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Witness Pursuit

Page 20

by Hope White

  “It’s my grandson. He’s in jail back in Chicago, and they said they’d protect him if I made sure the laundry was delivered and the reservations coincided with the deliveries.” She looked at Nate. “Todd’s the only family I have. I tried to get him to move out here with me, but he got caught up with a bad group of boys. He was so lost when his parents died.”

  “What was he incarcerated for?”

  “Drug possession with intent to sell. He’s not a tough kid, Chief. He was beaten up in jail and I thought they’d kill him. I had no choice.”

  Nate glanced at Chief Washburn and then knelt beside Carol. Threatening her with jail time wouldn’t inspire her cooperation.

  “Carol, I could call my contacts in Chicago to see what I can do to help your grandson, but you have to know that your days working with the mob in exchange for their protection are over.”

  She nodded.

  “I’ll make some calls, too, Carol,” Chief Washburn offered. “But you need to help us.”

  “Please,” Nate said, “I can’t lose Cassie. Do you have any idea where Len would take her?”

  She shook her head that she didn’t. “I have Len’s phone number and the laundry everyone’s been looking for.”

  “Isn’t it in Cassie’s car?” Nate asked.

  “No, I took it before it was towed from the rental office.”

  “And they think she still has it,” Nate muttered.

  A call came in and he answered, “I’m in the middle of—”

  “They found Cassie McBride’s car,” Red said. “Agent Nance was stuffed into the trunk. Cassie and Becca were taken.”

  * * *

  Two hours later Carol was scheduled to drop off the laundry with Len Pragner near an abandoned barn north of town. There was no reason Len would suspect she was working with the police.

  Nate was careful whom he involved at this point. He no longer trusted Agent Nance, who admitted to persuading Cassie to help him bring in Becca even though it could be dangerous. Apparently Nance was tired of chasing his tail like the rest of them, and had planned to set a trap for Tony.

  Using Becca and Cassie as bait.

  Nate spoke with Agent Nance’s boss, who wanted Nate to wait for federal agents before making the laundry drop. With Cassie’s life in danger, Nate wasn’t waiting on anyone. He said if the Feds wanted to close the mob smuggling case, they were welcome to pick up the perpetrators tomorrow morning at the Echo Mountain jail.

  Nate, Chief Washburn, and Officers McBride and Carrington assembled at the meeting spot to go over the plan.

  “I’ll be in the backseat of Carol’s car for protection,” Nate said. “After she drops off the laundry, I’ll get out of the car here—” Nate pointed to the map “—and hide in the trees. I’ll let you know when I see them approach. Radio County, they’ll be waiting, and the three of you close ranks. These guys aren’t going to be happy if they check the bag on site and find only laundry. If they do, we’ll have minutes before they hurt Cassie and Becca.”

  Hurt them. He couldn’t even think kill them.

  “How many do you think will be in the SUV?” McBride said.

  “I’m guessing two or three,” Nate answered. “Everyone’s wearing a vest?”

  They all nodded.

  “Let’s focus on getting the hostages back unharmed.”

  Carol stood beside the car with a blank expression on her face.

  “Carol?” Nate said.

  She glanced at him. “Your help tonight will go a long way during your sentencing.”

  She nodded. “Love makes you do such stupid things.”

  Nate only hoped love would not make him stupid tonight.

  Love. He loved Cassie.

  “Nate?” Chief Washburn said.

  Nate snapped his attention to the three men who looked to him for leadership and strength, men he knew attended Echo Mountain Church.

  “I’d like to say a prayer,” Nate uttered, surprising himself.

  As they stood there, in the cool, quiet night, Nate led a short prayer asking for courage, strength and protection.

  “Amen,” they said, and took their positions.

  * * *

  The car rolled slowly across the uneven dirt road.

  “You’re doing great, Carol,” Nate said, hiding in the backseat.

  “I’m scared.”

