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Smoke and Mirrors

Page 8

by Taylor Anne

  She dialed the number and paced while she waited for Laci to answer.

  “Abby, it’s one thirty in the morning. Please tell me you’re not calling with bad news.”

  The concern in her voice turned the spigot that allowed the tears to flow freely down her face. “Laci…” She couldn’t get the words out.

  “Abby, talk to me.” Concern turned to panic in her strained words. “Is everything all right?”

  Abby grabbed a tissue from the end table by the couch, wiped her nose, and tried to calm her voice. “I’m okay, Laci. But you’re not going to believe what happened. Someone threw a brick with a threatening note through my kitchen window.”

  “Oh shit. I should’ve warned you to watch out. I was hoping nothing would happen though.”

  “What do you mean? What’s going on? Is Lauren okay? And my parents?” Abby didn’t like the tenseness in Laci’s voice. Something was not right.

  “Relax, they are fine.”

  Graeme and Colby walked into the room. Abby put the phone on speaker so they could all hear what the detective had to say. “Laci, Graeme and Chief Colby are listening.”

  “Hey guys. A quick update. We pulled LJ and one of his buddies in the day before yesterday. We caught them in the act of exchanging drugs and roughing up another customer. So we had to arrest them. Again.”

  Graeme interrupted. “Any luck finding out who they are working for?”

  “No. But the judge has already considered this and he is pushing the trial up for the murder Abby witnessed. He doesn’t want to wait any longer. The trial could be as early as two weeks from now. Possibly sooner.”

  Graeme stood behind Abby. His body moved against her back as he shifted from one foot to the other. His leg must be bothering him. “Does that mean I have to go back to testify?”

  “I’m afraid so.” Laci paused, then lowered her voice. “Are you ready for that?”

  Abby sighed heavily. “No. But I am ready for all of this to end. So, like it or not, I’ll be there.”

  “I’ll get back with you on the exact date. And I will call you and go over everything I can so you are not hit with any surprises.”


  Graeme took the phone out of Abby’s hand and hit the button to take it off speakerphone. “This is Graeme. Let me know the date also. I want to be there with Abby.” He wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him.

  She hated listening to a one-sided conversation. Especially when she was part of the subject matter. She was helpless standing there watching Graeme’s expressions.

  “Any other updates?” His brow furrowed. “And?” He pinched his nose with his free hand. “Okay. Keep me updated.” He ended his call with Laci and handed the phone back to Abby so she could once again talk to her friend.

  She tilted her head to get a better view of him. His expression was filled with compassion. Then his eyes darkened to reveal something else. Fear and anger.


  Leaving Abby in the living room while she finished talking to Laci, Graeme walked outside with Colby. He slid in behind the wheel of his cruiser and rolled down the window so they could talk.

  “Man, we have to put an end to this. I think I’ll call Marcus and catch him up on the details. See if he will send someone in.”

  Colby interrupted. “Do you think that is necessary at this point? You heard Laci. The trial will be here shortly and these guys should be behind bars for a long time. I don’t know if Abby can deal with all that is involved with Marcus stepping in.”

  Graeme ran a hand over his face. He was right. If he told Marcus to step up his involvement, there would be an entire team on this in a split second. And Marcus would expect Graeme to be on that team. Graeme was not in any position to deal with that type of work again. And, he didn’t think Abby would appreciate everyone fussing over her. Although right now she needed constant protection. Marcus could offer her that.

  “All right. I’ll wait at least until tomorrow before making that decision. I understand this is yours and Laci’s case, but if anything else happens, I’m calling Marcus.”

  Colby tipped his hat and drove away. He didn’t need to know that Graeme already had Marcus put a couple of agents covering Abby’s family. Laci said that her contacts told her Lauren and Mr. and Mrs. Monroe were safe and had had no threats. And she was aware of the agents on duty. Graeme was confident Abby’s family was out of danger. At least for now.

