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Tales From Camelot Series 1: PENDRAGON

Page 26

by Paul Green

  "Yes." Luella smiled. "It was her favorite thing to do."

  "You know...I have a difficult time picturing her playing games. I never see her smile. I have never heard her laugh. It is hard for me to imagine."

  "Morgan is a child as any other. When we are alone ... and only when we are alone ... then she smiles. Then she laughs."

  "Ah. So ... Morgan is uncomfortable expressing herself when she is around others."

  "Yes. In truth, you would be surprised to know she can be very ... excitable. Morgan loves new things. And she would always become very, very excited when I would think of a new game for us to play."

  Arthur gave Luella a sad smile.. "I cannot even picture Morgan being ... excitable."

  Luella laughed. "As Morgan grows to be more comfortable around you, I think you shall be very surprised as to just how excitable she can sometimes get."

  Arthur sighed. "I would love to see that side of her."

  "This is why I say, Arthur, I think it is important for Morgan to strengthen her bond with you. To begin spending more time with you, and ... less time with me."

  Arthur reached and rested his hand Luella's shoulder. "You are very attached to Morgan."

  Luella looked down and nodded.

  "I would have to believe you would be; and for a great many reasons. I cannot begin to imagine how close you two must be."

  Luella shrugged, not knowing what to say.

  "May I ask you a question, Luella?"

  "Of course."

  "What did you like to do when you were growing up?"

  Luella smiled. "We lived in a small village. My father was a carpenter. I had two brothers and one sisters. My mother ... she loved to work in her garden. I spent much of my time with my mother in her garden. Those are among my happiest of memories."

  Arthur grinned at her. "You know, I have always wished to have flowers. But we have not had a gardener for many years."

  "I must confess, I was surprised to learn you had but one servant."

  "Cook loves to cook. And she loves what she does, just as Alfred the Master Scribe loves what he does and our Master Physician loves what he does. I like it when people love what they do. I think that is very important."

  Luella nodded.

  "Luella, you have spent the past ten years in a dark hole in the ground, never once seeing the sun. How would you like to be our Royal Gardner, Luella?"


  "You said your happiest memories was gardening with your mother. This way you can be outside, again. And at the same time, still remain close to Morgan. I will provide you with your own room, right here in the castle, so you would never be far from Morgan. Castle Camelot would be your permanent home. And with full salary, of course." Arthur winked. "That should buy you nice new clothes from the Marketplace, I would think."

  Luella put her hand to her mouth as her eyes filled with tears.

  "So is that a 'yes'?" Arthur grinned.

  Luella answered Arthur by throwing her arms around his neck and with much weeping.

  *** *** ***

  It took some time for Luella to finally calm down. It wasn't until they heard a soft knock on the door, that Luella quickly began trying to regain her composure; for they suspected that the soft knock belonged to Morgan.

  While Luella was wiping her eyes, Arthur walked over and opened the door. When he saw Morgan standing there in her mousy brown dress with a very worried look on her face out of concern for Luella, Arthur smiled. "Sister, be not alarmed. Luella is not sad; she cries for reasons of happiness."

  Looking to Luella for confirmation, Luella smiled at Morgan and held out her arms. Morgan came rushing and over and Arthur was surprised to see Morgan wrap her little arms tightly around Luella; for he had never seen Morgan offer such a public display of affection, before. Immediately the 'patting of heads' began as Luella sought to quickly alleviate Morgan's concerns.

  A short time later, Morgan then wiped tears from her own eyes, for she had become very happy and excited for Luella for the wondrous thing Arthur had just done for her.

  Then it was, that Morgan finally turned back around and faced Arthur. Still with tears in her eyes, Morgan looked at Arthur, and uttered her very first words since arriving at Camelot.

  "Thank you."

  Chapter 47

  It was June. And the past several months had proven to be a full and extraordinary time in the lives of many people.

