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Tales From Camelot Series 1: PENDRAGON

Page 18

by Paul Green

  "I know what people ... do." Arthur replied, turning red.

  "What do they 'do'?" Sagremor chuckled.

  "I know that they have ... babies. Do not forget, I am educated."

  "Have you been educated as to how babies are made?"

  Arthur looked at Bors with a pleaful look of embarrassment.

  Bors coughed. "Perhaps ... we should turn our attention to other matters. This is, after all, the eleven year Birth Celebration of our High Prince."

  "My name is Arthur!"

  After everyone finished laughing - at Arthur's expense, Bors changed the subject to the Marketplace. Bors held his tankard up for a toast. "Last week was our grand opening. My congratulations to our High Prince, for the response has been greatly overwhelming; more than we had ever anticipated. A toast to our wise and ... 'educated' High Prince. May the Marketplace continue to be as successful in the years ahead."

  They toasted Arthur and then toasted each other. Then the others refilled their tankards a fourth time.

  "How can you drink so much of that stuff?" Arthur asked in surprise.

  "This 'stuff'..." Accolon grinned, "...happens to be my best red ale, saved for the most important of occasions - such as royal Birth Celebrations."

  "Sorry." Arthur smiled. "It is truly ... uh ... good."

  Bors chuckled. "Ale is an acquired tasted, young pup. In another year or two I suspect you shall be appreciating it just as the rest of us."

  "If you say so." Arthur said, staring into his tankard deep in thought.

  "What are you thinking about?" Frederick asked. "Surely you have not come up with yet another wondrous idea comparable to the Marketplace?"

  "Actually ... I was thinking about you, Frederick."

  "Oh? What about me?"

  Arthur looked at Frederick. "Tomorrow you are purchasing your new wife. You are bringing her back to live in the Knights Barracks."

  "I most certainly am!" Frederick grinned. "And I am greatly looking forward to it."

  "I know." Arthur replied. "I can see your heart is all warm and glowy, even as we speak."

  Frederick groaned. "Oh, not this, again. Can a man not have 'intents' of the heart without you knowing about it!?"

  "Sorry, Frederick. I shall try to mind my own business and keep my thoughts to myself."

  "It is MY thoughts that I wish I could to MY self!"

  "Of which you seem to be having plenty of, as of late." Arthur teased.

  "Arthur..." Frederick scowled. "That is a little personal, if you do not mind."

  Bors chuckled. "We have already discussed, young pup, that it is best to keep what you see to yourself. It makes others most ... uncomfortable; myself included."

  "Sorry. I shall try and remember."

  "Speaking of which..." Sagremor grinned at Bors. "Were you not supposed to 'entertain' some woman for dinner, of Arthur's own choosing? Whatever happened with that, anyway?"

  "That is a private matter; one which I do not care to speak of amidst dogs like yourselves."

  "Aha!" Sagremor exclaimed with eyes brightening. "You did! You have shared a meal with a woman! Who was she, Battlemaster?"

  "It is of no one's concern. Mind your own business, Sir Knight."

  Sagremor grinned at Arthur. "At least give us her name. Who was she? Do we know her?"

  "Her name is Deorwynn." Arthur grinned.

  "Arthur..." Bors growled.

  "Is?" Sagremor chuckled. "Not ... 'was'? You mean ... our Battlemaster still entertains this very same woman!?"

  "That is enough, Sir Knight!" Bors barked. "I do not care to discuss my personal affairs with a dog!"

  Sagremor burst out laughing. "Touchy, touchy! Can it be!? Has our own Battlemaster taken a liking to a woman!?"


  Arthur grinned. "He bathes each time he goes to see her and everything!"

  Bors slammed on his fist down on the table.

  And everyone instantly shut up, as they wisely knew when it was time to back off. Though the smiles never left.

  *** *** ***

  "So you were saying something about Frederick?" Accolon asked Arthur, changing the subject with a grin. "Something about him bringing his new wife home to the Knights Barracks?"

  "Yes." Arthur replied, looking at Frederick. "I have been discussing this with Bors over the past week. I had been thinking that Katelyn might like flowers."

