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Heart of a Wolf Wicked Series Book 2

Page 28

by K. D. Friedrich

  One by one they stepped foot in the dilapidated space. The stench of dirt and mildew hit Winter like a fist. Winter took the left, Levi took higher ground—leaping up to a rafter—and Tristan stood to the right of Kian.

  Kian strolled toward the center of the room and waited.

  A sudden sound drew Winter's attention to the left. A tall figure stood in the doorway across the way. The scent of vampire grew strong. Winter's hand rested over her weapon.

  Kian waved his wrist and an orb lit the center of the auditorium like a spotlight.

  "Nice trick. To think, I had all that power under my nose. Lenora sure knew how to keep a secret." Maxwell's voice echoed in the large open space.

  Maxwell stepped farther into the light of the glowing sphere. Of course, the pompous bastard wore a tailored suit. His ice-blue eyes reflected the light like a cat. He glanced back and forth between Tristan and Winter. "I don't remember inviting these two to our little get-together. But, I do remember inviting my grandchildren."

  "Where is Summer?" Kian's eyes began to glow. He shook.

  "First thing first, drop your weapons." Winter frowned at Maxwell's order. She pulled out her gun and tossed it on the ground a few feet away. "You too." He glanced at Tristan.

  Tristan flashed his canines and claws. "Can't get rid of these."

  Maxwell scowled. He focused back on Winter. "I know you're packing more than that." She unsheathed the dagger she had strapped to her thigh. It landed beside her gun.

  "Now if that doesn't make a man's dick hard as stone." He chuckled. "So, where are my grandchildren?" When Kian didn't answer, Maxwell sighed. "You never could follow instructions."

  Winter surveyed the dark shadows to find dozens of glowing silver eyes reflecting back at her. They weren't alone. Not by a long shot. The thick stench of newly turned vampires filled the air.

  Maxwell approached. "Unlike you, I always keep my end of the bargain." He sneered as he turned his head to the doorway. He snapped his fingers and a figure came out of the darkness with a small lifeless female in his arms. He laid her on the ground in front of his master and backed away with his head down.

  At first glance, Winter doubted Celine lived. Her skin appeared pale, her hair matted and unclean. A trail of dried blood crusted on her chin.

  Suddenly, Levi dropped from the rafter directly in front of Celine's limp form. He snarled at Maxwell as he approached, forcing the vampire to step back. He crouched before her and felt for a pulse. "She lives," he declared. "But it's weak. She needs a healer."

  Levi pulled his alpha female into his arms, cradling her like a child.

  Maxwell snapped his fingers again.

  A pair of Maxwell's vampire minions carried a moaning Summer into the circle. Tears fell from her swollen eyes, her face bruised and bloody.

  "You son of a bitch." Kian went to attack his father. Tristan stopped him.

  "See, I am a man of my word, but as expected, my son is not. You know the saying…if you want something done right…"

  Beside him, another vampire carried out two small forms, one draped over each shoulder. The children weren't moving.

  Next to him, strolled Lina. Summer screamed through the gag wrapped around her mouth and tugged at the binds locking her wrists together. Winter recognized them as witch's ties. They weakened a witch by cutting them off from the elements. Summer's captor dropped her to the ground none too gently. He sneered at her grunt of pain.

  The man lowered the children beside their mother.

  "You bastard," Kian shouted. "You're going to fucking die." He struggled against Tristan's hold.

  Maxwell wrapped his arm around Summer's chest and pressed his fangs at her throat. "Keep threatening me. I'll drain her fucking dry and enjoy every minute of it." Kian halted. Outside, winds beat against the building. Kian's gaze went to his kids and his fury blazed. "I'm the only blood you got left, remember," Maxwell mocked. His irises glowed bright silver.

  Kian took a deep breath. His eyes softened when they landed on Summer. "You all right, baby?" His exterior may have calmed, but it didn't take a witch to sense the storm brewing in him.

  Summer nodded. They stared at each other for a moment. Winter guessed they spoke through their link. Summer shook her head. Kian flashed a look of relief.

  "I knew you wouldn't do as instructed. You never did, even as a child."

  "You mean, I wouldn't allow you to bully me."