  The next major event that took place was related to Frederick. For the very next day after Morgan had spoken her first words, Frederick had awoken.

  He had no idea where he was, nor did he have any memory of where he had been. Frederick didn't even know who he was. Or anybody else, for that matter.

  Which was more than a little tough for poor Katelyn. But at the same time, she was incredibly grateful to once more see his eyes open and awake. And even though it hurt that Frederick didn't recognize his own wife, Katelyn was blessed to at least see his eyes sparkle every time he looked at her.

  And it gave her hope. Hope that one day, Frederick's memories might return. Or ... at the very least ... that his new memories would at least remain; for Frederick couldn't seem to remember anything beyond a few minutes, at best. But his eyes always truly sparkled at Katelyn and he was always very happy to see her; even though he was constantly meeting her for the very first time. And Frederick always seemed very happy.

  The Master Physician was astounded that Frederick was doing as well as was, for he didn't think Frederick would ever recover at all. And thus he told Katelyn to have hope; that one day Frederick might actually get better. And that was all the hope that she needed.

  In addition to Frederick enjoying being around Katelyn, he also seemed to like being around Arthur. Which in a strange yet comforting way, went a long way towards helping relieve Arthur of some of his guilt for what had happened to Frederick. It was almost as if Frederick was somehow ... in someway ... and in his own way ... telling Arthur that he didn't hold Arthur to blame. At least, that was how Arthur seemed to take it. And as Arthur could see into a person's heart, no one doubted what Arthur seemed to see.

  Because Frederick seemed to like being around both Katelyn and Arthur, the decision was made, to bring Frederick into the castle during the day and then return back home again with Katelyn at night. Eventually, it would turn into a 'day job' for Frederick, and would officially make Frederick the third servant who worked at Castle Camelot.

  *** *** ***

  As far as Morgan was concerned, the following week after Luella had made her suggestion about Morgan sleeping in Arthur's room, Morgan had reluctantly but bravely consented.

  Not because she was afraid of Arthur, but because was terrified at the idea of being separated from Luella. But at the same time, Morgan was also extremely grateful to Arthur for blessing Luella was such a 'wondrous gift' - which were Morgan's own words - as to work outside in the gardens. For Luella had often described for Morgan during their dark years in the pit, her beautiful garden back home. It had been difficult for Luella to describe things such as flowers, however; for Morgan had no concept of things such as ... clouds or the sun or the beauty of nature. The only colors Morgan had ever seen before had been at night.

  Thus, from the day Morgan had first been released from her prison since birth, Morgan saw wonder everywhere she looked. For everywhere Morgan looked she saw wonder.

  During Morgan's first few weeks and months at the castle, she had remained very guarded and never expressed her wonder to anyone, other than Luella at night, of course; where Morgan would tell Luella of all the wondrous things she had seen that day.

  The day Morgan first saw a rainbow cost Luella an entire night of sleep.

  And so a big part of the reason why Morgan was so reluctant to leave Luella at night, was because that was the only time Morgan had been comfortable to 'let loose' everything she had been bottling up inside of her all day; of all the wondrous things she had seen.

  Thus ... once Morgan be
gan sleeping in Arthur's room, she was also being forced to communicate with Luella during the daytime and in public, instead of just at night when they were alone.

  The first few nights were rough, as Arthur would oftentimes hear her crying on the floor beside him. Not from nightmares so much, but from missing being with Luella. The first thing Arthur would do when he heard Morgan crying, would be to reach down from his bed and put his hand on Morgan's head ... and begin to 'communicate' with her - telling her that he loved her and that everything would be okay.

  It would usually calm Morgan down fairly quickly; though sometimes it took a little longer. By the second week, Arthur finally managed to begin getting Morgan to 'communicate' back; saying simple things, such as ... 'Thank you' or ... 'I am content'.

  By the third week, Morgan communicated back to Arthur for the first time, about something she had seen that day; something which worried her, and so she questioned Arthur about it. The moon seemed to be getting ... 'smaller' each day and that it was almost gone.

