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My Curse to Bear: Standalone BBW Bear Shifter Paranormal Romance (The Everson Brothers Book 1)

Page 6

by Alana Hart

  “You cold?” his voice rumbled against my ear, pulling me closer.

  Delicious. My cheek rubbed against the scratchiness of his shirt. I suddenly wanted it off. Now.

  I wriggled onto his lap, pressing as close as I could, and slipped a hand up, inside the offending article of clothing. Warm, firm skin, sprinkled with wiry hair caressed my hand. My fingertips wandered up, skipping over the ridges of hard muscle, smoothing and stroking.

  “Merrie?” His voice sounded uncertain. Strained.


  “What are you doing? We kinda have an audience,” he whispered. His voice hitched as I scratched a fingernail over one flat nipple.

  What was I doing? What had come over me? I pulled my hand out of his shirt quickly.

  “Sorry,” I said, feeling my skin heat. “I don’t know what…”

  “Don’t worry about it. Same thing happens to me when I’m around you. It’s what I wanted to talk to you about earlier…but now is not the right time.” Shifting me out of his lap, he stood, holding out his hand.

  “Let’s go face the damage, then we can see about setting it right.” Pulling me up, he threw an arm around my shoulders, sheltering me from the onlookers that had gathered, steering me toward the shop.

  “I’m pretty good with a hammer, I’ll have you know. We’ll have you fixed up and back open in no time.”

  I appreciated him trying to cheer me up, but dread filled me as we neared the front door, like a heavy weight in the pit of my stomach. Steeling my nerves, I pushed the door open, what was left of it anyway after the fire service had smashed it in.


  At least the bell had survived. My eyes widened in shock at the sight that greeted me. It looked like there had been a flood. Every surface was soaked, dripping with blackened water. The walls bore scorch marks — shadowy, jagged outlines of the flames that had decimated my shop. The few trinkets and baubles that had survived were strewn around, tarnished with soot. My eye’s watered, the sting of smoke burning, acrid and heavy.

  Cassie came up beside me, looping her arm through mine.

  “We can fix this. I’m not leaving until you’re back on your feet again.” She fixed Craig with a pointed stare. “You don’t have to help. We can manage…”

  “Cassie. Not now,” I pleaded, unable to put up with any bickering at the moment.

  “Of course, I’m going to help,” Craig replied firmly, his hand stroking my back. “I’m not leaving Merrie. Not again,” he said sharply.

  I was just too damn tired to figure out exactly what he meant by that, fed-up and emotionally wrung-out.

  “We’ll see,” replied Cassie lightly. “The Fire Chief says that we need to spend the night in the motel. They’re going to finish checking out the structure, make sure the building is still sound. They’ll let us know in the morning.”

  “Fine,” I murmured, desperate for a bed, for some sleep.

  “I’ll come by in the morning, help you get started. I’d come with you but…I think you need some sleep, sweetheart,” Craig said, pressing a kiss to the top of my head. “And I don’t think I’ll be able to help with that. It’ll all look better in daylight, you’ll see.”

  I nodded helplessly, watching him turn to walk away. Loneliness stretched like a chasm inside my chest.

  “I’ve packed two bags. Come on, let’s go,” Cassie said, gesturing toward the door.

  I focused on putting one foot in front of the other, and didn’t look back.



  Juggling the steaming hot coffee perched precariously in a carry tray along with a bag of freshly baked muffins, I pushed open the shop door. Bracing myself for the gut wrenching sight of the shell that had once been Magical Gifts, I blinked my eyes in astonishment. Busy elves of some sort had been at work. The floor was mainly cleared, the water magically evaporated, and a small team of workmen were attacking the wiring that was hanging out of the wall.

  “What the?”

  “I couldn’t stop her. Once she’d had a couple of hours of sleep she was like a woman possessed. So we came back down, been here since about 3.00 a.m.” Cassie said from her stooped position on the floor. Stifling a yawn, she rubbed her eyes blearily.