  Maxwell rolled his eyes. "Instead of trusting you to keep your end of the bargain, I took what I wanted. But, I can't take all the credit. Lina was invaluable."

  Lina chuckled. "Yeah, once I convinced Summer's bitch mother to leave me with the kids. I hit those little brats with tranks, stole the closest set of car keys, threw them in the backseat, and high tailed it out of hick central."

  Maxwell thrust Summer to the ground next to her children before wrapping an arm around Lina's waist.

  Lina smirked at Winter. "I had hoped he killed you."

  "Not yet."

  "Not ever." Tristan growled. "You know what this means, Lina?"

  She shrugged. "I'm not worried."

  Tristan grinned. "You should be." Lina lowered her eyes. "You will not live through this."

  "She'll be fine." Maxwell leered at Summer. "You certainly like to keep your mate breeding. With the babe growing in her and my other grandchildren, I'll be more powerful, than any supernatural in history…even the Gods themselves." Kian glared at his father. His father laughed. "I did plan to use her well and then kill her, but then I found out about the bastard in her."

  Winter glowered at the vampire, disgusted by his callous need for more power, more strength, more control. It was all the man wanted. Not only did he have an ego the size of a planet, but his addiction for power had destroyed what little humanity he had left, and it was that flaw in his character that would be his downfall.

  Winter had an idea. She inched closer.

  "We need information to bring Lex down, Maxwell." Maxwell spun and glowered at Winter. "It's why we really brought you here."

  "Why would you bother with him?"

  "Come on, Maxwell. We all know he was the mastermind behind the bombing and the alpha female's kidnapping. Why would you want to take the fall for him?"

  Kian's face remained serious. His gaze flashed back and forth between his mate and his children. Tristan's gaze surveyed the shadows that moved.

  Winter felt a wave of satisfaction when Maxwell's jaw tightened. "That witch didn't have the balls or brains to implement this plan? He's nothing but a small-time crook."

  Winter strolled closer. Tristan warned, "Baby, what are you doing?" She ignored him and continued.

  "We all know how powerful Lex is. The witch is ruthless. I've never met a supernatural stronger or smarter." Winter spoke the words with conviction. She played her part well. "He's the only one smart enough to pull it off." Maxwell's eyes began to blaze like blue flames. "He has the connections and skill," she added. "Not to mention the looks." She knew Maxwell's bloated arrogance or pride wouldn't allow such an insult to go unanswered.

  Maxwell stalked closer, crowding her. "He's weak. Powerless. When I first met him, he could barely cast a spell without stumbling."

  Winter sensed Maxwell's vampire minions—as many as a dozen—lurking in the darkness, watching…waiting, growing more agitated as their master's tension rose.

  She continued poking at his wounded ego, opening the gash wider. "Really, I've never encountered a witch with more…stamina."

  "You know nothing," Maxwell shouted. His hand shot out, wrapping around her throat. "He didn't have the balls to do what needed to be done with you. I thought him strong when I first met him, too, but I learned the error the second he refused to kill you."

  Tristan snarled. Don't, she begged in her mind. Stay out of it, Tristan.

  "I have dozens under my command and many more being prepped." Maxwell shoved her back. He snapped his fingers and the vampires hiding in the darkness stepped from t
he shadows. Their eyes glowing blue silver. Their fangs extended. "One more move and they'll hit you boys where it hurts the most." His gaze landed on Winter, Summer, and then the children. "You're a hot commodity, Winter. I'm sure the boys in the lab would love to get you back."

  "Wait…I thought Lex turned me over to the labs." Winter kept him going. They needed to buy time. She kept coaxing him, pushing him.

  "Please, the coward couldn't do it. He kidnaps you and then didn't have the strength to take you out after. He even considered letting you go. Can you believe that?" Maxwell shook his head. "Just like the bombing. He wanted no part of that either. He even tried to warn the security at the ball, but it was too late. Tell me, witch, are all of your kind such bleeding hearts?" He continued to talk. "I had to plan the whole thing, even the alpha bitch's abduction and that human's murder to throw off the investigation."

  Levi growled. He held Celine tighter.

  An enormous rush of power and strength fell over the warehouse. Fur and fangs exploded from the shadows as shifters poured in from every corner, surrounding Maxwell's minions.

