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Her Texas Ranger Hero

Page 4

by Rebecca Winters

  Luckey got up from the table. “Excuse me for a minute. I’ll be right back.” A few minutes later he returned with the coroner, who’d brought another box with him.

  “I’ve asked him to let you look at the clothes of the Indonesian woman.” He undid the lid and pulled out an embroidered blouse. “Can you tell me anything about this?”

  Ally examined it. “My friend Soo-Lin could. She and I occasionally saw an Indonesian girl at the university wearing a tight-fitting lace blouse like this with a long skirt. I remember she called it a kebaya.”

  Luckey nodded to the older man, who carried a pair of scissors. He cut a three-by-three-inch swatch from the backs of both outfits. “There you go.” He returned the clothes to the boxes and walked out with them and the glove carton.

  The Ranger wore a satisfied expression. “I’ve got my samples.”

  “I didn’t know you could do that to evidence.”

  “You can’t.”

  Ally averted her eyes. “Unless you’re you.” Because he was the best of the best.

  “The next thing I need to do is track down these materials. I can’t thank you enough for what you’ve done.”

  “I feel the same way about you working on this case, so we’re even.” Don’t just sit here, Ally. She checked her watch. “I’d better get going.”

  He pulled a business card from his pocket. After writing a phone number on the back, he handed it to her. “Ring me at either number if any other thoughts come to your mind that could help this case.”

  “I will, I promise.”

  The card with his cell phone number burned a hole in her palm. She hurried out of the office to the car, and once safely inside, looked at the card in detail. When working on a case, did he give everyone who helped him his cell number?

  She drove away wishing he’d made some suggestion about seeing her again. A man like him came along only once in a lifetime. But even if he was free to date, what were the odds of him pursuing her while he was in deep, looking for a possible serial killer?

  When she got home, Ally went upstairs to her room. Her parents were out, which made it the perfect time to write a letter to Soo-Lin. After grabbing a notebook and pen, Ally stretched out on her bed to read her friend’s letter again before answering it. When she came to the part about Yu Tan, a cold, clammy sensation crept through her body, making her feel ill.

  Three weeks ago their sixteen-year-old daughter, Yu Tan, didn’t come home from school. One of her friends said she ran off with a man from a disco club in the city, where she often went dancing without permission. I don’t believe it. Yu Tan is a sweet, well-brought-up young woman with plans to make the Olympic team and go to college. She’s won all kinds of awards in gymnastics.

  As Ally continued to read Soo-Lin’s concerns about Yu Tan’s disappearance, that sickness grew, until she slid off the bed to look for her purse. Inside was the card Luckey had given her with his phone number.

  Maybe there was no connection between the words she’d just read and the case that Luckey was working on, but she needed to get his permission to discuss this with her parents. The news in Soo-Lin’s letter had struck too close to home.

  * * *

  LUCKEY LEFT THE morgue with the swatches of material in his pocket and headed for the office. On his way down the hall he was relieved to see Cy coming out of the lunchroom with a mug of coffee. There was no one he’d rather talk with about this case than him. “Ranger Vance, as I live and breathe!”

  Cy saw him and grinned. “Where have you been for the last couple of weeks?”

  “You don’t want to hear about it.”

  “Actually, I already did. TJ spread the word that you nailed those three felons. Grab some coffee and come in my office so we can play catch-up.”

  Luckey didn’t need to be persuaded. In less than a minute he was sitting across from Cy at his friend’s desk and sipping the hot liquid. “How’s the baby?”

  “She’s a heartbreaker, like Kellie.”

  “Another champion barrel racer?”

  “Maybe.” He eyed Luckey. “But the important question is, how’s your personal life?”

  He’d been concentrating so hard on thinking about Ally Duncan, the question took him by surprise.

  Cy’s eyes narrowed. “What’s this? Silence from our dedicated bachelor?”

  After a pause he said, “Do you remember the day you bumped into Kellie outside the radio station in Bandera?”

  “What kind of a question is that? You know damn well it was the greatest day of my life.” His friend studied him. “Okay, buddy. You’re setting me up for something. Out with it.”

  “I had a similar experience yesterday.”

  “Yeah?” Cy broke into a smile that lit up his face. “I guess I don’t need to ask if she’s drop-dead gorgeous.”


  He let out a yelp that filled the room and jumped out of his chair to slap Luckey on the shoulder. In the process he set down his mug so hard some of his coffee spilled. “I knew it had to happen sooner or later! Wait till the guys hear about this. What’s her name?”

  “Dr. Duncan.”

  “That has a nice ring. Where did this encounter happen?”

  “At the university. She was coming out of her office and we...collided.”

  Cy chuckled. “I can relate and haven’t been the same since. What were you doing there?”

  “I needed to find an expert in Chinese to help me on my new case.”

  His brows lifted. “She teaches Chinese?”

  “Yup. She went to the morgue with me to identify the writing on some fabric.” He pulled an evidence bag from his pocket that held the samples of embroidered silk and lace. “You’re looking at some swatches that are going to crack it.”

  “So the morgue was your first date?”