  “It’s okay, I’m here.”

  A few minutes later she stopped the car, got out and grabbed the laundry bag from the front seat.

  “Quickly,” Nate said.

  She disappeared from view.

  I’m coming, Cassie.

  Carol returned, got behind the wheel and peeled out.

  “Slow down. I need to jump out by the trees, remember?” Nate said.

  “Right, sorry.”

  “Did you see anyone?”


  “Chief Walsh, I see a black SUV parked on the south end of the barn, over,” Red said through the radio.


  Carol made a turn, out of view of the barn. Nate opened the door and jumped out, rolled, and took cover. He had a clear sight line of the white laundry bag.

  As he hid in the trees, he felt like time passed so slowly, as if he’d been crouched there for hours, not minutes.

  Out of the darkness, an SUV crawled toward the laundry. Closer, closer.

  It stopped a good twenty feet from the bag.

  A door opened.

  Cassie, hands bound in front, got out of the SUV.

  “I have a visual, over,” Nate said in the calmest voice he could manage. “It’s Cassie.”

  She walked slowly across the wide open space, as if she fully expected an assault.

  Just as she reached the bag...

  A car screeched across the property, heading directly toward her. Nate automatically stood.

  He recognized the driver: Tony.

  “Move in, everyone move in!” he ordered, and charged into the open field.

  * * *

  It was like everything clicked into slow motion. Cars were honking, people were shouting, and Cassie was frozen in place, inches from the white laundry bag she was sent to retrieve.

  “Cassie, grab the bag and get in!” Becca called from the open truck door.

  All Cassie could do was stare at the bright lights blinding her.

  Gunshots pierced the night air, ripping her out of her trance. Had Len changed his mind and decided to kill her?

  She took off running, even though she doubted she could outrun a car, or a bullet.

  Someone tackled her and threw her to the ground. She fought him at first, and then recognized the woodsy scent.


  The man she loved.

  “You’re okay,” he said.

  The sound of screeching tires was followed by a crash.

  “Freeze, police!” someone shouted.

  Multiple gunshots pierced the night air, then silence. The sound of sirens, the wonderful sound of sirens echoed across the field.

  Relief edged its way into her heart, not only because of the sirens, but because Nate held her close, physically shielding her with his body, protecting her life with his own.

  “Okay, I give up!” a man called. It wasn’t Len Pragner, it was one of his thugs.

  New worry flooded her stomach. Had Len escaped the SUV? Was he coming after her?

  “We’re clear, Chief!” her cousin Ryan called.

  She peeked around Nate’s arm and saw Len sprawled on the ground, blood staining his shirt. One of his men lay a few feet away, and the third man was in handcuffs, pinned to the SUV by her cousin.

  “Where’s Becca? I’ll kill him! I’ll kill him!�
� Tony shouted, racing toward Len’s motionless body.

  “Calm down,” Officer Carrington ordered, shoving him against the car and cuffing him.

  “I’m here,” Becca said, edging out of the SUV.

  Cassie released a sigh. Her friend was okay and the mob guys were no longer a threat.

  Chief Washburn rushed up to Cassie and Nate.

  “Is she okay?” he asked.

  “Cassie?” Nate said, with a concerned voice.

  She turned and looked into his emerald-green eyes.

  “Are you okay?” he said softly.

  “Yes. As long as you don’t let go.”


  The next day at the police station, Cassie gave her official statement about what happened when Len had taken her hostage. She noticed Nate repeatedly clench and unclench his jaw as she told the story.

  Mom, Bree and Aiden demanded to go along. Cassie had a feeling that after everything that had happened, her family was going to be even more protective than usual.

  “What is with people? Are they stupid?” Aiden said, shaking his head. “What were Tony and Becca thinking?”

  “We all make mistakes, not that you’d understand, Mr. Perfect,” Cassie teased.

  “Money is a powerful motivator,” Nate said. “Tony thought money would solve all his problems and he’d get the girl.”

