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Topaz Goes Downunder (Jewels Cafe Book 18)

Page 3

by J. E. Cluney

  “Right, well, anyways, we were all going quad-bike riding over at Kev’s place, he’s got a big property. We were just fucking around like normal, when Kev let us know that his boys had put in some ramps and jumps all over the place. I kid you not, fucking Lachy here decided to zip over these jumps, finally hitting the big one at the edge and fucking flooring it. He lost his grip on the quad-bike, flew straight over the landing ramp, and crashed into the roof of his back shed, putting a hole in it and landing on Kev’s old Torana he was doing up. Broke a few bones, bloody bastard,” the man shook his head in amusement as the men laughed.

  I chuckled with my guys as we pictured such an event taking place.

  Lachy and Kev had been introduced to us earlier, but I’d forgotten the names of most of the others. My memory was shocking.

  Tyler shared some stories of his own, nothing as crazy but still worthy of a good belly laugh, and I oddly enjoyed the relaxed banter and jokes.

  The ‘sangas’ came out, sausages in bread, topped with bacon and onion if desired, which I was happy to have, and a dollop of ketchup on top.

  “We don’t call it ketchup here, it’s good old tomato sauce,” Kev said when I requested the ketchup on mine. He was handling the barbecue side of things.

  “Right,” I said sheepishly as I headed over to collect my sausage on bread, and I bit into it, grateful to finally eat.

  I sat back down, sipping my lemonade as the men ate and continued to chat about odd things.

  “You think they’ve had enough beers?” Darcy murmured as he eyed the box of used cans off to one side, with another box for the bottle.

  “Something tells me they’re only getting started,” I whispered back as the men started laughing over an inside joke.

  I ended up getting seconds, and the night dragged on with lots of stories and laughter.

  I was starting to consider calling it a night when one of the men began raising his voice.

  “I say we see what the yanks can do! Race us, if they win, they’re the better country,” he slurred as he swayed a little too close to the fire-pit.

  “Sit down, ya drunk dick,” Lachy laughed.

  “Yeah, don’t force them to race, cockhead.”

  “It’s on, mate,” Tyler said as he jumped up, emphasizing the word ‘mate’ and making the group laugh.

  “To the water and back, in shifted forms,” the man challenged him, I think his name was Darren from memory.

  “You’re on,” Tyler agreed without hesitation.

  “This is going to end badly,” Jackson mumbled as he hid a grin behind his hand.

  I agreed. Tyler had been downing beers with them quite a bit, and I was sure he was past tipsy for sure.

  He still proceeded to yank off his board shorts, since he’d not yet showered, and began his shift into a full-on tiger.

  The guys cheered and awed at the sleek feline that stood by the fire, while Darren undressed with a little difficulty. His leg got caught as he tried to pull his pants off, and he nearly toppled into the fire, if it wasn’t for Kev standing there and blocking his way. Instead, Kev nearly got shoved into the fire, and swore as he pushed Darren away.

  Darren managed to get his pants and underwear off, proudly saluted, then shifted into a red kangaroo, forgetting his navy tank top (which they called singlets).

  The kangaroo hopped off, stumbling a bit, looking quite hilarious in his top, and Tyler took off.

  I watched with amusement as they tore past the other camps, and the other campers cheered them on.

  They disappeared over the crest, and the guys laughed for a few moments.

  “You boys seem to be having fun,” a man said as he wandered over to our camp. He was bald and big, like a lumberjack, and I sensed he was an aquatic shifter. Probably one of the sharks.

  “You know how it gets,” Kev shrugged.

  “Haven’t seen a tiger for a long time,” he noted as he looked to where the racing pair had disappeared.

  “Yeah, got some yanks visiting, giving them the grand Aussie welcome,” Lachy whooped as he held up his beer, and the other guys joined him.

  I just smiled and nodded before sipping my lemonade. Damn, they had a lot of energy and enthusiasm.

  “Well, you mind if I join you?” the man asked.

  “Go ahead,” Lachy waved to one of the free chairs.

