Book Read Free

Coming to Hale

Page 5

by Marie James

  As I exited the corridor, I saw Ian take the stage, readying to give a speech. Only now did I realize why he grew so angry earlier when I chastised this event. He apparently had some involvement in putting it together. Not wanting to be caught by him again after he was finished with his speech, I head for the exit. This has by far been one of the craziest nights I’ve ever had.

  Chapter 12


  I have to admit, I’m a pro at schmoozing. I’ve done it for so long I could do it my sleep. This annual event is one of the very few I endorse and is the only one I help to put together each year. The problem with all of this is, tonight, the one night I want to be invisible to everyone around me, with the exception of one exquisite reporter, just happens to be the same night everyone I’ve ever known in high society wants a piece of me. I stepped off of the stage from administering my speech and platitudes well over an hour ago and I’ve barely made it around the room.

  I search everywhere for Lorali with my eyes as I’m bombarded repeatedly by guests. I’m grateful for the pledges of donations prior to the event, and Sloane stopped to let me know that more money is still rolling in; even though it seems Safe House is the last thing the invitees want to talk about. They’ve all tended to merely trade pleasantries, and then their conversations wonder off into what vacation they’ve planned, or what property they’ve recently purchased. It’s all very ‘Look at how much money I have’, and I’m so over it.

  I smile and nod as if I’m interested, but the whole evening has left me completely chagrined.

  I don’t know why I continue to try to find her through the rest of the evening, I know she’s left. The electricity that surrounds her can no longer be felt as I make my way around the room.

  This beautiful creature, which I never thought I’d lay eyes on again, shows up tonight of all places, a far cry from that laundry mat. The way that short dress clung to her hips and draped at her breasts will haunt my dreams and shower fantasies for many days to come.

  As happy as this makes me, I’m still left completely frustrated. I’ve no other recourse but to reach out to her. No way can I leave her alone. No way can I exist much longer without fucking her. My hand and the memory of her face are no longer cutting it.

  I have the beginnings of a plan coming together and the idea of having Lorali right where I want her brings a smile to my face. This, by looking across the room at the woman, who has landed her sights on me, has apparently been misconstrued. I look away, my eyes trying to find someone to start a conversation with in an attempt to avoid the train wreck that’s about to happen. I’ve been swarmed by people all night and the minute I actually need someone to speak to I find that I’m left alone.

  Might as well get it over with.

  I cut my eyes back to the woman. She’s doing her best to walk towards me seductively, but it’s obvious that her alcohol intake tonight is preventing her from looking as stealthy as she’s intending.

  I keep an impassive look on my face as she approaches; a final attempt to try to make her realize she hasn’t got a shot. It doesn’t work. She slides up to me, her body almost touching mine, her hand grazing up my chest, until her arm is resting on my shoulder. She smells like she could keep a winery in business, the alcohol seems to be seeping from her pores.

  “Hey, Ian,” she pesters, acting as if I should know her. I can tell she comes from money. Her mint green dress is designer and her jewelry compliments it perfectly. I can tell her painted mask is top of the line even with the smudges left behind from her long night of drinking. “You are so hot,” she slurs before bringing her champagne glass to her lips. Her sluggish effort rewards her with a splash on her face and the excess running down her chin.

  “You look like you’ve had fun tonight.” I tell her, doing my best not to lose my patience. The last thing I need is to be photographed with some rich man’s daughter drunkenly hanging on me.

  “It’d be more fun,” hiccup “if you took me home.” Hiccup. She’s slouching more; her body demanding more effort from me to stand up.

  “Are you here with anyone?” I look around to try to judge if I can find someone who she belongs to, so I can hand her off.

  She moves her head from side to side. “Nope, just me.”

  Great! Doing my best not to be an asshole, since she’s all but collapsed on me, I walk her towards the front door.

  “I’m going to ride you so hard!” Apparently she thinks we’re heading out to my place. “You won’t we-gwet it. I’ll be the beth you eva had!” Her slurring is getting worse.

  “Oh, I’ve no doubt I won’t regret anything tomorrow.” I tell her then chuckle, “but you will regret drinking so much!”

  I lean her against a wall and take my phone out to text my driver. I have to make sure she gets home safely and I’m not in a position to trust a cab driver at this point. My driver is waiting by the curb when we make it outside.

  “Do you know your address?” I prompt her as I slide her in the back of the limo.

  “Oh! That’s a gweat idea! I just live a few mileth from here!” She rattles off her address and I make sure the driver has it.

  She’s already slumping down in the seat before I shut the door. God, I pray she doesn’t puke in my car!

  Taking a break from the chatter of the party, I stay outside and make a few phone calls. I have a plan and it takes a mere two calls before I have the information I need and the ability to set that plan into motion. I anticipate that Lorali will be receptive, if her behavior in the corridor was any indication of what she thought about me. I lick my lips, the faint taste of her lipstick on my tongue and recall the way her soft mouth caressed mine. Absolutely no way I can go much longer without the opportunity to do that again.

  Chapter 13


  “There’s no way I’m buying this dress! I don’t even know why I let you talk me into trying it on!” I’m staring at myself in a three-sided mirror, more skin showing than is actually covered.

