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Returning to Us: Back to Corbin’s Bend Page 9

by Corey, PK

  Aloud she said, “Nothing, Hal. Everything’s fine.”

  * * *

  Quincy called two days later. “I’m coming over for a visit. We’re going to talk,” she insisted.

  Susan tried to pull herself from the doldrums and had nearly succeeded when Quincy arrived. “Nothing’s wrong,” Susan insisted. “I think I’m just expecting too much. I’m expecting Hal to totally read my mind and be sweet and forgiving when I want him to be. I also want him to magically know when I need a hard spanking. And I want him to know all this without me having to tell him a thing,” Susan told Quincy.

  “Not likely,” Quincy told her sternly.

  “I know, I know. I’ve got to talk to him more and I will. I let little things build up in my mind and then I let them overwhelm me like they did the other day with you.

  “The truth is,” Susan went on, “we really are closer than we’ve been in years. I do get spanked, usually more than once a week, and to be honest, that’s improved our sex life. I think I need to stop worrying that it’s not exactly as I’d pictured it and start being grateful for how good things really are.”

  Quincy was giving her a scrutinizing stare. Susan began to feel uncomfortable. While she hadn’t lied to her mentor, neither had she been completely honest with her and from the feel she was getting from Quincy, Quincy knew it too.

  “We’re going to be fine,” Susan assured her. “I think I daydream about some of the big fusses we had when we first got married. We’d really go at it and I’d end up getting my butt blistered. In my memories it all seems fun and exciting. Memories are nice, but a spanking like that would probably kill me now.” Susan laughed, then went on. “I’m sticking to our rules and doing as Hal asks. I’ve done nothing to deserve a serious spanking and Hal agrees. It’s just that I sometimes let my fantasies block out my reality.”

  “All right,” Quincy answered slowly. “But you are talking to Hal about your feelings, aren’t you? He needs to know.”

  “Of course, I am,” Susan lied. “Why would I hide my feelings from my husband?”

  Chapter 18

  To: Susan M.

  From: Megan T.

  Subject: I did it!

  I sure hope you remember me. Talking to you and Venia at the writing conference was a real eye-opener for me.

  I took your advice. I can’t believe I did it, but I did. I did just what you told me to do. I told him I’d read a book where the woman was spanked and I thought it was pretty sexy. I asked him if he wanted to try it.

  He was kinda shy about it at first, but then he seemed to like it. It was a GREAT night!

  I sent him an email the next day thanking him. WOW! Since then it’s been like we’re dating. I’ll keep you posted.

  To: Megan T.

  From: Susan M.

  Subject: You go girl!

  Of course I remember you! It sounds like you are off to a wonderful start. Enjoy it and don’t try to rush things. This may be enough for you. But if you want more on the discipline side, it’s something you can talk to him about as he gains confidence with this part.

  Chapter 19

  Susan’s natural optimism soon rose to the surface. She was enjoying their new town. Hal seemed in his element. She was pleased to see how well he was enjoying working at his much slower pace. No longer being the boss of several large work crews seemed to suit him.

  He was especially enjoying volunteering at the high school. Susan had to laugh at the stories he came home with.

  “I swear,” he told her. “There is more drama in a high school than on all the TV networks combined. But I love it. I like talking with the kids, but mostly I like showing them how to work with wood the correct way. And they listen! No wonder you enjoyed teaching for so long. I can’t imagine how you could give it up.”

  “Oh, really? Hmm… let’s think about the stuff you’re leaving out: grades, parent conferences, discipline, lack of basic supplies, annoying administrators, state standard alignment, end of grade testing, renewal credits… Shall I go on?”

  “No, I think you’ve more than made your point. I know that I just have the fun of teaching with none of the burdensome responsibilities. Then again,” he told her, a twinkle coming to his eye, “I shouldn’t miss out on all the fun. I feel some discipline is needed right now.”

  Standing up straighter, Hal crossed his arms and addressed Susan. “Ms. Sanders,” he said sharply, using her maiden name. “I understand that you and some of my teachers were smoking in the lounge. Is that correct?”