  “Nope. We had breakfast at the Magnolia Café first.”

  “You’re a dark horse, you know that?” His friend rolled his eyes. “So she’s a knockout and she speaks Chinese. There’s only one more important question to ask. Does she ride?”

  Luckey burst into laughter. “She lives on her family’s ranch, so I’m assuming as much.”

  “Three out of three. Now you’ve got my attention.” Cy walked back to his chair and sat down. “All right. I want you to start over and don’t leave anything out.”

  “Just remember, I have no idea how she feels about me.”

  No sooner had he spoken than his cell phone rang. Luckey pulled it out of his pocket and checked the caller ID. He couldn’t believe it. Needing privacy, Luckey got up from the chair and walked out into the hall. He clicked on. “Ally?”

  “Hi. Forgive me for bothering you when I know how busy you are, but I need to discuss something really important with you. Can we meet again?”

  His heart thundered in his chest. “Where are you?”

  “I’m home, but I’d be glad to drive to your office if you’re there.”

  “How soon can you get here?”

  “I’ll leave the house now. What’s the address?”

  He gave her the information. “I’m on the second floor when you come up the stairs. Third door on the left.”

  “Thank you. I’ll be there shortly.”

  After hanging up, he walked back into Cy’s office.

  “Was that who I think it was?”

  Luckey took a deep breath. “Yes. She’s on her way here to discuss something important about the case.”

  Cy was all smiles as he cleaned up the coffee spill. “Sure she is. What was it you said? Something like ‘I don’t know how she feels about me’? She’s doing both of us a favor, because I want to get a good look at her.”

  Luckey shook his head. “She sounded serious.”

  “While you wait for
her, tell me why you need a Chinese expert.”

  “It’s a female trafficking case involving a Chinese victim.”

  For the next little while, he told him what he’d uncovered and they talked about possible theories. “I believe the victims are being held here in Houston or Austin or somewhere nearby. I’ve got to find out where.”

  “Don’t be afraid to use me if you want help.”

  “Thanks, Cy. I might take you up on it.”

  He got up and went out into the hall to keep watch for Ally. The office was busy, with lots of staff milling around, but she was impossible to miss when she appeared at the top of the stairs. She was wearing the same outfit she’d worn to breakfast. “You got here fast,” he said, walking toward her.

  She sounded a little out of breath. “The traffic cooperated.”

  “Come with me.”

  Cy had just emerged from his office with the empty coffee mug. Luckey slowed down. “Ally? I’d like you to meet a friend and colleague Cy Vance.”

  A smile broke out on her face. “Another famous Ranger. I always wanted to meet one. Now I’ve met two.” She shook his hand.

  “Even if the famous part is fiction, that’s the nicest thing anyone has said to us in a long time.” Luckey saw the way Cy’s eyes lit up. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m on my way for more coffee. Do either of you want some?”

  “Not for me, but thank you,” she said.

  Luckey flashed him a private glance. “We’re good. Talk to you later.” He turned to Ally. “My office is right down here.”

  He showed her inside and shut the door. “Have a seat.”

  “Thank you for meeting with me again so soon.”

  “When I’m on a case, I don’t let anything interfere with my work.” Luckey sat down behind his desk. “Tell me what’s happened.”

  “During the years we lived in China, our family was watched by the Ministry of State Security. The MSS employs a variety of tactics including cyber spying to gain access to sensitive information. They also engage in industrial espionage. Because of this, I was never allowed to use email or the phone.

  “As I told you, Soo-Lin and I met and became friends at the university. Any news passed back and forth had to be done in person, either at school, my parents’ home or when I traveled to her home in Yongzhou. When I went there on vacation, I didn’t contact my parents at all during my stay in order to avoid a paper or electronic trail. The MSS is always looking for subversive chatter.”

  Luckey marveled over her family’s ability to function under such difficult conditions. “That couldn’t have been easy.”

  “I got used to it. But when our family came back to the States, it meant I had to resort to using my father in order to correspond with her. He’s constantly sending classified material to the new ambassador and receiving classified information back through the diplomatic pouch. When Soo-Lin has a letter for me, she takes the train to Changsha and leaves it with a trusted professor at the university who became our good friend.

  “He comes from an old, venerable family. One of his sons works at the American Embassy in Beijing and facilitates our exchange of mail now that I’m in the States. What he does is put Soo-Lin’s letters in the diplomatic pouch for my father. If I’ve sent a letter in the pouch, he gives it to his grandfather, who passes it off to Soo-Lin when she visits the university. Father reminded me we have to be careful after what happened to the artist Ai Weiwei.”

  Luckey stirred in the chair. “I read he was detained for months and interrogated fifty times for being openly critical of the Chinese government’s stance on democracy and human rights. I remember hearing that the officers watched him in his sleep, their faces inches from his.”

  She nodded. “He was finally released but is still under their watch. His story is common. Even though our family is back in the States, because of my mother’s work against trafficking we have to be extra careful. But we’re willing to take the risk. Yesterday my dad flew in from DC and brought Soo-Lin’s latest letter to me. You won’t be able to read it, so I’ll translate the important part for you.”

