What James Did: The Accidental Time Travellers-Book 3

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What James Did: The Accidental Time Travellers-Book 3 Page 22

by Marc James

  “I’ll actually nip in and have a word with her.” Jane said, before disappearing into the room.

  “Is Clint okay?” Faraday asked.

  “Yeah he got out.”

  Faraday nodded. “Where will you go?”

  “Bobby Kennedy just came by, Jack is going to sign over the deeds for the condo to me.”

  “You’ll need to get rid of the dead body and the swastikas.”

  “Yeah, but other than that it’s perfect.” Bobby laughed. “I’m going to open up a new law practice.”

  “You’ve got it all figured out then.” Faraday smiled.

  “Yeah, what about you?”

  “I think we will head back to Scotland. We’ll need to find a new place to live, but I have a daughter I need to get to know.”

  Bobby offered his hand and Faraday shook it.

  “All the best.” Bobby spoke.

  “You too pal.” Faraday replied.

  Chapter 79

  Jane entered the room and smiled at Sarah, Sarah did not return the smile.

  “What do you want?” Sarah snapped.

  “I won’t take up much of your time. I just wanted to say that I am sorry for the way I have been acting towards you.”

  “Why have you been such a bitch?” Sarah asked.

  “I am still very angry at the way you treated Bobby Kennedy whilst he was President. I am not going to pretend that I like you, but I will stop acting the way that I have been whenever I see you. Bobby cares about you, so as long as he is happy, then I am happy.”

  “That was a pretty weak apology.” Sarah replied.

  “Well, that’s as good as you will get.” Jane smiled. “Treat him right.”

  Jane turned on her heels and left the room, she met Bobby in the corridor.

  “Where did Faraday go?” She asked.

  “He went to see Scarlett.” Bobby answered.

  “Well, I guess this time, it really is goodbye.” Jane smiled.

  “I guess so.” Bobby replied.

  They hugged each other tightly.

  “Thanks for everything.” Bobby said.

  “Remember what I told you Bobby. Try and have a good life.”

  “I will.”

  As Jane hobbled on her crutches down the corridor, a doctor went in to examine Sarah. He took a seat outside the room.

  As he sat there, he allowed himself a smile. He could finally move on, after everything they had been through it was over. He looked down the corridor and saw Jacob walking towards him with his hand heavily bandaged and stitches on his forehead. In his other hand, he was carrying a large sack.

  Jacob laughed when he saw Bobby and sat down beside him.

  “Just the man I was looking for!”

  “Really?” Bobby asked in surprise.

  “It’s the day for good news Bobby! Jack has just given me his word that if he is elected then I shall be made head of the newly formed CIA.”

  “Just what you always wanted.” Bobby replied.

  Jacob chuckled. “It took a little longer than I had anticipated, but I’ve got it now.”

  Bobby smiled. “You deserve it Jacob. I mean that.”

  Jacob smiled, but it wasn’t his usual smile, it was almost friendly. “I’ll need a second in command. You up to it?”

  Bobby laughed. “Not in a million years. I’m done. Once Sarah is ready then we’re out of here.”

  “You sure?” Jacob smirked, the evil was back in this smile.

  “Why?” Bobby asked apprehensively.

  “What was it that Mengele made you drink?”

  Bobby was silent, he wasn’t sure what Jacob was getting at.

  “What was it?” Jacob asked again.

  “Salt water.” Bobby replied, he felt pained at the memory.

  Jacob handed the sack he was holding to Bobby.

  He looked inside, it was full of salt and on top was a glass. “Is this some kind of sick joke?” Bobby snapped.

  Jacob laughed. “A gift. I saw your friend Josef Mengele along the hall, room 310.”

  Bobby was stunned.

  “I would hurry though, if that crowd doesn’t get him soon he’ll probably do himself in. Just thought you might like to see him again.”

  “You thought right.” Bobby replied eagerly.

  Bobby struggled to his feet carrying the sack.

  “Good luck Bobby.” Jacob chuckled.

