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The Return of Jake Slater

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by Zavo

  Table of Contents


  By the Author


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  About the Author

  Books Available from Bold Strokes Books


  In the thrilling sequel to Hot on His Trail, Jake Slater, handsome Texas Ranger, has been left for dead by the devious Sheriff Rawlins. Ben Masters is the equally handsome outlaw wanted for supposedly killing a Texas Ranger in Abilene. Ben has been captured by Rawlins and is being escorted back to Abilene for hanging. Knowing this, Jake heads there as well, intent on saving his lover. Upon his arrival in Abilene, Jake finds evidence that leads him to believe Ben is dead. Now a wanted man in Abilene, Jake heads to Mexico to begin a new life. After escaping from Sherriff Rawlins, Ben is unable to clear his name, and also journeys to Mexico. Along the way, Ben and Jake encounter train robbers, a horny farming community, and the Mexican army. Their paths finally converge at a Mexican male whorehouse, where they face a fight to the death.

  The Return of Jake Slater

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  The Return of Jake Slater

  © 2014 By Zavo. All Rights Reserved.

  ISBN 13: 978-1-62639-252-6

  This Electronic Book is published by

  Bold Strokes Books, Inc.

  P.O. Box 249

  Valley Falls, New York 12185

  First Edition: September 2014

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission.


  Editor: Cindy Cresap

  Production Design: Susan Ramundo

  Cover Design By Sheri (

  By the Author

  The Case of the Rising Star: A Derrick Steele Mystery

  Derrick Steele Private Dick: The Case of the Hollywood Hustlers

  Two Bottoms in the Ninth

  Hot on His Trail

  The Return of Jake Slater


  To my husband, Gary.

  Chapter One


  When I woke the sun was just beginning to shine through the lace curtains. John was lying on his back beside me. His chest rose and fell with his steady breathing. The covers were bunched at his waist, revealing his hairy chest and stomach, as well as the beginnings of his thick patch of crotch hair. It was an area I knew well. As I lay there admiring him, a wave of sadness washed over me. I knew today was the day I would be leaving him. My wounds were healed, leaving two small scars where the bullets had penetrated my side.

  The area was still a tad sore, but John had removed the bandages two days ago. I was moving freely about. Although I hadn’t told John of my decision, I knew he had been sensing my restlessness for the past several days. It had been two weeks since the shooting at the line cabin. Sheriff Rawlins had left me for dead and was returning to Abilene with Ben to hang him for the death of the Texas Ranger. Rawlins had heard Bart Jensen’s confession before he died. However, his hatred of me had proven too strong, as evidenced by him shooting both me and Bart.

  I still couldn’t figure why Rawlins hadn’t shot Ben as well. It seemed easier and cleaner than dragging him all the way back to Abilene. A ride that could well take three weeks or more. There would have been no questions asked because there would have been no one to ask them. My guess was that it was his plain orneriness that had driven him to this course of action. That, combined with his desire for revenge. I knew there was a reward for Ben’s capture. Bringing him in would make Rawlins a hero for sure, and wealthy to boot.

  I slipped out of bed and dressed quietly so as not to waken John. I eased the door open and stepped into the hall. Sounds came from the kitchen below, and the smells of coffee and bacon. Upstairs, it appeared I was the only one awake. As I made my way down the stairs, the smell of coffee and bacon grew stronger. They made my mouth water. It would be my last meal here. Captain Jackson, John’s battle-scarred old gray tomcat, tried his best to trip me as I descended the stairs by weaving between my feet. But I was used to his routine and avoided any missteps on the way down.

  When I reached the landing, I headed for the kitchen and paused outside its doorway. Millie was at the stove, frying the bacon I had smelled. She was also preparing a big batch of biscuits. I could smell gravy as well. Wanting to still have the morning to myself, I continued past the kitchen. I went out the front door and onto the wide porch, bypassing the old woman. The sun was a large red orb with half its body appearing above the horizon. The air was crisp and cold, punctuated by the smells of manure and hay. Smoke was rising from the bunkhouse chimney. A lantern shone in the building’s small window. Through it I could see figures moving about. The hands were already up and ready to start their day.

  I heard a noise behind me and turned to find John standing in the doorway. He stepped closer to me and held out his arms. I stepped into them and he hugged me tightly, almost as if afraid to let go. I rested my head on his shoulder, for the moment lost in his smells, his masculine strength, and his easy familiarity. His body had the usual effect on me. I felt my cock stirring in my pants. He did as well, and began rubbing it gently. A low moan escaped me, and I pressed against him. I looked into his eyes. I was certain he knew what I was about to tell him.

  “John, please sit down. We need to talk.”

  “It’s too early for talk, Jake. Let’s go back upstairs.”

  His hand had grown urgent on my cock.

  “Not just yet, John. I have something I need to tell you. Please sit down.”

  He eased his large frame into one of the big wooden chairs that lined the porch. I sat in the one to his immediate right. I knew there was no easy way to tell him, but it had to be done today. I knew this man was starting to develop feelings for me.

