What James Did: The Accidental Time Travellers-Book 3

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What James Did: The Accidental Time Travellers-Book 3 Page 21

by Marc James

  “How are you Faraday?” Will asked awkwardly.

  Faraday just stared at the man, time had not healed that particular wound.

  “I’m so sorry, for everything.” Will offered.

  Faraday ignored him. “So why are you all here?”

  “To welcome you James.” David replied with a smile.

  “Did you know this was going to happen?” Faraday asked.

  David shifted uncomfortably in his chair. “I suspected that it might be the case, but you did what was right.”

  Faraday took a sip of his beer and sighed.

  “Faraday could I possibly have a word with you in private?” Will asked.

  Faraday was almost shaking with rage.

  “You can use my office.” Ruby offered.

  Faraday reluctantly rose to his feet and both men walked through to the office behind the bar. Faraday took his seat behind the desk and Will sat down across from him.

  “What do you want?” Faraday snapped.

  Will cleared his throat nervously. “I need you to forgive me.”


  “I never got a chance to make things right. When we are alive, we all do things that we regret.”

  “Yes, but what you did was awful!” Faraday yelled.

  “I know that. I regret what happened more than you could ever imagine, if I could go back and change things then I would.”

  “What is it that you want from me Will?”

  “I want you to forgive me.”

  “I can’t do that.”

  Chapter 74

  Chase looked at his mangled hand, he almost wanted to cry. The doctors had been unable to reattach his index finger, they had simply sown up the wound. He had left his room and gone to look for the others, he had expected Faraday and Bobby to be waiting in the hallway but they were nowhere to be seen.

  He looked through the glass on the door of the room next to his, and saw that Bobby Kennedy was sitting in a wheelchair speaking to Jacob, who was sitting upright on the bed. Bobby Kennedy didn’t look good, but his leg was in a cast and was being propped up by a stand on the wheelchair. Jacob looked much better than he had in the park, his face was no longer drenched with blood.

  Chase moved further along the corridor and saw that in the next room, Scarlett was lying alone crying. He gave the gentlest of knocks on the door and entered the room.

  When she saw him enter, she scrambled to dry her eyes and gave a false smile.

  “How are you feeling?” He asked before taking a seat beside the bed.

  “I’m okay. How are you?”

  “I’m a finger short but I’ll live.” He smiled. “How are you really?”

  Scarlett’s bottom lip gave a quiver and her eyes began to fill up.

  “Are you in pain?” He asked.

  Scarlett nodded. “It’s not that. I was just thinking about Clint, I can’t believe we left him there.”

  “I understand. It was awful, but we honestly didn’t have a choice Scarlett.”

  “I know that.”

  “Were you close?” Chase inquired.

  Scarlett nodded again. “He was like a brother to me. Our mum’s lived together, so we always played together when we were little. When we got older, he told me that he was in love with me.”

  Chase cleared his throat, he had no idea what to say to that statement.

  “I never thought of him that way, and I told him that we could never be like that. He said that he understood, but he always wanted more. I feel so terrible, I snapped at him today when he tried to put his arm around me. He was just trying to help.”

  “It has been a crazy day for everyone, he knows that you care about him.” Chase offered.

  “Do you believe in an afterlife?” She asked.

  Chase smiled. “You know the last person who asked me about religion was your father.”


  “Yes, it was the day we landed in Cuba. We were trying to stop Jacob, who was attempting to provoke an international incident by staging an uprising against Fidel Castro. Your father told me that he believed in the big bang and evolution.”

  “And what do you believe?” Scarlett asked.

  “I believe that everything is part of God’s plan, we are here for a reason, we must be.”


  “Do you believe that all of this is a coincidence, that your parents randomly arrived in 1963 and happened to meet Bobby and David?”

  “Well, why not?”

  “It just has to be more than coincidence. I mean Bobby knew Will, and he was then transported back to Auschwitz where he happened to share a cell with Will. No, it was all part of God’s plan.”

  Scarlett smiled. “I’ve never really believed in God. I hope there is something out there, but I can’t say that I have faith. Can I ask you another question?”

  “Sure.” Chase smiled.

  “What’s my dad like?”

  “How do you mean?”

  “Well, I’ve only known him a week.” Scarlett explained.

  “What do you think he’s like?” Chase replied.

  “It is difficult to say really. He seems to be impulsive, and he and my Mum fight a lot.”

  Chase thought about Scarlett’s words for a moment. “I think it must be very hard for him. Your mother died, I saw him the same day. Then out of the blue he found out that she was alive and that he had a twenty-one-year-old daughter. Not to mention the fact that your mother is also twenty-one years older than she was when they last met.”

  “No I get that, I just want to know what you think of him?”

  Chase pondered as to how honest he should be. “I was always closer to Bobby if I’m honest. The time we spent in Cuba was the only time I have been alone with him for a prolonged period of time, and they were the worst days of my life. I think he pretends to be brave.”

  “Pretends to be?”

  “I think that having spent so much time around Bobby, he strives to be like him. But he is not.”

  Scarlett almost looked offended.