  As Bobby reached room 310 his hip almost felt pain-free, he was looking forward to this.

  Chapter 80

  Faraday felt oddly proud as he watched his daughter holding hands with her new boyfriend. He had always assumed that when he met his daughter’s first boyfriend that he would detest the idiot, but in his opinion she couldn’t have picked a better man than Chase.

  “So how is this going to work, are you coming with us to Scotland?” Jane asked.

  Chase looked at Scarlett. “Is that alright?”

  “It would be hard to date you if you stayed here.”

  “I would love to come with you all then.” He replied gleefully.

  “Glad to hear it.” Faraday smiled.

  “I don’t know where we are going to live though.” Jane groaned.

  “I do.” Scarlett smiled.

  “You do?” Jane asked in surprise.

  “Bobby Kennedy came by earlier. He was looking for you both, but he couldn’t find you. Jacob spoke to him and asked him to give us the money to buy back the Auld Hole in the Wall as part of the package for his new job. Kennedy agreed, he is having his lawyers contact the current owners.”

  “Are you serious?” Faraday asked in amazement.

  “Yes, I’m serious.” She smiled.

  “I can’t believe we are going to have our own bar!” Faraday shouted excitedly.

  “It’s more work than you’d think.” Jane advised.

  “That’s why we have a kid.” Faraday joked.

  They were interrupted by a knock on the door, a doctor popped his head in.

  “I’m looking for Jane Faraday?”

  Jane rose to her feet and followed the doctor into the hallway.

  The doctor spoke as Jane reached the hallway.

  “I believe the young man that you were asking about earlier has just been brought into the morgue, would you like to see him?”

  “Please.” Jane smiled.

  She hobbled after the doctor towards the morgue.

  “I guess you are having a hectic day?” She asked the doctor.

  “You have no idea. Every five minutes we get another gunshot victim.”

  “It is for the greater good though.” She replied.

  “I couldn’t agree more. It’s just a shame it had to come to this.”

  “Yes, it is.”

  “I wish I could meet the man that shot Hitler.” He chuckled.

  “Why do you assume it was a man?” She asked.

  The doctor looked baffled by the question. “No woman can shoot like that.” He chuckled again.

  Jane smiled. “Yes, I suppose you are right.”

  When they arrived at the morgue, the doctor led Jane into the same room that she had seen Faraday in. There was a trolley in the centre of the room, a body lay on top of the trolley, but it was covered with a white sheet.

  The doctor uncovered the top half of the body and revealed Clint Stinson.

  “Yes, that’s him.” Jane confirmed. “Could I have a moment alone with him?” She asked.

  “Of course, was he a friend or a relative?”

  “He was my son.” Jane advised.

  “I’m so sorry for your loss.” The doctor smiled compassionately. He turned and left the morgue, giving Jane some time alone with him.

  Chapter 81

  Bobby hobbled into the room, closing the door behind him. Mengele was sitting with his back to the door, looking out the window from the where he was sitting on the bed. The huge crowds of people were indeed scaring him, he seemed to be muttering something in German.

  Bobby managed t
o laugh for the first time in a long, long time.

  “Hello Josef.”

  Mengele turned startled. “Do I know you?”

  “You don’t recognize me?” Bobby said in surprise.

  “Should I?” Mengele asked.

  Bobby tossed his cane towards Mengele.

  Mengele caught it and looked at the golden eagle that sat atop the cane. “Robert Stinson.”

  “You know my name now? I’m not just prisoner 221163?”

  “Are you here to kill me?” Mengele asked, he didn’t seem scared.

  Bobby removed the final cigarette from his packet and lit it. “I haven’t decided yet.”

  “Well, you had better decide quickly. That crowd is growing restless.”

  “You don’t seem worried?” Bobby asked.

  “Should I be?”

  “Well, I’m not a religious man Josef. One of the benefits of having a genuine shot at eternal life is that I don’t really have to be. But if there is a heaven and a hell, then you know where you are going.”