  Susan’s mouth fell open in surprise for a moment before falling right into the game. “No sir! That’s not true. I don’t smoke!” Susan paused and batted her eyes a bit. “But I did write ‘Mr. Allen’s an old fart’ on the wall in lipstick.” Susan dredged up the name of a principal she’d never liked.

  Hal’s eyes widened, and he fought to suppress a smile. Turning, he strode into the bedroom, quickly returning with what had actually been an old school paddle that Susan had rescued from a trash bin and brought home.

  “Your vandalism and your disrespect have earned you a paddling. Come over here.”

  Susan walked hesitantly toward her husband, keeping her eyes downcast.

  “Neither of those transgressions will be tolerated in my school.” Hal bent her over the couch and lifted here shirt but left her pants on.

  Wish I was wearing heavy jeans instead of yoga pants was Susan’s last thought before the evil paddle found its mark. “Oww!” Susan yelled, though her first choice of words was shit!

  Hal gave her four sharp spanks and then asked her, “Have you learned your lesson? Are you ready to say, ‘I’m sorry Mr. Allen, I was very naughty’?”

  Susan took a deep breath, shuffling her feet to try to ease some of the sting. Still bent over the couch, she said in a clear voice, “I’m sorry Mr. Allen… that you’re an old fart!”

  She heard Hal’s sharp breath and a slight chuckle before he said, “Very well.”

  Susan nearly bit the couch when Hal let loose with eight hard swats. She stomped her feet in agony, desperately wanting to rub her burning ass.

  In a deep voice, Hal asked her once again, “Are you ready to say, ‘I’m sorry Mr. Allen, I was very naughty?”

  Susan continued to breathe deeply as Hal waited for her answer. He was enjoying himself greatly. When they had started back into this lifestyle, he always worried he would go too far, take Susan beyond her limits. But he knew better than to ask her to say when it was enough. It seemed to anger her.

  “Don’t do that!” she’d snapped in the past. “That puts all the responsibility and control right back on me and that’s what I’m trying to get rid of!”

  Playing like this allowed Susan to call a halt to things without having to actually do it.

  “No!” Susan suddenly shouted. “I still think you’re an old fart!” What the hell am I saying? Susan wondered to herself as she felt Hal’s hand on her back steadying her.

  “I’m sorry you are so stubborn, young lady. I believe you’ll regret it.”

  I already do! Susan realized. But said no more.

  By the tenth swat Susan could take no more. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, Mr. Allen! I was very naughty and I’ll never do it again! I promise!”

  “Now was that so hard?” he asked, soothingly. “You’ll be happy to know that I was only going to give you twelve, so you only have two more to go.”

  Susan groaned, then squealed as the paddle was twice more applied to her burning bottom.

  “Now, my suggestion would be to go home and wait in the corner for your husband. I’ll be calling to tell him about this incident.”

  “W-what?” Susan stammered in surprise

  “You heard me. I’m sure your husband is also going to be disappointed in your conduct. Go on now.”

  Susan said nothing as she fled to their bedroom. Hal rarely did any role-playing, though he was pretty good at it. She stood in the corner and massaged her burning bottom. Moments later she hea
rd Hal’s side of a pretended conversation.

  “She did what?” There was a pause before she heard Hal say, “Yes, sir! She’s going to know how I feel about it, too. Thank you.”

  Coming into the bedroom, Hal stood close behind Susan. In a husky whisper he said, “I’ve heard you were a very bad girl at school today.” Susan gasped as her panties dampened at his words. “How did Mr. Allen handle that?”

  “He paddled me. Very hard!” Susan told him in a pouty voice.

  “Very hard,” Hal scoffed. “I don’t believe you. Pull down your pants and let me see.”

  Pulling her pants down to her knees, Susan gasped as Hal ran his hand over her burning, red ass.

  Hal stared hungrily at her flaming red cheeks before lying. “Why it’s barely pink. Regardless, you know the rules. If you get in trouble at school, you’re in trouble at home, too. Come over here now,” he instructed her as her walked to the bed.

