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Heart of a Wolf Wicked Series Book 2

Page 20

by K. D. Friedrich

  "Hey." Tristan's deep voice broke through her dark thoughts. "Are you okay?"

  She flashed a fake smile. "Yeah, must have dozed off. I didn't really get much sleep last night. If you remember."

  He scooted closer. He buried his face in the crook of her neck. He nipped her throat.

  She gasped. "What are you doing?"

  "Punishing you. You're lying to me. I don't like it."

  "I'm not—" He bit her again. Harder this time.

  "Yes, you are. Something is wrong. I can sense it. Feel it right here in my chest." He forced her palm to rest over his heart.

  Damn, they were already bonding. She pulled her hand away. "I'm just worried about everything that's going on. It's been a rough few days." True enough. She didn't have to be specific about her current concern.

  He eyed her with suspicion but gave her some much-needed space. "We're back to this are we?"

  She glared at him. "Back to what."

  "Where you don't trust me."

  "I do—"

  "No, you don't."

  The driver's voice broke the tension. "Where do you want me to drop you off? The human side or the supe section."

  "Supernatural," Tristan uttered. His eyes never left her.

  The driver nodded, before making the turn and pulling up to the curb in front of the supernatural visitor's entrance of the hospital.

  Since shifters, witches, and vampires required specialized physicians, a wing in the hospital was set aside specifically for their needs.

  Magnus had demanded Jane be put in the specialized supernatural area. Not only did they want her to receive the best care, but she would be easier to protect if kept among them. Magnus feared her association with them might put her in danger if she stayed in the human-only section. Winter had to agree. Species tensions weren't getting any better. The recent bombing was proof enough.

  Winter stepped past Tristan. "I hope Grayson hasn't lost it."

  Tristan grabbed her arm. His grip loosened, slid up her shoulder, and cupped her cheek. "Our little conversation isn't over, Win. I want to know what's going on in that head of yours and you're going to tell me."

  After a quick kiss, he grabbed her hand and led her up the walkway toward the sliding entrance doors of the supernatural visiting section. She followed his lead without argument. There was plenty of time to fight with him later. She had no doubt, the moment they were alone, the damn male would expect an answer.

  The elevator ride remained silent. They stopped, stepped out into the hall, and heard a deep rumbling growl.

  "Shit." Tristan hurried toward the shouting.

  They stepped in the room to find a snarling Grayson slam Jane's father up against the closest wall and locked his large hand around the human's throat.

  "Freaking animals," Mr. Jones sputtered.

  Jane went to get up from her hospital bed. Levi made her sit back down. "Don’t get between a shifter and his kill. Ever."

  Jane's mouth fell open. "No one is getting killed."

  "That is debatable." Grayson flashed his fangs.

  "Let me go, you demon. I'll have you…put down." The old man's face shifted into a deep shade of red.

  "You're not helping, Dad. He's just protecting me."

  "You take his side over me. Your family."

  "Some family. You threatened to kidnap me and throw me in a freaking insane asylum." She frowned and then sighed. "Please, Grayson, let him go."

  "Grayson, release the human now," Tristan commanded.

  His voice laced with reprimand. Alphas had a way of making anyone beneath their command come to heal with a single statement, their power absolute. When they also possessed magic, it was damn near impossible to fight their authority. Grayson fought off the domination far easier than he should have been able to.

  Grayson growled low. His eyes flashed bright blue gray, almost silver, while his razor-sharp claws pressed against the human's vulnerable throat, letting all know his animal paced along the edge of his control.

  "What the hell? I called over an hour ago." Levi's wolf eyes were glowing. His hands fisted at his sides. "You said you'd be right here. The hotel isn't that far. Do you know how hard it is to keep a cat from his prey? Shit, I was about ready to run to the pet store and buy some damn catnip. It's irresistible to them, right?"

  Grayson growled. Jane shook her head.

  Tristan and Winter ignored Levi's cheesy pun.

  "I said to stand down, guard."

  Winter reached out to Grayson with her gift. His fury, like a solid steel wall, deflected her attempt.

