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Tales From Camelot Series 1: PENDRAGON

Page 5

by Paul Green

  He was even able to shuffle a short distance. By the time he reached the door, however, he had to stop and take a break. Already he was starting to feel light-headed again, and a little bit woozy. He was about to turn back towards his bed when he thought he heard something outside the house.

  It almost sounded like ... someone weeping!


  Trying his best to remain steady without falling or tripping, Pelleas made his way out of his room and through the cooking area to the front door. He quietly opened the door and looked outside in the darkness. Just a short distance away, he could see Regan in the cold moonlight, sitting on the grass beneath a tree. And she was crying.

  Seeing her in distress gave Pelleas all the strength he needed, and he quickly began walking over towards the tree where she sat.

  Regan never saw or heard him approach, as her face was buried in her hands.

  It wasn't until Pelleas knelt beside her and placed his gentle hand upon her shoulder when she realized she was not alone.

  Ordinarily, Regan would have been frightened by having someone come up on her like that. But the instant that she spun her head around towards Pelleas and saw the compassionate look in his eyes, it somehow immediately calmed her fears.

  "Reagan?" Pelleas whispered. "Why do you weep? Am I the cause of your sorrow?"

  Regan tried her best to hold it in. Just as she had been doing for the past year. Just as she had been doing for the past three years, since the day Duke Gorlois first 'took' her to his castle and killed her family.

  And so it was, that for the first time since her nightmare had first begun three years earlier, Reagan began to pour out her heart to another soul.

  And as her story spilled forth, Pelleas wrapped his arms around her.

  From the first moment that the truth of Regan's past came to light, the heart of Pelleas was broken.

  And he wept with her.

  For a very ... long ... time.

  ~ Inception ~

  Chapter 11

  "So ... your name is Igraine?"

  It was two hours later and close to dawn. They had both returned to the house, where Pelleas had eaten a bowl of soup with some bread, and he was now getting back into his bed at Regan's insistence.

  Regan nodded in answer, as she began tucking him in.

  "I promise you, Regan. No, I swear it upon my life, that I shall never reveal your true name to anyone."

  Regan sighed as she sat upon the bed next to Pelleas. "You do not ... hate me?"

  "WHAT!? Regan! How could you even ask such a terrible thing! Of course, I do not hate you! Far, far from it!"

  "But ... I am another man's wife. I have already born two children. How can you not despise me for..."

  Pelleas immediately stopped her with his finger on her mouth. "No, Regan; do not speak such things. You are no longer another man's wife. That bond was broken the day he cast you out. You are now free. As for bearing children, I am sorry you had to bear them without knowing love. That was an evil; wrongly inflicted upon you. An evil no woman should ever have to know. And it is an evil that shall know retribution. For I swear to you this day, I shall not rest until I avenge your honor upon the Duke Gorlois of Cornwall."

  Regan smiled at Pelleas while shaking her head. "I see your anger has restored your voice. Thank you, kind sir, for your most noble and valiant words; I know you mean them well. But the Duke of Cornwall is a powerful man. And you are but a ... uh ... uh ... actually, I am unsure just what you are."

  Pelleas was just about to answer when she stopped him, this time with her finger upon his lips. "But what I do know, kind sir, is you are unwell and need rest. The time for talking, is over."

  "I do wish to tell you about myself, Regan. There are things about me you should know."

  "Sleep now, talk later." she ordered with a smile.

  "But..." Pelleas objected, sitting back up in bed.

  But to his surprise, Regan pushed him back down. "I said, sleep now. See? If a weak woman can force you back into your bed, you are in no position to argue."

  Pelleas grinned at her. "You, Regan, are not a weak woman. Surely you are the strongest woman I have known."

  "Your skin again begins to appear sallow, Pelleas. You were doing so well. You need more rest to restore your color. No more talking, do you understand me?"

  "Regan, what of your two daughters? Have you ever ... considered..."

  "No, Pelleas. You know I cannot return. But more importantly, they are placed ... where they are placed. It would be cruel to take them from the only homes they have known."

