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Corviticus University: Revelations

Page 21

by J. E. Cluney

  I was too caught up in the incredible feeling to notice that he was sliding down my body.

  I didn’t even care when he started suckling on me down there, his tongue flicking inside me as he moaned.

  I knew he loved tasting my honey. I tried not to remember it would be laced with blood. Hopefully it was still really light.

  He cleaned me out completely, before finally sliding up and kissing me. I should have been slightly turned off by that, but the sweet taste on his lips didn’t bother me at all. And there was no metallic trace. Guess I wasn’t bleeding too badly then.

  I trembled as I felt the tip of his arousal brush my inner thigh.

  Yes, I wanted him inside me. He’d just given me one hell of a finish, and the thought of another one by a final bite was just the icing on the cake.

  He eased into me as he kissed me, moaning as one hand slid under my lower back to lift me up and drive deeper into me.

  ‘You’re so tight and swollen,’ he said, his voice deep and husky in my mind.

  I moved against him, getting myself comfortable with his length inside me as I ran my hands down his sides and then up his chest.

  Fuck, he was gorgeous. He was perfect in every sense of the word.

  ‘I’m glad you think that.’

  I just moaned against his lips as he began moving, slowly driving into me.

  He continued to kiss me, moving to trail sweet kisses down my neck and across my shoulder.

  I dug my fingers into his back as I moaned, loving how he filled me up so perfectly.

  He felt so good inside, to be connected with him in body.

  He was mine.

  Marcus growled, and I could feel his delight at my thought of claim on him.

  His mouth moved to the sweet spot where my neck and shoulder met, and I ground my hips up into him as he began pounding harder and faster.

  I could feel his pleasure rising, his orgasm growing closer through our bond.

  I wanted him to reach it, to climax with me.

  ‘It’s always best together,’ he purred.

  Those teeth pierced into my neck, and I let out a silent scream as the white wave of bliss hit me like a blinding white wall. I gasped for air as I shook beneath him, feeling his climax hit as he moaned against my neck, still sucking from me.

  The bliss continued to course through me, filling every inch of me as small spasms rocked my body and a wave of tingles washed over me.

  I clung to him as he drank from me, each suck sending another wave of bliss through me.

  God, this was perfect. So good and pure.

  I could feel his deep affection for me, his need for me to be happy and carefree. It made me overjoyed to feel that from him.

  Happiness. That was all I ever wanted for those around me too.

  I closed my eyes, enjoying the bliss that filled me.

  He stopped feeding from me after a few more moments, and I heard him bite his thumb and run it over my bite. It’d heal up instantly.

  Apparently having vampire blood linked you to them. They could always find you if needed. I guess that didn’t matter since we already had our unique bonding.

  He pulled out of me, rolling onto his side and pulling me up against him to spoon me.

  I tried not to shiver as his cool body pushed up against mine, but my mind was more on the mess we’d made. We should really clean up first.

  “In a moment,” he mumbled as he held me close.

  The feelings I was getting from him, the comfort and relaxation, the sense of feeling completely at ease, it warmed me. He felt good around me. And he didn’t want to give that up.

  A knock on the door spoiled it. I wouldn’t had heard it if AC/DC’s song ‘You Shook Me All Night Long’ hadn’t just come to an end. I found myself grinning stupidly once I realized what song it was.

  “It’s Skip,” Marcus muttered.

  “Hey, Bee Sting, want ice-cream?” Skip called through the door.

  Did he seriously not know what was happening? Surely his good nose had picked up something.

  Maybe he wanted to join in on the action.

  “No,” Marcus grumbled, but it sounded more childish than actual annoyance.

  Maybe he wasn’t so against the idea any more?

  A peek inside his head informed me he was trying to lighten up towards the kangaroo shifter of the house. Good, their rivalry over me was frustrating as hell.

  Maybe it was because he just wanted me happy, and they all brought joy into my life right now.

  “Bee Sting?” Skip questioned.

  A soft growl from beneath me made me gasp, and Marcus sat up instantly.

  Oh no.