  Arthur chuckled and answered her, both through hand signals and verbally, about cycles of the moon and that the moon always would 'come back'.

  But Arthur could sense that Morgan still seemed troubled, especially when she asked about the cycle known as the 'new moon'. And then Arthur understood why it bothered her so much, because of what Gorlois would always do to Morgan during each new moon.

  Now with Arthur, on the actual night of the new moon, Morgan never spoke in any form; but instead trembled in fear the entire night; and Arthur could do nothing to calm her. Luella had forewarned him that would be the case, and so he finally had to go and get Luella, who came in and rocked Morgan in her arms for the rest of the night.

  By this time, Arthur found himself wishing Bors would tell him more of what they had found when they rescued Morgan; but neither Bors or anyone else; not even Luella - under Bors' strict orders - would ever say anything more. And Bors even told Arthur the reason why; he didn't want to see Arthur turn into a vengeful mirror image of his father.

  But after the new moon passed, the following night, Morgan slept peacefully throughout the night; the first time she slept through in days.

  It would become a pattern that would stay with Morgan, unfortunately, for a very long time. For there were some scars, that not even the Master Physician could heal.

  Once they got through the hurdle of their first new moon, Arthur began trying a new tactic during the night. Communicating less through sign language and more through verbal. Arthur was surprised, but Morgan adapted rather quickly. For by that time, she had grown a little more comfortable with telling him of some of the 'wondrous' things she had seen each day. And by the second month, their communication during the night had became increasingly verbal.

  Except for the two or three days just before the new moon; where Morgan would revert and wouldn't speak at all. But other than those times, Morgan eventually seemed to grow content with sleeping in Arthur's room on the floor, next to her brother's bed.

  As long as she knew Luella was nearby in next room.

  Luella was extremely happy for the changes she had begun seeing taking place in Morgan, and for the caring and nurturing love of Morgan's brother. Not to mention her own wonderful fortune of a safe new home. Thus it was, that Luella concurred with Bors; that because of Arthur, all of their lives had been magically touched and radically changed and wonderfully blessed. And that Arthur was indeed, a star from heaven.

  ~ Destiny ~

  Chapter 48

  Twelve year Birth Celebration

  It was now August. And that evening was to be Arthur's twelfth birth celebration and his official passage into manhood.

  The guest at his birth celebration party had grown in number significantly since the previous year, and Cook had to make several more cakes.

  This time, Bors had his own cake all to himself.

  There was much to celebrate and much to recall and even more to look forward to. Everyone was there, even Frederick and Katelyn. And even though Frederick didn't know where he was or who the other people were or what the heck they were doing, he still seemed to be genuinely happy and had a pleasant time meeting new friends.

  He even got a kiss from that pretty girl named Katelyn! Just for remembering her name!

  This year, Arthur managed to finish his entire tankard of ale, and Bors rewarded him with a second. He never got very far on that one, though.

  It was also Morgan's first experience at a Birth Celebration; and Arthur noticed that Luella seemed a little bit sad. And he knew the reason why, of course. Because Luella had explained at an earlier time, that although she had been present at Morgan's birth, by that point in time Luella had no idea what day or month or even what season it was.

  But it didn't seem to bother Morgan at all, that she didn't know when her birth celebration might be. In fact, Morgan really preferred to not think about her own birth. She had gathered bits and pieces, though she didn't know all. But Morgan knew enough that her 'birthing day' had not been an especially happy day. So, as far as she was concerned, Morgan had no desire to learn the day of her birth, much less celebrate her birth. Morgan was quite content to be happy for others, though; and for Morgan, that was enough.

  So ... since Arthur had known that Morgan had no known day of birth, he had asked Cook to prepare one additional cake. Once which had Morgan's name on it, and the number 11. Arthur figured that since he had turned twelve, and that Morgan was somewhere around a year or so younger, that they could make it a dual celebration and officially 'graduate' Morgan to age eleven.

