What James Did: The Accidental Time Travellers-Book 3

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What James Did: The Accidental Time Travellers-Book 3 Page 20

by Marc James

  With the amount of shots he had heard, there was a good chance they were all dead. Part of him wanted to walk away and leave this life behind him, but he wasn’t giving up on Sarah, not yet anyway. She was his last chance at a different life, a better life.

  He hoped that he hadn’t scared her off, he knew that she cared for him. He had known that even when he had asked about Chase, he was just so exhausted. He couldn’t remember the last time he had slept. That cell in Auschwitz hadn’t provided him with any room to lie down, he had lost consciousness a few times, but he didn’t consider that sleep.

  When he eventually did reach the entrance to the park, he saw that Sarah had abandoned the car they had rented. The gunfire sounded close, he could probably walk it, but if they saw him he was in no state to make a fast getaway. He looked in the window and saw that Sarah had left the keys in the ignition.

  He got in the car and took a last pull on the cigarette before flicking it away. He put his cane on the passenger side and turned the key. The sound of the news reporter suddenly filled the car.

  “On what is quickly becoming the most important date in world history, the Nazi Party that has governed the world for almost twenty years has almost certainly been overthrown.

  Adolf Hitler was shot and killed by an unknown assassin at approximately 12:30 PM whilst travelling through Hitler Plaza, formerly known as Dealey Plaza here in Dallas, Texas.

  Since then there have been gunfights throughout Texas, and the wider world as the Nazi Party begins to lose the control it has had around the world for a generation.

  Following the assassination of Adolf Hitler, uprisings around the world have destabilised the Nazi regime. Prominent party members have been publicly executed and government buildings around the globe have been seized.

  Heinrich Himmler has been killed whilst on a visit to Moscow, early reports suggest that he was murdered in a car bomb attack. Hermann Goring was found dead in his home, it is believed he committed suicide. Joseph Geobbels was also killed during the siege of the White House earlier today. Artur Axmann the head of the Hitler Youth was hung today in Munich. Following this Klaus Barbie, also known as the Butcher of Lyon, was shot by the revolutionary forces just outside of Paris. Heinrich Muller, the head of the Gestapo was in London this week, reports have come in that he has been beheaded in the Tower of London.

  Anyone with a firearm here in Texas is being urged to help overthrow the regime, it seems that freedom around the world may once again be possible.”

  Bobby was overawed by the news, for the first time they had actually accomplished something good. He put his foot on the accelerator and headed into the park.

  It wasn’t long before he saw Chase on his knees with a Nazi soldier standing over him. Bobby pulled left and drove straight into the Nazi soldier sending him flying over the top of the car.

  He pulled the handbrake and skidded to a halt.

  He stepped from the car and saw another Nazi soldier on the other side of the park, firing his Mauser at a tree.

  Bobby took aim with the Walther P38 and fired hitting the Nazi soldier in the back of the head.

  Chapter 70

  As the sound of Bobby’s shot echoed around the park, Chase allowed himself a smile. He fell forwards almost hugging the grass he was on, he couldn’t believe he was still alive.

  Faraday poked his head out from behind a tree at the other side of the park and laughed when he saw that it had been Bobby who had saved them. He walked to Bobby and hugged him.

  “Thank you.” Faraday whispered.

  “Where are the others?” Bobby replied.

  “They went through the wall.” Faraday said, gesturing to the gaping hole that had been made by the car.

  Faraday and Bobby went as quickly as they could towards the creek.

  Jacob watched them go, leaving Chase alone on the grass in front of him, he couldn’t stop himself chuckling. He struggled to his feet, still grasping his wrist. He walked over to where Chase was lying and stood over him.

  “Looks like it’s just the two of us.” Jacob spoke coldly.

  Chase jumped in fright at the sound of his voice, he turned onto his back and looked up at the man. Jacob’s face was entirely red, other than the black dead eyes and his broad smile.

  “I think we have some unfinished business.” Jacob laughed.

  Chase sighed. “After everything we just went through, you are still going to kill me?”

