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Stocking Stuffers: A Five Story Christmas Anthology

Page 13

by E. J. Darling

  “Fuck.” She gripped his hair, pulling on it as she arched back against the pain she had no desire to escape. Biting was new for her. And she loved it.

  His laugh sent heat over her in waves as he met her gaze from his position between her legs. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard you use that word. Miss Porter, I’m appalled.”

  “Be appalled later. Don’t stop.” She’d never been so brazen, never demanded anything in the bedroom, but if she didn’t get his mouth back on her she’d combust.

  Instead of answering, he dipped his head again, closing his mouth over her. This was so much better than a vibrator.

  He wrapped his arms around her thighs, holding them apart as he spread her with his fingers to expose more of her to his probing tongue. A magical tongue, with scream inducing lips, and teeth he knew exactly how to use. Never had she literally been fucked by a tongue, and she immediately understood what the excitement was about. As hot as his dick was, his tongue was so much hotter. The sensation different, the swirling inside of her, the sweeping sensations, sending ripples throughout every muscle in her body.

  The combination of sucking and biting in all the perfect places drove away all sense.

  All she heard was thunder, all she felt was heat.

  When he tugged it between his teeth and flicked it with his tongue, it sent her over the edge and her vision went black. Her grip on his hair tightened, and she pulled him in even deeper. The fire of his tongue raked across her skin as she rode out her orgasm against his mouth.

  The energy drained from her body, and she collapsed back against the floor, breathing heavy.

  “You taste incredible.” He leaned up, swiping the back of his hand over his mouth before he reached for his pants and pulled out a condom. His cock twitched as she heeded its call, leaning up and taking the condom from him and rolling it on. The silky steel beneath her fingers as she covered it left her wishing she could feel him inside of her, but it was reckless enough with a condom. Without was out of the question. Once on, he pushed her back down and sank into her slowly, seating himself deeply and resting there for a moment.

  She was stretched, full, uncomfortably full, and she craved more. More pain, more pleasure.

  More teeth.

  “More, I need more.” She raked her nails over his back, needing him to move inside of her. Needing him to claim her, mark her.

  The emptiness when he pulled out left her cold, wanting, but he immediately pushed back in and she sighed with relief, tightening her grip, a soft moan on her lips.

  As requested he brought his teeth to her shoulder, her breasts, biting, keeping her senses on edge as he changed the speed and depth, rolling his hips and slamming into her.

  She arched back, offering herself to him entirely, drawing him in deeper. Her moans turned to sharp cries as he gripped her hips and focused on slamming into her over and over again, taking her hard, ensuring she couldn’t slip away from him with the force of his efforts.

  His name was a chant on her lips, a cross between a prayer and a plea as she tried to match him thrust for thrust, holding tight to keep their bodies close as the force of his efforts pushed her away.

  The orgasm he ripped from her shredded her senses, a cry tore through her throat, a wild sound she intended to carry his name. There were no signs of slowing, she didn’t have a chance to ride the wave of her orgasm before he reached between them to tease the bundle of nerves acting as gatekeepers to her pleasure. Soon, another was building, threatening to kill her right there beneath him. There was no way she could survive that again, but every sweep of his finger over her clit demanded she do exactly that.

  “Turn over.” He pulled out, and flipped her on the floor, lifting her hips to line himself up. The moment he slammed home she gasped, her jaw clenching to keep the whimper stifled. As she had done to him, he fisted her hair, pulling her head back until she was arched at an impossible angle.

  Her muscles screamed, clamped around him, drawing him deeper, holding him in as he pulled away. The grip on her hair held her in place, ensured she couldn’t curl away when his fingers found her again, dancing over her, demanding her pleasure for a third time. When it hit, her soul left her body. There was a blackout period, she was sure of it, the next thing she knew she was gasping for air as he did the same, his head resting on her back as he pulsed deep inside of her.