  Frederick looked at Arthur thoughtfully for a moment. "As a matter of fact, she does. There are flowers blooming all around the pond. I had thought to take her there to see them on our way back from Cameliard."

  Sagremor elbowed Frederick. "Not to mention the pond is in a secluded area, away from the rest of us."

  Frederick grinned. "I thought she might ... uh ... you know ... enjoy the view."

  Arthur smiled at Frederick. "Your heart is getting warm and glowy, again."


  "Oops, sorry. Anyway, that is sort of what I had been thinking about."

  Frederick looked at Arthur in surprise. "You have been thinking about Katelyn and I being at the pond!?"

  "Uh huh."


  "Wait, no! Not that! The flowers! And, uh ... I mean..." Arthur looked over to Bors for help.

  Bors smiled at Frederick. "What the young pup is trying to say is, it has been his opinion for some time, that once a Knight takes a wife and begins a family, he thought perhaps it might be preferable if the Knight were to live in a ... ahem ... house ... rather that live in the Barracks."

  "Why would I do that?"

  "As Bors has just said, Frederick." Arthur replied, "To start a family."

  "I can start a family in the Barracks! Knight's have raised their families in the Barracks for centuries!"

  "I thought it would be nicer to be in a house."


  "Do you not want to live in a house?"

  Frederick thought to himself for a moment. "I ... I have never thought about such a thing. The Knights have always lived in the Barracks."

  "I purchased you a house."


  "I thought it would be nice for you to bring Katelyn home to a house, instead of the Barracks."

  "Why ever would you do that!? That is a great expense!"

  "Bors said I could. I used my personal funds to purchase the house. Bors said I could spend my money however I so choose. This is how I choose."

  "You purchased me a house!?"

  "I wish to do this for all of the Knights. When they purchase a wife to begin a family, I shall purchase each of them a house."

  "Are you serious!?" Accolon exclaimed.

  "Surely you jest!" added Sagremor.

  "No, I do not jest." Arthur replied. "House Pendragon owns all of the land directly behind Castle Camelot and I wish to reserve that land for houses for the Knights and for the servants."

  Bors looked at Arthur in surprise. "The servants? You never said anything about the servants. Not to mention that we have only one servant."

  "Uh huh. I decided if I am going to do this for the Knights, I would also like to do this for the servants; for Cook and for any future servants. It is close and only a shout away, should the need arise. But this way, people can have a house of their own to raise their families. I have not talked to Cook, yet; but I have already had your house built this past week, Frederick."


  Then Arthur grinned at Bors. "I have also chosen a location for you and Deorwynn."


  Arthur turned and grinned at Accolon and Sagremor. "It is only a matter of time. And as for you two, whenever you decide to purchase a wife, I shall purchase your houses as well. This way you can better enjoy your wives and it would be nicer for them and it would be a better place for your families to live. And you can plant flower gardens for your wives, because I know that women like flowers. I think my mother would probably have liked flowers. That is what made me start thinking about this in the first place. That is why I asked Frederick
if Katelyn liked flowers."

  Sagremor looked at Arthur, incredulously. "You ... are a strange, strange young man."

  Arthur ginned back at Bors, and was surprised to his eyes growing misty. "Bors? Is something wrong?"

  "Oh ... I just recall saying those very same words to your father once, long ago. You are indeed your father's son."

  "Is ... that a good thing?"

  Bors smiled tenderly at Arthur. "In this instance, yes, young pup. That is a good thing."

  Frederick looked at both Accolon and Sagremor. "I have a house."

  Sagremor grinned at Frederick. "Then I suppose you have no need to stop by the pond on your way back."

  "Oh, I still plan to stop by the pond on the way back."

  And everyone laughed.

  *** *** ***

  "Castle Camelot?" Accolon asked. "Did I hear you right?"

  Bors chuckled. "Our illustrious High Prince has been desiring a new name for the fortress and for the royal lands surrounding."

  "You mean House Pendragon? What is wrong with House Pendragon?"

