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Touching Lace: Vaughn Series

Page 7

by Anne Rainey

  “The way I hear it, you already called and threatened Evan.”

  “It wasn’t enough. Lacey deserves better. I want Evan to hurt.”

  Nick just shook his head. “Blade, you really are crazy.”

  “Yeah, I’ve been told that a time or two. So, you think I can talk to Lacey or what?”

  It was his turn to chuckle. Blade wasn’t much for small talk, that much was for certain. How could the two of them even be related? Lacey was all breezy sunshine and Blade was a great big thundercloud. Amazing.

  “Sure, I’ll go get her.”

  Nick took the phone with him and went down the hall to the bathroom. He knocked once and called out, “Lacey, your brother is on the phone.”

  She whipped the door open and asked, “Which one?”


  He started to hand her the phone when she stopped him with a whispered, “You didn’t tell him about us did you?”

  That definitely wasn’t what he wanted to hear. “Are you ashamed?” His words matched her low tone as he sucked in a breath, not at all sure he wanted to hear her answer.

  Her eyes softened and she reached to touch his cheek with her hand. “Not on your life,” she said. “But you know my family. They’ll drive us nuts with questions and meddling. Well-intentioned meddling, but still… I’d like to keep this just between the two of us. For now.”

  He was beyond pleased that she had added for now. He bent down, placed a quick peck on her cheek then straightened.

  “For now,” he reiterated, and handed her the phone.

  He heard her say hello before he left her to deal with her brother in private. He had a breakfast to fix and a woman to woo.

  She loved him. What was she supposed to do now?

  The thought kept racing through Lacey’s mind from the moment she’d made love to him with her mouth. Like a schoolgirl, she’d retreated to the bathroom. Now, as she watched him happily walking off to do whatever, she knew there was no going back.

  How in the world could she let herself fall in love with her best friend? He was only trying to help her, give her lessons on how to keep a guy from getting bored in bed, and she went and fell in love with the instructor. Not supposed to happen. The biggest reason behind all her failed relationships was that her heart hadn’t been in it. Obviously, since she’d been keeping it locked up for the one special man who would knock her on her ass. How was she to know the special someone was Nick? What a mess.

  Turning her attention to the phone, Lacey said, “Blade, what’s going on? Is everyone okay?” Though Blade tended to keep odd hours, it was still unlike him to call her so early, and on a Sunday.

  “Everyone’s fine except you. I’ve been trying to track you down.”

  That meager statement was Blade’s way of saying, “Why aren’t you at home where you should be, safely tucked into your own bed?” But she was a grown woman, and Blade needed to get that through his thick skull.

  “So you found me and I’m clearly fine,” she said irritably.

  “Yeah, at Nick’s at six in the morning. He said you spent the night.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Your point being?”

  Blade laughed, “Don’t get all testy, sis. I was worried, that’s all.”

  Now that did piss her off. “Worried? You know about Evan, too?” His silence filled her ear. Lacey nearly exploded. “Why is my personal life always front page news in this family? That’s what I’d like to know!”

  “Whoa, Mom was concerned so she called me.” His voice was so tender that Lacey had a hard time being angry with him.

  “Well, I’m fine. Nick’s been…taking very good care of me.” Wow, talk about hedging.

  “So I gathered,” Blade growled.

  Why, oh why couldn’t she have had sisters instead of brothers?

  Lacey groaned in annoyance.

  “Uh, look, that’s not the only reason I called.”

  Blade must have heard her displeasure. Good thing, too, because she was a hair’s breadth away from hanging up on him. She had done that more than once with Blade. He was just so infuriating at times. Lovable, but infuriating.

  As his words registered, Lacey paused. He sounded unsure, and Blade Vaughn was never unsure. Curious, she asked, “Oh?”

  “Candice Warner. You know her.”

  Lacey was still lost. “Yes, I do. What’s your point?”

