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The Masters of Darkness

Page 13

by Joe Dever

  If you possess the Magnakai Discipline of Curing, turn to 159.

  If you do not possess this skill, turn to 41.


  The creature falls limply to the floor as your killing blow slices it almost in two. Curious as to what manner of beast it was you lift back its sundered folds of rubbery grey flesh with the tip of your weapon and notice two sets of snake-like fangs, both still oozing a sticky yellow fluid. Your senses tell you that this fluid is deadly venom, capable of killing a victim in seconds. Whoever placed this Plaak in your cabin was attempting to assassinate you.

  Disgusted by the smell of the creature, you flick its remains under your bunk. As you are rising to your feet, you hear a loud, intermittent whistle sounding on the deck above: it is the signal that Helgedad has been sighted by the lookout. With your heart pounding at the thought of seeing the Darklord's most infamous stronghold for the first time, you leave your cabin and ascend to the deck above.

  Turn to 326.


  You understand enough of the Giak language to know that the enemy captain is preparing to hasten the Intrepid to the bottom of the sea. The metallic tube is the means by which the ironclads launch their fire-missiles, one of which you have already encountered when running the blockade out of Toran. This one is loaded and is being aimed directly at the waterline of the Intrepid. At first it strikes you as a wasteful attack: the Intrepid is sinking so fast that to fire upon it now seems to serve no practical purpose. Then you realize what the enemy commander is planning, and the thought of it makes your blood boil.

  Turn to 113.


  Despite the loss of your protective amulet, your highly advanced Kai skills prevent the burning temperature and poisonous atmosphere of Helgedad from causing you permanent harm. You do, however, suffer in the short term, while your body adjusts to the new environment: lose 2 ENDURANCE points.6

  Turn to 280.

  [6] This section is unreachable. To get here, you have to be an Archmaster with Nexus, which means you have all but one Discipline. However, the only route here is Section 150 to Section 80 to Section 249 to Section 67 to Section 121 to Section 220. Section 249 is only reachable if you don't have Huntmastery at Archmaster level, and Section 67 is only reachable if you don't have Pathsmanship at Tutelary level. So to arrive here, you must be an Archmaster who has neither Huntmastery nor Pathsmanship. This oversight on the part of the author cannot easily be fixed.


  With surprising grace, the Zlanbeast glides smoothly to a halt atop the building. The air wafting from the estuary reeks of iron and soot, and, as you jump down from the saddle, you discover that the roof is covered with a layer of grey dust several inches thick.

  The screech of a rusty hinge alerts you to an opening trapdoor. The grey and ugly face of an angry Giak soldier appears. He clambers onto the roof and begins shouting at you, demanding that you explain how you came to be in possession of a Zlanbeast, a creature used only by the Darklords and their undead lieutenants.

  If you have any Kika (Gold Crowns or Lune may not be used in lieu of Kika in this instance) and wish to offer them to the Giak as a bribe, in return for his help in finding the Slavemaster, turn to 108.

  If you wish to ignore his threats and demand that he take you to the Slavemaster, turn to 281.


  Half-blinded by dust and darkness, you drag yourself out from beneath a tangled mass of bodies and broken timbers, and stagger drunkenly towards an opening in the wall of the ship's hold. Beyond it a narrow corridor leads to a stair, where one of the crew lies dead, sprawled face-upwards, his hands locked around the blade of the Drakkarim dagger that claimed his life. Still dazed by the fall, your senses fail to alert you to an enemy who is lurking in the shadows. You are about to set foot on the stairs when he attacks, seizing you from behind and holding you in a powerful neck lock.

  If you possess the Magnakai Discipline of Invisibility and have reached the Kai rank of Scion-kai or higher, turn to 32.

  If you do not possess this skill or have yet to reach this level of Magnakai training, turn to 198.


  A group of Drakkarim, led by a figure dressed in a hooded red robe, is making its way towards the ironclad. Suddenly it halts and one of the Drakkarim warriors points at the platform on which you are standing. Rather than stay and confront them, you slide down the ladder quickly and slip away under cover of the piles of steel plates and girders.

  By the time the group reaches the platform, you are back on your horse and heading along the street that leads away from the dock.

  Turn to 97.


  Your Kai Sixth Sense screams a warning that you are about to be attacked. You spin on your heel to see a Drakkarim marine lunging towards you with a stiletto-bladed dagger gripped tightly in his blistered hand.

  Drakkarim Marine: COMBAT SKILL 19 ENDURANCE 23

  This adversary is immune to Mindblast (but not Psi-surge). Owing to the speed of his attack, you are unable to evade combat or draw a weapon until the beginning of the third round.

  If you wish to evade combat at the third round, you can do so by leaping overboard into the sea: turn to 58.

  If you win the combat, turn to 91.


  Once the bets have been collected, all eyes turn to the pit-master who will strike the gong that begins the combat. But the combat is over before it begins officially. The orange-skinned creature suddenly springs at his opponent and slams his spiked club down on his unprotected skull, killing him instantly. The crowd hoots with glee at the beast's display of low cunning, and despite some loud protests by those who, like you, bet on the humanoid, the pit-master reluctantly declares the reptilian the winner.