  Mengele didn’t seem frightened. “I think Satan would be afraid of me Mr Stinson.”

  Bobby remained stony-faced. “You might just be right. I however do not fear you one bit.”

  “That’s because I gave you a second chance Mr Stinson. Perhaps it is your opportunity to grant me the same favour.”

  “You are joking?” Bobby asked in amazement.

  “Not at all. I never tried to kill you, I gave you the opportunity to become my colleague.”

  “I am only alive because people came to save me. Four people died in order for me to be here today.”

  “Did I personally murder a single one of them?”

  “Well, either you or one of the Wernher’s killed Emmerich.”


  Bobby took a long pull on his cigarette, his mind was made up at that moment.

  “I shared my cell with him, and a man named Will Carter. They both died. Emmerich lost his wife and his child. Two other people, a woman named Bonnie, and a man named Clyde, also died in my rescue. Not to mention the fact that you have killed millions of people that I personally didn’t ever meet.”

  Mengele laughed. “And one more that you did.”

  “Sorry?” Bobby asked in genuine confusion.

  “Miss Lombardi.” Mengele spoke coldly.

  Bobby suddenly felt cold.

  Mengele laughed. “Did you not think I would look into your background Mr Stinson? Yes Nancy Lombardi was one of my greats.”

  “What did you do to her?”

  “Well, she didn’t like salt water either. Then I began to wonder whether I could remove bones in her body without anaesthesia. More specifically, whether or not she would feel pain. As it turned out, she felt great pain.”

  Bobby walked towards Mengele, even without his cane he went incredibly quickly. He punched Mengele as hard as he could. He removed the handcuffs he had taken from the dead Nazi and used them on Mengele.

  “Did you ever figure out whether or not people can drink salt water Joseph?”

  Mengele spat blood from his mouth. “They can’t.”

  “Are you sure?” Bobby moved quickly and pulled the sack over to him. He half-filled the glass with salt and moved to the sink to fill it with water. He forced it down Mengele’s throat.

  As Mengele coughed and spluttered, Bobby refilled the glass and did it again.

  Mengele vomited on the floor.

  “For every time that you do that I will get another sack of salt.” Bobby yelled, before slapping Mengele.

  Bobby did it again, and then once more.

  Mengele was sick over himself again.

  Bobby punched Mengele who screamed, and he forced another glass of salt water down his throat.

  Bobby watched with a smile as Mengele lay on the floor writhing in pain. He was a pathetic sight, and he put Bobby in mind of a discussion that Emmerich and Will had had in Auschwitz.

  Will had told Emmerich that he would devote his life to doing exactly what Bobby was doing just now. Emmerich had explained that that was no way to spend his life.

  It was similar to what Jane had told him, you need to let go of the past, let go of death in order to live a life worth living.

  “I’m not going to kill you Josef. You’ve hurt millions of people, not just me.”

  “Just do it!” Mengele yelled.

  “So you don’t have to go to trial? I think they’ll love you in a Texas prison. It’s probably full of people you persecuted.”

  Mengele suddenly looked scared. “I killed your grandmother! She died screaming!”

  Bobby just looked down at the man. “Yet here I am. You didn’t kill my grandmother Josef. My grandmother died in a hospital, in this hospital over one hundred years ago. You may have killed a parallel version of her, but rest assured she was not my grandmother, or I wouldn’t be here would I?”

  “I still killed her!” Mengele spat.

  “And millions more.” Bobby grabbed Mengele and forced him to his feet. He made him look out at the rioters. “Something tells me that they might be here for you.” He threw Mengele to the ground again and began to walk from the room.

  As he neared the door, he realised that he had forgotten to do something.

  He walked back around to Mengele and kicked him in the stomach. “That was for Will.”

  He kicked him again. “That was for Emmerich.”

  He smiled and grabbed his cane. “Enjoy your life Josef.” Bobby turned and left the room.

  He hobbled back along the corridor towards Sarah’s room, Jacob was still sitting outside.

  “Did you do it?” He asked.