  Ally withdrew it from her purse and started reading. As Luckey listened, he was reminded of what Dr. Wolff told him about the latest body in the morgue. He’d said the young woman was likely either a ballerina or a gymnast. More than ever Luckey recognized the implications and understood the horror her friend’s news had raised in Ally’s mind. He dealt with the dark side of life every day. But now this case had become personal, because it directly affected this woman’s life, a woman who had already impacted him in a profound way.

  He sat forward. “You were right to bring this to me.”

  She stared at him through those beautiful, shadowed eyes. “Do I have your permission to tell my parents about this? They have no idea you came to see me at the university. But they love Soo-Lin and her family. When they read what’s in this letter, my father won’t wait to do something about it.”

  “That’s what has me worried, Ally. Would you set up a time when I can meet with you and your parents?”

  “Yes,” she said softly. Before he could blink, she got up from the chair and hurried over to the door. Before exiting it, she said, “I’ll drive home now. I’ll phone you when it’s arranged. Thank you, Luckey.” Her voice throbbed.

  After she’d disappeared, Cy strolled into his office. “I can tell from the look on your face you’re a goner. No wonder. She’s gorgeous.”

  Luckey tightened his jaw. “Her family is involved in a risky activity that could endanger their close friends in China.”

  “I haven’t been assigned another case yet. Anything I can do to help?”

  “Okay, come with me while I go talk to TJ. This case has just taken on a life of its own.”

  Chapter Three

  When Ally got back she found her mother in the kitchen starting dinner. It was three thirty.

  “Hi, darling. Where have you been? We drove over to see your uncle Nick. When we got home, you weren’t here. I thought you didn’t have to go to the university for a while.”

  “I went out, but not to the campus. Mom, I have something to tell you and Dad. Where is he?”

  “Out talking to Hank about getting the horses vaccinated.”

  “It’s that time of year,” Ally said, but her mind was on Luckey. “Mom? Do you have any special plans tonight?”

  “No. Your father wants peace and quiet. We just want our family to be together. I’m fixing a salad and his favorite baked beans. We’ll barbecue some steaks.”

  “Would you mind if I invited someone to join us?”

  Her mother pondered the question. “You’re being very mysterious, rushing in here all out of breath. It must be a man to have created this unusual behavior in you.”

  “He’s not just any man. His name is James Davis, but he goes by the nickname Luckey. He’s a Texas Ranger,” she said, feeling her face burn. It was embarrassing, because her mother could always see through her.

  “Let me guess. Tall? Handsome? Honorable? Nothing but silver bullets in his gun and a black domino mask made from his brother’s vest?”

  “Mom...!” She tried to give her mother an incredulous look, but couldn’t hide the grin on her face.

  “So I’m right.”

  “Except for the mask, and maybe the bullets.”

  “Do you think I could ever forget your childhood hero? The Lone Ranger was your obsession when you were little.” She smiled. “All right. No more teasing. How did you meet this paragon?”

  “He came to my office yesterday looking for help with a case he was working on. He thinks talking to you and Dad would be very useful. But before I say any more, I need to call him. Maybe he won’t be able to come this evening. Be right back.” She dashed up to her room and phoned his cell.

  He an
swered on the third ring. “Ally?”

  “Hello again. I hope I’m not interrupting anything.”

  “Not at all. I just got out of a meeting with my boss and am headed home.”

  Hearing his deep voice sent a thrill through her. “I talked to my mother and told her you’d been to see me at the university on an investigation. She has no idea why, but when I told her you wanted to talk to her and Dad, she said you’re welcome to come over this evening for dinner. We’re having steaks on the patio. Very casual and low-key. But if tonight isn’t good for you, I’m sure we can arrange another time that’s more convenient.”

  “The timing couldn’t be better,” he said without hesitation. A big smile broke out on her face. “When would you like me to be there?”

  “Is six all right? My dad likes to eat early when he’s home.”

  “I’m salivating already.”

  Her stomach flipped over. “Good.”

  “Where do you live?”

  Ally gave him the address on Crystal Mountain Road.

  “The gray stone-and-wood ranch house sitting at the top of the canyon?”

  “You’ve seen it?”

  “From a helicopter. You live in prime horse country.”

  “The Duncans have been ranching people for three generations. My dad was a cowboy who married my cowgirl mom before he went into the marines.”

  “How did he end up being ambassador to China?”

  “The commandant requested two marine officers to be assigned to the navy’s program for the study of Chinese, a project originally developed in the early 1900s. He ended up studying with several Chinese tutors. His Mandarin was so good that he was called in to work for US Intelligence and one thing led to another. But he’s planning to retire and be a full-time rancher again at the end of the summer.”

  “I look forward to talking to him. See you in a little while.”

  Ally removed her leather cord, she headed for the bathroom to shower. After toweling off, she dressed in jeans and a navy crewneck sweater. She slipped on her tan wedge sandals. This wasn’t a real date. Luckey was working a case, but her heart didn’t know the difference, because he was coming to the ranch and she could hardly wait to see him again.


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