  I looked down at my thighs, my own orgasmic fluids having trickled out onto the towel.

  And it was growling as it moved beneath me.

  “What the hell?” Marcus muttered as I sat up.

  That was the wrong thing to do apparently.

  Because now I wasn’t pinning the towel down. It slunk off the bed, and I just gaped as it puddled on the floor. It was like a little ghost, rising up with a small dent in it as it growled.

  “Ally, you okay?” Skip called out.

  I looked to the door in dismay as the door handle started to open.

  Marcus shot off the bed, gripping the handle before the door could be opened.

  “She’s busy,” he stated through the door.

  I heard Skip’s scoff in disbelief.

  But I could do nothing as the scene unfolded before I could get it under control.

  The towel dragged itself across the floor with its strange little arms, and Marcus gave it a confused look.

  Apparently, startling a vampire didn’t result in them moving fast enough.

  The towel flung itself at Marcus’ face, and I squealed in shock, calling out to him as the towel snarled and wrapped around his head.

  It was eating his face.

  Oh. My. God.

  Marcus stumbled away from the door, and I wasn’t sure whether to freak out or cry laughing as the naked vampire struggled with the towel snarling and wrapping around his head as it chewed on him.

  At least he didn’t need to breathe.

  The door flung open, and Skip was standing there with a bowl of ice-cream it seemed, and he just stared wide-eyed at me.

  The muffled cursing of Marcus finally drew his attention, and he just looked mortified as Marcus tore at the towel around his head.

  ‘Now would be a great time to draw your magic back!’ he barked mentally.

  Fuck. Right.

  I scrambled for my blanket, realizing I was still completely naked, and Skip was unable to keep his eyes off me. He was still struggling to understand what was going on with Marcus, so he was just flicking his eyes between us.

  I wrapped my blanket around myself as I focused, holding out my hand as I willed my mischief magic to withdraw from the towel.

  It took a moment, but the snarling navy towel fell limp and Marcus was able to yank it off his head. His hair was a complete mess now, and after shaking his head at the towel, he then just stared at Skip accusingly.

  “Do I even want to know what just happened?” Skip asked slowly, still glancing between us.

  “Mischief magic,” was all I could say.

  He looked so lost and confused, still holding the bowl of ice-cream as he gave Marcus a full once over.

  “Do you mind?” Marcus grumbled as he covered himself with the towel.

  “Do you want the ice-cream?” Skip asked sheepishly as he focused back on me, holding the bowl out with a cheeky look.

  “Yes please,” I gave him a sweet smile, hoping I could play all this off cooly.

  “Come get it,” he said, his mouth tugging up into a smirk.

  That cheeky little shit.

  I felt Marcus raring up to jump down his throat, but to both their utter shock, I shoved off the blanket, standing up in all my naked glory and striding over to take the bowl.

  He’d even sprinkled on so
me milo. How sweet.

  Skip was lost for words as he just eyed me, and I could feel Marcus trying to make sense of this.

  “Thanks,” I purred as I turned back to my bed, making sure to add some extra sway to my hips.

  “Um, Bee Sting?” Skip mumbled, and I found myself grinning at how caught off guard he was.

  “Mmm?” I turned to him, a spoonful of ice-cream already in my mouth.

  “You’ve got blood running down your legs,” he stated, flicking his eyes to Marcus.

  I just stared at him in horror as he quickly retreated as Marcus growled.

  So much for my teasing.

  How goddamn embarrassing.

  “You surprise me so much sometimes,” Marcus sighed as he ran a hand over his face.

  “I surprise myself,” I muttered, inspecting the streaks of light blood down my legs. Guess the sex had sped things up now.

  At least the ice-cream was a win. Even if Skip would never let me live this down.

  “Why’d you do that?” Marcus asked, although his expression seemed only curious, not pissed off like I was partly expecting.

  “Why not?” I shrugged as I decided against climbing back in bed. At least I couldn’t see any blood on the bed. It was probably the standing up that had done it and the towel would’ve taken most of it from earlier.