  Maxwell spun. For the first time, Winter noticed his confidence falter.

  Kian helped Summer stand. He stepped back, and then ripped the magic binding from her wrists.

  "Get me out of here." Maxwell shouted to his closest man. The minion mowed down the battling men, clearing a path for their master. Maxwell and his minion, with a child slung over each shoulder, took off toward the exit.

  "What about me?" Lina cried. Maxwell didn't spare her a glance.

  Winter pulled back her fist."You are about to get what you deserve." She slammed her knuckles into Lina's cheek. The hit sent Lina flying back against the nearby brick wall.

  Lina groaned. Shaking her head, she tried to get up, but there was no way in hell Winter was letting this bitch get away.

  Winter marched up to her, kicked her in the ribs with a satisfying crunch, knocking her back down. This time, Lina didn't move

  "I don't have time for you," said Winter. With a wave of her hand, Winter struck Lina with a paralyzing spell, making sure she wouldn't be going anywhere.

  "No!" The sound of Summer's despair made Winter spin. Summer collapsed when she lunged forward, still too weak. "My babies."

  "I got them. I swear to you." Kian grabbed Levi. "Stay here with my mate."

  "Absolutely." Levi swore. Celine was still tightly in his arms.

  Kian raced after them. Winter followed as the shifters and vampires battled. The stench of blood grew.


  Tristan shifted. He attacked, knocking the closest vampire to the floor and tearing out the new supernatural's throat in seconds. Maxwell had an army all right. An army of untrained newly turned vampires that had no idea how to fight seasoned warriors.

  All around him, battles ensued. Shifters of all species took out the vamps with ease.

  Minutes later, all of the newly turned vampires were overcome and defeated, leaving a warehouse full of bodies. Tristan surveyed the battlefield looking for one thing, his mate.

  She wasn't there.

  He spotted Levi.

  "Where the fuck is Winter?"

  "She and Kian went after Maxwell."

  "Shit," he shouted. "Which way?"

  "Through the doors. East…"

  Tristan didn't give him a chance to finish. He raced through the large doorway after Winter. He lifted his nose, following her scent. There just around the corner.


  He flashed from skin to fur in an instant. His wolf grew anxious with the need to find his female. He came to a skidded halt when he spotted her and Kian circling Maxwell near the tunnel's entrance. His minion hissed.

  Kian stood beside Winter, his eyes swirling with his magic. "It's time you learn what being in the supernatural world truly means, Dad. There is power, magic, and strength, but there is also strict justice and severe accountability. There are no trials. No jails. The only punishment is death."

  "I don't think so, son."

  "Give me back my children."

  Tristan noticed that Kian's son had opened his eyes. Devon was almost eight and already had his father's temper. The boy's eyes glowed with his growing power. Tristan's wolf yelped. Like his aunt Winter, Devon understood shifters. He stared through the shadows at Tristan. Tristan growled low and deep.

  He watched as Devon slowly reached down and grabbed the vamp’s belt. Devon yanked hard, threw his heels up, and over. Taken by surprise, the vampire lost his balance. He fell to the side. With inhuman speed, Tristan raced toward the falling man, shifted, and caught Delilah before she hit the ground. Devon landed on his feet as if he performed the move a thousand times.

  Delilah opened her eyes. "Uncle Tristan?"

  "Yeah, it's me, sweetie."

  The vampire shook off his shock. He hissed.

  "Take your sister."

  Devon nodded. He took her and ran toward a group of shifters that formed behind them.

  The vampire suddenly halted.

  Tristan glanced around at the shifters glaring at Maxwell and his man. He stepped forward. His bright amber eyes locked on Maxwell. "For the crimes you have committed against the Peyton pack, my mate, and the Leery clan, you are sentenced to shifter justice by decree of the Gods, a decree enforced since the beginning of all."

  Maxwell hissed. His eyes flashed bright silver. "You have no authority over me, you fucking dog."

  Tristan smirked at Kian.

  "You'll never learn will you, Max. You'll never see past your selfishness and greed." Kian growled.