  “It’s time for me to be heading out, John.”

  He didn’t say anything for a good minute. He simply stared off into the distance.

  “Jake,” he started, but stopped, seemingly trying to gather the courage to go on.

  “I know that we’ve only known each other for the past two weeks, but I’ve taken a strong liking to you. I want you to stay on the ranch with me. I think you and me could make a real go of it.”

  These were the words I had been dreading but, at the same time, secretly longing to hear. If not for Ben I knew I could stay here and carve out a life with this man. A good life. I placed my hand on his arm, and he turned to me. I chose my words carefully, not wanting to hurt this wonderful man.

  “John, these past two weeks have been a special time for me, regardless of the reasons for it coming about. You know I appreciate the care you’ve extended to me. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the closeness we’ve shared. However, I need to be perfectly honest with you. The fact is that I’m still in love with Ben. I don’t yet know if he’s even still alive, or how this situation with Sheriff Rawlins will play out. However, I have to find him, whether he is dead or waiting to be hanged.
If it’s the latter, I will try to rescue him.”

  He was silent for a long time. So long I was beginning to think he wasn’t going to respond. When he finally did, his sadness was plain to read on his face.

  “Jake, this ranch has always been my whole life. I need to stay here to run it, or else I’d be saddling up with you to find Ben. However, I have to ask this: if you don’t find Ben alive, would you please come back here? I think I could give you a real good life.”

  I leaned over to him, and his lips met mine. We kissed long and hard, then he grabbed my hand and we stood up and went back inside. We climbed the stairs to his room in silence, still hand in hand. After entering his bedroom, he stopped when we reached the bed and began to undress me slowly. The touch of his fingers on my skin sent shivers of delight coursing through my body. When I was naked from the waist up, John leaned into me and began nuzzling my neck. He planted tiny soft kisses there, followed by similar ones on my face. My cock was hard and throbbing in my pants, almost begging to be let out. The cheeks of my ass were gripped firmly in his hands. He kissed his way down my throat to my right breast. The nipple was already hardened, both from the coldness of the room and John’s touch.

  He took the hard center into his mouth and softly sucked on it. I moaned and pressed against him. My hardness pressed into his thigh. As he continued to suck on my nipple, he rubbed my cock roughly through my pants. My early juice was starting to flow. I began thrusting against his hand as he rubbed me harder. After a few more strokes, he unbuttoned my pants and pushed them and my drawers down to my ankles. He pushed me back onto the bed. He knelt between my outstretched legs. He licked up and down my thick shaft several times. After a final swath, he sucked on the fat head briefly before engulfing my entire length till his chin was resting on my nut sac. Without pausing, he began sawing furiously on my prick. I pumped my hips in time with his bobbing head. Before long, I felt a powerful explosion building within me.

  “I’m gonna blow, John!”

  He slid back up to the fat head and held it in his mouth. At the same time he wrapped his left hand around the shaft and stroked it furiously. As the flood began, John eagerly swallowed every drop. When I was spent, he licked my dick clean and pushed me flat on the bed. He took off my pants and drawers and quickly shed his own clothing. His enormous cock was completely hard. It swayed as he kneeled on the bed beside me. He reached into the nightstand drawer and pulled out a packet of saddle grease. As he applied it liberally to his stiffer, I moved to the center of the bed. After joining me, he grabbed me at the ankles and pushed my legs into the air, exposing my hole. He spread grease over and around it. Without ceremony, he slid two fingers inside me, coating me there as well.

  When I was coated to his satisfaction, he withdrew his fingers. With my legs still in the air he placed the head of his cock against my opening. He rubbed it several times, teasing me, before pushing determinedly against me. The head suddenly popped through, followed by the familiar flash of pain as he steadily entered me till his crotch hair was tickling the cheeks of my ass. He held his cock inside me and bent forward to kiss me deeply. After a prolonged kiss, he slowly withdrew till the fat knob was just inside my chute. He slid back in slowly, and I let out a long grunt when he hit bottom. He rested for a moment and then began slow, unhurried thrusts. I pumped my hips to match his movements. He lowered my legs, and I wrapped them around his waist. I locked my heels against the cheeks of his ass and used them to pull him into me each time.

  My world narrowed to the two of us on the bed. As in our previous couplings, I was amazed at John’s stamina. Sweat was running down his chest and stomach and pooling at our crotches. It added to the aroma of our coupling. My dick had risen again. I spit into my hand and started stroking myself in time to the rhythm of our movements. After several deeper, slow plunges, John began to pump his hips faster. I knew his explosion was imminent. I increased my strokes, and within minutes, long strings of my juice were covering the hairs on my stomach. John heaved a final time and held his cock firmly inside me. I felt his seed flooding my asshole. When he was spent, he bent over and licked the mess from my stomach. When it was clean to his satisfaction, he slowly slid out of me. He kissed me and rolled off the bed and began to dress.