  "Please, let him go, Grayson." Jane looked about ready to burst into tears.

  Without warning, the tiger released the short stout human, shoving him back a good four feet.

  "You took your sweet time getting here," Jane snapped at Winter. She sat in her bed, her arms crossed over her chest, looking better than a human should after such damage. They had Magnus's blood to thank.

  "Sorry, I was…detained." Winter gave her best friend a quick smirk.

  "I bet you were. And while you were allowing the wolf boy to detain you, Grayson was getting ready to fillet my father." She frowned at the tiger.

  "I prefer the term disembowel." Grayson glanced at his claws and grinned as if imaging the act.

  Mr. Jones advanced on Winter. "It's your fault. You've brainwashed my daughter with your wicked ways. You turned her against her own kind. Against God."

  Tristan stepped in front of Winter. How sweet, she thought, but not necessary, this human couldn't hurt her even if he had a machine gun strapped to each shoulder.

  She stepped around Tristan. "I assure you, Mr. Jones, the guards are looking into the incident. Jane will be cared for and protected at all costs."

  "You freaks aren't going anywhere near my daughter. She's going to an all-human facility and then she is never stepping foot around you things again. This friendship is terminated."

  Jane waved off her father's warning. "I'm not going anywhere, Dad. These things as you call them are my friends."

  He spun on her. "I am your family. Your blood. Not them. You will respect me and obey me. If I say…"

  "This is why I don't come see you anymore. That cult you joined has twisted you into an intolerant mean person I want nothing to do with," Jane said, as Grayson pinned her father with another glare. "I am a grown woman. I pay my own bills and I take care of myself. I chose who I let into my life. Not you." Jane suddenly looked faint.

  Grayson flashed to her side. "Are you well? Should I get the doctor?'

  Jane smiled up at him. "I'm good." She patted his hand.

  Winter watched the recognition and disgust break over Mr. Jones’s features. "You are fornicating with this freak, aren't you?" He scowled. "You have ruined yourself. It wasn't enough that you put on all this weight. Now you go ahead and get in bed with the devil. No proper man will have you now. I can't even look at you," he snapped.

  Grayson growled. The deadly sound made every person in the room tense. He pointed at Jane's father. "You will respect her or you will die. Like you claim, I am a monster. I handle my problems as would a tiger—with swift, unrestrained action."

  "You're all witnesses." He turned his eyes on the only other human in the room. The nurse tensed. "He threatened me." He pinned Jane with a scowl. "Rutting animals. Bestiality in the eyes of the Lord has damned your soul to hell. Your poor mother must be turning over in her grave at this disgrace. What do you want to have, little half-breed freaks?"

  Tears entered Jane's eyes as she looked away. Winter had enough. One subtle flick of her wrist and Mr. Jones fell silent. His mouth continued to move, but no words came out.

  The nurse that stood in the room witnessing the chaotic scene had a dumbfounded expression. Winter went over to her casually. She smiled, offering the nurse a gentle reassuring pat on the shoulder. "I think Mr. Jones has lost his voice from all this excitement. Maybe, you should have a doctor check him out."

  The nurse nodded
. Her lip twitched as if holding back a smile. After passing each person one last glance, she escorted Mr. Jones out of the room, his mouth opening and closing like a fish searching for air.

  "I'm sorry, Jane. I couldn't stand by and watch him hurt you with his words one more second." Winter sat on the bed beside her best friend.

  Tears clung to Jane's eyelashes. "I'm the one that's sorry. You shouldn't have had to listen to his hateful crap. Any of you." Her eyes turned to Grayson, then quickly looked away. "He's got so much hate in him. I doubt he'll ever come around."

  "He's right. You risk your life just being around us. Supernatural and humans don't mix. Never had. Never will." Grayson's face more serious than Winter had ever seen it.

  "Grayson," Tristan warned.

  "No, you know as well as I do the outcome. You'd do best to heed your father's warning, Jane, and go wherever he wishes to take you."

  "You don't mean that," Jane said.

  "I do."