  "Do you know where they both are?"

  "I know of the home where my firstborn daughter lives. I had named her Elaine. She is in a good home with a good family. I have met them, and I have held my daughter. She is in a good place. That is her home, now."

  "And your second daughter?"

  "I know nothing of my second daughter. I do not know her name nor her whereabouts. I only know that she is alive."

  "How do you know she is alive?"

  "I ... know. I do not know how I know, but I know. I shall probably never see her or know her. But at least I know she is alive. Both of my daughters ... are alive."

  "May I ask you just one question more, Regan?"

  "If it is quick and brief and you promise to sleep after, then yes, you may. What is your question?"

  Pelleas grinned at Regan once more. "Was it wrong for me to have kissed you?"

  Regan smiled at Pelleas for a long time.

  Then, she tenderly ran her finger across his lips. "Ask me again, tomorrow."

  *** *** ***

  That same day, Pelleas slept until noon. When he awoke, he was surprised to see Regan sitting in a chair across the room, looking at him.

  "Regan?" he said in a raspy but painful whisper, for he had once more lost his voice. "Have you been there all this time?"

  "You need more rest." Regan answered. "You sound terrible. Go back to sleep."

  "I feel fine." he objected.

  Regan gave him the look.

  "Oh, very well. I do not feel ... fine."

  "I should say not."

  "How long have I been asleep? Is it tomorrow, yet?"

  Regan raised her eyebrow.

  "You said I could ask you again, tomorrow."

  She began shaking her head at him, albeit with a slight smile. "You, Pelleas, are a most unusual man. I have been watching you for hours. There is much more to you than meets the eye."

  "I need to tell you who I am, Regan. It is ... right, that you should know."

  "Why is it ... right, that I should know?"

  "Because I care about you, Regan. I would have you know the truth about me, just as I have also learned the truth about you."

  Regan then gave Pelleas a tender smile. "I ... I must confess, Pelleas; I had not intended to tell you of those things."

  "Do you regret having done so?"

  Regan rose to her feet and walked over, and sat upon the bed beside him. "No, dear Pelleas; I do not regret having done so. I must also confess, that I care about you, as well."

  "Are you sure?"

  "That you would willingly offer to speak the truth of yourself to me, confirms for me I have not erred in telling you my secrets."

  "No, I meant, are you sure that you care for me?" Pelleas grinned.

  For the first time, Pelleas heard Regan laugh. And it was music to his ears. "In seriousness, Pelleas, you need not feel bound to speak of your secrets to me. I appreciate your willingness, but in this village, no one is required to..."

  "I have to tell you, Regan. It is important."

  "Not that I am not curious, but why is it so important?"

  "For many reasons, Regan; which I shall tell you. Although one of those reasons, is because ... I think I more than care for you."

  Regan's eyes widened in surprise. Then she gulped.

  "I am feeling better, Regan. My voice is once again returning to me. Will you hear what I have to say

  Regan gulped again. "Uh huh."

  "Very well. You do know ... who Constans was?"

  "Our High King? Of course, I do. Everyone in these lands knew of High King Constans. He has since been succeeded by High King Vortigern."

  "Not succeeded, Regan. Murdered."


  "Vortigern is an evil and treacherous man, Regan. By his own hand, he murdered High King Constans in his sleep."

  "WHAT!? Surely, that is not true!"

  "What did you know of High King Constans?"

  "Very little, actually. I was but a young girl and uninterested in such things as news and gossip of nobles and kings."

  "Had you heard what had happened to his family, after Vortigern took the throne?"

  "No. I knew of Prince Ambrosius and Prince Uther, of course. As did all the young girls in our village." Regan smiled, bashfully. "After all, what young girl would not desire to marry a prince?"

  Pelleas sighed and shook his head. "But instead, you were forced to marry an evil Duke."

  "I think ... I am done speaking of that, if you do not mind."

  "Sorry." Pelleas apologized. "That was thoughtless of me."