  “Fine. If you don’t buy it, I’ll buy it for you! You’re smoking hot in that dress!” Alexa is standing behind me, nodding her head enthusiastically.

  “I’ve no reason to buy it! There’s no way I’ll ever attend an event for work that would require me to wear something like this. I work for The Courier not Penthouse!” I grin at the absurd idea that I’d ever even meet qualifications to pose for Penthouse, and then frown at actually thinking about it. One smoking hot kiss from a billionaire and I consider myself a sex pot? Not even.

  “Lor,” Alexa sighs at me. “You know you can do more than just work. You did mention a girl’s night out the other day, wear it to that!”

  I continue to stare at myself in the mirror. I do look nice. The sapphire blue dress hugs every contour of my body. The halter neck provides some coverage in the front; the back however is completely vacant. The sides of the dress run along the outside of my breast line keeping the pertinent bits covered but leave very little for the imagination. This dress screams fuck me from a mile away, and after the incredibly cold shower I had to take last night when I got home, it’s taking the words right out of my mouth!

  “So about a girl’s night,” Alexa says as she slides her phone into the back pocket of her jeans. “I have VIP passes for a new exclusive club for Thursday. They’re doing a soft opening and I thought it’d be a great place for a girl’s night out.” The hopeful look on her face has me wanting to say yes immediately.

  Josie’s eyes light up from the lounger she’s curled into across the room. Great. Now both my best friend and the little sister will hound me to go. Josie refuses to go out alone and going out with Alexa on her own has proven too crazy for her on more than one occasion.

  “How many passes do you have?” Josie asks Alexa expectantly.

  “Don’t sound so timid. Bitch, you know you go where I go anytime you want!’ Alexa assures her.

  Josie just beams. She’s only been in Denver since graduating in May. She was lucky enough to land
a job as a local elementary school teacher. Barely twenty-two, she loves to go out every once in a while, but is a far cry from the party animal that Alexa is.

  “Oh good! I love being around kids, but I’m in desperate need of adult company and a drink stronger than chocolate milk!” She sinks back into the couch with an enthusiastic look on her face.

  “See Lor, even Josie needs to get out. Don’t let your sister turn into a hermit! Besides it’d be the perfect place to wear that amazing dress.” Alexa is really laying it on thick right now, but it won’t even take her endless begging this time. After last night, I’m more than ready to get out and try to wipe Ian Hale from my memory.

  “It’s been a while since we had a girl’s night,” I muse. “What’s the name of the club?”

  “Ampere.” Alexa says.

  “Hmm, sounds electric!” I take one more look back at the mirror. I turn to the side and let my gaze roam over my body. The dress fabric is butter soft and has a slight stretch to it, perfect for dancing. “Free drinks?”

  “Open bar,” Alexa’s eyes are looking bigger than Josie’s did. She knows she has me.

  “Well, I guess we’ll have to buy some tit tape, because there’s no way I can dance in this dress and keep the girls in at the same time. I’ve no idea what kind of bra to wear with this either.” I scrunch up my face as I try to imagine what sort of jelly cup I may need to make this dress more appropriate in public.

  “Oh hon,” Alexa sighs. “You don’t wear a bra with this kind of dress. Plus, you have a great rack. No need for one!”

  “No bra! No way! I’d feel naked!” I exclaim, looking back at the mirror and giving a little jiggle to see if one of my breasts pops out.

  “Yeah but you look hot! Come on Josie, let’s go find that Fashion Tape before she changes her mind.” Josie pops up from the chair and heads out of the dressing room, ecstatic about the idea of a girl’s night.

  After changing out of the “fuck me” dress, I’m inspired. I try on several other less risqué dresses and find that I’ve hit my stride.

  I leave the boutique with five new dresses. For the first time in my life, I’ve not let the price of clothes determine my purchase. I bought what felt amazing on my skin and what looked good on me in the mirror. I think I may even have a bit of a strut when I leave, because I know that right now, I feel like a goddess. So much so I also spent an arm and a leg at the lingerie store. I cringe at the thought. I was inches away from Ian Hale lifting my dress in that dark hallway last night. Don’t think he would’ve been very impressed with the plain, black, cotton panties I had hidden away under that shimmery dress. I now realize the importance of always looking nice under my clothes. I wouldn’t want to be caught in that predicament again!


  I head back to work on Tuesday. Since I’ll be working most Friday and Saturday nights, my “weekend” has shifted to Sunday and Monday.

  I’m at my desk no longer than half an hour when my boss is in my doorway.

  “How were the events Saturday?” Tom asks as he settles into the chair across from my desk.

  “Good. Did you read the articles?”

  “I did. They were kind of…light.” He says with no malice or disappointment. “Pretty good for your first time out. Next time see if you can’t get some direct quotes and maybe a few more pictures of some of the guests in attendance. These people LOVE to see their faces in print.” he continues. “This event was personally sponsored by Ian Hale. I bet if you had the chance to catch up with him, he would’ve given you something you could’ve used in the article.”

  Oh, he gave me something alright! Cold chills, sweaty palms, and a lady boner!

  “I’ll make sure to seek out the host at the next event.” I reply.