  “I just mean that Bobby is quite different to most people, although he is quite similar to Jacob.”

  “How do you mean?”

  “Well, they both give me the impression that they are not afraid of anything. I think Faraday wants to be like that, but he’s not.”

  “You don’t think Jacob is afraid of anything?” Scarlett laughed.

  “He doesn’t seem to be.”

  “He isn’t as bad as you lot seem to think he is. He saved my Mum’s life, he helped raise me.”

  Chase did not reply, he just nodded.

  “You hate him, don’t you?”

  “Yes.” Chase replied bluntly. “I think he is the most horrible, evil person that I have ever met.”

  “You barely know him.”

  “I know enough.”

  “Well, from what my Mum tells me, Sarah is far worse.”

  Chase felt slightly awkward at the mention of her name, he blushed uncomfortably.

  “You liked her though?” Scarlett enquired.

  “No, that was just Jacob stirring shit like he always does.” Chase snapped.

  “What was so special about her?”

  “Does it matter?” Chase snapped again.

  “You tell me?”

  Chase suddenly thought of what Jacob had said to him, did Scarlett like him? He looked at her and smiled, she was beautiful.

  “I know this might sound weird. Do you want to go to dinner with me sometime?”

  “Like a date?”

  “Yes.” Chase blushed.

  “Yes I would.” She smiled.

  Chapter 75

  Jacob sat alone in his hospital room. His wounds had been seen to by a doctor and there was nothing left to do, but wait, wait for his moment to secure the power he desired. There was no doubt that he deserved it for everything he had done, but he knew the others didn’t trust him.

  No one had even come to ask if he was alright, he hadn’t expec
ted them to. A few hours had passed since the doctor had left him and when there was a knock at the door, he was actually happy that someone had finally come to see how he was.

  The door was opened and Bobby Kennedy entered the room in a wheelchair, his leg was in a cast and it was being propped up by a stand on the wheelchair. He looked pale and exhausted, but he managed a smile.

  The nurse that had pushed Bobby into the room secured the break on the chair before leaving the room.

  “How are you feeling Jacob?” Bobby began.

  Jacob chuckled. “Better than you by the looks of things.”

  Bobby sighed. “I’m doped up on painkillers, the doctor said that it will be at least six weeks before the cast comes off.”

  Jacob did not reply, he just nodded.

  “Jack is in surgery just now, they said it should be quite a straightforward procedure. The bullet did not hit his spine or any major organs or arteries.”

  “So will he be running for President?” Jacob asked bluntly.

  “That is our intention and it is actually why I am here to see you.”

  Jacob smiled broadly.

  “You used to be in something called the CIA, is that correct?”


  “We never had the CIA in this country, we had an organisation called the OSS, the Office of Strategic Services.”

  “That preceded the CIA.” Jacob advised.

  Bobby nodded. “Well, before we go any further I need to ask you something.”

  Jacob was stony-faced as he stared at Bobby.

  “What is it that you want to do?”

  “How do you mean?” Jacob asked without any emotion.

  “Jack and I find you a little confusing. You are clearly an extremely intelligent man, and after everything we have all been through today you have proved what you are capable of. The problem we have is that we are unsure as to whether or not we can trust you Jacob.”

  Jacob laughed. “I am not a Kennedy loyalist if that is what you mean. You might be able to trust me, but it depends on what you intend to offer me.”

  Bobby smiled. “Well, that brings us back to my original question. What is it that you want to do?”

  “I want to be appointed as the head of the newly formed Central Intelligence Agency. Abaddon promised me that before he stabbed me in the back. He is dead now.” Jacob spoke coldly.

  “If you were to be made head of the CIA would you work in the best interest of the country or work for your own interests?”

  Jacob stared at Kennedy almost in amazement at what the man had just said to him. “Do you think that I served my own best interests when I offered to kill Hitler?”

  “Well, you clearly had an agenda.”

  “Everyone has an agenda. You and your brother did not do this out of the kindness of your hearts, you want the White House, and I want the CIA.”


  “I am the best man for the job.” Jacob snapped.

  Kennedy smiled back at him. “That’s what I wanted to hear Jacob. If we get to the White House then you’ve got it.”

  Jacob smiled. “There is something else that I want.”

  Kennedy raised his eyebrows in surprise. “Go on.”

  “Is your family still wealthy?” Jacob asked with a smile.

  Chapter 76

  Jane struggled into the room, she had one arm and one leg covered in bandages. She was also on crutches. The physical pain that she felt was nothing in comparison to that which she felt inside. She had lived for twenty-one years without him and had only had him back for one week. But the loss was greater than anything she had ever imagined.

  She looked at her husband lying on the cold metal trolley, he didn’t even look like the same man. He was so pale. In the middle of his forehead was a hole where the bullet had entered. She put her head on his chest and cried, his chest was cold.

  She felt so guilty about the way she had treated him in the last week. He had been trying to do what was right, she had known that. She just wanted her family to be together and to live an ordinary life. She looked at him and wondered if he could hear her, wherever he was.