  “One of those for me?” she asked hopefully, indicating the coffee.

  I looked down at the cups. I had completely forgotten about them in my amazement. “Yeah, sure,” I replied, passing one over.

  “She’s in the back, if you’re looking for her.”

  Passing her a muffin in thanks, which she gratefully took a huge chunk out of, I carried the rest of the takeout through to the little kitchen. The fire had not spread, thank the Mother. Otherwise, Merrie would have been homeless.

  I found her bent over the large cast iron sink, up to her elbows in hot, soapy water. I stopped a moment to admire the view — she had a fine ass, lovingly outlined by the tight workout pants she was wearing. A cut off T-shirt completed the vision of loveliness, revealing flashes of smooth, pale skin, as she pummeled something vigorously in the frothy water.

  “You just gonna stand there?” she called over her shoulder, not breaking from her task.

  “Uh, no.” I set the cups and bag on the table.

  “What’re you doing? Aside from washing the kitchen floor.” I glanced at the puddle of water pooling around her feet.

  “I’m trying to get the soot off these metal racks,” she grunted, her arms seesawing back and forth as she scrubbed. “There’s nothing wrong with them…”

  I watched as the water built momentum, sloshing over the sides.

  “I’ll build you new racks—”

  “But I want these,” she cried, suddenly stopping and throwing the scouring pad at the sink. “I want something from my shop. The fire took everything. Everything I had worked so hard for…” Her words faded as she blinked, looking down at the water.

  Staring at the back of the desolate woman in front of me, I desperately searched my head for the right words. Then she turned around and my mouth went dry. Wet T-shirt contest anyone? Her generous breasts were outlined in exquisite detail, the lace of her bra not disguising her lush, round nipples. My cock hardened, ready to go. Jeez, Craig! Sex again? Not the time or the place! I mentally slapped myself — hard — pinning my gaze on her face.

  Inspiration hit me.

  “You already have something from your shop. Something wonderful, the most important part of what made it unique. It’s ‘selling point’, you might say.” Grabbing a coffee, I held it out to her, urging her to take it. Caffeine and sugar. The best things in the world, next to bear claws and whiskey, of course. Eyes on her face, I repeated my new mantra.

  Accepting the offered cup, she took a swig.

  “And what’s that, then?” she asked, her voice devoid of emotion.



  “Yes, you. You’re what makes this shop work — what makes it a great place. You’re still here. Everything else is just window dressing. The customers came to see you, to talk to you.”

  She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. I stifled a groan, biting the inside of my cheek to distract myself from watching the rise and…

  Eyes on her face, Craig! Sweet Mother, being a gentleman was hard work.

  “I’ll help you rebuild, and Cassie, too. We’ll have you open again in no time!”

  She squared her shoulders.

  Nope — not helping. I gritted my teeth.

  “Okay. Let’s go see what Cas…”

  “Could you go change?” I ground out, hardly believing what I was asking. But I had to hold onto my sanity or, next thing you know, I would be taking her like a wild animal.

  “Why?” She glanced down, her cheeks staining a bright red to match her hair.

  “I’ll see you out there,” I called over my shoulder, hightailing it out of the kitchen.



  Slowing to a relaxed saunter, the lustful danger avoid
ed, I took a swig of my nearly cold coffee and looked around the shop. It wouldn’t take me long to fix up some tables and a few shelves. The biggest job was going to be the counter, but I could already envision it — a long rectangle, oak would be nice, showcasing the natural whorls and grooves that made each piece unique. I scratched my chin, painting the picture in my mind. Open at the back with little cubbyholes and shelves for bits and bobs. A drawer for the cash box. A solid panel at the front…with something carved on it. Something delicate — whimsical. I wasn’t sure what yet, but it would come to me. It always did. I’d had a way with wood ever since my youth, and the curse had given me plenty of time to practice and hone my skills. My fingers itched, wanting to get down to work.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I watched Merrie enter the room. She moved gracefully around the workmen, dodging tools and debris, moving to hover next to her sister, peering at what Cassie was doing. The low murmur of their voices floated across the room, punctuated by the occasional giggle. Both sisters slowly turned to look at me, their eyes challenging.