  Nate glanced up briefly at Cassie, and then he looked away.

  Nate had his girl. He had to know that.

  “I’m so glad it’s over,” her mom said. “It is over, right, Chief?” When she addressed her question to Chief Washburn, he pointed at Nate.

  “He’s the chief.”

  “Of course.” She glanced down.

  “Mom?” Cassie prodded. “Do you have something to say?”

  She snapped her attention to Nate. “I’m sorry, you know how people talk. Once Chief Washburn came back, they thought, well...”

  “That I couldn’t handle my job?” Nate offered.

  Her mom shrugged.

  “Mo-ther,” Cassie admonished.

  “I didn’t say it. I’m just repeating what I’ve heard.”

  “Well, I’d appreciate you repeating this,” Chief Washburn started. “If it weren’t for Nate, the town would still be in danger. He’s the one who pieced it together. He figured out Carol was the mob’s contact in Echo Mountain. And he’s the one who threw himself into the line of fire to save Cassie’s life.”

  “That’s my job, to protect the citizens of Echo Mountain,” Nate said.

  Cassie didn’t like the sound of that. She was more than an ordinary citizen, wasn’t she?

  Aiden extended his hand to Nate. “Thanks, buddy.”

  “Wait, so Carol was a part of this scheme because...?” her mom asked.

  “The mob was providing protection for her grandson who was incarcerated.” Nate turned to Cassie. “I’m surprised Len was so forthcoming with you about the supposed accidental death of Marilyn Brandenburg, and giving you details of how their operation worked.”

  “It was strange, but on some level I think he had his own measure of integrity.”

  Aiden snorted. “Come on, Cassie, you can’t be that naive after all this.”

  “Everything isn’t just black or white, Aiden. There are shades of gray, ya know,” she countered.

  “The FBI agent was definitely gray,” Bree said. “I can’t believe he bamboozled me into thinking Cassie was in the shed, then locked me in.”

  “I also suspect he spiked my coffee at Healthy Eats,” Nate said. “Which is why I nearly passed out while driving. He’d hoped I would question my ability to keep Cassie safe and turn her over to him. He wanted to be in charge from day one.”

  “He manipulated me into helping him draw out Becca,” Cassie said. She looked at Nate. “I am sorry about that.”

  “What are you sorry about?”

  “That I went with him when you told me to stay at the resort. I was so desperate to put an end to all this violence.”

  “Well, it’s over now. The Feds will take Tony, Becca, Carol and the mob guys into custody.”

  “Poor Becca,” Cassie said.

  “And Carol,” her mom added.

  “Why did she have the linens?” Cassie said.

  “Carol was considering her options, turning the evidence over to the Feds in exchange for her grandson’s safety, or continuing to work with the mob. She was playing a dangerous game,” Nate explained.

  “Because of her poor grandson,” Mom offered. “How long do you think she’ll be in jail?”

  “If she and Becca cooperate, their sentences could be reduced, but Tony, he’ll be going away for a while,” Nate said.

  “I know Becca is desperate to make amends,” Cassie said.

  Aiden’s phone beeped and he glanced at it. “Gotta go.”

  “We should let the chief get back to work,” Mom said, touching Cassie’s arm. “Ready?”

  “I’ve got some things to do in town.”

  “If you think we’re letting you out of our sight, you’re wrong,” her mom said.


  “She’s right, Cassie. You must be traumatized,” Bree said. “Move back in with Mom for a while. I’ll come by for dinner and—”

  Cassie stood. “No.”

  Her mom’s eyes widened, Bree’s jaw dropped, and Aiden froze at the door, turned and looked at Cassie.

  Nate shot Cassie an encouraging nod.

  “I love you guys,” Cassie started. “I love you so much, but you tend to smother me, probably because of my illness, and now because of the last few days. I get it, I do. I appreciate how much you love me, so much so that you always want to help.”