  "That’s bullshit." Levi growled. "Just because you don't have the balls to fight for what you want doesn't mean she shouldn't either. If she wants to stay, I will take care of her until she's back to full strength. She could move in with me."

  Grayson laughed. "Like the way you took care of her at the charity ball." The two shifters stood nose-to-nose in a flash. "She'll be dead in less than an hour."

  "You son of a bitch." Levi threw a punch.

  Grayson avoided it easily. He ended up behind Levi in the blink of an eye. His arm locked around his throat tight. "You hit like my grandfather."

  Winter forced the men apart. She pointed at Levi. "You…get some air and cool off." She then pinned Grayson with a glare. "And you…back off. Jane is our family. She's pack. Whether she is human, supernatural, or a damn space alien."

  "There are space aliens too?" Jane blurted. She had perked up considerably at the question.

  Levi lifted a brow at her. Tristan chuckled, covering his grin with his hand.

  "This is so not funny, Tristan." Winter stood there with her foot tapping impatiently.

  Even Grayson's lip twitched before returning to his usual frown.

  Winter rolled her eyes. Leave it to Jane to break the tension. Winter sighed. "We take care of our own, Grayson, and make no mistake. Jane is one of our own. I'm not letting her father lock her away in an institution because she chooses to befriend those he deems wrong. I will not abandon her."

  Grayson's eyes closed. "But she is in danger with us."

  And that was when she felt it, the depth of the shifter's feelings for Jane. The despair and helplessness he felt. Grayson had been a pro at locking away his emotions from her so far, but not at this moment. This man had suffered a great loss and had no desire to endure it again. Needing to comfort him, she reached her magic out toward him and for the first time, he welcomed her.

  He cared for Jane a great deal, cared enough to let her go to keep her safe. Winter had never respected the cat more.

  Winter placed her hand on his head. She absorbed enough of his pain to allow him clarity. He accepted her soothing touch for only a moment before he jumped back and shut her out.

  He scowled as if angry that he let allowed her to see his weakness.

  "I have to get out of here," he barked.

  He hurried out of the room without further explanation. Not that he needed one for her at least. However, Jane's entire demeanor deflated at his abrupt departure. Jane shook her head. Her eyes remained locked on the empty doorway.

  "I'm sorry, Jane." Winter sat in the chair beside Jane's hospital bed.

  With her gaze on her folded hands, Jane said, "Maybe, I should go where my dad wants to send me."

  Levi shook his head. He settled next to her. "Absolutely not, I won't let you." He held her like one would a child. One might wonder if maybe Levi's feelings went beyond brotherly affection, but Winter knew the wolf's heart. She never once sensed desire from him or attraction, only friendship and caring.

  Jane shrugged.

  "Don't mind that cat. Someone must have pissed in his milk. It isn't your problem." Jane chuckled at Levi's joke. Levi smiled and then gave her a big hug.

  A few moments later, Levi's phone pinged in his pocket.

  "I got to get this, sweetheart." He grabbed his cell. "Talk to me."

  Levi's face fell. He closed his eyes tight as if something stabbed him in the gut. Waves of pain sliced through the room, making Winter clench her fists. "I'll be right there." Levi glanced up at her with a haunted expression.

  His eyes glowed bright with his wolf. "They just found a body in an abandoned warehouse by the East River." His head sunk as a harsh wave of grief washed over Winter. She shivered from it. Tristan was at her side in an instant bringing his warmth and comfort. "The police think it might be Celine. Ren wants me to meet him there to start tracking the suspects."

  "Oh my God." Jane covered her mouth.

  "Ren is calling in all our guards. No one can find Niles. He's not answering anyone's page. I'm sorry, sweetheart, but I have to go." He kissed Jane on her forehead.

  "Of course," said Jane.

  "I'm coming with you. Niles might need me."

  Levi nodded. "That's a good idea, Win. I'm not sure what state he'll be in."

  Tristan stood at Winter's side. “Whatever your pack needs, it's yours."

  "He's a dead man, Tristan. Lex and that fucking vamp are to blame for this. I know it." Levi snarled. With dark fire in his eyes he glanced at Jane and then at Winter. "Justice will be served."