  He went to the shed and found a board and some nails. When he walked back into the kitchen, Abby was in the middle of the room sweeping up the broken glass. Her hands were white from clenching the handle of the broom. Her jaw was clamped so tight it was causing the veins in her neck to bulge out. Worry lined every inch of her face.

  Graeme placed the board over the window and started to secure it with nails. He let his frustration out by pounding the nails harder than necessary. “I’ll get a new window tomorrow and put it in for you.”

  “That’s not necessary. Uncle Mark and I can change it.”

  He drove the final nail into the wood, slammed the hammer down on the counter, and turned to Abby. “I said I’ll do it. Mark works during the day. There’s no reason for him to take off when I’m available.”

  “Okay.” Abby put the broom back in the pantry and closed the door. “Thanks for coming tonight. I wasn’t going to call you, but I was just so shaken up.”

  “I’m glad you called.” He pushed away from the counter he was leaning against and walked to stand next to her. “Why don’t you pack a bag and come stay at my place tonight?”

  “I’m not letting this run me out of my house. It’s bad enough I’ve been run away from my home in New Orleans.” She ran her hands up and down her arms and glanced around the kitchen. Uncertainty lit her eyes. She was scared and about to break. Graeme wanted to take her in his arms, but she was backing away from him.

  “No problem. Go on back to bed. I’ll crash on the couch.” He stepped away from her and walked into the living room.

  Abby followed him. “You don’t have to do that. I’ll be fine.” She contemplated the couch, then she glanced at the doorway to her bedroom. Her voice dropped a notch as she whispered, “You’ll be uncomfortable there.”

  He waited for a reaction from her. It wouldn’t take much to persuade him to follow her to her bed. But when he took her to bed, it would not be to comfort her. He wanted to make love to her quick and hard, then slow and intense. She was not up for that right now. When she didn’t say anything more, he stood next to the tan couch. “Just get me a pillow and blanket.”

  She disappeared for a few minutes and returned carrying a pillow and two blankets. After handing them to Graeme, Abby walked back to her room. She paused in the doorway and turned back to face him. “Thank you, Graeme.”

  All he could do was stare at her. This was not the first sleepless night she’d had over the last week or two. It showed in the fatigue lining her blue eyes. What would it take to put life and passion back in those eyes? One part of Graeme wanted to explore that and see if they could get back what they once had. Another part of him wanted nothing to do with it. He was not the same person he was back then. He couldn’t take care of her and protect her now. He had fought with those demons ever since the day Abby walked into his bar and he watched her from behind the double mirror. He tossed the pillow down, grabbed the blanket, and kicked off his shoes. “Good night, Abby. Get some sleep.”

  Chapter Nine

  The next several days were hell, both mentally and physically. After the initial shock of the brick incident, Abby insisted she was fine and didn’t need a babysitter to stay with her. Graeme disagreed, but couldn’t convince her otherwise. So instead of pressuring her, he let her think she had won. Every night after closing up the bar, Graeme walked down to her house, making rounds to check things out. Once he was assured nothing had been disturbed, he settled down on the back deck in the cushioned lounge chair for a few hours of restless sleep, half dozin
g, half keeping a watchful eye out for anything out of the ordinary. He woke early, before Abby did, and he headed to his own house. Then he crashed in his bed for several hours until the sun was too bright to sleep any longer.

  Perfect plan. At least Graeme thought so. One night Abby was at the bar. She was sitting there sipping on a soft drink while he worked. Her black hair was pulled into a loose ponytail and topped with a baseball cap. One of Cooper’s old caps. Graeme shook his head. Abby and Cooper had certainly hit it off like old friends. If Cooper wasn’t such a good friend, Graeme might be a little jealous. Coop was not the playboy that he had built his reputation up to be. No, if he could find a good woman, Cooper would settle down in a second. But he was too picky. And Graeme knew that Abby was not his type. Besides, Cooper certainly knew that she belonged to Graeme.

