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Driftwood Cove Trilogy: Complete Series

Page 34

by E. C. Towers

  Jacob took her coffee cup into the kitchen and dumped the remains in the sink.

  “So who do you think it is?” he asked.

  “I have a bad feeling this has something to do with Tim, but I can’t figure out how. He’s dead and…” Linda pressed her fingers to her temples again and put her head down on her lap.


  She looked up at Jacob curiously, noting the strange and serious tone in his voice.

  “There’s something I have to tell you.”



  Puerto Vallarta

  Jacob watched as Dalila walked away from him, refusing to listen to what he had to say. Shit, by now Tim was probably headed back to Driftwood Cove to search for Linda, she thought. He silently cursed himself for telling the bastard anything and was ashamed at how he didn’t even attempt to stop him. Tim was a skinny piece of shit, he thought, I could have wrestled that gun away from him! He was determined to save Linda even if he was on his own. He could have easily run back to the docks but he was short on time. He had to find Tim as soon as possible and try to stop him from getting to Linda. Jacob flagged down a taxi instead and got back to the docks in just a few minutes, which were bustling with activity. He paid his fare and walked around the dock in search for Tim. Forklifts whizzed past him along with a ton of dockhands who were too busy to acknowledge even his presence.

  When his patience was exhausted, and he was about to give up, Jacob caught site of a lanky figure amongst a group of workers loading large wooden crates onto a ship. At that same time, Tim looked up and saw Jacob's gaze.

  Play it cool, he thought to himself as Tim sauntered over to him.

  “Well, well, well, look who’s back,” Tim smirked. “What’s the matter, J? Change your mind? You think you’re going to stop me or something?” As he spoke, he patted the bulge underneath his shirt.

  “No man, I just..”

  Jacob decided the best way to do this was to pretend to be his friend again.

  “This is going to sound stupid, but I don’t have anyway to get back home. I was supposed to go with Linda, but she ditched me,” he put a note of anger into his tone when he spoke of Linda, hoping Tim would rise to the bait.

  “Yeah, I’m not surprised. I told you she’s a selfish bitch and a fucking tease.”

  “After spending some time with her, I see what you’re talking about.”

  Tim not only took the bait easily enough, but his entire demeanor changed as he immediately confided his grievances to Jacob.

  “You don't know the half of it, man! All I know is that she can’t get away with what she’s done to me and who knows how many other guys she’s teased and tried to kill after she’s fooled them into falling in love with her?” Tim spat out. “She's gotta pay.”

  * * *


  Linda thought her heart was going to jump out of her chest after hearing Jacob’s confession. “Why the fuck didn't you tell me?”

  “I tried to tell you when I came back, but…” Jacob shook his head in regret and looked his feet. The bumbling little boy was back again, and Linda was not happy to see him.

  “But what, Jacob!? How could you keep this from me?” she buried her face in her hands and tried not to cry.

  “I didn't want to scare you, Linda, because I took care of it. I hit him where it hurts. I told him the cops would be all over him if he tried anything and he were arrested, they would eventually find the lucrative little pot farm he has in his shed. It was his only source of income and that scared him enough to give up on the idea of finding you. He ended up going to Colorado after that. Everything was fine. I talked him out of it. And when I saw you, you were happy, and I just didn’t want to...”

  “Obviously, your little talk didn't work!” she snapped at him. “He’s not high living in Colorado, Jacob. Tim is here. He knows where I live! If you would have told me, I could have at least taken better precautions.”

  “Look, Tim’s working alone. I know it. I know him. I’ll find him and…”

  “No!” Linda interrupted him. “I’ve got this. How many times do I have to tell you that I don’t need your help?”

  She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. This was a mess, and she finally had to admit to herself that she did need help. Linda stormed past Jacob and went to her bedroom.

  “I hope you’re calling the cops, Linda,” Jacob said quietly.