  "I like Camelot, better." Arthur replied.

  "You seek to change the name of your House!?"

  "No, no; we are House Pendragon. But that is just about me. This..." Arthur said, spreading his hands outward, " not about me. It is about the people. I wish to call all of this something which is not about me. So I came up with the name 'Camelot'."

  "What does ... "Camelot' mean?"

  "It is a Celtic word I have learned in my language class with Alfred. It means: 'Truth, goodness and beauty reign here. Those are the three most important things to me."

  Accolon and Sagremor and Frederick looked at each other. Then they looked back at Arthur. "How old are you, again?" Sagremor asked.

  Arthur grinned. "This time I can answer you. Because Cook made plenty of cake! And according to the icing on my cake, I am..." Arthur stopped and looked at his cake. Which HAD been sitting on the table in plain view of all ... but had somehow manifested itself next to Bors. Arthur looked at Bors in horror. "YOU ATE MY CAKE!"

  "No, I ate my cake."

  "Those two cakes were supposed to be for ALL of us! You ate the one with my number '11' on it!!"

  "Oh. Oops."

  *** *** ***

  After the others left, Frederick was the last to leave.


  "Yes, Frederick?"

  "I ... I wished to wait until the others had gone. I wish to say 'Thank you'."

  "Of course, Frederick. You are a good man with a good heart."

  "I do not know how I can ever repay you for this. But if there is anything I can ever do..."

  "There is, actually."

  "Anything. You name it."

  "Do you love Katelyn?"

  "I do. But I think you already know that."

  "I have never really cared for this whole system of ... Companions and Concubines and ... all of that."

  "What do you not like about it? It is what we have always done."

  "Do you plan to have ... Companions and Concubines?"

  "No! Of course, not!"

  "Why not?"

  "I ... I ... I am not sure. But I think ... I think it is because I might be content with just Katelyn."



  "THAT is what you can do for me."

  "What are you talking about?"

  "I wish to see if you can be content with just Katelyn. It seems to me ... that it how it is supposed to be."

  "I do not understand."

  "It is okay. I am not sure if I understand it yet, either. I am still working out the kinks."

  "I have no idea what you are talking about."

  "It is okay. I am not sure I know what I am talking about, either."

  "I agree with Sagremor. You are a strange, strange young man."

  Arthur grinned. "Bors said that is a good thing. Whatever that means."

  Frederick grinned. "It does not matter what it means, Arthur. You are a great person and I am glad we are friends."

  "Me too, Frederick. I cannot wait to meet Katelyn. She sounds really nice."

  "I hope you like her." Frederick replied, somewhat nervously.

  "Oh. Because you mean..."

  "If you see her heart and you do not like her? Please do not tell me."

  "It does not matter what I think, Frederick. If you like her? That is all that is important."

  "I, uh ... I have noticed you never ask about my sister."


  "It is okay, Arthur. I realized a few years ago you were ... uncomfortable around her."

  "Oh. Uh ... I, uh..."

  "It is okay, Arthur. It turns out you had good reason."


  "Yes. She, uh ... she had sort of ... uh ... decided she wished to ... 'trade up' to a better husband. Apparently, she thought she could move into a higher caste by flirting with a noble. He became interested and ... so she tried to poison her husband."


  "Her husband survived, but ... it is all a big mess. He is trying to give her back to our father for a refund, but my father refuses and ... it is all a big mess."

  "I am sorry to hear that. I did not know."

  "Eh. I just thought you should know that ... you were right about my sister, all along."

  "You were never that close with her."

  "No. We were far apart in age and never got along, well. I think she has always been more interested in 'climbing the caste ladder' than anything else. The man she poisoned was actually her second husband, you know."

  "What happened to her first husband?"

  "He died. Mysteriously."


  Frederick sighed. "Sometimes ... I wish..."

  "You wish what?"

  "Oh, nothing."

  "You wish there was no such thing as caste."

  "Something like that."

  "You are a Knight in training and are taking a lower peasant commoner for a wife. I think that is ... well ... I think that is an amazing thing."