  Jacob chuckled. “The thought had crossed my mind, do you have an alternative solution?”

  “It’s over Jacob, what’s done is done.” Chase offered.

  Jacob was suddenly stony faced. He looked down at Chase considering his options, he offered his left hand.

  Chase looked up in surprise and grasped Jacob’s left hand with his own. Jacob helped him to his feet and they stood beside one another.

  “Call it even?” Chase suggested.

  “Just don’t piss me off ever again.” Jacob snapped. He turned and walked towards the hole in the wall that the car had created, Chase followed closely behind. When they reached it, they saw that the car had landed in a shallow creak. Bobby and Faraday were struggling with an injured Bobby Kennedy.

  “Chase, Jacob, help Jack.” Faraday instructed.

  Jacob and Chase climbed down to join them in the creek. As they approached the car, the smell of gunpowder was replaced by the smell of blood.

  “Is everyone okay?” Chase asked no one in particular.

  “We need to get to the hospital.” Jane replied.

  Chase nodded and between them, Jacob and Chase were able to move Jack to the car that Bobby Stinson had driven.

  Bobby Stinson and Faraday managed to get Jane up to the other car next.

  Sarah and Chase helped Scarlett from the car.

  “What happened to your finger?” Scarlett asked horrified by Chase’s injury.

  “I got shot.” He replied a little confused as to why she hadn’t assumed that.

  “I’m glad you’re okay.” She smiled.

  Chase blushed and noticed Jacob smirking at him, for once he had no urge to punch the man.

  They managed to get the walking wounded into the back of the car. Bobby sat in the passenger seat and Faraday took the driver’s seat.

  “What about Clint?” Scarlett asked.

  “He’s dead honey.” Jane replied.

  “So we are just leaving him?” She asked in horror.

  “There isn’t room.”

  “We can’t leave him here, he’s family.” Scarlett protested.

  “That isn’t Clint down there. It’s just a piece of meat, we are alive we have to look after ourselves.” Sarah exclaimed.

  Scarlett wept and pushed her head into Chase’s chest, he blushed again.

  “I’d prefer if you just kept your opinions to yourself.” Jane snapped at Sarah.

  “What the hell is your problem?” Sarah replied.

  “I don’t like you.”

  Sarah’s face turned red, but she did not reply.

  Chapter 71

  Faraday drove as quickly as he could, only he and Bobby had been lucky enough to escape injury. With every turn, they took on the way to Parkland Hospital came the sounds of moaning and wincing. The inside of the car smelt of blood, sweat and gunpowder. They had managed to cram everyone into the backseats, but they were far from comfortable.

  Bobby sat in the passenger’s seat, he had never been as tired as he was just now. He felt as though he might pass out at any minute. He looked down at the eagle head that sat on top of his cane and his mind drifted to Meyer Lansky. He was surely dead, being Jewish would have made him one of the first casualties when the Nazis invaded America.

  He glanced to look at the walking wounded in the back, Sarah had fallen asleep, she looked beautiful. Scarlett was cuddled into her mother, they were both crying. Chase was sat just staring at his missing finger, he looked awful. Bobby Kennedy was still lying on the floor, groaning in pain. Jack Kennedy was still unco
nscious, and Jacob looked like the devil, his face was drenched in blood.

  Bobby turned back to face the front of the car, Faraday looked almost happy.

  “Why are you smiling?” Bobby asked.

  “Why wouldn’t I be? We did it Bobby, after everything we’ve been through, we did it. We have solved the problems that we caused, and the Kennedy’s will be back in the White House.”

  “If they make it.” Bobby replied.

  “We are nearly at the hospital, they’ll make it.” Faraday replied confidently.

  When Faraday reached the hospital, he was amazed by the angry crowds that had gathered outside. Hundreds of armed men and women were celebrating the death of Adolf Hitler. Dotted throughout the crowd were the bodies of Nazi supporters.

  “I’ve never seen anything like it.” Faraday spoke in amazement.