  “I’m not.” He rested his forehead on her back, taking deep draws of air and holding her ass to his hips. “Not letting you go.”

  It took several seconds for her brain to process his words, the synapses sluggish in the haze of lust that refused to abate. She was drunk on him, her thoughts cloudy in the wake of their stolen bliss.

  The words caused a bone deep ache in her chest, worse even than when she came home early on Thanksgiving. If only she found Jaime first. Before she became his employee, before she got engaged to the cheating asshole who ruined her.

  “I’m not ready for something new.”

  He pulled out and turned her onto her back, looking down at her. “It’s too late for that. We have something, this is already something.”

  “I know.” She took several long drags of air, their heavy breaths mingling in the space between them. That didn’t change her past. It didn’t eliminate the baggage she came with. She couldn’t talk about this with him now, not when she wanted to be in a post coital state of bliss. She’d never come so hard, never three times.

  He was her boss, and she was too vulnerable.

  Casual sex was not her thing.

  But they did have something special.

  It scared the hell out of her.

  Chapter Eight

  For the third time in fewer days, he watched her sleep.

  They were in his new favorite position. Curled on the couch with her head on his chest, their legs tangled together, and her arm wrapped around him. Unlike the last few times, this time they were naked.

  Her warm skin against his, her breaths deep and even, moving over him with every exhale. Like hell this was a rebound, no fucking way.

  He’d waited until he was sure, until she was sure, and he wasn’t about to let her cheapen that. Two days. He had two days left to convince her. He rubbed his jaw, the itching from a day’s growth of stubble tormenting him as much as the woman in his arms. Not wanting to waste any awake time, he eased out from underneath her. Once he was confident she wouldn’t wake up, he jogged up the stairs for a quick shower and shave.

  Not five minutes later, he heard the door open and looked over to see Val creep in. The glass doors of the shower were fogged, the entire room was fogged, but he had no trouble discerning her naked body as she slowly moved closer to the shower.

  When she opened the door and stepped in with him, her eyes not quite meeting his, the air was pulled from his lungs. He let his gaze rake over her, taking in every perfect inch of her skin once again. He couldn’t get enough of it, enough of her. By the time his eyes reached her pelvis he was salivating, desperate to reach out and touch her. Desperate to taste her again, to feel her smooth skin grinding against his mouth as he drank her pleasure.

  He’d never seen anything more erotic.

  “You’ve already seen me naked.” The smile she offered was weak, betraying her insecurity.

  He pushed her hair off her face, maintaining eye contact as the spray battered his back. “I’ll appreciate it every single time.” Without giving her a chance to respond, he captured her lips with his, conquering her like he’d wanted to for years. Now, there was no restraint.

  There was him, and her, and his need to have her.

  She tasted sweeter than wine. Her arms snaked around his neck as she pulled him closer, spurring him on, and he curled an arm around her waist, tugging her flush against him as he ripped his mouth away to savor the rest of her.

  A slow moan left her lips as he trailed his mouth over her slender neck, following it down to her shoulder and biting hard where they met. A sharp gasp came from her as she tightened he
r grip, and he buried a smile against her skin.

  There was no waiting, he needed to bury himself in her again, feel her slick heat surrounding him. He lifted her into his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist, but somehow found the self-control to not bury himself in her that moment. They exited the heat of the shower, and he relished the feel of her as she pulled closer, pressed her breasts against his skin, the hard nubs pushing against him.

  “Where are we going?”

  “Condoms.” He kissed her again, wrestling with the door as he savored her, crossing the hall to his room. They exploded through the door, he couldn’t get her on the bed fast enough, tongues dueling as her heat sent his dick from a dull throb to an excruciating ache that could only be soothed by plunging it deep inside her. But fuck, he wasn’t some teenaged kid who was going to last ten seconds.