  Regan smiled and touched his hand. "It is okay, dear Pelleas; you have done no wrong. It is something I prefer to put behind me and not have to think of, again."

  "I understand."

  "So ... now that you mention it, whatever did happen to the royal family? Once Vortigern became the new High King, I do not recall hearing of what had happened to the Queen Mother or the two Princes."

  Pelleas paused and looked out the window for a moment. "The Queen Mother..." he continued, sadly, "...was also killed. Vortigern had her put to death."

  "WHAT!? How could you possibly know any of this!? I find that VERY hard to believe!"

  "It is all true, Regan. It all really happened, just as I said it happened; four years ago. As for the two Princes, Ambrosius Aurelianus and Uther Pendragon, they barely managed to escape with their lives. They have both gone into hiding and exile, biding their time while they seek to re-establish their claim upon their throne. Even now, Prince Ambrosius has successfully gathered all of his father's entire Knighthood, who were fiercely loyal to High Constans. He has also been successfully gathering together all of the armed forces that are still loyal to the true royal family. It has taken four years to determine who is loyal and who is not. Potential spies and traitors have been tested and weeded out. Someday soon, Prince Ambrosius shall seek his revenge and rally all to march against Vortigern. Mark my words Regan, Ambrosius shall be successful. And he shall ascend to the throne. And the royal line shall once again be restored. Ambrosius Aurelianus shall someday soon rightfully become our new High King."

  "Pelleas!" Regan exclaimed. "How could you possibly know all of this! Are you ... are you one of those loyal Knights!?"

  Pelleas turned back from the window to face her with a smile. "I am indeed one of those loyal Knights, fair Regan. I am loyal to Prince Ambrosius, more than any other man. And I receive word and updates by occasional messenger, who knows of my whereabouts. I live for the day to see Ambrosius sitting upon the throne. I would gladly give my life to ensure that day happens."

  "You are loyal, indeed." Regan marveled. "That you would willingly lay down your life for Prince Ambrosius! This speaks to me you really are a Knight of the Realm!"

  Once more Pelleas looked out the window. "Oh ... I am a little more than a Knight."

  Regan gasped in shock. With her hand over her mouth, she slowly and fearfully began moving away from Pelleas on the bed, even as her face began to turn pale. "No..." Regan finally managed to whisper. "It cannot be."

  Pelleas continued looking out the window. "I am always watching, Regan. I await the call. It may come next week, it may come next year; I do not know. But when my brother calls for me, I shall answer."

  Regan rose to her feet in stunned shock. "No! It is not possible!"

  Pelleas turned his eyes away from the window and looked at Regan with a tender smile. "Did you not say, that as a young girl you desired to marry a prince? Well, you have found one. Hello, Igraine. My name is Uther Pendragon. Will you marry me?"

  Chapter 12


  If Pelleas hadn't been sick, he might have actually caught Regan in time. But as it was, he was too slow, and Regan had collapsed to the floor in a dead faint.

  Just as he dropped to his knees beside her, Pelleas heard another gasp. It was Alger and Ceola.

  "It is okay!" Pelleas said, quickly. "She has only fainted! I did not harm her, I swear!"

  Ceola also knelt feebly to her knees to attend to Regan, while Alger looked at Pelleas, curiously.

  Pelleas held up his hands in innocence. "I swear to you, sir! I did not nothing to harm her!"

  Alger nodded. "I believe you, young lad; fear not. But what is it, that has caused her to faint?"

  "I ... uh ... I told her who I was."

  "Oh?" Alger replied.

  Pelleas opened his mouth to explain further, but then thought better of it.

  Alger held up his hand. "No, there is no need to speak of such things in our presence. We do not ask such questions of those in our village. There is a reason why secrets are kept, and there is a reason why secrets are respected. I am merely surprised you spoke of yours to Regan."

  Pelleas looked back down at Regan, as Ceola placed Regan's head in her lap for a cushion. "I told her, because she first told me."

  "What!?" Alger and Ceola both exclaimed.

  "I had not expected her to speak of such things." Ceola said in surprise. "She has never spoken of these things with us."