  Maxwell roared. "You were always too much like your bitch mother. Lenora made you weak." When Kian turned his back on him without a response, Maxwell hissed like a snake. "I should have had you ripped from your mother's womb. Forced her to get rid of you like I asked. You've been nothing but a goddamned disappointment. So fucking weak." When Kian still didn't respond and kept walking, Maxwell shouted, "You'll let them kill me. Your father. Your blood."

  Thunder crashed outside. Kian clenched his fists. He spun and then lunged forward. Tristan held him back. "My father? My blood?" he roared. "You threatened my mate. Thought to hurt my children. Your own grandchildren." Lightning lit the windows. "You ordered the death of an innocent woman and threw another into the hands of monsters, all to further your sick need for power and greed. You are no father to me. My mother is the only reason I haven't killed you myself. She would never have wanted me to have to kill my own father."

  Once again, Kian turned his back and walked away. Maxwell charged, but Tristan stopped him with a sharp uppercut to his jaw. Maxwell flew back into the center of the growling shifters.

  Maxwell wiped the blood from his lip and hissed, while the shifters snarled and growled. "I have information on your missing deities. I know where they are!"

  Suddenly, the supernatural beings fell silent. They parted to reveal the Peyton pack's alpha.

  Niles Peyton's face held no emotion. His top guard, Ren, walked beside him. Behind them, Levi carried Celine. "And you wish to give up this information in exchange for your life?"

  "Yes. They’re not on some holiday somewhere. They are being held. Tested…and I know where."

  Niles approached his mate, who was still locked in Levi's arms. He touched her pale face with a gentle brush of his fingers as if she'd break. "My mate. My love. What have they done to you?"

  She didn't move. Niles's eyes bore into Maxwell. He snarled.

  "Take my mate home to the healers," he instructed Levi. He never took his eyes off Maxwell.

  "Alpha—" Levi started.

  "Now," he roared.

  Levi nodded. He offered Maxwell one last snarl before he left the circle with his queen tucked tightly in his arms.

  Niles stared at the vampire. "You are guilty of kidnapping and murder." His voice sounded inhuman.

  Maxwell spit. "I didn't touch your mate."

  "You are as responsible as the men that carried out your orders. They are d
ead and you are about to follow them…to hell." Niles's eyes glowed with the amber of his bear. His body grew. His voice deepened.

  Maxwell backed up a step. His gaze flashed around the mob that encircled him. "Don't you care about your God or the Goddesses? I can tell you where to find—" When Niles didn't respond, Maxwell shouted, "You think I'm going to go down easy. Think again." Claws formed on Maxwell's fingers. His fangs lengthened.

  Niles roared. "Did you know my mate was with child, you filthy bloodsucker?" Murmurs followed by growls filled the silence. "I no longer sense my cub in her."

  "One less filthy shifter to worry about. Kill me and what I know goes with me."

  The shifters around him snarled and shouted.

  Niles glanced at the vampire standing by Maxwell. “Do you know of what he speaks?" The minion backed away from his master. He nodded with terror in his eyes. Niles's face grew into a terrifying grin. "Good. You will live for now." His glowing irises landed back on Maxwell. "My pack, leave a few of his men alive. Time to reap what you have sown, vampire."

  The other shifters backed up, leaving a large clear circle for their alpha. Their chants grew louder.

  "Let's go," Tristan whispered in Winter's ear. "Justice is done."

  He led Winter out. There was nothing left to do but round up whatever of Maxwell's men remained for questioning. They followed the path Kian and Summer had just taken with a child in their arms. Behind them, Maxwell's pleas reverberated against the dingy walls.

  "You can't just kill me. I have rights," he hissed.

  Niles chuckled. "You forget you're no longer human. Welcome to the supernatural world, bitch."

  The last things Tristan heard were Maxwell's shout and then the thunderous chorus of Niles's pack. By the time they reached the exit, the tunnel was once again silent.

  Chapter 33

  Winter sat outside of Blue Manor watching her friends and family get ready to head back home to Pennsylvania.

  Devon and Delilah tossed snowballs at little Olivia, who fell back onto the ground in a fit of giggles and made her fifth snow angel. The sight made Winter grin. Olivia had come so far since they found her locked inside a cage in that awful lab. She started opening up to Jax and took an instant shine to Winter's niece and nephew. It was a start.


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