  Bracing himself on the nightstand, he sucked in deep breaths of air as he dug through the drawer for condoms. With one finally in hand, his mouth tilted up into a smile as he unwrapped it and rolled it on. He didn’t think he’d ever been this fucking hard after already having sex, the pain so exquisite he didn’t want to miss a moment of it. A slow smile spread across her face, accented by a giggle.


  “We just did this, are you sure you’re up for it again?”

  His whole face joined the smile as he leaned over her, trailing his fingertips up her thigh until he reached her ass and grabbed hard, digging his fingers in and squeezing to elicit a gasp he was already addicted to. “What does it look like to you?”

  Without waiting for a response, he slid into her, burying himself halfway and resting there for a moment, his head hung low over her shoulder. He wanted to slam into her, fuck her up the bed, but he didn’t want to hurt her. The low groan and shifting of her hips beneath him combined with the viselike grip on his cock kept him in check. “Fuck you feel good, Val.”

  She sighed in response, a slight whimper as she hooked her legs around him and pulled him deeper, closer, her hands reaching up to grip his hair and pull him down to her. “Not as good as you.”

  He chuckled and pushed her wet hair off her face, kissing her forehead, her cheeks, and finally her lips. When he tried pushing forward, she sucked in a gasp and he halted once more. “Sure you’re up for it so soon? I don’t want to hurt you.”

  She tugged on his hips, driving him another inch inside of her, her lashes splayed over high cheekbones. “Hurt me, Jaime.”

  The sound of his name on her lips as he was half inside of her brought his desire to fill her to a need. He pulled back and slammed into her, hands planted on either side of her head, sending her sliding up the sheets with another delicious sharp intake of air. There was no taking back the claim he was about to stake, the mark he was about to leave.

  Gripping her hips, he tugged her back down to the edge of the bed and pinned her there, sucking and nipping a trail from her shoulder up her neck to her jawline as he set into a punishing pace. He rode her higher, her sweet cries fueling his need to possess her, claim her, make her forget everything except him.

  When he felt her tense, he stopped. “I did all the work last time. I think you should have a turn.” He lifted her easily, sitting himself on the edge of the bed and settling her on his lap facing him, his cock still deep inside of her.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck as she lifted her hips and eased back down. It was a sweet torment, and he reflexively rolled his own to meet her. The movements of her hips came faster, the slow and easy back and forth combined with raising and lowering herself on him gave way to frenzied erratic motions as she got closer. Short high pitched cries sounded in his ear as she buried her face into his neck, holding him tighter, moving faster.

  She clamped down hard on him with a sharp cry, her fingernails digging deep into his back, and he erupted with a growl as he bit down on her neck, riding the shockwaves as she coaxed every drop from his cock.

  Fuck, he hated condoms.

  He wanted to feel her flesh massaging him, her heat without a barrier, the slide of her skin against his. With a soft kiss to her lips, he pulled back, admiring her unfocused crystalline eyes, the swollen cherry red lips curved into a satisfied smile as she met his gaze.

  “You look very cocky right now, Mr. Donovan.”

  He chuckled, her words slurred like she had a bit too much spiked eggnog. “I coaxed quite a naughty word from you tonight Miss Porter. I think you forgot Santa was still watching.”

  She laughed softly and cozied up against his chest. “He’s a pervert.”

  A laugh escaped from deep in his chest, the kind of deep laugh that only felt natural with her. As much as he would’ve loved to stay exactly where he was, he knew he couldn’t. He lifted her gently off his lap and her soft sigh rang like music in his ears.

  “This bed is soaked, we’ll have to use the other tonight.” He slid the condom off, knotting it and tossing it into the trash by the door. When she settled into the bed, he knew she would be asleep in seconds, so he scooped her into his arms and carried her back across the hall.

  She turned into him, resting her hand over his chest. “Again?”

  He laughed again and kissed her temple. “Maybe later, I’m not into necrophilia.”

  “I’m into you. So much more than I want to be.” She yawned, resettled herself against him.