  Susan managed to shuffle over with her pants around her ankles. She was feeling a swirl of her favorite DD emotions—embarrassment, a little fear and a huge amount of lust and longing.

  Hal guided her over his knees and began spanking. It felt delicious! His spanks weren’t so very hard, but they fully reignited the burn left by the paddle. Susan was squirming. When Hal dipped his finger into her moist center, she nearly came off his lap.

  “That’s what I suspected,” he said sternly. “You are in trouble for blatant disrespect and you’re acting like you’re planning on some sexual adventure. You’d better plan on holding back and behaving yourself. If you come, I’m going to have to take my belt to you.”

  This was pure playacting and Susan knew it. Hal used this tactic on rare occasions and only while roleplaying. Susan had no idea why this was such a hot button for her. It didn’t matter. These words, these threats released powerful emotions in her like nothing else. And Hal well knew it.

  Standing her up, he removed the rest of her clothes. Hal laid her on the bed. “Just because you’re being punished, there is no reason I can’t have my fun.”

  Susan watched as Hal removed his clothes. Her body felt like a taut violin string. She was ready to come at his first touch. But again, in a deep voice Hal warned her, “You’d better keep tight control, or I’ll make that belt sing.”

  Susan was panting. If he said one more word, she was going to come without so much as a touch. She was fighting to hold off as long as she could. She arched up to capture him as he hovered over her. He half turned her over and delivered several sharp spanks.

  “Now, now, none of that,” he told her.

  Susan thought she’d lost her fight for control as he gently sucked on one nipple and then the other. Sitting up, he caressed her body, her belly and her hips and thighs, never touching where she needed him the most.

  Hal lowered his head and kissed her mons. He slid his tongue down and flicked it rapidly on her hardened bud. Giving in completely, Susan felt an orgasm like no other she’d ever experienced surge through her. She gushed as Hal continued his ministering with his tongue. She rode the wave higher and higher, beating her fists on the bed and bucking with abandon.

  As Susan slowly came back to herself, the only thing she was aware of was her body. The time, the day, her name… were all in a vague space of not caring. She was his, was the only coherent thought floating through her mind.

  Still in a daze, Susan felt a trail of pleasure everywhere his hands touched. She felt everything—his fingers, his lips, his tongue. When she felt him firmly hold her wrist to the bed, she was captured in a way that made her heart swell with love. She could writhe and twist and let go completely and he still had her.

  Susan felt completely open to Hal, nothing was held back. He was firmly in control. Because of this, Susan was totally free to give all of herself.

  When he came, she clung to him with a fierceness that stunned him as she lost herself again in ecstasy.

  Gradually their breathing quieted. Hal released her wrist and cupped her face. “Susan…” he murmured into her hair, “Susan…”

  Susan felt such love and tenderness, she thought her heart would burst. If only she could tell him how much she loved him, but there were no words that could truly express what she was feeling.

  They both slept then, still entwined in each other’s arms. Susan woke first and lay watching Hal. He was strong, forceful, demanding while still being so loving and tender. How did he manage it? This is the Hal I married.

  This was what she craved so from Hal. Obviously the ‘discipline’ was pretend, but damn! He’d done it so well! His voice, all he’d said, showed her that Hal knew exactly what she yearned for. Maybe this was all she needed. Maybe real discipline wasn’t what she hungered for. At the moment, she knew it didn’t matter. She snuggled more tightly against Hal and sighed with contentment.

  Chapter 20

  “Where are you off to?” Hal asked Susan a few days later.

  “Book club! I do love our book club. It’s fun when all the subs can get together and talk. You wouldn’t believe how open everyone is.” Susan laughed. “Pillows are passed around for anyone who needs one and we usually get the juicy details of why. It’s fun to listen, but I don’t know if I could bring myself to participate fully in one of those conversations.” But I might, Susan thought, if Hal will just let his game spill over into our real-life.