  A victorious roar had me swiveling my head to spy Tyler launching over the crest and dashing our way. It wasn’t until he was nearly upon us that Darren bounded over the crest as well.

  “Aw, boo!”

  “Darren, you useless cunt!”

  “Making us look bad, dickhead!”

  I laughed as the guys hurled insults at their drunken friend as Tyler pranced around the fire, his coat shimmering with the glow of the flames.

  He shifted back, bowing to the men as they boo’d him and laughed, before collecting his board shorts.

  “You know what, for making us look bad, we should teach him a lesson,” one of the guys suggested as Darren was still making his way over.

  I’d never seen a kangaroo before today up close, let alone a stumbling one that was tripping over its own feet and face-planting.

  Lachy jumped up, grabbed Darren’s pants and underwear, and ran off into the night.

  Darren saw this, and the kangaroo hopped after him angrily, albeit haphazardly.

  Before I knew it, a spotlight had been turned on by another camp and I gasped as the two boxing kangaroos were lit up.

  “Get him, Lachy!”

  “C’mon Darren, you have to win something tonight!”

  “These people are mad,” Darcy hissed into my ear, and I laughed as I nodded. But they were beyond fun, and I was starting to have a sore face from laughing at them all.

  The boxing match went on for a minute or two, and then one of the kangaroos took a wrong step and toppled over backwards. The one with the tank top.

  The remaining kangaroo threw his little furry, scrawny arms up in the air, and the camps cheered for him.

  Lachy shifted back, collected his clothes, and got dressed as he headed back to us.

  “He’s drunk, cut him some slack,” I pouted as I watched Darren climb to his feet and look around for his pants, still in kangaroo form.

  “He’ll be fine, his pants are hanging on the spare tire of that camper, besides, it’s harmless fun. He does the same to us,” Lachy informed me as he sunk back into his seat and picked up another beer.

  “So, yanks hey? You all tigers?” the shark-man asked.

  “He’s a panther,” Tyler said as he thumbed at Jackson. “Name’s Tyler.”

  “Bruce,” the man responded.

  “Are you fucking serious?” Lachy snorted out his beer.

  “My parents were real original,” the giant man chuckled.

  “Great white named Bruce, I swear there’s too many of you guys now,” one of the guys laughed.

  “Laugh it up, I’m used to it,” Bruce grinned as he lounged back in his chair.

  “Well, it’s been fun, but I’m going to call it a night, you guys have a good one,” I said as I stood up.

  “Same here,” Darcy stated as he rose and began folding up his chair.

  “All good love, sleep tight. I’ll make sure none of the guys do anything stupid, like shake your van or anything,” Kev rolled his eyes as the guys groaned and snorted.

  “I’m going to stay here a bit longer,” Tyler said when I glanced at him.

  “Suit yourself.” I shrugged as I folded up my chair.

  “I’ll keep an eye on him,” Jackson chuckled.

  “He’ll need it,” I snickered.

  “I’m completely capable of taking care of myself!” Tyler threw back as the guys laughed softly.

  I just shook my head, wishing them all a good night.

  Hopefully Jackson would keep him under control. Then again, Tyler was right. He was grown and capable of taking care of himself.

  One would think so at least.

nbsp; 4

  I flopped onto the bed, exhausted oddly enough. Not that we’d done that much, but I’d blame it on the heat too.

  Darcy had been smart enough to head back to the camper early and get the air-conditioning running. We were plugged into our powered site with water, so I was happy.

  And the difference in temperature was an obvious one as I snuggled into the blanket, enjoying the cooler air in here.

  “Too much people time?” Darcy asked as he climbed onto the bed next to me.

  “Mmmhmm,” I mumbled. He knew me too well. I tried to be more people friendly, but sometimes big groups just tired me out, and tonight’s barbecue was no exception.

  The food had been good though, and I’d enjoyed their crazy antics. I wouldn’t lie, they kinda reminded me of trailer park people, reckless and crazy sometimes. Or as one of the shifters had said, ‘bogan’. Apparently it meant unsophisticated and unrefined in clothing, speech, and actions.

  Which was oddly accurate for the rambunctious bunch.

