing suit carriers in which their chosen outfits were kept for the show itself, climbing into limousines for once, heading off for final rehearsals and soundchecks and then the show itself.

  Now Julian felt really nervous—the next time he would see his wife would be at the show, and the next time he would actually speak to her, face-to-face, would be after the show, and that might be when she decided to go off with Daryl.

  Was he going to find out what it truly felt like for his wife to be unfaithful? What if he hated it after all?

  Chapter Nineteen

  What a show. Afterwards, during a quiet moment, Kat told him that the addition of the members of Blue Tonic to The Ponytails had just given them a more powerful, sophisticated sound than usual. It had even given Josie pause for thought in terms of their permanent line-up once Blue Tonic was fully back to business.

  It was only an extra guitar and an extra bass in Paul and Raj, since Daryl was effectively replacing Jacqueline on drums—but somehow it was like swapping out a string quartet for a full orchestra.

  The fans had gone nuts for it during the show. Even the long-term purist stuck-in-the-muds, the kind who only listened to Led Zeppelin on vinyl. Even the younger fans, who had presumably bought tickets because of Blue Tonic, were suddenly into it.

  Julian had spent the show out in the crowd, enjoying the music from where it was supposed to be enjoyed. In that tiny theater there weren’t any seats, but it was all worth the hardship of standing throughout. The vibe among the crowd—even though it was a fairly small crowd—started fairly neutral, but quickly grew to superb heights as The Ponytails came on.

  The band played for ninety minutes, took a break, and then a final 45 minutes stretched to more than an hour with all of them having fun. Flashing his pass in the faces of the burly security guards, Julian went backstage during the break to catch various members of the band floating around, seeming high as kites on the raw excitement of it all. There was Kat, who pounced on him the second she saw him, her eyes blazing with excitement and, no doubt, lust. She kissed him frantically before finally coming up for air. He looked her up and down, she was looking amazing wearing a barely-there leather mini skirt and a glittery camisole top with high-heeled ankle boots.

  “Jesus, I needed that,” she said, wiping her lips. “Sorry I’m a little sweaty.”

  “Oh, it’s okay,” he said with a huge grin. “Show’s going well, then?”

  She nodded, and gave another broad smile, “We’re having a ball,” she said. “I guess there’s a kind of sense this time that it might not last, so we’re just having fun in the moment, you know?”

  “It’s working,” Julian said.

  “So it looks okay from the fan’s POV?”

  “It looks amazing. Incredible. And I’m not just saying that…”

  Julian saw Josie storm over to his wife, looking not entirely as contented as she might. The blonde flashed him a mild apologetic glance for interrupting them, but then said to her bandmate, “The audience are all holding up cameraphones.”

  “Yeah… I guess some of them are,” Kat said, warily like she hadn’t really thought about it.

  Josie gave a fierce sigh, “There’s clips going up on YouTube already.”

  “Seriously?” Kat looked at her husband and gave a slight shrug, in surprise but also kind of ‘what am I suppose to do?’

  Josie said, “You think we can get Andrew to order YouTube to take them down? Maybe some kind of legal threat…”

  Kat said, “It’s really not going to affect much…”

  Josie gave a pained expression and shook her head, “If everybody’s watching it on YouTube, what’s the point of going to our next show? Any of our shows?” she sighed again, angrily. “It’s all those Blue Tonic teens.”

  “Well, there’s nothing much we can do right now,” Kat said, a little concerned that Josie was going to pull down the mood of the night. “Even if Andrew gets some kind of response from YouTube, it’s not going to happen before tomorrow. Maybe even a few days.”

  Josie said, “Maybe I should make an announcement? Like, we’re not going to do any more songs unless everybody puts their phones away?”

  Julian turned at the sound of an excited squeal, and was a little surprised to have someone else pouncing on him—after a flash of bright red, he quickly came to discover that it was Renee.

  “Well we can’t all have delicious husbands here to keep our spirits up,” she said as Julian, laughing, asked why she had to pounce on him and hug him like some long-lost lover.

  He glanced over to Kat, who was still in fairly serious conversation with Josie, and his wife briefly turned to flash him a smile, clearly amused at how much attention he was getting from the red-headed keyboardist.

  “So how’re you feeling?” Renee asked him, speaking suddenly more quietly, almost furtive.

  “Oh, great,” he said, “I’m having an amazing time—the music is just—”

  “Not about the music,” she shot him a sharp look. “Tonight.”


  “After the show.”


  She rolled her eyes at him briefly. “You know… there’s a party after the show, remember? And then after that… Kat gets to finally go… you know… hang out with Daryl…”

  Julian felt a sudden burst of heat swamp his chest, his stomach burning with a touch of acid. He knew what Renee was talking about—but had something been agreed? He’d thought Kat hadn’t decided what was going to happen that night.

  Oh, it wasn’t a bad feeling he got, overall. It was intensely exciting to think that it really might happen that night, and his cock suddenly seemed to wake up within his pants.

  But he was filled with more than a little trepidation along with the arousal.

  “You mean they’re…” he said.

  Renee immediately said, “Of course I do—she’s been banned from anything for days, and now they get to be together?”

  Julian raised his eyebrows and sucked in a chestful of air that smelled vaguely of sweat and dry ice. “I guess… that’s great,” he said, cautiously.

  “So what will you be doing while they’re… you know…?” Renee asked him.

  He looked over at Kat again, but she was too focused on what Josie was saying—and now Andrew the tour manager was with them—that she didn’t look back at her husband this time.

  “I guess… I’ll wait for her… back in our room…”

  “On your own?” Renee looked concerned.

  He shrugged and smiled, and embraced the warm, exhilarating feeling that was stemming from his thickening cock. “It won’t be that bad,” he insisted. “I mean… you know… this is what I want.”

  “Jesus,” Renee hissed. “Why could I never get a husband like you?” Then she added, “I’m going to make sure you’re okay. Right?”

  He wasn’t sure what she meant, but he nodded and thanked her for her concern. Then they were all going back on stage, and with people all around him moving this way and that, Julian felt as though he were caught in an eddy in the middle of a fast-flowing river.

  Finally, it was all kicking off again. He pulled out his phone to look up what was going onto YouTube, and sure enough there were plenty of clips going on. Loads of views, too, and shares.


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