  “You gonna stand there all day looking pretty, or are you gonna make yourself useful?” Merrie called across the room.

  Me? Pretty? I mouthed, thumbing my chest and grinning at their peals of laughter.

  “Yes, you, pretty boy. Come and put those impressive muscles to use and lift this shelving for us weak little women,” Merrie said, cocking her hip and pouting playfully while batting her eyelashes.

  “Yes, pleeeeeese, big strong man,” Cassie added, copying her sister’s pose.

  “Well…I was actually working…”

  “Oh, yeah? Looked like daydreaming to me,” Merrie sang back.

  I liked — no loved — this playful side of my mate.

  “Actually, I was planning out your new shop,” I teased her.

  “Can we get rid of the old shop first, please?”

  I tipped her a cocky salute. “Of course, ma'am!” Walking over, I swept the indicated shelves into my arms and carried them out to the front, tossing them onto the pile that was steadily growing.

  The next couple of hours passed in a blur, lugging burnt, damaged wood and twisted, melted metal outside. Wiping, cleaning, and sweeping — we worked as a team, a camaraderie forged as a result of such grueling and thankless tasks.

  “I think we’re done — for now,” Merrie declared, wiping her hands on the rag tucked into the waistband of her pants.

  We stopped and surveyed the shop. An empty shell remained. But it was a clean and tidy shell, just waiting for new stock, and places to display them.

  Cassie walked over and high-fived Merrie, her face smudged with dirt and dust.

  “I’ll go get a bottle of wine and some glasses to celebrate. Be right back.” She walked toward the kitchen, a spring in her step at the thought of a break.

  “Thank you for helping me, Craig. We…no, I couldn’t have done it without you. Or, at least it would have taken forever!” Merrie said, walking over to where I rested against the wall.

  “You are an amazing man…”

  I winced. “I have something to tell you, something I’ve been trying to tell you since yesterday.” I took a deep breath. This was it. “I’m a shifter, a bear shifter. I can turn into a really big bear. And before you think I’m mad, I promise I’m telling you the truth. You see…you’re my mate. The one the Mother of All paired my soul with before we were joined with our human forms. Though, you haven’t got an animal — so you’re just human. Dammit! I’m messing this all up! What I meant to say is, I’ve been waiting for you my whole life.” I blurted it all out, the words tumbling over each other in my haste. Falling silent, I held my breath, waiting for her reaction.

  She smiled. She didn’t back away in disgust or ask me if I was feeling okay, like I had gone mad. None of the things I had expected, prepared for. “I…” she started.

  “I think you need to leave,” Cassie ordered from the doorway, her voice cold.


  “No, Merrie. He’s not going to do it again. I won’t let him. You see, I know what he is, who he is. I know.” She pinned me with her gaze, her expression one of utter disgust and seething hatred.

  “You know about what?” I asked, shock curling through me. How did she know?

  “The curse. My Aunt told me. Passed down the knowledge, for protection, against your kind.”

  “My kind?” I was getting angry now, and my bear prickled under my skin, begging to be let out – to fight to claim its mate. What gave her the right to judge me? After everything her kind, especially her family, had done to me.

  “What curse?” Merrie’s asked, confusion coloring her voice.

  “The curse that bound him to be alone, until his animal found a mate. That’s why he’s been chasing you, Merrie,” Cassie said, eying her sister regretfully.

  “I’m sorry. He just wanted a witch to lift the curse, and you were an easy target.”

  “That’s not true!” I protested, my mind spinning. Any witch could lift the curse?

  “I didn’t even know Merrie was a witch, until she told me!”

  “Really? You didn’t recognize her immediately as being the double of the witch that cursed you? Grandmother Meridith?” Cassie’s voice dripped with sarcasm.

  Glancing at Merrie, I saw that she had turned as white as a sheet, her eyes wide with shock.