  Pelleas began looking at her with worry. "Did she hit her head? I was too slow to..."

  "You should not be up either, dear." said Ceola. "Yes, she has hit her head; it is a only small bump. But for a headache when she wakes, Regan shall be fine."

  Pelleas surprised himself, as well as Alger and Ceola, when he took her Regan's unconscious hand in his. "She had been taking care of me."

  "Yes, dear." Ceola smiled. "She has been watching over you night and day for four days. She cares for you, just as I see you care for her."

  "I love her." Pelleas admitted. "I have loved her for some time."

  "Yes dear, we have seen how you have looked at her when she meets you at the well. We have known of this for some time."

  "I have been studying her." Pelleas said. "For six months I have been learning all I can about her. Though I never knew her true name or her background, I have learned all I have needed to know about her. I ..." Pelleas paused for a moment, and then looked at Ceola. "I have asked her to become my wife."

  Both Alger and Ceola looked at him in surprise. "We heard ... some of the words you spoke." Alger said.

  Pelleas looked intently at Alger. "Are you ... the guardians of Regan?"

  Alger smiled at him. "No, young lad; we do not speak for her. Regan speaks for herself, as do most in this village. There are no arrangements of marriage to be considered, nor Brideprice or dowry or ceremony. Simply the decision between a man and woman; and that decision is between themselves, alone."

  "Did she give you answer?" Ceola replied, as she stroked Regan's hair.

  "Uh..." Pelleas shrugged. Then he nodded at Regan who was lying on the floor. "I believe ... this was her answer."

  Ceola smiled and nodded. "Are you well enough to..."

  "Of course." Pelleas replied. "I can lift her to her bed. I think."

  Pelleas did. And after she was lying in her bed, he sat beside her, once more holding her hand.

  "I shall bring a cool cloth for her head." Ceola said as Alger helped her to her feet.

  "Thank you." Pelleas replied. "And ... thank you for also watching over me these past four days. I know Regan could not have done it without help."

  "For the most part she did." Alger said, after Ceola left. "She has been very concerned for you."

  "Yet she hardly knew me."

  "Regan kn
ew you well enough." Alger replied. "For her to bring you into our home as she did."

  "Are the leader of this village?"

  "No, young lad; we have no leader. Though I am the eldest. Sometimes ... decisions may have been deferred to me, in that regard."

  "What you have done here, Alger, is a good thing. Watching over these people as you have done, is highly commendable."

  "We watch over each other. It is our way."

  "Your way ... is a good way."

  "It is what is needful for the people of our village."

  "I know most of you are refugees, from all walks of life. It is good these people have found a life."

  "It is good Regan has found you, Prince Uther."

  Pelleas' eyes widened in surprise. "So ... you heard me, after all."

  "My wife and I heard, yes. Your secret is safe with us."

  Pelleas sighed. "I fear ... our House has been the cause of these refugees."

  "Unwanted children of Concubines and others, yes. But not only of your House, Prince Uther. These people have come from many Houses and many lands over many years. I, myself, came here as a child. All are welcome here."

  "You are a great and noble man, Alger. I am honored to know you."

  Alger shook his head in surprise. "I marvel at you, Prince Uther. You are unique among your line. I would not have thought..."

  "Pelleas." he corrected. "Please call me Pelleas. And it is I, who marvel at you. You have my utmost respect. And my deepest gratitude for taking in Regan as you have done."

  "Regan is a great blessing to us ... Pelleas. I am pleased she has found you. I am pleased you have found each other."

  Pelleas smiled at the kind elder. "I take it ... you would not be opposed to our union?"

  "You are welcome to live here with us, young lad. Until ... such as time as..."

  "I understand." Pelleas said. "The day shall indeed come where I shall take her with me. You, of course, are welcome to..."

  Alger held up his hand. "No, young prince. My place is here. This is where I am needed, most."

  "Thank you for your great kindness, Alger. And for your gracious hospitality. Perhaps someday I may be able to repay you."


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