  “She works out at your gym, isn’t that right?” His voice turned harsh, when he continued. “I’m damned attracted to her and I’m not sure what the hell to do about it.”

  She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Blade, nervous? About a woman? “Candice works for Merrick. Or, rather, Chloe. She’s her assistant.” Lacey thought of Candice and frowned. “I’m not sure if you should get involved with her, Blade.”

  Blade sighed. “Yeah, I know. But my body doesn’t agree.”

  “There are things you should know about Candice. She’s not really a casual sex sort of woman.”

  “I gathered that when I went to Merrick’s office the other day to pick him up for lunch. She went real quiet and blushed a lot the minute she saw me.”

  That was putting it mildly. If Blade only knew the half of it. “Uh, yeah, she’s shy all right. Not your usual speed, I’m betting.” Then something else occurred to Lacey. Maybe Blade was just the guy to get Candice to open up a little. “Then again, maybe she’s exactly what you need to get you back among the living.”

  That put steel back into Blade’s voice. “I’m plenty lively, dammit.”

  “Oh really?”

  “Yeah, really.”

  “Then tell me this, when was the last time you spent more than a single night with a woman?”

  She heard him curse a few times. “You know, for someone who hates their family meddling you sure do your fair share of it, baby girl.”

  It was her turn to laugh. Blade only called her baby girl when she was getting to him. “You’re just angry that I’m right.”

  “You don’t know everything.”

  “What’s there to know?” Then it dawned on her. Maybe there was more to the attraction that he wasn’t telling. “Unless there’s another reason you’re so hesitant to get together with Candice. Is there more than mere chemistry here?”

  He muttered something about little sisters who didn’t know what was good for them, forcing Lacey to pry further.

  “What is it, Blade? Out with it.” Lacey grew more curious by the second. After all, Blade had never even acted remotely interested in a serious relationship before. Candice must have really done a number on him.

  “I don’t know if there’s more to it than chemistry because I’ve not been able to get within ten feet of her.”

  She let her silence speak for her. Little sisters did indeed have their ways.

  “She just seems…different to me. But it’s pointless anyway, because she’s too damn shy,” Blade muttered.

  Lacey was beyond shocked. She’d never in her wildest imaginings known Blade to give up on a woman. She had a sneaky feeling that all he really needed was a little push in the right direction.

  “Blade, you could look at this another way.”

  “What other way is there? I’m going to have to see Candice and not touch her. That sucks, no matter which way you look at it.”

  Lacey laughed. “You’re being too stubborn about this.”

  His voice was once again hard and unyielding. “I don’t mess with women like her, Lacey.”

  “Women like what?”

  “You know what I mean. She’s nice and sweet, and I’m, well, not.”

  “Are all men so obtuse?” She didn’t bother to let him answer. “Do you really think Candice can’t get just as dirty as the next girl?”

  “Shit. I’d rather not think about it.”

  “I’ll just bet. Because every time you do, you have to take a cold shower. Am I right?” She laughed at his groan., “Yeah, well, never mind that. Just think of this. If you don’t get up c
lose and personal with her, that leaves the field open for other guys. Is that what you want?”

  The startled sound he made let Lacey know the thought hadn’t even occurred to him. “Fuck that,” Blade growled.

  “Exactly,” Lacey said cheerfully. “So, get a pencil and paper and I’ll give you her phone number then you can call her and ask if she wants to go out.”

  “You know her number?”

  “Yep. As you already know, she’s a client.” And a good one, Lacey thought with pride. Candice was adamant about staying in shape and keeping her body healthy. She only wished all her clients were so vigilant.

  “What’s the number?” he muttered.

  Lacey rattled it off, said a bit of this and that then hung up. Blade was on his own now. She’d done what she could. It was time she got back to Nick and his lessons.

  Lacey only hoped she could keep Nick from inadvertently mashing her heart to bits.