  Frederick grinned, sheepishly. "Katelyn is special. I do not see her as a peasant commoner."

  "I know you do not, Frederick. And I am proud of you. Because you are doing it for the right reasons."

  Frederick looked at Arthur in surprise. "Proud of me? For taking a peasant as a wife?"

  "I am."

  "You are a strange, strange, man. But you are my friend so, I shall let it pass."

  Arthur chuckled as Frederick turned to leave. "Oh, and Frederick? Thanks for calling me Arthur. You are about the only person who I can get to do that."

  "No, problem, my Prince."

  "Ha, ha, very funny. Goodnight, Frederick."

  "Goodnight, Arthur."

  Chapter 36

  One week later, late August


  Master Scribe Alfred paused his tutelage class lecture to his one and only royal student, and frowned at Arthur.

  Who appeared to be daydreaming.


  "Hello? Prince Arthur? Are you listening?"

  Arthur continued looking out the window, lost in a daze.

  "Prince Arthur? Please tell me you are not daydreaming, again. This is very important and a very delicate subject and I prefer to try and get through this without having to repeat myself. As I ... always ... seem ... to have to ... PRINCE ARTHUR!!!"

  Arthur shook his head. "Huh? What?"

  "Did you even hear a word I said!?"

  "Yes, sir! Uh ... something about ... eggs ... and ... inception ... and ..."

  "CONception, Prince Arthur!! CONception."

  "Oh, right."

  "Why can you not pay more attention!? This is a very delicate subject!"

  "I am sorry, Alfred. You ... mentioned something about eggs ... and I started thinking about farms, and..."

  "NOT ... chicken eggs, Prince Arthur! HUMAN eggs!"

  Arthur laughed. "Humans do not lay eggs, Alfred. Uh ... do they? I mean
, do we? Wait, SERIOUSLY!? Girls lay eggs!? I did not know that!"

  Alfred slapped his hand over his eyes.

  "Sorry, Alfred. You know how my mind sometimes ... wanders off ... sometimes..."

  "Prince Arthur, I have been tutoring you since you were two years of age. Your mind does NOT wander off, sometimes. Your mind wanders off ... ALL THE TIMES!!"

  Arthur sighed. "Sorry, Alfred." Arthur replied, looking back out the window. "It just seems so ... nice outside. Do you not think it is nice, outside? The sun is out and everything!"

  Alfred threw his hands up in the air. "Oh, what is the use? Tonight is week's end. Class is dismissed for today."

  *** *** ***

  "I heard Alfred yelling at you, today." Frederick chuckled.

  They were walking to the Marketplace to join Accolon and Sagremor as they always did the beginning night of week's end.

  Arthur shrugged. "I got in trouble again for not paying attention."

  "You get in trouble for that a lot, don't you?"

  "I cannot help it! Sometimes I just start thinking about things. Alfred mentioned something about eggs ... I started thinking about farms ... hey, did you know that girls lay ... oh, never mind. I am sure you already know that, by now. Anyway, as I was saying..."

  "Why were you thinking about farms?"

  "I was just thinking about how farms ... and how they might be a good way to ... you know ... feed people."

  "Frederick chuckled. "That is what farms do. They produce food to feed people."


  "You ... are a strange, strange man, Arthur."

  "No, not just any people; I mean ... hungry people. People who cannot feed themselves or take care of themselves."

  "I do not understand."

  "Eh, I am still working out the kinks. Never mind. So how is life with Katelyn?"

  Frederick sighed, happily. "I cannot tell you how wonderful life is, Arthur. I have never been so happy."

  "Katelyn seems really happy, too. She is really nice and sweet. You are a fortunate man, Frederick."

  "Really!?" Frederick exclaimed. "Do you really mean that!? You are not just saying that!?"

  Arthur laughed. "If you are asking, do I think Katelyn has a good heart? Yes, Frederick. She has a true and beautiful heart. You are very fortunate to have found her."

  Frederick sighed happily, again.

  "I am surprised you are going to the Marketplace tonight." Arthur teased. "Once you leave Knight training, we never see you after that until the next morning."


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