  “Faraday, it’s me, Jane. I’m so sorry! I have never loved anyone the way that I love you. Since the moment I saw you, that first day at university I knew that you were special.” Jane started to laugh.

  “When you claimed that you had seen the Ramones, I thought you were perhaps the other kind of special, but I still loved you.

  You used to say the stupidest things. You always made me laugh. You came through time for me, and now I have no way of ever repaying you, you saved me Faraday, and you gave me Scarlett.”

  “I just want you to know that whatever I said about wishing you hadn’t come back, or that I would never talk to you again if Scarlett was hurt. I never meant any of it, I love you more than anything in the world.”

  She leant in and kissed Faraday on the lips.

  As she pulled away from his lips, she continued crying. She looked down at his face, it was so vacant. She was startled as she looked at the bullet hole, she could have sworn that it had moved.

  She continued to stare down at it as the wound seemed to close up, leaving his forehead in perfect condition.

  She jumped backwards as Faraday gasped for air.

  He looked around frantically, he was clearly disorientated.

  “Where am I?” He spluttered.

  “You’re in the hospital, Parkland hospital.” Jane replied quickly.

  “I’m alive?” Faraday asked looking at Jane.

  “You were dead and you just came back to life.” Jane spoke in shock.

  “I came back to life?”

  “I kissed you and then all of a sudden the bullet wound in your forehead closed up.”

  Faraday’s mouth was agape. “How can that be?”

  “I have no idea.”

  Jane moved towards him and wrapped her arms around him, the colour was beginning to return to his face. He hugged her tightly. He started to wonder if he had been dreaming about being in the Carousel Club, or if he had really been dead.

  “I love you so much.” Faraday whispered.

  “I love you too.”

  Chapter 77

  Bobby had left Jane to be alone with Faraday, she needed an opportunity to say goodbye. He felt as though he was going to collapse, he was physically and mentally drained.

  He struggled back along the corridor and went into the room that Sarah was currently in. When he entered the room, he was shocked by Sarah’s appearance; her face was badly swollen and bruised. She looked to be in a lot of pain.

  “How are you feeling?” Bobby asked before taking a seat by the bed.

  Sarah’s eyes were watery. “I’ll be okay.”

  Bobby grasped her hand and kissed it. “Sarah I am so sorry for what I said.”

  “It’s okay.” She replied, albeit unconvincingly.

  “No it isn’t, I let you down.”

  “There was never anything going on between me and Chase.”

  “I know. Sarah, I really like you and I’m sorry for what I said. To tell you the truth, I’m absolutely exhausted.”

  “So am I Bobby. I was kidnapped and only escaped the Titanic by the skin of my teeth.”

  “You were on the Titanic?” Bobby asked in astonishment.

  “Faraday saved me.”

  “And you saved me.” Bobby smiled.

  “It wasn’t just me.”

  “Will you give me another chance?” Bobby asked hopefully.

  Sarah sighed and stared at him. “Why should I? After everything I did to get you back you accused me of being in love with another man.”

  “I promise you that it will never happen again. We can have a life together, a good life. Just please give me another chance.”

  Sarah smiled. “I have your word that it will never happen again?”

  “Yes. We can start afresh, I can open up a new law practise and you can continue with your journalism.”

Sarah smiled. “That sounds good, but where are we going to live?”

  There was a knock on the door which interrupted Sarah.

  Bobby Kennedy was rolled into the room in a wheelchair.

  “How are you feeling?” He asked, looking at Sarah.

  “I’m okay, I just got a few bumps from the crash.”

  “I’m pleased to hear that. I’m glad you are both here because I was wondering what your intentions are, now that this is over?”

  “We were just discussing that. Bobby was saying that he is going to reopen his law practice.”

  “Any idea where?” Kennedy asked.

  “No, not yet.”

  “How about Dallas?”

  “Why Dallas?”

  “Well, Jack is getting rid of the condo, we don’t need the money, so if you want it the place is yours.”

  Chapter 78

  Jane and Faraday made their way back along the ward to look for Scarlett’s room. They were both excited to finally be able to start over and have a proper life, and a proper family. Before they reached Scarlett’s room, they found Sarah’s.

  They looked through the glass and saw that Bobby and Sarah were sitting beside one another on the bed. Faraday knocked on the door and Bobby looked through the glass at Faraday in astonishment. He struggled up to his feet and came out into the corridor.

  “You’re alive!” Bobby said.

  “I am.” Faraday smiled.

  “What the hell happened?”

  “We have no idea. He was dead, he was lying on the trolley and I kissed him. The next thing that I knew the bullet hole was gone and he was sitting up wide awake.” Jane replied with a beaming smile.

  Bobby just stared at Jane. “I knew it.”

  “You knew what?” Faraday asked.

  “Jane, I knew that the wormhole must have done something to you.”

  “Do you think that’s what did it?” She asked, she hadn’t considered that.

  “What else could it be?” Faraday asked with a grin.

  “I think you’ve found yourself a keeper.” Bobby said.

  “You’re damn right I have.” Faraday agreed. “How is Sarah?”

  “She’s okay, we just need to wait for the doctor to say that she is okay to leave and we are out of here.”


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