  Rednecks was something I’d have considered, but they were far friendlier and chilled out.

  “I don’t blame you, they’re a little full-on,” Darcy chuckled as he pulled me into his chest to spoon me.

  I sighed, loving the position; it was my favorite.

  “Tyler fits in with them,” I noted softly.

  “Yeah, but he’s a people person, always was,” Darcy said as he kissed my neck.

  He wasn’t wrong there. Tyler had been a jock, and was always going to all the parties in high-school.

  “I was always just content in your company,” he murmured as he nuzzled my neck.

  “Look at us now,” I snorted softly. “We used to play doctor as kids, now you’re a vet, I’m a healer, and we’re mates.”

  “Yeah, never saw that coming, us, I mean. I always did like you, fell in love with you quickly, but I honestly didn’t imagine we’d end up together,” Darcy admitted as he played with my hair. “I hoped we would, but I was doubtful.”

  I turned in his arms, staring into the soulful eyes of the man who’d been my best friend for so long.

  “I don’t know why you ever thought we wouldn’t end up together. I’ve always loved you,” I murmured.

  “Because you’re perfect, so pure and good.” He stroked my cheek lovingly, and I returned the sweet touch.

  “Really? Pure?” I smirked. “I wouldn’t say that. Not anymore. I’ve been having foursomes often.”

  “You always know how to ruin a sweet moment,” he chuckled.

  “You have no idea how happy you all make me,” I said softly as I leaned forward to give him a gentle kiss.

  “If it’s as happy as you make us, then I have some idea,” he smiled against my mouth before nibbling on my lower lip.

  Us, you all. We’d grown used to talking like that, including all of us in our speech.

  I smirked against his lips as he teased mine with his tongue, wanting to deepen the kiss.

  I allowed him in, and he moved to lean over me as he kissed me, one hand stroking my hair while he held himself up with the other.

  “I need you, T. You’re everything to me, to us. You give us purpose and joy, fill us with so much love. Without you, we’d be lost. I’d be lost,” he said as he pulled back to gaze at me tenderly.

  I stared up into those eyes I’d seen all my life, seeing the pure adoration and love deep within, mirroring my own.

  “I need you too, I love you,” I breathed.

  The smile that broke across his face made my heart flutter, and he ducked down to kiss me again, more passionate and hungry this time.

  My body responded as I wrapped my arms around his torso, kissing him deeply and sucking on his tongue, drawing a low growl from him. He loved it when I did that.

  His hand slid up under my shirt, happily finding I’d forgone the bra and massaging my nipple.

  I moaned and arched into him, the heat scorching through me.

  “I’ll never hurt you, T,” he mumbled against my lips.

  I knew he wouldn’t. Why he’d felt the need to say it was beyond me, but I knew he wanted me to know I was always safe with him, that I could always rely on him like I had all my life.

  “Same to you,” I gasped as he gave my nipple a slight pinch.

  He kissed my cheek, then trailed kisses down my neck before easing my top off, leaving me in the boxer shorts I’d claimed of his. They were nothing fancy, just navy, but they were comfy.

  “You look good in my clothes,” he remarked as he tugged his own shirt off.

  “I’m sure you’d look halfway decent in mine too,” I chuckled. It turned into a proper laugh when I pictured him in my blue ballgown from my birthday night.

  Yep, he’d look like a right princess.

  “What are you seeing?” he demanded with an amused expression before he gave me a playful kiss on the jaw.

  “You in my ballgown,” I snorted.

  “Of course you are,” he shook his head while smiling.

  “What? You don’t think you’d make a lovely princess?” I pouted.

  “I think I’d make a hairy princess,” he stated as he eyed his arms and legs.

  “The bearded lady with hairy arms and legs, perfect,” I snorted, this time an odd donkey sound escaping me as I chuckled midway through.

  This had him sniggering, and I whacked his arm lightly.

  He narrowed his eyes at this, and I squealed as he began tickling me.

  “Who’s the princess now?” he laughed as I flailed on the bed like a dying starfish.

  “I’ll accidentally kick you,” I warned between gasps as I tried to swat his hands away.