  Colby came in and took a seat beside Abby. He and Graeme acknowledged each other with a shake of their heads. It was a normal occurrence for Colby to come into the bar after his shift. And of course, he had business to discuss with Abby. Graeme assumed if there was something important about the case, Colby would pull him aside, otherwise he didn’t have time to sit and talk. This place was crazy busy. Colby didn’t appear to be alarmed though. Probably just stopped in for a quick beer before heading home to his family.

  After a half an hour, Colby stood. He waved at Graeme and headed out the door. Abby was staring at Graeme. He couldn’t read the expression in her big blue eyes. He wanted to go to her and find out what Colby told her, what that furrowed brow of hers meant, but it was too busy for him to stop and chat. And it was not a frightened look on her face. No, it was more of a content, compassionate expression. Slightly amused. The place was turning one customer after another. He breathed a sigh of happiness. This was the kind of business he liked to see. It was hell on his leg, running from one table to the next, but it was great dealing with the customers, especially those who had become friends. And it helped the bank account also. Looks like he would be able to give Cooper and the rest of the staff a little bonus that week.

  Graeme took an order from a table of four and turned to go to the bar. He bumped into someone. “Oh sorry. It’s pretty crowded here toni…”

  He was surprised to see Abby standing there with a rag in her hand. “Yes, it is busy tonight. I don’t think I’ve seen so many people here at one time.”

  “What are you doing?” Graeme asked.

  She smiled that beautiful smile that was hers alone. “Just helping out a friend. Now, out of my way. I have tables to clean.” She gave him a poke in the side and ducked around him.

  Later, when the bar was almost empty, Abby made her way over to him. “I think I’ll head home now. Looks like the place is done for the night.”

  “Hold on.” He said. “Hey Cooper. I’m walking Abby home. I’ll be back.”

  Cooper put away a bottle of vodka. “Don’t bother coming back. I’ll close up. See you tomorrow.”

  “Are you sure? I don’t mind.”

  Cooper shook his head. “Go. Goodnight, Abby.” He winked at her.

  Graeme tossed Cooper the rag he had been using to wipe tables. “Goodnight, Cooper.” Abby grabbed his arm and led him outside.

  They walked in silence all the way to her house. When they walked up to her back deck, Graeme stopped. He took her by the shoulder and turned her to him. “So what did Colby have to say?”

  She smiled. “Nothing much. Chit chat.”

  “Really? I saw your face when he left. What was that all about?”

  Instead of answering, she walked over to the lounge chair that had been his nightly sleeping spot. She lifted the cushion and pulled out a blanket. She tossed it to him. “Comfortable much out here at night?”

  Busted. Graeme twisted the lightweight material between his hands. For once, he was at a loss for words. Was she angry that he had been out here at night? Or was she relieved to know he had been watching out for her?

  She walked over to him, put her hands on his waist. “I appreciate what you’ve been doing. But you really don’t need to sleep out here.”

  “I’m only watching out for your safety. I sleep here for a couple hours then go home and get some real rest. It’s not a big deal.” He wanted to tell her so much more. It was a big deal to him. If he could bundle her up and protect her for the rest of her life, he would.

  “It is a huge deal.” Her fingers dug into his sides. Tension, fear, and compassion were transferred from her fingertips to his skin. “It means a lot to me that you would do this.”

  Graeme pulled the baseball cap off her head so he could see her face more clearly. “I just want to protect you.”

  “Protect me? Is that all?”

  He sighed. “I, ummm…” What could he say? Did he tell her he wanted to protect her, hold her, make love to her all night long? What did she want to hear? “I think you know I want more.”

  Her hands dropped from his waist and he felt an absence. “Graeme, I don’t think I can give more right now.”

  His heart sank to his toes. “I understand.”