  Chapter Eight

  When Lacey walked into the kitchen her intention was to continue Nick’s lessons, but she came to a screeching halt when she saw him mixing something in a bowl and singing along to a rock song about long-legged women. He was naked above the waist and wore only the jeans he’d had on earlier. He was barefoot. Lacey found the sight wildly sexy.

  He was making breakfast. For her. Geez, first he carried her to bed, now he was making breakfast. What would he do next?

  Quietly, she moved up behind him, slid her arms around his waist and whispered, “Can I help?”

  Nick dropped the spoon and mixing bowl and spun around. He opened his mouth to say something, but stopped and stared.

  Lacey cocked her head to the side. “What?”

  Nick bent low, took her face in his hands and pressed his warm lips against hers. Lacey forgot whatever it was she’d asked him. When he once again towered above her, he was smiling and his eyes were dark with arousal. “You make me crazy, do you know that?”

  His arms went around her waist and his hands skimmed over her bottom. “Good crazy or bad crazy?” she managed to get out.

  “Good crazy, baby.” He dipped his head again and kissed the side of her neck, suckling at her throat and making her insane with need. His body, hard and chiseled to perfection, pressed up against her.

  “Well, that’s good then,” Lacey sighed.

  Nick grunted as he continued licking at her jumpy pulse. Lacey let her hands travel the expanse of his naked back, down to his waist and beyond until she was fairly clutching at his jean-clad buttocks. He was so firm and solid under her fingertips. She’d gotten to taste and touch just a little bit ago and she was still so impatient to see him in the flesh. No clothes in the way of her perusal this time. If this was all she was to have of him, she was determined to make the most of it.

  When Nick arched into her pelvis, she felt the long length of his cock. “I want you. I want you to make love to me, Nick.”

  The vibration of his moan fueled her libido. He moved his mouth farther down to her neckline and kissed her oversensitive skin. Lacey wanted to make him understand just how badly she wanted him.

  “I want you inside of me,” she begged shamelessly. “Every hard inch of you. Please, Nick.”

  Nick lifted his head away and stared at her. She wondered if he could see the raw, uncontrolled desire on her face. She’d used the term “make love”, not “have sex”. She worried now that she’d gone too far.

  “I want you, too, Lace.” She lit up with eager delight, thankful he wasn’t bolting. “But, for me this isn’t a one shot deal, baby. I want more than just this once with you. Understood?”

  Uh-oh. He was moving too fast, and Lacey so badly wanted to run. She didn’t know how he felt about her. Whether he was just scratching an itch or if there was more behind his statement. She was all too aware of her own feelings, however. She’d gone this far, she may as well put another chunk of her heart on the line.

  “What are you saying?” It was imperative he be clear. Lacey needed to know she wasn’t reading too much into his words.

  He cupped her face in his hands and held her still. “I’m saying you belong to me after this.” His deep voice was rough with the heat of his emotion. “I’m through watching you with other men. It’s nearly driven me insane. If you have a problem with that, say so now.”

  Lacey didn’t know what to say. From the beginning of this odd arrangement, she’d worried she would be the one getting too emotionally involved. That she’d be the one to bear the scars of their encounter. Now she knew Nick was putting his heart on the line, too. A tremendous weight lifted away and she wanted to shout to him everything in her heart, but the look in his eyes held her back. He needed her and she needed him. Declarations of love everlasting could wait…just a little while longer.

  Instead, Lacey gave him an easy answer. “I don’t have a problem with that.”

  He’d have to settle for that, Lacey thought stubbornly. After all, there were limits as to how far a girl would go. She didn’t want to end up a blithering idiot if he chose to walk away.

  Nick rewarded her with a smile, his eyes turning hot and wild, as he started backing her towards the kitchen table.

  “Ever have sex on a kitchen table, baby?”

  “Uh, no.” Lacey turned and looked at the large oval slab of oak. Skeptical, she asked, “Er, is that thing going to hold us?”

  “Oh, yeah.”

  He picked her up and plopped her down on top of it, only releasing his hold long enough to yank her shirt up and off.

