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The Masters of Darkness

Page 5

by Joe Dever


  Through narrowed eyes you watch as the shape draws slowly nearer. A tingle of apprehension chills your skin when you recognize it. Emerging out of the twilight gloom comes a wagon laden with barrels and boxes, drawn by six ox-like creatures. Two Giak soldiers sit on the front seat — a driver and a guard. Behind them ride four horsemen — Drakkarim escorts, judging by their size and the cut of their black leather armour. The driver cracks his whip and you notice his eyes fix on the place where you are hiding.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess the Magnakai Discipline of Invisibility, add 4 to the number you have picked.

  If your total score is now 0–3, turn to 118.

  If it is 4 or more, turn to 304.


  With breathtaking suddenness, the pain in your shoulder melts away and you feel yourself falling into an inky black void. You fight to remain conscious, but it is a fight you cannot hope to win, for the deadly viral poison has worked its way into your heart and its insidious effect has committed you to an everlasting sleep.

  Tragically, your life and your mission end here on the streets of Helgedad.


  You brace yourself to receive the enemy as they swarm around you, howling with primal fury, their teeth bared and their faces contorted with rage. The Drakkarim officer screams, ‘Darg!’ and they hurl themselves recklessly upon you.

  Drakkarim Assault Squad: COMBAT SKILL 33 ENDURANCE 48

  If you win the combat, turn to 28.


  The Black Cube is a Nadziranim power crystal, a deadly explosive charge devised by the Darkland sorcerers. Since you picked it up, the cube has become increasingly unstable, and now, as you take your first steps into the Imperial Armoury, it explodes with devastating effect. The blast triggers the Crystal Explosive that you had intended to use to destroy the Transfusor, and, in the resulting explosion, you, and this entire section of Helgedad, are blown to smithereens.

  Your life and your mission end here.


  The first mate, whose name is Davan, helps you to splint the captain's broken legs and construct a makeshift stretcher on which to carry him to his cabin. Having done what you can to make the captain comfortable, you return on deck to survey the damage.

  Over half the crew have been killed or injured in the attack, and the ship itself is badly mauled. The mainmast is down, the sails are shredded, and there is a gaping hole that stretches along the port beam to within a few feet of the waterline.

  ‘We can patch up the sails and work the ship on a skeleton crew,’ says Davan, peering over the shattered rail, ‘but if we catch a storm this far out to sea, we're done for.’

  Turn to 330.


  A section of the boom-sail strikes your face, opening a nasty gash across your forehead: lose 4 ENDURANCE points. Stunned by the blow, you react sluggishly to the burning canvas now draped over your body. In a matter of seconds the flames and smoke have completely engulfed you, yet your clothes do not ignite and you feel absolutely no pain, save the wound to your head. Without haste or urgency you cast the blazing sail aside and emerge unburned.

  Turn to 101.


  The Giak snatches the coins from your hand and grunts his approval. ‘Dez ar ok!’ he says, and leads the way. (Delete from your Action Chart half of the Kika you possess.)

  You follow him through a maze of garbage-choked streets, past rusting tenements and squalid huts, to an iron tower at the heart of the city. Unlike all else, this tower appears to have been unaffected by the corrosive atmosphere: its surface is dull yet free from decay. The Giak speaks with another who guards its open entrance and immediately he stands aside, allowing you to enter the tower's gloomy ground floor.

  Turn to 346.


  You are within a few feet of the crevasse, craning your neck to see into its lightless depths, when suddenly a thin, snaky tendril rises out of the darkness and stabs at your chest. There is a flash and a terrible pain spreads through your body, radiating to your limbs and leaving you numb and nerveless: lose 6 ENDURANCE points.

  If you survive the attack, turn to 55.


  ‘Orgadak dik!’ growls the leading Drakkar, when first you appear before them. Then he glances at his men and hisses the command: ‘Taag dok!’ They leap forward and attack you simultaneously.

  Drakkarim Escorts: COMBAT SKILL 26 ENDURANCE 34

  If you win the combat, turn to 182.


  You press yourself against the wall. Keeping to the shadows and using your camouflage expertise, you hide from the approaching Ligan.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess the Magnakai Disciplines of Invisibility and Psi-screen, add 4 to the number you have picked.

  If your total is now 0–5, turn to 348.

  If it is 6 or more, turn to 70.


  Your greatly improved Magnakai skill enables you to see a string of dark shapes on the distant horizon — enemy ships. The five squat, ugly-looking vessels all lack sail or masts, or any other visible forms of propulsion, yet each moves at a constant and rapid pace. Quickly you inform the captain of what you can see and urge him to change direction, for the Intrepid is now heading on a collision course with the vessel at the centre of the enemy line.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you have completed the Lore-circle of the Spirit, add 3 to the number you have picked.

  If your total is now 0–5, turn to 204.

  If it is 6 or more, turn to 129.


  You escape from the enemy and hide in a narrow alley, where you wait in silence. When you are sure that you are not being followed, you continue through the streets of this evil metropolis.