  Erase all the Kika you staked and turn to 134.


  With bated breath, you wait for the creature to appear, fearful yet confident that your skill will put paid to the hostile intentions of this malodorous cave-dweller.

  The tip of a thin, snaky limb rises from the abyss and glides slowly across the ground towards your legs. Its skin is smooth and dark, like black velvet, and it moves with alarming speed.

  Suddenly the black tendril retreats — it is as if the creature can sense that you pose a threat to its safety — until it is hovering directly above the abyss. You step forward, intending to hasten it on its way, when suddenly a huge shape explodes from the crevasse, rising at such speed that its features are just a blur. The creature emits a deafening screech then dives straight towards your chest.

  Illustration XIII—The Ictakko's tendril skims your shoulder.

  Instinctively you drop to the floor to avoid being hit by this howling horror, but, as it streaks past your body, its tendril skims your shoulder. There is a flash and a sharp pain runs down your arm; the creature has discharged a bolt of electrical energy that leaves your arms numb and nerveless — lose 3 ENDURANCE points. Gritting your teeth against the pain, you get to your feet in time to see the creature swooping for a second time.


  Unless you possess the Magnakai Discipline of Nexus and have reached the Kai rank of Archmaster, you must lose an extra 1 ENDURANCE point every time this creature inflicts a wound during the combat, owing to the numbing effect of its electrical attack.

  If you win the combat, turn to 343.


  Your skill and dexterity make scaling the wall an easy task. You reach the parapet, climb over, and then slip stealthily down the other side without being seen by either the guards in the watchtower or the two on the wall. Then, hiding behind the rocks and crags that line the roadway, you escape through the pass, undetected.

  Turn to 137.


  Roughly you turn over the bodies of your slain enemies, and search through their pockets and packs. You discover the following items, which may be of use to you during your mission:




  Short Sword

  40 Kika (equivalent to 4 Gold Crowns)


  Black Key

  If you wish to keep any of these items, remember to adjust your Action Chart accordingly.

  To continue along the tunnel, turn to 280.


  You pass the time prior to your departure resting and reviewing the mission in fine detail. Eventually the hour of your leaving arrives and Banedon and Rimoah escort you to Toran harbour and see you safely aboard the caravel Intrepid. Before they disembark, Banedon hands you a sealed envelope and a Golden Amulet on a chain.

  ‘Wear this for your protection,’ he says, as he fastens the chain around your neck. ‘It will keep you safe from the heat and poisonous atmospheres that pervade your destination.’ (Mark the Golden Amulet on your Action Chart as a Special Item — you need not discard another item in its favour if you already carry the maximum quota.)

  ‘And the envelope?’ you say, quizzically.

  ‘Neither Captain Borse, nor his volunteer crew, are aware of your identity or the vital nature of your voyage. All they know is that they are expected to break through the blockade and carry you safely to Durenor. When you are clear of the enemy, hand this envelope to the captain. It contains his new orders to steer a course for the Aarnak Estuary. He is a fine captain: you can trust in his skill and the bravery of his crew to see you through the dangerous waters of the Kaltersee.’

  Moments later the captain emerges from his cabin. A grey and grizzled old seaman, he sports a leather cloak that swings easily from his broad, muscular shoulders. He welcomes you aboard with a ready smile and firm handshake, and then excuses himself in order to supervise the final preparations for the voyage. ‘May the Gods Kai and Ishir watch over you, Lone Wolf,’ whispers Lord Rimoah, as he and Banedon make ready to disembark, ‘and grant us a lasting victory over the forces of darkness.’

  Turn to 325.


  Wielding a weapon of the Darklords, you strike Taktaal a grievous blow that wounds him deeply. Shrieking an unearthly cry of pain, he retreats from the Transfusor and unhooks a mace, carved from a solid chunk of black crystal, from a chain around his putrescent neck. As he raises it, you move forward to strike again.

  Darklord Taktaal (wounded): COMBAT SKILL 36 ENDURANCE 40

  This supernatural being is immune to Mindblast (but not Psi-surge).7

  If you win the combat, turn to 78.

  [7] Remember to add 7 to your COMBAT SKILL for the duration of the combat due to the power of your weapon against a Darklord of Helgedad. Information revealed in a later section may have an effect on how this fight should be conducted; see the erratum for this section for details. Note that this will reveal certain information to you sooner than the author intended, which many readers, especially first-time readers, may prefer not to know.


  You take aim and fire at the leading Drakkar, sending your shaft spinning deep into his leather-clad chest. He screams, his cry muffled by his battle-mask, and crumples to his knees. The remaining three Drakkarim press home their attack. Quickly they advance, and you barely have time to unsheathe a hand weapon before they are upon you, screaming their bloodthirsty cries of revenge.

  Drakkarim Escorts: COMBAT SKILL 23 ENDURANCE 30

  If you win the combat, turn to 182.