  “Sounds great. Keep up the good work and before you know it they’ll be eating out of the palm of your hand.” He stands to leave. “If you like, I can email you the contact information to his office. You may be able to shoot his assistant something and see if Mr. Hale will schedule a mini interview. We could put it online with the pictures you did get.”

  His contact information? Yes please!

  I’ve loads of quotes I can use from our brief encounter, but I highly doubt “I wonder what those red lips of yours would feel like wrapped around my cock.” is what Tom is looking for.

  I sure hope my absent minded boss gets distracted and forgets to send me the information on Ian Hale. If he does then that reduces the chances that I’d do something very stupid with the information.

  I head out at noon to grab a sandwich and Diet Coke for lunch. I need to do more research, my lack of active participation in my job this weekend is unacceptable and I need get to know more about the events that I’ll be attending and more of what’s expected of me covering them.

  I’m just sitting back down at my desk with my lunch when a delivery man darkens the door to my office. This is strange, I inwardly think, most deliveries are left at the front desk and an intern sorts them out.

  “Can I help you?” I implore, giving him a quizzical look.

  “Ms. Bennett?” He questions as he looks down at the delivery information in his hand.

  “Yes. I’m Lorali Bennett.” I answer.

  “Please sign her Miss.” He passes his electronic machine to me, allowing me to sign my name in the digital reader.

  He hands over plain white box. “Thank you,” I say as he walks out of my office.

  “Very welcome, Ms. Bennett.” He leaves the office and I’m staring down at this box.

  I haven’t ordered anything so I’m slightly confused. The box only has my name on it. No return address, not even the address to my office. A hand delivered package. Strange.

  Shit I hope it’s not anthrax! I giggle knowing full well that it’s not.

  After using my letter opener on the tape sealing the box, I pull the box tabs back. The inside of the white box is full to the top with white packing peanuts. I lean the box over the trash can and gently shake, slowly allowing the peanuts to tumble out into the trash. A second box is revealed. I reach in and pull out the secondary box, place it on my desk and continue to shake the peanuts in the trash, making sure there’s nothing else in the primary box. Once I’ve divested the white box of its contents, I put it aside.

  I’m left staring down at an elegant, lidded, purple box. I’ve no idea what to make of it. My birthday is months away so I know that’s not the reason.

  My curiosity finally gets the best of me and I slowly lift the lid off of the box. A wonderful smell hits my nose first. I gently fold back the tissue paper uncovering its contents. My eyes focus on the most beautiful, delicate flower I’ve ever seen. I lift the flower to my nose and inhale deeply. Absolutely amazing. I look down in the box and realize that the flower was laying on top of an envelope, my name written by hand in perfect calligraphy.

  I take the envelope out, even more perplexed. Flipping open the flap, I reach in and grab the card. Freeing the card from the envelope causes something to fall out of it. I reach down and grab the wayward purple paper and flip it over. It appears to be a ticket of some sort for “Orchid by Jody J.” I can tell it’s custom made, but it gives nothing else away. No address hinting where I should take it, no phone number to call to get more information.

  Remembering the card, I direct my attention to it. Blank on the front, I open it.

  Join me.



  I drop the card on the desk and gasp.

  Chapter 14


  Join him for a flower? How do you join someone for a flower?

  Why is he seeking me out? Did he not get a big enough thrill the other night? Ugh! I can’t help but feel like the prey in a sadistic game of cat and mouse. The chase is always fun and exhilarating but in the end the mouse always ends up eaten.

  Mmmm….eaten! Yes please!

  Stop it Lorali! Get your shit together. No way can I “join him” if I have no way to know what I’m joining
or where it’ll even be!

  While staring at the “invitation” and ticket in my hand I hear my cell phone chime out a text alert. I grab my phone from my center desk drawer and open the window. I don’t recognize the number, but open it to access the text.

  Unknown: I hope you say yes.

  What the hell? Hold on…surely not.

  Me: I’ve no idea who this is, so I must decline and say no.

  Unknown: I have it on good authority that my package was recently hand delivered to you.


  Me: I wish your package was hand delivered to me!

  What the hell am I thinking I can’t send that! How in the hell did he get my number?

  I delete the provocative text and send my question directly to him.

  Ian: I made a few phones calls it wasn’t as hard as it should’ve been!

  Me: So you easily got it? From who?

  Ian: I called the paper and mentioned to a lady that answered the phone that I met a beautiful young lady and just had to get in touch with her again. She provided it willingly, and rather quickly!

  So now I have to worry about people at work just handing out my personal information. I don’t have time for this mess!

  Me: Did you get her name? It seems we have a personnel issue that needs to be addressed.

  Ian: I didn’t, but in her defense I did lay on the charm pretty thick. Most women find me irresistible. She did mutter under her breath while she was looking for your number. Provided me with some valuable information.

  I’m staring down at my phone appalled that someone hasn’t only given out my number, but has told this complete stranger no telling what else!

  I refuse to respond to him. I can tell he’s trying to goad me into asking him what was said and I’ll not fall for it; however, if I know what was said then maybe I can determine which one of the ladies in the call center disclosed my phone number.


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