  The way ahead is lit momentarily by an exploding fireball that showers this sector of the city with a rain of sparking cinders. In the brief light of the explosion you now see that the street along which you are walking is a cul-de-sac that ends abruptly at a square tower.

  A creature, its face and body enveloped in a shroud-like robe, stands guard at the entrance to this ponderous building, clutching in its vulture-like claws a stave of iron that crackles with magical blue flames.

  The sound of howling screams echoes in the darkness behind you, warning that you are being pursued. Rather than turn and face your pursuers, you decide to take refuge in the tower, but to do so you must first deal with the guard.

  If you have a Bow and wish to use it, turn to 324.

  If you do not, turn to 156.


  You aim and fire, sending your Arrow clean through the breast of the first bird and clipping the wing tip of the second as it whistles skyward. It shrieks in alarm, but rather than take fright and fly away, it banks over and dives for your eyes, determined to exact revenge for the death of its mate.

  If you have at least one Arrow and wish to fire at your feathered attacker, turn to 107.

  If you have no Arrows, or if you choose to defend yourself with a hand weapon, turn to 268.


  You spin around to see the ghastly form of Darklord Gnaag emerge from a shadowy archway, his composite eyes glittering evilly. You stiffen at his approach, your muscles locked like coiled springs. Your whole life's struggle is concentrated into this moment; at last the time has come to avenge the Kai and rid your world of these evil masters of darkness forever. You feel a transformation taking place deep within you, a growing strength and sharpness of mind. It breathes new life into your battle-weary body and fills you with the certain knowledge that your destiny is about to be fulfilled (restore your ENDURANCE score to its original level).

  Illustration III—The ghastly form of Darklord Gnaag emerges from a shadowy archway.

  The chamber echoes to a loud, rasping snarl, full of anger and fear, as Gnaag becomes aware of your true identity. You move forward, confident in your strength. But before you can attack, Gnaag fades from sight and a shimme
ring haze rises from the floor. The mist draws into focus and an eerie cadence, like a distant scream, fills your ears.

  The phantom mist crystallizes into the shape of a winged beast with glowing ghost-eyes. It opens its fang-filled mouth and your mind screams an alarm.

  If you possess the Magnakai Discipline of Divination turn to 203.

  If you do not possess this skill, turn to 102.


  The bo'sun falls screaming onto the heads of the others, his heavy body dragging them down into a heap at the foot of the stairs. You take this opportunity to escape to the surface, pausing only long enough to slam shut the steel door before looking elsewhere for some place to hide.

  Turn to 169.


  With the toe of your boot, you turn over the body of the dead Giak and search it for any items that may be of use. You discover the following:

  Short Sword


  20 Kika (equivalent to 2 Gold Crowns)


  If you decide to keep any of these items, remember to adjust your Action Chart accordingly.

  Turn to 297.


  You raise your arm and lash out at the speeding shaft, hoping to turn it aside on the edge of your weapon, but it ricochets towards you, gouging a furrow of skin and hair from your scalp: lose 3 ENDURANCE points. The archer fires again, but this time you manage to twist aside, and the arrow thuds harmlessly into the deck. He curses and bares his teeth as he reaches for yet another arrow. But before he can fire again, his aim is spoiled by two of his comrades, who rush forwards to hack at you with axe and sword. Davan protects your back, holding off the marines who are attempting to climb the stairs. You evade the first blows of your enemies, sidestepping a lunge and ducking wild swipe, and then strike back with deadly speed and unerring accuracy. Both scream and fall simultaneously, dying with a look of surprise fixed on their cruel faces.

  Turn to 209.


  The door is not locked, and beyond it you discover another hall equally as impressive as the laboratory. It is the Imperial Armoury, and it is filled with row upon row of fearsome weapons.

  If you possess a Black Cube, turn to 40.

  If you do not possess this item, turn to 320.


  Gritting your teeth against the pain, you stagger to your feet and fumble for a weapon with numbed fingers. Suddenly, a huge shape explodes from the crevasse, rising at such a speed that its features are a blur. It emits a deafening screech, and then dives towards your head, its coal-black tendril whipping the air wildly as it attempts to coil it around your neck.


  Unless you possess the Magnakai Discipline of Nexus and have reached the Kai rank of Archmaster, you must lose an extra 1 ENDURANCE point every time this creature inflicts a wound during the combat, owing to the numbing effect of its electrical attack.

  If you win the combat, turn to 343.


  The screams make the guard anxious. He levels his iron stave and adopts a fighting stance in case he should need to defend himself. His eyes, like pinpoints of red fire glowing inside the hood of his robe, catch sight of you moving in the shadows, and when you strike your first blow you discover that he is poised to parry it on the shaft of his stave.

  If you possess the Sommerswerd and wish to use it, turn to 208.

  If you do not possess this Special Item or do not wish to unsheathe it, turn to 15.