  Faraday slowed the car to a snail’s pace, and gently pushed through the crowd. The crowd began thumping the windows with enthusiasm.

  When they finally did reach the entrance to the hospital, Faraday stepped from the car and quickly moved inside.

  “Where is he going?” Sarah asked.

  “He is just getting some help to get you all inside.” Bobby replied sleepily.

  Faraday returned a few minutes later with hospital staff. They managed to get everyone into wheelchairs and led them inside.

  As they were led into treatment rooms one by one, Faraday and Bobby waited in the corridor. Faraday glanced at Bobby and saw that he was struggling to keep his eyes open, the man looked shattered. He looked further down the hallway and saw three men peeking into one of the rooms, they were all armed with guns.

  Faraday nudged Bobby gently and pointed towards the men.

  “What do you think they are doing?” Faraday asked nervously.

  As Bobby looked at the men, he knew exactly what they were doing. They were all dressed in civilian clothes, they were here to kill Nazis.

  “Just leave them to it.” Bobby advised before closing his eyes.

  Faraday watched on as a man opened the door to the room and tried to usher the men away. The man was dressed in a Nazi uniform, but it was his face that stunned Faraday.

  “That’s Clint Hill.”

  Bobby’s eyes shot open.

  “Clint’s a Nazi?” Bobby asked in astonishment.

  They stared intently as one of the men struck Clint and forced him back into the room.

  “We need to help him.” Faraday declared.

  They both rose to their feet, for Bobby this was a struggle. Faraday led the way along the corridor and Bobby hobbled along behind him.

  When they reached the room, Faraday glanced through the window. The three men had forced Clint to the floor, his face was bruised and bloody. Stood at the right of the room were three Nazis, each of whom had their hands on their heads.

  One of the gunmen was standing with a gun to Clint’s head, another had a gun pointed towards the three Nazis on the right-hand side of the room. The other was stood with his back to the door, looking at the bed.

  “What do we do?” Faraday asked.

  “We go in all guns blazing.” Bobby replied.

  Both Bobby and Faraday took out their guns.

  “On three.” Bobby instructed. “One, two, three.”

  They threw the door open and rushed into the room.

  Bobby was the first to fire, he hit the gunman who was standing over Clint.

  The next two shots came from the man who was aiming at the three Nazi soldiers, both shots hit the Nazis in the head.

  The fourth shot came from Faraday, it struck the man who had just killed both Nazis. As Faraday watched the man fall, the next shot came from the man by the bed, it hit Faraday in the middle of the forehead and he collapsed to the ground.

  Bobby was horrified as he saw Faraday hit the ground, he was dead. Bobby fired quickly, his first shot killed the man who had shot Faraday and his second hit the remaining Nazi in the corner of the room.

  As the gunfire stopped, the room was suddenly quiet. Screaming could be heard out in the corridor, but in the room nobody moved, nobody spoke.

  Bobby had tears in his eyes but couldn’t bring himself to look at Faraday.

  “Who are you?” Clint Hill asked.

  Bobby turned and looked at Clint, he was still knelt on the floor.

  “Are you a Nazi?” Bobby asked.

  “I’m Secret Service, I was here to protect the Fuhrer on his trip to Dallas.”

  “What will you do now that the Nazis are no longer in power?” Bobby asked.

  “I will continue working to protect our new leader.” Clint replied.

  Bobby was pleased by that answer. He had decided that if Clint had indeed been a loyal Nazi then he would have to kill him. He didn’t have any desire to do that, especially not now Faraday had died in the attempt to save him.

  “Change into some other clothes. If you leave her dressed like that then, you will be killed.”

  Clint nodded and got to his feet. He walked over to the man that had been stood by the bed and began to remove his clothes.

  Bobby watched as Clint undressed the dead man. He was about to turn and look away when something caught his eye. Lying on the bed, was Adolf Hitler.

  “That’s him.” Bobby spoke in amazement.

  Clint nodded. “Don’t worry, he’s dead.”

  Bobby nodded, he could tell that just by looking at the man. “Good.”