  “I’m calling for help because, yes, I need it,” she said. “But I refuse to call the cops. I’m just not ready to be exposed like that. It’s the reason I left the first time. But I’m not running from this anymore. And, Jacob...” Linda walked back to him to make sure he could see how serious she was, “I don’t need you around here anymore, either. Please. You’ve done enough.”

  “Linda, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about Tim. That was a stupid thing to do, but I can’t just go and leave you like this.”

  “Yes. Yes, you can. It’s easy. Just walk out that door and leave. Please don’t make me have to ask twice.”

  “At least, tell me who you’re calling for help,” he pleaded.

  “That’s none of your business. And I’m no longer your business either. Good-bye.”

  Jacob bit the inside of his cheek and stood his ground.

  “How can you be like this? How can you just turn cold all of a sudden?”

  “I warned you from the very beginning that our relationship was casual. Mostly physical. I don’t mean to be cold, but don’t act surprised. You knew what you were getting into.”

  They stared at each other in a silent face off. One wanting to stay, the other wanting to leave. A few moments later, Jacob shook his head, grabbed his jacket and walked out the door. As soon as Linda heard his motorcycle leave the driveway, she grabbed her cell phone and called the one person she knew she could trust.

  * * *

  “Watch out, watch out.”

  Officer Molina held Dalila’s shoulders as they fought their way against the cruise ship crowd.

  “Who’s bright idea was it to go outside to talk again?” Dalila jokingly asked her.

  “We just need to get out of this street. Why did you have to pick a bar in the middle of the cruise ships dock?”

  They managed to walk down a few blocks to the boardwalk where the tourists and locals broke off into different directions and was decidedly less crowded. Officer Molina led her a bench overlooking the ocean.

  “Here, this is perfect,” Molina sat down and patted the spot next to her, inviting Dalila to sit down.

  “Officer Molina, I don’t know what this is…”

  “Please D, you’re not at work. It’s just Susie okay? Let’s drop the formal stuff,” she patted the bench again. Dalila rolled her eyes and reluctantly sat down beside her.

  “I’m going to cut to the chase. You know you have a problem,” Susie said. “I also know, you’re not one to ask for help,” Dalila felt Susie’s hand grasp hers, “but I’m here for you anyway. I’m not going to ask you to talk or tell me your problems. You can do that whenever you’re ready. I’m here. But for now, we’re just going to sit here until one of us is sober enough to drive home.”

  Susie smiled at her and looked out into the water, keeping her promise not to voice her concerns but simply continued to hold her hand.

  Dalila didn’t know what to do.

  “Susie, you don’t have to do this. Go back to work. You’ve got to be busy.”

  “Don’t worry about me or work. It’s all taken care of. Besides, I’m just helping Ramirez with that drowned body, so you know he’s got me doing office work... like a lady should.”

  Susie said the last part in a high-pitched Minnie Mouse voice, rolled her eyes and laughed.

  “I hate that fat fuck.”

  Dalila laughed with her and shook her head in disbelief, “You don't have to do this, you know. I'm fine.”

  “I want to do this,” Susie reassured her, “and I usually don't disagree with y
ou but, I’m disagreeing with you now. You're not fine.”

  “No. No, I'm not,” Dalila agreed.

  “Stop beating yourself up for being human, D.”

  Dalila broke down, and the tears she had held at bay for months flowed freely down her face. Susie embraced her as she sobbed.

  “It must be hard to go on with your normal life after years of being with Derek. I know you fell in love with him, and I know your heart is broken.”

  Susie was right. Her heart was broken. But it wasn't because of Derek.

  Afterwards, Susie drove her back to her house and accepted Dalila’s invitation to stay and have a late lunch with her.

  “Listen, I'm no cook, so I hope you like roast beef sandwiches, or we could order a pizza.”

  “Roast beef sandwiches are fine,” Susie said as she walked around admiring the home she had shared with Derek.

  “I can't believe you're still living here,” she said.

  “Believe me, I wanted to move out. But Derek insisted that I stay until he’s out. I got demoted from wife to house-sitter, I guess.”