  You draw the sun-sword and a gout of golden flame engulfs the blade, flaring with such brilliance that you are momentarily blinded. Kraagenskûl shrieks. It is an unearthly howl, filled with blind terror. He throws up his skeletal hands to shield himself from the searing light, and smoke curls from his blistering skin as the radiant power of the Sommerswerd burns his flesh. Sparks explode as you fend off the swarming cloud of Crypt Spawn, your blade destroying them with ease, but Kraagenskûl summons yet more of the horrors, and you are hard-pressed to keep from being overwhelmed.

  Crypt Spawn Flood: COMBAT SKILL 30 ENDURANCE 36

  If you win, and the fight lasts three rounds or less, turn to 6.

  If you win, and the fight lasts four rounds or more, turn to 195.


  You hit the water with a mighty splash and sink like a stone beneath the icy waves, yet the shock serves to electrify your senses and you quickly strike out for the surface. You emerge from the depths, coughing and gasping for air, in time to see the enemy ironclad come steaming alongside the blazing Intrepid. Its great steel hull passes within a few yards of where you are treading water. Fearful that you could be drowned in its wake, you swim towards it and latch on to the bow as it moves past. The heads of the rivets, which secure its steel skin, offer a handhold for your fingers and enable you to drag yourself onto its deck.

  You have had barely enough time to draw breath when a Drakkarim sailor, armed with a billhook, rushes forwards and aims a blow at your head.

  Drakkarim Sailor: COMBAT SKILL 19 ENDURANCE 24

  Unless you possess the Magnakai Discipline of Huntmastery, reduce your COMBAT SKILL by 2 points for the first round of this fight, owing to the speed and surprise of your enemy's attack.

  If you win the combat, turn to 243.


  Swiftly you dive aside, hoping to escape from the creature's attack, but it changes direction in mid-air and strikes you on the shoulder.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you have completed the Lore-circles of Light and Solaris, add 3 to the number you have picked.

  If your total is now 0–4, turn to 233.

  If it is 5 or more, turn to 205.


  From the crow's nest there comes a scream of abject horror. It echoes down the rigging, alerting all to a great scaly head that has broken through the surface twenty yards off the port bow. ‘Xargath!’ The lookout's cry is taken up by the crew as, one by one, they glimpse the fearful sight of this legendary terror of the Kaltersee.

  ‘Ishir preserve us!’ gasps Captain Borse, as the beast opens its jaws revealing the glitter of its jagged, razor-sharp fangs. For a moment he is stunned by the terrifying sight, but quickly he recovers and begins shouting urgent orders to his awestruck crew. ‘Man the ballistas! Break out the billhooks! All hands stand by to defend the ship!’

  Illustration IV—The Xargath rises up from the sea and lunges at the ship.

  The Xargath observes the commotion in silence, its hooded eyes aglow with baleful green fire as calmly it considers the moment to attack. Then, with an awful suddenness, it rises from the sea, roaring and hissing angrily, and lunges forward. Captain Borse gives the order to fire and a volley of ballista bolts sink into the monster's scaly throat. Undeterred, it presses its attack and falls upon the port beam with devastating effect. Tortured timbers bend and crack asunder. In seconds the deck is torn apart by huge claws, each as long as a mammoth's tusk. Then the cavernous, fang-filled mouth sweeps down through the fog to snap shut upon the forecastle. Screams of pain and terror fill the air as it withdraws, soaring upward above the masts, jaws bulging with a dozen wriggling bodies. You take cover behind the ship's longboat with the captain and prepare to defend yourself as the Xargath returns for a second strike.

  If you have a Bow and wish to use it, turn to 270.

  If you possess the Sommerswerd and wish to use it, turn to 192.

  If you choose to unsheathe a hand weapon, turn to 344.


  You nod your willingness to bet on the fight, and the ugly Giak gives a lopsided grin, exposing a mouthful of rotting fangs.

  Firstly, decide how many Kika you wish to bet (the minimum bet is 10; Gold Crowns or Lune may not be used in lieu of Kika in this instance) on the outcome and note this figure in the margin of your Action Chart. Then, decide whether you wish to stake your money on the orange-skinned reptilian or the blue-skinned humanoid. If the fighter you have chosen wins the combat, you will receive winnings eq
ual to double the amount of Kika you staked. Should your fighter lose the combat, you will lose all of your stake.

  If you wish to bet on the orange-skinned reptilian fighter, turn to 265.

  If you wish to bet on the blue-skinned humanoid, turn to 225.


  You are halfway across the gap when the thin ledge collapses beneath your feet. Desperately you claw at the sheer granite wall but your fingers cannot find purchase, and you fall backwards, toppling to your doom on the rocks far below.

  Tragically, your life and your mission end here in the Durncrag Mountains.


  The chainmail vest is crafted from a metallic mineral called kagonite. It is as light as wood, yet ten times harder than steel. The Darklords use an alloy of kagonite in the manufacture of weapons used by their troops, and it is this alloy which gives the blades of their weapons their black appearance.

  Wearing this Kagonite Chainmail beneath your tunic will increase your COMBAT SKILL by 3 points and your ENDURANCE by 1 point. Because it is so light, it can be worn beneath any padded or metallic body armour you may possess.

  Make the necessary adjustments to your Action Chart.


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