  “Do you want a shower?” Marcus asked.

  “No, I bought some baby wipes, they were in the bag with my pads, can you get them?”

  He just nodded as he collected up his clothes and flitted out of the room. He took the towel too, I could only assume he was intending to throw it into the laundry. I hoped he didn’t leave it out for the others to see.

  Was Skip going to tell Ollie and Lucas what had happened?

  ‘I got the gist of it.’

  I cringed as Ollie’s voice floated into my mind. He sounded rather amused but tired all at once. Did he know I’d slept with Marcus too?

  I didn’t get any response from him, and I hoped I hadn’t hurt his feelings.

  Marcus returned quickly, fully dressed now and offering me the baby wipes as I sat my bowl on the beside table. He turned away, which I just snorted at, considering what we’d just done.

  I cleaned my legs and downstairs area. Tomorrow I’d try to make time to get a bin for my room and a hamper. I really did need them.

  I got dressed and sat the dirty wipes on the floor as I finished off my ice-cream, and Marcus hesitated before sitting beside me.

  “Are you going to do some studying?” he asked as I polished off the melting ice-cream.

  “Honestly? I’m tired, I’ll do my teeth and head to bed,” I admitted.

  He nodded, offering to take my bowl, which I thanked him for.

  He flitted out, and I took the chance to head to the toilet and pee before brushing my teeth for bed. I grabbed my wipes too, knowing that Lucas had gotten a bin for the toilet with a lid when I’d moved in. I’d stick them in there and make sure to empty it before work tomorrow.

  As I went to head into the bathroom after using the toilet, I heard soft moans coming from Skip’s room.

  Lucas had to be in there too. As Lucy probably.

  God, a part of me ached at the thought.

  ‘And people say guys are bad with how much they want sex,’ Marcus chuckled into my mind.

  I just rolled my eyes as I continued into the bathroom, squashing down the devilish thoughts of the two guys. I’d just had some incredible sex, and I was tired, so why was my mind still wanting to imagine a threesome with the pair?

  I grumbled as I brushed my teeth, staring at my reflection. My brown hair was a mess, and I decided to brush it out once I finished my teeth.

  As I stood brushing my thick hair, I began thinking back to the picture of the wendigo.

  It unsettled me, the eerily realistic drawing on the page.

  Why was one after me? Was that really what was going on? Why else would it have been in the yard? Not to mention everything Teresa had said.

  ‘Want me to stay with you tonight?’ Marcus offered. I already knew he was intending to, but he wanted to check first.

  I just smiled.

  ‘I’d like that.’


  I laughed as I clung to the handle that's over my seat in the backseat of the cruiser as the beast of a vehicle traversed the harsh driving track. We bounced around inside the vehicle, and Marcus was sitting in the middle seat, managing a smile while Ollie clung to his seat, still stuck in cat form.

  Lucas was whistling as Skip pushed the car on, her engine rumbling as she struggled to climb a steep spot.

  “Why this is something you enjoy is beyond me!” I gasped, clinging on for dear life as I pictured the cruiser rolling over backwards.

  “You get to see just what she’s capable of,” Skip grinned as he slapped the steering wheel and revved her again.

  Ollie yowled, his amber eyes wide as his claws dug into his seat. Lucas had a harness on him and had strapped him down with a special seatbelt adapter for his harness. I thought it was adorable, but Ollie wasn’t too keen on it.

  Marcus had one hand resting on my thigh comfortingly, as if he was making sure I knew he’d bail me out if things got hairy.

  I had no reason to feel unsafe. I had him there, and Lucas could magic us out of anything if needed.

  Eventually we made it to the top of the climb, and we rumbled onward down the track, bouncing along the flatter path.

  I relaxed as I settled back into my seat, letting out a breath I’d been holding.

  The pines towered over us, and the cloudy sky was a welcome sight. It meant Marcus could hang outside with us without burning.

  The morning wasn’t too hot with the cloud coverage, and we finally came to a secluded spot where Skip pulled over.

  Lucas had packed some sandwiches and an esky of drinks for us to enjoy a morning tea.