  “No, I don’t think you do. I don’t know what’s going on here. We shared something special seven years ago. Now here we are. Me in trouble, and you, well you’ve moved on with your life. You are settled and enjoy what you have. Can’t blame you there. Seems like you’ve made some positive changes.” She took a step back and rubbed her hands up and down her arms. “Sometimes I wish I would’ve contacted you before now. Before I needed your help. But then I stop and wonder why you never tried to get in touch with me.”

  “Abby, don’t do this. Not now.” This was not the time to bring up the past and all the ‘what ifs’.

  She shook her head. There was a lot more going on in her head than wondering why they never stayed in touch. It was in her stilted movements. The tremor in her voice. Her wrinkled brow.

  “It’s just seeing you again. Then there’s the trial.” She paused and stared out over the dark beach. “Why?”

  “Why what, Abby?” He laid a hand on her shoulder.

  “I don’t know. I’m just tired of waiting for the trial to be over. Tired of looking over my shoulder every time I take a step. Tired of wondering if they will find me, and what will happen if they do.”

  She’s concerned with the upcoming trial and how that was going to affect her life. Since she had been there, that was the first time Graeme had seen her that worn out. If he found those bastards that caused her to doubt herself and fear for her life, he wouldn’t think twice about killing them. They had beat her down and taken almost all of her independence as well as her spunk for life. He wanted his Abby back.

  Graeme wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close, her back against his chest. “Abby, it will be okay. Trials take time. You have to be patient and see it through. It will all be worth it in the end.”

  “Will it?”

  Her soft voice ripped at his heart. He turned her around to face him. Placing his finger under her chin, he tilted her head up. “Look at me.” He waited until her eyes were focused on his. “I promise. And I will be here until it all comes to an end. I will not leave your side.”

  She shifted in his arms. Her eyes narrowed. “I don’t want a babysitter, Graeme.”

  “And I sure as hell don’t want to be one. Abby, there is so much going on in my head right now and I know the same applies to you. I am going to stay right here with you and when it’s all over with we will sort everything else out.”


  “No buts about it. Until the trial, I’ll sleep on your couch, or you can come sleep in the extra bedroom at my house. I won’t allow anything more, or less. You don’t need the added complication of dealing with us right now. We are going to work on getting through the trial first. One step at a time.”

  Graeme was pretty sure that would be more difficult than it sounded. Not being able to touch her the way he wanted to would kill him. It would be so easy to take her in his arms, make love to her, and to hell with every
thing else. That would only cloud her mind more than it already was. And he was determined to keep her head clear of the confusion of their feelings for each other. This was going to be pure torture.

  She studied him, those blue diamond eyes silently pleading with his heart. “Then what?”

  Graeme’s lips touched hers gently. “Then we will figure the rest of it out.”

  “Thank you,” she whispered.

  He pulled her against his chest and held her tight. Staring out over the water, his own mind was clouded. What would happen after the trial? Once this was over, she would go back to New Orleans and resume her life there. She wouldn’t need his protection any longer. Did that mean she wouldn’t need him either?


  “Abby, you’re a million miles away. What’s wrong?” Graeme’s voice broke through her thoughts.

  She was not as prepared emotionally for the trial as she tried to make everyone believe. She witnessed a drug deal and murder. How many people could actually say that? Her testimony would play a vital role in putting those criminals behind bars. That’s where they belonged. Abby knew that. But it still played with her mind. How long would the trial last? How many times would she have to take the stand? Having never been inside a courtroom, she really didn’t know what to expect.

  The trial started tomorrow, so today she and Graeme drove back to New Orleans. Abby was thankful he was with her during this time. There’s so much she wanted to explore with him, but first and foremost she needed to get through the trial. Graeme had been a great comforter and protector over the last few weeks. His moods were kind of hard to judge at times. Several times Abby sensed he wanted more than just being there for her. But if he did, he held back. He kept saying their focus was to get through this ordeal without any confusing interference of personal emotions. He was trying to convince himself of that as much as he was trying to convince her.


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