  Nope, too late, my flailing foot hit him in the hip, and he winced as he surrendered with his hands up.

  A sly smile broke across his face, and he pinned me down with his body, claiming my mouth once more.

  I arched into his chest as his hands began exploring my body, one hand trailing up my side before fondling my breast.

  I gasped against his mouth as he teased my nipple, his arousal pushing into my hip.

  God, the temptation of it; I needed him.

  I flipped us over, drawing an amused smirk from him as I straddled him.

  “So gorgeous,” he murmured as he reached up to stroke my cheek.

  My core clenched as his length moved against me, and I shimmied down his body to pull the annoying, blocking boxers off of him.

  “You’d better take yours off too, I don’t want to be the only fully naked one here,” he chuckled.

  I yanked mine off before biting my lip and smirking at him.

  Those sweet eyes had taken on a darker look, one filled with hunger.

  I throbbed at the sheer look in his eyes, and I ducked down, kissing his stomach and tracing his toned abs before gently kissing his hips.

  He quivered as I kissed the top of his thighs, inching closer to the erect length that throbbed with need.

  “T,” he hissed, and I looked up at him, grinning wickedly as I held his hips down.

  His breathing quickened as I leaned over his length, darting my tongue out to lick the tip.

  He drew in a sharp breath, and I proceeded to drag my tongue down the underside of it.

  I danced my tongue around his arousal, teasing the tip occasionally while I held his hips down, loving how his breathing became erratic and he tensed beneath me.

  I moaned softly as I finally took his length into my mouth, sucking gently on the tip and loving how his head rolled back.

  Damn, I was aching badly as I began bobbing my head, swirling my tongue around his length. I removed my hands from his hips, instead wrapping one around his shaft and pumping it while I fondled his balls.

  He moaned and jerked beneath me, and I continued, unable to keep my own soft moans from escaping.

  I loved seeing him enjoying it, knowing I was giving him this pleasure.

  “Fuck, T,” he groaned as his hands gripped the sheets of our bed.

e was so close now, and I knew I could push him over the edge if I really wanted to.

  Instead, I pulled back, his length popping out of my mouth as I sat back.

  “Goddamn,” he growled, and I just smirked.

  “What are you going to do about it?” I dared him. I knew how he’d react, especially since he was on the brink of finishing.

  I was dripping now, and I knew my scent was going to be making him crazy.

  “T,” he growled, and I just bit my lip as I arched an eyebrow at him, hovering over his thighs.

  “You’re so wet for me,” he shuddered, and I noticed I’d dripped a little on him.

  “Can’t help it, I like teasing you,” I said huskily.

  Darcy shot up, causing me to squeal as he dragged me down so that I was beneath him.

  “I want you, T,” he growled as he drew in my scent before kissing me hungrily.

  He pulled back after a moment, scrambling to the side of the bed and dragging me by the legs.

  My heart sped up at the animalistic look in his eye, and I knew I’d awoken the tiger within him.

  Fuck, I loved it when I brought the animals forth in my guys.

  Darcy propped my ass up on a pillow so I was raised a bit more, and I just stared at him, drawing in quick breaths as my eyes rolled over his toned, delicious form.

  “Two can play at this game,” he smirked as he pulled me closer to the edge of the bed.

  I gasped as he teased my entrance with the tip of his length, throbbing with need.

  Why was he being so cruel? I needed him, now.

  “Darcy,” I growled, but he just returned my wicked grin from earlier.

  I sucked in air as his thumb teased over my clit, his length still swirling at my entrance.

  Fuck, he was good with his hands, and he expertly worked my clit as he eased the tip of his length inside me.

  He pulled it out almost instantly, and I groaned, darting him a disgruntled look, to which he just waggled his eyebrows before sliding inside me once more.

  He kept this up despite my squirming, and I refused to change position since his expert fingers on my clit had me ensnared.

  I moaned and quivered as he continued this tease, and I began writhing as just his fingers alone were bringing me closer to orgasm.

  And just as I was nearing my peak, gasping and writhing, he sunk deep into me.


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