  “Please, let me say this,” she interrupted her mom. “I successfully escaped a killer, talked rationally to him and stayed alive until help arrived.” She smiled at Nate. “I’m a mature woman, and would like to be treated like one. I don’t know any other way to put it but—” she hesitated and made eye contact with Mom, Aiden and Bree “—the way you love me can be stifling.”

  “That’s unfair,” Aiden said.

  “Aiden,” Mom said. “Let her finish.”

  Cassie took her mom’s hand. “You’re the greatest mom a girl could have. Have faith in your parenting skills, and give me some space. Sure, I’ll stumble and fall, but that’s the best way to learn, right?”

  Tears formed in her mom’s eyes, and Cassie momentarily regretted speaking her truth.

  Mom reached out and hugged her. “I couldn’t be more proud.”

  Cassie hugged her back, a little surprised. Bree squeezed her shoulder and offered a smile.

  “Okay, whatever,” Aiden said. “I have no idea what’s going on. Does anyone need a ride?”

  All three women said, “No.” Then burst into giggles.

  “Women,” Aiden muttered, shaking his head.

  “Just give us a minute, Aiden.” Mom broke the hug and studied Cassie. “I had no idea you felt this way.”

  Cassie smiled. “Yeah, well, a friend taught me to speak my truth.”

  “I’m so glad she did.”

  “He,” Cassie corrected.

  “Oh, do tell,” Mom said.

  “Come on, Mom, let’s go,” Bree encouraged.

  “I’ll walk you ladies out,” Chief Washburn said.

  “I’ll text you later,” Cassie said.

  “Call me later,” Mom countered.

  “I’ll teach you how to text, Mom,” Bree said.

  “What if I don’t want to text? I like to hear the sound of my children’s voices.”

  “Then Cassie can send you a voice message,” Bree said as Chief Washbur
n held the door open for them.

  “You mean her real voice or a robot voice? I don’t like those robot voices, like that phone lady. She sounds so stern,” Mom said before the door closed on them.

  Cassie glanced at Nate, and he smiled.

  “Well done,” he said.

  “Thanks. Is there anything else you need from me?”

  His smile faded. Tension filled the room.

  “No, I think we’re good.” He stood as if he intended to walk her to the door.

  But Cassie was not done talking, nor was she done showing him how she felt. Confessing to her family gave her strength and a new sense of confidence.

  She stepped up to Nate, hugged him and pressed her cheek against his chest. “Thank you.”

  “It’s my job.”

  “Teaching me to find my voice? That’s not in the police chief’s job description.”

  “It’s in my ‘friend’ job description.”

  “Come on, we both know there’s more to this than friendship.”

  She felt pressure against her shoulders. He was pushing her away. She leaned back and looked into his troubled green eyes, but she didn’t let go. “What’s wrong?”

  “It’s over, Cassie. You’re safe, free to take your trips and follow your dream.”

  She was not letting him push her away.

  Speak your truth.

  “Nate, I care about you, a lot.”

  “I know. I heard you in the cabin when you thought I was unconscious.”

  Heat rose to her cheeks. “You did?”


  “Huh. I don’t know if I should be embarrassed or relieved.” She studied his face. “Or worried?”

  He shook his head. “There’s no need to be worried. You’re safe, remember?”

  “I wasn’t talking about the mob.”

  Nate wouldn’t look into her eyes. Then reality hit her dead-on: he didn’t share the same feelings. He truly had only been doing his job both as police chief, and as Aiden’s good friend.

  Nate didn’t love her.

  Suddenly embarrassed, she released him and grabbed her shoulder bag. “Right, okay, sorry.”

  “I thought we agreed you never had to say sorry, especially to me.”

  She glanced across the room at him. “I was simply saying I’m sorry that I misinterpreted your behavior. I’m sorry I’m so naive, so immature that I misread your signals.” She hesitated. “Signals I guess I imagined.”


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