  “But…I didn’t…” How to explain? Fuck! She was twisting me in knots!

  “But that was seventy or eighty years ago, Cassie,” whispered Merrie, “it couldn’t have been Craig.” Her eyes pleaded with me for it to be true.

  I couldn’t lie to her. Gritting my teeth, I nodded.

  “Just how old are you?” she asked, devastation clear in her green eyes.

  I swallowed hard.

  “112,” I forced out past the lump in my throat. “But Merrie, it wasn’t my fault! She misunderstood — thought that we were mates or something — so when I told her it was over, she just…lost it. Cursed me. I said I’ve been waiting for you — and I have! It’s you. Only you. Please believe me!” I begged, taking a hesitant step toward her.

  She held a hand out, stopping me in my tracks.

  “112 years old,” she repeated, her voice dull. Hugging her arms around herself, she continued, “And my Grandmother. What exactly did you do to her, to make her want to punish you so much?”

  “Nothing! I’ve told you everything! She was the one at…” I stopped myself short, clamping my mouth shut, but it was too late.

  “She was what? The one at fault? For falling in love with you? Poor, poor you — being loved. What a horrible thing.” Cassie interjected, putting an arm around Merrie’s shaking shoulders.

  What the? This was all wrong!

  “You must hate my family, Craig,” Merrie whispered. “Why would you choose to be with someone who must remind you — every minute — of her?”

  “Because you’re my mate…”

  “Are you sure?” She looked doubtful. “Did you think my Grandmother was your mate, too?”

  I hesitated, just for a second.

  “So, you did think she was…”

  “But she wasn’t…”

  “How are you so sure that I am?” she shouted, all restraint failing. “If I turn out not to be, then will you…”

  “You are! Because…” I flushed, trying to pick the right words. “Because my body reacts to you. And no other,” I added the last quickly.

  Her eyebrows arched in astonishment, so like her grandmother my knees nearly buckled.

  “So, because your body wants to fuck — you’re sure we’re destined to be together?”

  Ouch. “Because of the curse…”

  “The curse my family gave you. Have you tried being up close and personal with Cassie? Maybe that would work too? Maybe…” she searched for the right words, her hands fluttering in the air in agitation.

  “Maybe it’s because I’m a witch. Maybe any witch will do! Have you thought of that, shifter-boy?
” she half-shrieked, storming over to me, and shoving me roughly in the chest. Tears glistened in her eyes, but she held them in check.

  “Or do you hate witches so much, that you’ve never tried?” she murmured, scanning my face for the truth. Apparently finding her answer, she stepped back, her expression closed off.

  “I don’t hate you…I don’t even hate Cassie. Not now I’ve had chance to get to know you. Both of you,” I tried to explain.

  “But, do you accept me? All of me? Spells and witchcraft, and everything that comes with it?” She shook her head, seeming to slump before my eyes.

  Cassie hugged her close, moving between us.

  “I think you need to go now, you’ve done enough damage. Again,” she hissed.

  I opened my mouth, to object, to plead — to shout and scream and stomp my foot — I didn’t know. But she was my mate! After everything I had gone through, what I had finally come to terms with, and she was turning away!

  “I need to think, Craig. Just go. Please.”

  Stunned, I watched as she walked out of the room, away from me. Whatever reaction I had been expecting, it sure wasn’t this!

  With a roar, my bear flooded to the surface, scraping his claws against my skin. He didn’t understand. He just wanted his mate. But I couldn’t shift now — not with Merrie so unsure, so upset. Once again, I gritted my teeth and ran outside, aiming for the forest.



  My hands were shaking as I walked out of the room, Cassie following me and shutting the door firmly behind her.

  “He’s gone,” she said, stepping around me to fill the kettle up, her movements cautious.

  “Why, Cassie?” I asked, sinking down onto a chair.

  “Why? Because you needed to know. You had a right to know what kind of…man you were getting involved with.”

  “Shifter, you mean?”

  “Yeah. Thought you didn’t believe?”


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