  “I have to taste you, baby,” he groaned. “I need to know if you’re as sweet as I remember.”

  Lacey laughed at the absurdity of his words. “It wasn’t all that long ago.”

  He lowered his head and mumbled something about short-term memories against her nipple then pushed her backwards until she lay flat against the cold, hard surface of the tabletop. When his mouth grazed her flesh, all reason fled. He had the most addicting way of knowing exactly how she liked to be touched. The teasing scrape of his teeth against her flesh drove her to clutch his head in both hands and pull him more firmly against her. The strokes of his tongue on her nipples turned her sex liquid. She lifted her legs, wrapped them around his waist and pulled his pelvis forward to meet hers.

  Nick lifted away from Lacey’s breast and stared as if in awe at the glistening wet orb. “I just love the way you’re built.” He cupped both breasts in his hands and squeezed, wringing a whimper out of her. “Your perfect tits are so fresh and lush.” He looked into her eyes as he said, “And all mine.”

  Self-consciously, Lacey mumbled, “I’m not lush.” She thought again of Christy’s bountiful chest and wanted to cringe.

  “Just my size.” Nick grinned then leaned down and kissed each of her nipples lightly and bit the turgid peaks. This time when he looked back into her eyes, she saw a fire burning that hadn’t been there before. Lacey wanted him to take her, hard and fast, but he seemed hesitant.

  “Don’t ever put yourself down again,” he warned then pulled her off the table and hitched her higher around his waist. He began walking them out of the kitchen without another word.

  Lacey was confused. On fire, but horribly confused. “I thought—”

  “Yeah, so did I, but I’ve changed my mind. I want you in my bed instead.”

  Lacey was starting to get seriously annoyed with Nick’s high-handed attitude. Deciding to take advantage of the fact that her legs were still firmly wrapped around him, Lacey squeezed, hard, gaining his attention immediately.

  “What about what I want? Did you even bother to consider that?” she snapped, feeling a wild need to scream.

  His smile rocked her right off her axis. “Ah, now we’re getting somewhere. This is the way I want to see you. Full of fiery passion and doing something about it. You’ve not been very forthcoming with what you want, Lace. So, it’s been up to me to decide what was best.”

  “What’s best?” she ground out from between clenched teeth. “Are you tryin
g to piss me off? It’s not like I’ve been all docile and crap.”

  He shrugged. “I am the sex instructor, remember?”

  “Yeah, but it’s not as if I’m a submissive little lamb. You of all people know it.”

  Lacey wriggled and pushed against him until he reluctantly set her back on her feet. She put her hands on her hips and all but declared, “I won’t have you deciding things for me. I am all for a guy being forceful and dominant, but pushy and arrogant is another thing altogether.”

  He leaned down until he was nose to nose with her. “That,” he said in a seductive voice, “is lesson number three, my little spitfire.”

  Lacey scowled. “Lesson three?”

  Nick took her hand off her hip and brought it to his mouth. He kissed each fingertip then slowly licked and bit at her sensitive skin. She could come with the smallest touch from him. It had been such a chore to gain a single orgasm from a man before Nick came along. It was humbling and stimulating at the same time.

  “You aren’t the kind of woman to follow along, Lacey. I only gave you a little reminder.”

  His eyes heated as he took in her naked, heaving breasts. In her anger, she’d forgotten she was standing topless in front of him. He hadn’t.

  “Your pleasure is up to you.” He stroked a finger over one soft swell then down the proud and perky peak. “Tell me what you want. Tell me what feels good. Give me your fantasies, baby.”

  He guided her hand to his groin and seemed pleased when she curled her fingers around him.

  Using his finger and thumb, Nick pinched her nipple. “Open up to me, Lace.”

  Lacey felt exhilarated and more turned on than ever. She’d never given a thought to taking the lead when it came to sex. It seemed natural the man would direct the show. With Evan, she didn’t think she’d ever once been asked about her fantasies, about what made her insides tremble.


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