  “But what about the cartel? Aren't you afraid they're going to come looking for you here?” Susie asked.

  “They know this house got raided by the cops and that surveillance was installed everywhere. No one is coming near this place. Especially since they know Derek’s cooperating with the cops now after they tried to make him their scapegoat.”

  Susie sat down on the couch and flipped open her laptop, “I hope you don’t mind if I do a little of my work while I eat lunch. I just don’t want to provide Ramirez with any reason to come into my office to bitch.”

  “No, of course not, work away..”

  Dalila walked into the kitchen to grab their lunch when the cell phone in her pocket buzzed. She took it out, intending to throw it on the counter and just let it go to voicemail until she saw the name emblazoned on the screen:



  Familiar Curves

  Shocked, she let the phone ring two more times.

  Linda? She hadn’t heard from Linda since she went back to Driftwood Cove and abruptly ended whatever connection or relationship they had, breaking her heart. She knew Linda was the reason for her depression. Why would she be calling?

  On the fourth ring, her curiosity got the best of her.


  “Hi. It’s me.”

  Linda’s voice made her heart pound furiously within her chest.

  “Hi. It’s nice to hear your voice... I mean, it’s nice to hear from you," Dalila responded, stumbling on her words.

  “I know we kind of left on bad terms, but I was hoping…” Linda paused. “I know this is silly for me to ask, but I need your help. “

  “Help? What’s the matter?”

  Dalila grew concerned by the sound of her voice. Linda’s was clearly rattled by something.

  “Listen, I know you have a life, I know you’re busy, and after all that’s happened between Derek and us...” she trailed off into a whisper, distracted by a flood of memories from their time together. Linda cleared her throat and continued, “You have every right to say no to me, and if you do, I’ll understand. Is there any way you can please come to Driftwood Cove? I need your help."

  The desperation in her voice broke Dalila’s heart.

  “I’ll book a plane ticket right now, and I’ll be there tonight,” she answered without hesitation.

  “Thank you, Dalila.”

  “I’ll see you soon,” she assured her before disconnecting the call.

  Dalila shoved the phone into her back pocket, ran to her bedroom and began to pack up a few of her belongings.

  “Hey, I thought we were having lunch,” Susie said, walking in Dalila's bedroom with a confused look on her face. “Who was on the phone?


  Susie was the only one that Dalila had confided to about Linda, Derek and the entire incident with Tim.

  “Derek’s gringa ex in California? What’s the matter? What’s going on?”

  “I don’t know, but she wants me to come to her right away. She needs my help but didn’t tell me what it was about," she stated before shoving a few toiletries in her bag. “Now I need to buy a ticket.”

  “You’re just going to take off and see her?”

  “She’s my friend. She needs help. Besides, the only appointment I have tomorrow is at the Toucan Bar. I’m sure I can reschedule that hangover.”

  “All right,” Susie said reluctantly, “I’m kind of weirded out by her urgency, so please keep in touch with me and let me know what’s going on. I’ll look up the next flight for you.”

  Susie dropped her off at the airport an hour later, and for the first time in months, Dalila felt like herself again.

  * * *

  How was she going to react when she stepped off that plane, Linda thought. She took a deep breath, watching the arrivals from Puerto Vallarta. It was 8:30 p.m. and Dalila’s plane had just landed.

  She had been torn about calling her, but Linda felt like Dalila was the only person she could trust that would be capable of helping her when this strange situation she was in. It had quickly spiraled into something dangerous, and Linda was positive that it would not end well.

  Linda spotted her immediately as she stepped off the plane; her subtle beauty, the confidence in her stride, and how her eyes that lit up as soon as she spotted Linda.

  She had expected their reunion to include a perfunctory hug and an exchange of a few polite but awkward greetings, however as soon as they saw each other, no words were spoken as they came together in an intimate embrace that surprised them both. The feeling of home that Linda had been searching for since she had gotten back from Driftwood had come rushing back to her as soon as Dalila was in her arms, and she instantly knew that Dalila felt the same way.