  It had been a surprise, as only Arthur and Cook had known about it. Naturally, Morgan's eyes bugged out of her head when she saw her very own cake with her very own name on it. And as Morgan squealed in delight, Luella leaned over and kissed Arthur on the cheek.

  Now, though Morgan's health was improving, she was still fairly weak and frail and still tired very easily. By the time Morgan finished eating her tiny sliver of cake ... which was all she handle eating at one sitting ... Morgan was beginning to show signs of sleepiness. Thus, Luella offered to take Morgan to Arthur's room where she would put Morgan down to sleep, and thereby allowing the others to continue their celebration into the night.

  *** *** ***

  After Luella and Morgan had gone, Arthur turned and looked at Bors. "I still say she is not Gorlois' daughter. How can she be? My mother was not with Gorlois long enough to become pregnant and to bear a child. I say my mother was with child when she first came."

  Bors shrugged. "It was so long ago; we are uncertain as to who her father might be. If it was not Gorlois..."

  "Do you think ... my father?"

  "I do not know, young pup. Who can know such a thing?"

  "I have worked out the figures, and I think it might be possible."

  "Uther had once told me he had not known Igraine to be with child, when he first left to join us to reclaim the throne from Vortigern."

  "I still think it is possible. I have done the math."

  Sagremor chuckled. "You have become a physician, now? I did not think you even knew of such things, as to how long a woman carries a child."

  Arthur frowned. "I have had much education. I have paid attention to my lessons from Alfred."

  Bors snorted.

  "Well, I HAVE paid attention! Mostly. Sometimes."

  "Mostly not." Bors grinned. "If one were to go by Alfred's account."

  "Morgan believes Gorlois is her father." said Accolon. "So she had spoken."

  "That is only because of what Gorlois has said to her." Arthur argued. "It does not mean it is true. The point is, I think it is possible that my father is actually Morgan's father; and not Gorlois."

  "And how would you propose to verify this, young pup? To my knowledge, there is no means to dispute Gorlois' claim to parentage."

  "I shall speak with my father." Arthur replied. "Perhaps he might offer new insight that might help to learn the truth."

y you jest." Bors said, seriously. "You know your father is not in his right mind."

  "I think sometimes ... perhaps he might be able to think better while he is fishing."


  "Bors, I keep thinking about that time I heard him conversing with my mother, and how he referred to himself as the 'Fisher King'."

  "May I remind you, young pup, that your mother is not actually there while he ... uh ... 'converses' with her?"

  "I know; it is all in his mind. But it does not change the fact that he sometimes refers to himself as the Fisher King."

  "That is the meaning of the name he had once given himself while in exile, yes. He went by the name of Pelleas; just as Igraine went by the name of Regan. It is how they kept their identities secret."

  "I know all of that, Bors. It is just ... I am fairly certain ... well, almost certain, that I think I know where my father goes when he is away."

  "Which is most all of the time." said Sagremor. "So where is it that you think he goes?"

  Arthur sighed and looked into his tankard. "Fishing."

  Bors raised his eyebrow. "Excuse me?"

  "When my father leaves, he goes ... fishing."


  "Uh huh."

  "All these years that he is away? You think he goes ... fishing?"

  "I think that somehow, fishing soothes him and he can think clearer. I think the only reason he comes back here at all to visit is out of a sense of responsibility. I also think ... that I might know where he is."

  "You know ... where he goes fishing?"

  "It is only a guess. Can I ask you something, Bors?"

  "Will you stop asking my permission to ask me something, young pup? How many times do I have to tell you, you are the High Prince. You do not ... 'ask'."

  Arthur sighed. "Anyway ... you were the one who first went and retrieved my father from that refugee village."

  "Indeed. I had been sent by his brother Ambrosius to call Uther back to join him as they retook the throne."

  "You know where that village is."


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