  The Drakkar gurgles his death-cry and falls heavily to the deck, his scimitar still clasped firmly in his hand. Then the first of his troops appear at the rail. For a moment they hesitate when they see their officer lying dead, but shock soon turns to fury. ‘Shez dok tot!’ they scream, as they thunder towards you, murder blazing in their cruel eyes.

  If you wish to evade their attack, turn to 274.

  If you decide to stand your ground and receive their attack, turn to 347.


  Desperately you try to shake off the clammy creature, but it manages to sink two sets of snake-like fangs into your neck and inject its deadly venom.

  If you possess the Magnakai Discipline of Curing and have reached the Kai rank of Mentora or higher, turn to 136.

  If you do not possess this skill or have yet to reach this level of Magnakai training, turn to 73.


  Although the cave is empty, you detect the lingering scent of a creature that has slept here in the last twenty-four hours. If this is the creature's lair, it is likely to return to seek shelter from the storm.

  If you wish to leave the cave and look for shelter elsewhere, turn to 183.

  If you decide to stay in the cave and remain on your guard in case its previous occupant should return, turn to 18.


  ‘The Transfusor, which you must destroy to ensure the end of the Darklords who are now outside the boundaries of this realm, is located in the uppermost chamber of the Tower of the Damned. You will find this tower in a part of the city known as the Imperial Sector. But be warned! This sector is the most heavily guarded area of the city, for it is here that Gnaag himself resides.’

  The Slavemaster takes a strange mask from a nearby table and offers it to you. It is made of a green, glass-like mineral and is shaped into a hideous visage. ‘Wear this always. It will keep safe your identity from any casual inspection.’ You accept the Green Mask (mark this as a Special Item on your Action Chart — you need not discard any other item in its favour if you already hold the maximum), and listen carefully as the Slavemaster concludes your briefing.

  Turn to 293.


  You release the bowstring and send the Arrow whistling deep into the Xargath's cavernous mouth, causing the monster to twist its head and hiss like a steam vent. But still it advances undeterred. Cursing your misfortune, you shoulder your Bow and draw a hand weapon in readiness for its impending attack.

  Turn to 344.


  You crash down upon the Drakkar and wrench him from his saddle, but you cannot keep a firm grip on his shiny leather armour, and you hit the ground with a jolt that leaves you breathless: lose 1 ENDURANCE point.

  Turn to 175.


  Swiftly you unshoulder your Bow and draw the magical arrow to your lips. Its glowing shaft betrays the power that is locked within it, a power that can kill those who created and harnessed it to murder others. Taktaal senses that his doom is near and tries to give vent to a cry of alarm, but the cry dies in his throat as you send the Zejar-dulaga burrowing deep into his evil heart. With a surge of incredible strength, Taktaal drags the arrow from his body and collapses at the edge of the dais. A foul black gas hisses from the gaping wound and his body dissolves rapidly and fades until all that is left is a dull grey stain on the shiny black steel floor.

  ‘Ghanesh will be proud of you!’ comes a voice from the shadows, full of malevolence. It is a sound that strikes terror in your heart, for immediately you recognize the rasping tone of your most hated foe — Darklord Gnaag.

  Turn to 50.


  You draw a weapon and leap forward, determined to prevent the slaughter of your defenceless companions. The speed and ferocity of your attack takes the captain and his two gunners completely by surprise. With deadly speed you dispatch the enemy commander and one of his men, and then turn to parry a sword thrust from the remaining gunner. He screams maniacally as he tries to cut you down.

  Drakkarim Gunner: COMBAT SKILL 19 ENDURANCE 25

  If you win and the fight lasts three rounds or less, turn to 272.

  If you win and the combat lasts four rounds or more, turn to 155.


  Your killing blow draws a howl from Darklord Kraagenskûl, so loud that it shakes the very foundations of the building. He falls, yet as he does so, his withered frame vanishes before your eyes, leaving only a tattered grey robe and a black sword to mark his passing.

  If you wish to keep Helshezag, the sword of Darklord Kraagenskûl, mark it on your Action Chart as a Special Item. (You wrap this sword in the remains of the Darklord's
grey robe and carry it vertically, tied behind your Backpack.) When used in combat, it will add 5 points to your COMBAT SKILL, and 7 points when used against a Darklord of Helgedad. However, prolonged use of this evil blade will weaken your ENDURANCE score. In the second and subsequent rounds of every combat in which you use the sword, you must reduce your ENDURANCE level by 1 point. This reduction is permanent.

  Having recovered from your combat, you quickly leave the chamber by a stair that leads to the roof. There you discover the Zlanbeast, Kraagenskûl's personal winged mount, perched on a raised log. Standing nearby is a Death Knight armed with a spear, staring absent-mindedly over the parapet at the harbour lights below. The Zlanbeast sniffs the air and shuffles along its perch with a nervous, rolling gait. It senses that you are its natural enemy and it is becoming agitated in your presence. You must act quickly and with skill if you are to use this beast to escape from Argazad.

  If you have a Bow and wish to use it, turn to 310.


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