  “It’s so sweet to see you,” Dalila whispered and briefly let go of Linda to look at her relieved eyes before embracing her again. “I’ve missed you so much.”

  “I’ve missed you too.”

  And until this moment, Linda hadn’t fully realized just how much.

  They grabbed Dalila’s bags and hurried out of the airport. Even though she was right there, sitting on the passenger seat in her car, it still felt like her presence was a dream that could easily be blown away, so she held Dalila’s hand to reassure herself that she was genuinely by her side once again. Dalila smiled at the warmth of her skin and grasped her hand firmly as if to say she’s was there to stay.

  When they arrived at the house, Linda had planned on having a late dinner so they could talk, but as soon as Dalila put her bags down and shut the door, Linda couldn’t help but embrace her once again.

  Their lips found each other, and their embrace turned into an ardent kiss filled with an urgency of hungry for the other. Their tongues teased and probed each other’s lips as they caressed each other. Dalila’s hands explored Linda’s backside, running them down to her generous bottom and pulling her in even closer. They hastily kissed and pried away each other’s clothing only long enough for Linda to lead Dalila to her bedroom.

  * * *

  It was Linda she had been longing for ever since she abruptly left her life. A longing that she had been trying to drown with alcohol. For the first time in months, Dalila felt alive. She couldn’t quite believe that she was here with Linda, touching and kissing her soft skin again. Dalila felt all her familiar curves, running her hands all over Linda's body as she undressed her.

  Linda kissed the nape of her neck and confessed, “I missed you so much,” with a desperate whisper. Dalila responded with kisses of her own, sensually caressing the slope of her shoulders and cupping her full breasts in her hands, licking her nipples delicately. Linda moaned, arching her back and encouraging Dalila to devour her.

  She kissed and trailed her tongue down to her stomach while slipping her fingers between her legs. The heat she felt from between made Dalila wet with excitement. She slipped two fi
ngers in easily, discovering that Linda was more than ready.

  Linda spread her legs wider and run her hands down Dalila’s backside, grabbing her supple ass as she slowly finger fucked her.

  Dalila felt Linda’s body tense when she quickened her pace, using her thumb to graze softly at her clit as she went in and out.

  “Oh, god..” Linda gasped.

  Dalila ran her tongue down to from the woman's stomach to her inner thighs, feeling Linda’s muscles convulse as her tongue teased and then indulged her.


  Linda put her hands on her head and directed Dalila’s mouth to her anxious pussy. Dalila obliged and ran her tongue up and down, licking up her juices and moving her tongue in slow, lazy circles around her swollen clit. Linda trembled and groaned, grinding her hips towards Dalila's face, finding shots of pleasure in the sweet rhythm that made her even wetter than she already was.

  It seemed like Linda was about to cum, but suddenly she pulled away from Dalila to push her onto the bed. She straddled that firm body, placing her drenched pussy on the Mexican siren's taut thigh to grind into her slowly. Dizzy with desire, Dalila fingered her own hungry pussy as Linda pleasured herself. Linda eventually moved in a little closer until she rubbed against Dalila’s pussy each time she undulated her hips.

  Dalila sat up and slid between Linda’s legs until their moist clits met. Both their slits were deliciously wet, slipping over each other quickly now, and Dalila bit her own lip as the focused rubbing of that smooth, shaved pussy left her barely able to contain a cry of ecstasy.

  Linda grabbed her ass, pressing her hot cunt onto Dalila’s sensitive clit even more aggressively, her own breasts lavishly bouncing as the woman came with violent spasms. Dalila too felt a powerful orgasm overtaking her and sucked on Linda’s breasts as she tried to muffle her screams of pleasure. Even when the first climax seemed to complete itself, Linda continued to grind her pussy into Dalila's, slowly and selfishly working herself into another orgasm. By the time she came again, Dalila had also come a second time.


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