  “And today we’re talking about my book. I won’t be rushing home. You’re cooking tonight, right?” she asked Hal.

  “Yep, nothing fancy. Soup and sandwiches. So, time doesn’t matter. Have fun.”

  Susan gave Hal a quick kiss and hurried off toward Venia’s, not wanting to miss any of the meeting. She loved the ‘before-meeting’ talk every bit as much as the book discussions themselves. Ange was the first to reach for a pillow. Questioning looks were sent her way and she laughed.

  “Just fun and games this time, folks. But we got a little carried away. I think the pillow will feel nice.”

  “It wasn’t just a game at my house,” Jonathon grumbled. “Seems a few of my comments had Benjamin feeling I needed a reminder of our specific roles in our relationship. And he’s the HOH, in case anyone was wondering.” Everyone laughed as Jonathon tentatively took his seat.

  Susan was enthralled listening to the discussion of her book. The whole group seemed to love it. They went back to point out tiny clues she’d left along the way and had been happily surprised at the twists and turns. The ending had surprised most of them, each admitting to Susan that the clues she’d given should have led them in the right direction.

  “It was great,” Violet told her. “You’d drop an idea and I’d think it was something important that I should think about. But then you’d get me so caught up in the next chapter, I’d just tuck it back in my mind and not remember how important it was until I got to the end where you unraveled everything.”

  As the discussion wound down, Susan told the group, “This is the best thing that has ever happened to me as a writer. I never thought I’d be part of a group where everyone took the time to read something I’d written and then actually discuss it! Thank you all so much. You’ve made my year! But I do have to say, poor Hal! He thought I spent too much time writing before. But after reading Venia’s last book, spanking stories are starting to roam around in my mind. Hmm… I wonder if I can combine spanking and mystery. I see tons of writing in my future. Maybe spending too much time in my writing room will become a spankable offense.”

  The others laughed, and Quincy cautioned, “Keep a good balance! I know you want him to spank you, but we want to read your books. Don’t go overboard and have him set too strict a limit.”

  After several rounds of good-byes, Susan set out on her walk home with Abby, who lived nearby.

  “Have you and Hal done much hiking since you’ve been here? We have some wonderful trails that are beautiful and not too rough. You need to try them out soon.”

  “We’ve done a few on the weekends and the views are amazing. I
usually do my walking to town and around. But I might try some of the easier ones for a change one day,” Susan told her.

  Abby pointed out several that required little to no real climbing. “They’re long, but pretty easy. It’s going to be too cold for serious walking soon,” Abby told her. “You haven’t experienced a Colorado winter, have you?”

  “No, we had snow in Virginia, but we were in the foothills. It was never really bad. Of course, every time snow was mentioned, everyone and their brother ran to the store for bread and milk. Well, not me. I went for brownie mix, chips and soda.”

  Abby laughed. “You’d be the one I’d visit then. But seriously, some of our storms can be deadly. We’re halfway through October now and you can usually count on a white Halloween. I worry about newcomers every year. Not everyone takes the weather as seriously as they should. Stock up now and don’t try to run to the store once it starts snowing.”

  “Yes ma’am, I’ll pay attention. Personally, I have no problem stocking up on goodies and then staying in to watch it snow.”

  “I’m guessing you’ll be sick of it like the rest of us before winter is over. But it is beautiful. Now, I have a favor to ask you,” Abby told her as they reached Abby’s house. “We’re going to be out of town next week. Would you mind checking on our cat while we’re gone? Actually, I’m not even sure it’s our cat, but Harris rigged up a flap in the garage window so that it can come and go. And we’re feeding her, so I guess she’s ours. She doesn’t use a litter box or anything. But I don’t want her to feel abandoned. She’ll just need a little food every other day and fresh water. Quincy would do it for me, but since you’re so close, I was hoping you wouldn’t mind.”

  “Of course I will. I’d thought about getting a kitten myself. I’m not sure what Hal would say. We’re still getting used to living without fur on everything we own. I’ll get some practice in on your kitty before I decide.”


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