  No alcohol though, considering I needed to head to lectures this arvo. Ollie was apparently coming now, and I was wondering how that would go. Our instructors knew about him, but it was still interesting to think about. Would he just sit in the seat next to me and listen? Would everyone stare at him?

  ‘Probably,’ Ollie muttered.

  I winced and shot him an apologetic look just as Lucas was undoing his harness to let him off.

  I climbed out, sighing as I stretched my legs and cracked my back. I joined Ollie over by a tree stump, enjoying the coverage of the pines. We were somewhere out in the forestry area exploring tracks. Apparently Skip came here often.

  Ollie stretched and padded around, sniffing the clumps of grass and wild plants as Skip and Lucas pulled the camping chairs out of the back.

  Marcus carried the esky over and soon we were all sitting down with an ice cold can of soft drink in hand.

  Even Ollie was perched on a camping chair with a small bowl of cold milk that Lucas had brought along for him.

  “It’s a nice spot out here,” I stated as I sipped my Fanta.

  “Yeah, great area. There’s a few places we can camp that aren’t too far from here. We’ll have to do that one weekend,” Skip suggested as he bit into his ham and cheese sandwich.

  I noted how Lucas was checking him out, eyeing his bare, ripped chest.

  Guess I wasn’t the only one enjoying the sight.

  “We’d have to wait until I’ve been working for a while so I can request a weekend off,” I said. I was still only new to my place of work.

  “You’re working this arvo, right?” Lucas asked as he turned to Skip.

  “Yeah, got an afternoon of work after my lectures, got the call this morning,” Skip nodded as he gulped down some of his coke.

  “That’s good,” Lucas nodded as he closed his eyes while a soft breeze came through.

  Even though it was cloudy, it was still a warm day, and the breeze was more than welcome.

  We spent the next hour or so just chatting and laughing, and I loved seeing the group of guys so at ease and relaxed. Marcus
had pulled up his seat in the shade of the cruiser, wanting to be extra careful.

  They spoke of things they’d done as children, and I loved hearing all the stories. Like the story of Skip’s first kiss in primary school. Even little Ollie was there, as he was friends with the girl’s sister, so he used her as a way to get the sister where she could meet Skip behind the playground.

  Lucas and Marcus were there, and they egged them on.

  Skip got his first ever kiss at the ripe old age of eleven. He then proceeded to try to kiss her again, but he tripped, and sent them both tumbling down a small embankment into the sandpit.

  They all laughed about this, and then they shared stories with me of what a supe high school was like.

  “We had some teenage witches, literally, there were these girls who wanted to be known for it. They would pull so many magical pranks on everyone, it was getting ridiculous. I remember the time they managed to give an infatuation potion to some poor girl who’d just moved schools. She couldn’t understand her interest in Mr Johnson,” Skip clapped his hands, but his face showed that he felt sorry for the girl at the time of it.

  “Yeah, that was terrible. Eventually Mrs Boon figured it out and reversed it. They ended up getting suspended,” Marcus said as he shook his head.

  He had his blue cooler with him, and he’d been sipping from a blood bag discreetly at times.

  None of us cared though.

  It was just who he was.

  ‘Mrs Boon was the laughing stock for quite a while when I got into high school after you guys,’ Ollie stated as he twitched his whiskers.

  “That’s right, because of the Mills and Boon adult books,” Lucas grinned.

  “Oof, and high school too. That would’ve been painful,” I cringed. I felt bad for the teacher.

  “High school was fun, I left before I could do much more than some of grade eight,” Skip shrugged. “But I got to hear all the stories from these two,” he said as he flicked his head in the general direction of Marcus and Lucas.

  “High school is when most supes hit puberty, and a lot of abilities awaken then. Most high schools have warlocks on the staff, along with carefully selected supes. Like our uni instructors. Many of them have the special affinity of being able to hijack your magic. Take Miss Watson, your fae professor. She can bend and withdraw mischief magic infused in objects and such, in order to teach better and help her students hone their abilities,” Lucas explained.


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