  When Clint was changed, he walked towards Bobby and stretched out a hand.

  “Thank you.”

  Bobby shook his hand and nodded.

  Once Clint had left the room Bobby finally looked down at his friend. The bullet had struck him in the centre of the forehead, he was dead, there was no doubt about that. The tears started to roll slowly down Bobby’s cheeks. He had come so close to surviving this and there he was, lying dead in the same room as Adolf Hitler. Bobby had never been a religious man, and Faraday’s death was the perfect example as to why there could not be a God in his opinion.

  At times throughout his life, he had often wished that he was wrong, that maybe there was a God. This was one of those times. He no longer felt any resentment towards Faraday, after everything he had done to try and fix his mistake Bobby had managed to forgive him.

  “God bless you Faraday.” Bobby muttered.

  He hobbled from the room and went to look for a nurse.

  Chapter 72

  The bullets had been removed and her wounds had been sown up, they were still incredibly painful. She lay on the bed and despite the pain she allowed herself a smile, against all odds they had succeeded. It was finally over.

  There was a knock on the door.

  “Come in.” She shouted, it would surely be Faraday.

  As Bobby hobbled into the room with tears in his eyes, she had palpitations.

  “What’s happened?”

  Bobby took a seat by the bed and looked into her eyes, he had no idea how he was going to break this to her.

  “Jane, I’m so sorry.”

  Jane was crying now too. “Bobby what happened?”

  “It’s Faraday, he’s dead.”

  As the words sunk in she felt as though she had been hit by a bus. He hadn’t even been injured.

  “How?” She asked.

  “He was shot.”

  “Bobby tell me what happened!” Jane snapped.

  Bobby cleared his throat. “We were sitting in the hall and he saw Clint Hill. Clint was dressed in Nazi uniform and these three men were about to kill him. We went to stop them, Faraday was trying to save him. We managed to save Clint, but Faraday was shot.”

  “Where was he shot?” Jane managed.

  “In the head Jane, he died instantly.” Bobby offered.

  Jane let out a wail of agony. “I can’t believe this.”

  “I’m so sorry.” Bobby repeated.

  “Where is he?” Jane asked.

  “The nurses took him down to the mortuary.”

; “I need to see him.”

  “I can take you there.”

  Chapter 73

  Faraday looked around, he didn’t recognise the place at first and then when he saw the barman he realised where he was.

  He walked towards Ruby and he smiled.

  “Kid your tooth is still behind the bar.” Jack spoke with a smile.

  “How are you Jack?” Faraday replied, he had never felt as happy as he was at this moment.

  “Good. You lied to me!” Jack yelled.

  “What?” Faraday replied, suddenly scared.

  Ruby began laughing. “Take a seat.”


  “James!” David’s voice echoed in the bar.

  Faraday looked to his left and saw a crowded table. In the seat closest to him was David.

  Jack handed him a beer and he walked over to the table, he took a seat at the head of the table right beside David.

  “How does it feel?” David asked.

  “How does what feel?”

  “To be one of us.” Nancy replied, she was sitting directly opposite David on the seat to Faraday’s left.

  Faraday looked down the table and recognised many people.

  Guy Fawkes, Abraham Lincoln, Lee Harvey Oswald, Martin Luther King, J. Edgar Hoover, Abaddon Wolf, Clint Stinson, J. D Tippit, and Will Carter were all looking back at him. Jack Ruby belatedly joined the table.

  “So I’m dead?” Faraday asked, the happiness was gone now.

  “Afraid so kid.” Ruby yelled before taking a swig of his whisky.

  “It’s not so bad.” David advised.

  “I was so close.” Faraday muttered.

  “We all were.” Abaddon replied.

  “Everyone dies James.” Lincoln advised.

  “I never did anything wrong.” Faraday protested.

  “You were a good man.” Guy agreed.

  “How are you feeling Guy?”

  “I wish that the statue had appeared five minutes sooner.” He conceded.

  Faraday took a sip from his beer and looked at Will Carter, he had not spoken a word since Faraday had sat down.


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