  “I have to feed the chickens and gather the eggs. After that I’ll meet you downstairs for breakfast. When we’re done I’ll take you into town to catch the train.”

  I watched him go without saying a word. I got up, dressed, and went downstairs. When I entered the kitchen, Millie was still busy at the stove. The smells of coffee, bacon, biscuits, and now, flapjacks, filled the large kitchen. She turned to me as I took a seat. I was surprised to see tears in her eyes.

  “Your breakfast will be ready in a minute, Jake. I’ve already brought breakfast down to the bunkhouse. John is out feeding the chickens and gathering eggs.”

  As she turned back to the stove, she paused as if wanting to say something to me.

  “Do you have something on your mind, Millie?”

  She turned back to me and came over to the table and sat in the chair next to me.

  “I don’t want to appear too forward, Jake. Or make it seem like I’m butting my nose in anybody’s business.”

  “Don’t give it a second thought, Millie. Please tell me what’s upset you so.”

  “I don’t see as why you need to leave,” she blurted out.

  “Johnnie’s been a much happier man since your arrival. We both have surely enjoyed taking care of you these past few weeks.”

  I reached down and took her right hand in mine.

  “I’ve enjoyed being taken care of, Millie. But I’ve got urgent, unfinished business I need to attend to. I need to leave immediately. But who knows, I may be back this way someday.”

  Any further conversation was interrupted when John entered the kitchen.

  “Now, Millie, you quit pestering Jake. He has to take care of things, and we shouldn’t be standing in his way.”

  As John took the seat to my left, Millie sniffed audibly, rose, and moved back to the stove. She returned with heaping plates of bacon, biscuits and gravy, eggs, and flapjacks. Steaming cups of coffee quickly followed. John and I ate in silence, quickly emptying our plates. They were promptly refilled by Millie. When the second helping was gone, I pushed my plate from me.

  “That’s enough for me, Millie. I won’t able to climb into the buckboard.”

  We put our plates in the sink, and I hugged Millie good-bye. Tears were running down her cheeks.

  “You take care now, you hear me, Jake Slater!”

  “I will, ma’am. You do the same!”

  I kissed her on both cheeks then followed John outside to wash up at the pump. When we were done, we headed to the barn. John deftly hitched up the buckboard to two fine-looking mares.

  “Since you’ve been with us, Jake, they’ve finished extending the rail line through to Abilene. With Rawlins two weeks ahead of you, you will never catch up to him on horseback. The train should get you there in two days. But I have to say this, Jake, Ben could very well have been hanged by the time you arrive at your old stomping grounds!”

  I knew what John had said might be true. But I didn’t have any choice. One way or another, I was determined to discover Ben’s fate.

  “I know that, John. And it may be that I’m back here sooner than you thought. But I won’t know till I get there.”

  “I respect you for that, Jake.”

  Once all the harnesses were adjusted, John entered one of the stalls and returned carrying a large satchel. He promptly deposited it in the bed of the wagon.

  “Millie and I put together a care package, seein’s how you came to us empty-handed. There’s a change of clothes; a wool blanket; some bread, cheese, and hard salami; several bottles of whiskey; and several cheroots with matches. Those last items were my idea, added after Millie was done. She wouldn’t have approved.

  “I appreciate your generosity, John.”

u’ll be needing these as well, Jake.”

  He pulled a rifle and a pistol from beneath the buckboard seat, in addition to a fine black hat. He handed me the hat and placed the guns next to my care package. Lastly, he produced a tiny leather purse from his back pocket and handed it to me.

  “Here’s some spending money for you.”

  “I can’t thank you enough for all you’ve done for me, John. I will forever be in your debt.”

  “No thanks are needed, Jake. I selfishly won’t say I hope you find him. Please send a telegraph to let us at least know that you arrived safely in Abilene.”

  “Will do, John.”

  He kissed me on the lips and climbed onto the seat of the buckboard. I climbed up beside him. He released the brake and we headed to town. It was a short trip, during which we did not speak, lost in our own thoughts. When we arrived at the train station, I purchased a ticket to Abilene. When the stationmaster informed me it was a two-day journey, I upgraded to a sleeper. This put a big dent in the money John had given me. The good-bye to John was a short one. I thanked him profusely for saving my life and nursing me back to health. I would certainly miss him. But it was best that it was over quickly. After a heartfelt hug, we clasped hands and I boarded the train.

  A porter showed me to my sleeper, where I stowed my satchel. After that I followed him to the main lounge car. It was fairly full but, after scanning the passengers, I didn’t recognize anyone. I chose a window seat that allowed a view of the train platform. I saw John sitting on the buckboard. I gave him a small wave and he waved back. Without waiting for the train to leave, he started the buckboard moving, and I watched him till he disappeared from sight. Within minutes of his departure, the train began to move sluggishly. It quickly began picking up speed. I settled back in my seat, eager to begin my search for Ben. I was also sad to be leaving John.


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