  “I got what I needed. Thank you Jacob.” Bobby smiled.

  “My pleasure.” Jacob chuckled.

  Bobby opened Sarah’s room door and she smiled at him from the bed.

  “Are you ready to go?”

  “Sure am.” She smiled.

  Chapter 82

  Jane looked down at Clint and felt unbelievably nervous. When she had been here earlier with Faraday, she had had no hope that she would be walking out of the room with her husband. She hadn’t even considered the fact that it was something she had done that had brought him back to life, not until Bobby had mentioned that possibility.

  Over the years, she had often wondered why she seemed to be the only one of them that had never had some kind of power given to her from the wormhole. It seemed to only be the people who travelled through the naturally occurring wormholes that had any kind of power, but she had made her peace with the fact that she hadn’t been lucky enough to be given anything.

  For years she had wished that she could have the same power that Bobby had been given, eternal life. Earlier she had assumed it was yet another magical trait that Faraday had been gifted, he could survive anything, that’s the way it seemed anyway.

  She looked down at Clint. She had been like the son she had never had, he was handsome and kind. She knew that he had had a crush on Scarlett, and if he did wake up he would probably be hurt that she and Chase were now an item, but Clint would always be part of the family.

  She couldn’t stop herself from crying as she looked down at him. She just hoped that this would work, she loved him.

  “Please let this work.” She whispered.

  She leant in and kissed Clint on the lips.

  She pulled away and waited for him to move. He still looked so cold and so pale.

  She cried as she looked down at his motionless body.

  “Please come back.” She whispered.

  After another thirty seconds she had given up hope, he wasn’t moving. She turned and went to walk towards the door when the silence was broken by Clint.

  “Jane?” He asked in confusion.

  Jane’s heart leapt, and she turned and hobbled back to Clint, putting her arms around him.

  “You’re alive.” She spoke with glee.

  “How did I get here?” He asked.

  “You died Clint. It’s
a miracle.”

  “I died?”

  “Yes, you are in Parkland Hospital, in Dallas.”

  “Is Hitler dead?”

  “Yes, I shot him.”

  “You shot him?” He asked in amazement.


  “Is Scarlett alright?”

  “She’s fine.” Jane smiled.

  Clint’s face lit up. “And Faraday?”

  “He’s fine too.”

  “This is incredible.” He laughed. “What about Jacob?”

  “Everyone is fine Clint. We are going to go back to Scotland. We can’t go back to 2015, but Kennedy is giving us the money to buy back the bar.”

  “I have never been happier.”

  “I’m glad.” Jane smiled. “There is one thing that I need to tell you, and I know you will find it difficult to hear.”

  Clint suddenly became anxious.

  “Scarlett and Chase seem to have taken a liking to one another, and he is coming back with us.”

  “Why would I care about that?” Clint asked blushing.

  “We both know the answer to that. But she still loves you, just like a brother.”

  Clint nodded, he was still bright red. “It’s okay, I understand.”

  “So you will be okay?”

  “Yes.” Clint smiled.

  Chapter 83

  Jack took a seat behind his desk and placed his glass of Champagne down on it. The Oval Office was everything he had ever dreamt of. Jackie Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy and Ethel Kennedy took their seats too.

  “The Kennedy’s are finally in the White House!” Jack shouted with glee.

  “I never thought we would make it.” Bobby said, amazed with everything they had achieved.

  “Well, we did.” Jack smiled.

  “It was a landslide.” Jackie commented. “Are those friends of yours coming tonight?”

  Jack frowned. “No, none of them wanted to. Bobby and Sarah thought it would bring up too many bad memories, and the others didn’t want to come all the way from Scotland. I think they have had enough of America.” Jack smiled.

  “Is Jacob coming?” Ethel asked.

  “Here he is now.” Jack said, smiling at Jacob as he entered the office.

  “Congratulations Mr President.”

  “Pull up a chair Jacob. Help yourself to a glass of Champagne.”

  Jacob did as he was told and sat down beside Jackie.


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