  Winter agreed. The witch and his partner needed to pay a heavy price for their crimes and she had no doubt that, they would.

  Chapter 24

  Moist garbage, human waste, years of mold, and fresh human blood polluted the air of the abandoned warehouse. The coppery scent overwhelmed Tristan far more than any other stench when they passed through the rusted frame of the doorway.

  Wolves were no stranger to the scent of blood. He had drawn much over the years in play as well as fighting. Being the son of a sheriff and now working with the sheriff’s department, he had seen his fair share of violence and even murder, but this crime scene hit him hard. To know it might be the blood of a beloved female, a woman mated to a fellow alpha, turned his stomach.

  Since the victim might be a shifter's mate, the NYPD called in a special investigative team of supernaturals as well as the Peyton pack guards to investigate.

  Tristan scanned the area again. He felt a cold unease.

  He drew closer to Winter, taking comfort in the instant warmth she sent to him. Whether she knew she sent it, he wasn't sure. He didn't care either. He'd take what he could get for now and savor it.

  He glanced up thirty feet to the ceiling of the warehouse and back down along the walls. The words "animal loving whore" still stunk of fresh paint. They glared at him in bold neon orange. Excess droplets had caught filth from the walls as they slid down the grimy concrete, hitting the floor a few feet from the blanket-covered body, forming murky puddles.

  A yard to the east, another body lay covered with an ashen sheet, a pool of blood seeping out from beneath the large, still form.

  Ren’s delayed arrival forced Levi to identify the remains. The Peyton pack's tracker approached and after a hesitant breath, he nodded for the humans to reveal the dead female. They lifted the sheet.

  He fell to his knees. "Thank you, God." He looked over his shoulder at Winter. "It's not her…it's not her." He lowered his head and said a prayer over the body before standing.

  Investigators took photos and collected evidence. Once Levi gained his composure, he went to work locating a trail or scent of the killers.

  Ren arrived moments later. He stood with Levi. Momentary relief flashed on his face as they spoke, but soon his softness hardened. Ren glanced at the poor soul beneath the sheet and shook his head.

  After a few more words, Levi and Ren split up. Levi headed toward the dead male. Ren went in the opposite direction, meeting with the local authorities on
the other side of the room.

  Ren's outer demeanor gave no inclination to the fury burning within him. Yet, Tristan sensed a shifter on the edge of his control. Although, Ren's alpha female wasn't the poor soul lying under the blanket, she was still missing, held against her will by the very monsters that killed the human female without mercy. They needed to find her and fast.

  Winter and Tristan headed toward Ren. When he spotted them coming closer, his eyes began to glow. He excused himself from the detectives and met them halfway.

  Winter yanked the man in for a tight hug. Even though most wolves enjoyed open signs of affection and touching, this wolf's eyes widened and his body tensed the second Winter's arms tightened around him. The moment she let him go, he took a few steps back. His uncertain gaze landed on Tristan. Tristan nodded, assuring the wolf he didn't find offense with the innocent show of comfort.

  "We're going to find her," Winter assured Ren.

  Ren offered a gentle smile. "Thank you. It…" He glanced at investigators as they measured around the female's body. "It has been difficult to remain…tame. To think the monsters that hurt that poor human have Celine…to think what they might be doing to her."

  "What have you found out so far?" Tristan asked.

  Ren glimpsed at the body again. "The female was killed some time last night. The estimate is around eleven." He took a breath. His fists tightened. "She was sexually assaulted. The alpha has not been given this information, and for the time being, I think it's best he remains unaware. It's enough to know his mate was being held against her will. He doesn't need to think she’d been…abused as well."

  "Do they know the cause of death?" Tristan asked.

  Ren snarled. "The bastard broke her neck." He narrowed his gaze on the other body. "The human they believe is responsible is over there. He was shot multiple times and bled out." Ren stepped closer. "Beneath the stench of blood, I smell drugs on both the female and the male. He was on something, but I don’t know what. We expect the toxicology report some time tomorrow."


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