  Her hand went limp against him, and her breathing fell into a deep and even cadence.

  He hoped her words were true, prayed he’d hear them when she wasn’t half asleep in the afterglow of sex. After tucking her in, he kissed her forehead and headed back to the bathroom to finish cleaning up.

  Twice, and he was already hooked. He looked into the mirror, the reflection of her in the bed tightening every muscle from his waist down.

  There was no way this was going to end after Monday.

  He wouldn’t let it.

  Chapter Nine

  Val woke to the sound of soft snoring under her ear. As consciousness slowly gained control of her brain, and she realized who the snoring was coming from, she bolted upright in bed. Sure enough, below her was Jaime, her boss for God’s sake, naked as the day he was born and every inch as glorious as she imagined he would be.

  Their sex marathon was most certainly not a dream.

  Outside the window it was black, and she stole a look at the clock. It was almost ten, and her stomach reminded her they’d skipped dinner in favor of afternoon sex and a nap.

  He shifted, the sheet pulling dangerously low over his pelvis and exposing the trail of hair that led to the promised land. There was a tug on the sheet, and she looked down to see his confident smirk as he dragged his gaze over her body and landed on her eyes. “If you get to stare, so do I.”

  “Maybe you should do more than stare.”

  He sat up, curling his hand around her neck and pulling her lips to his, hovering just before bringing them together. “Should I? What else did you have in mind?”

  She laughed and tilted her head, bringing them even closer, but playing his game of not touching. “Go eat, perhaps? I can’t remember the last time we did, and I think we burned at least three days’ worth of calories.”

  He offered a short laugh of his own, his breath gusting over her lips just before he pulled away and dropped his hand. “I think that’s an excellent idea.”

  Val didn’t realize the warmth he provided until he was gone and cold was left in the wake of his absence. Food suddenly wasn’t so important. “Jaime, come back to bed.”

  He offered a feral smirk as he collected his clothes. “Not a chance, Val. For multiple reasons. First, you’re right and we do need to eat.” He leaned back onto the bed, brushing her nose with his. “Second, anticipation heightens the experience when applied correctly.”

  He pressed his lips to hers in a gentle kiss, but backed away when she leaned into him. “Third, I am not having sex in my parents’ bed.” With his last proclamation, he pushed away entirely, disappearing out the door and le
aving her to stay behind or follow him down.

  She flopped back onto the pillows and settled into her new routine of questioning her judgement. She broke the one rule that could never be broken, crossed the line that could never be crossed. Worse, she lacked regret and was eager to do it again. Before Jaime, she’d never been so satisfied. So perfectly and exquisitely filled. So empty when he was gone.

  She groaned as she turned her face into the pillow and screamed her frustration. Of course the man with the perfect penis and the skills to use it had to be her boss. The fates also ensured she met him well after she wasted too many years telling herself a mediocre dick and average adeptness were acceptable. She owned battery operated ones for when she was really craving that full feeling, but after Jaime?

  Jaime ruined her for every other phallus in the world.

  There was no coming back from Jaime’s cock.

  Especially after he proved, multiple times, it wasn’t a fluke.

  Before following him down, she took a shower and stayed under the hot water until it turned cold. Already she wanted back into his bed, back into his arms. They had less than two days left together, and she still hadn’t decided what to do. She was hurting, insecure. She was in no frame of mind to be entertaining another relationship, and any connection she felt was undoubtedly the result of her subconscious need for validation.

  Her boss.

  Jaime would never use her. He wouldn’t lie to her to get her into bed, he wasn’t like that. When he told her he wanted more, he meant it. But, that didn’t mean she wanted more. That more was the right thing. That she was ready for more.

  But the thought of it increased the pressure in her chest, the thought of being publicly his brought a stupid grin to her face, propelled her heart into her throat. Mere days with him and the thought of spending the rest of her life on his arm filled her with a feeling akin to meeting her favorite actor as a kid.


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