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Slow, Hard Puck: A Sexy Winter Games Romance

Page 5

by Adele Hart


  “Where is your handsome boyfriend today?”

  “He won’t be joining us.”

  A look of understanding crosses her face, then she nods and walks us to a booth. Once we’re seated, I sigh. Might as well get this over with. “I know you’re both upset, but once you get to know Clint, you’ll see that he’s really amazing for me.”

  My mother busts out laughing. “Oh, we could hear how amazing he is.”

  I can’t help but laugh with her even though my dad’s giving me a death glare. When the moment passes, he says, “You’re going to mess this up, aren’t you, Dani? Everything we’ve done for you. Every sacrifice your mother and I have made. All for some guy.”

  “He’s not some guy. He’s Clint Sulli—”

  “I know who he is. He’s the bad boy of hockey.” He shakes his head in disgust. “We never should have let you come alone. You’re not mature enough to handle this.”

  “It’s fine, Dad. I promise. I’ve never skated better in my life.” I look back and forth between them. “It’s true. I know you won’t believe me, but you can ask Pierre. I’m on fire out there. If I can keep this up, the gold is as good as mine.”

  “You’re being reckless, Dani. Totally reckless and we raised you better than this.” My dad lets out a long puff of air and shakes his head.

  “He wants to marry me,” I say, knowing how insane it’s going to sound.

  “What?” My mom’s mouth hangs open while my dad gets up and storms out of the restaurant. “Dad!” I call, but my mom puts her hand on my arm.

  “Let him go. He needs to cool off.”

  Tears fill my eyes. “This isn’t how I wanted you to find out about him.”

  Mom raises her eyebrows at me. “I bet.”

  “He loves me, Mom. Like really loves me. I’ve never felt this way about anyone before. He wants to take care of me in every way. He cooks for me and he listens to me when I’m feeling nervous, and he has really great advice for how to think like a winner. So much better than Dr. Peters. I’ve never felt this confident in my life. I feel like I can fly out there on the ice. Especially when he’s watching me. It’s like he lifts me up just by being there.”

  My mom tears up. “I don’t know whether to be happy for you or terrified.”

  “Me neither.” I say, my voice cracking.

  My mom and I part ways after lunch and I hit the gym while she heads back to their hotel to find my dad. I spend the entire afternoon feeling sick to my stomach about disappointing my parents.

  When Clint gets home from hockey practice, I’m chopping mushrooms for a stir-fry. He drops his hockey bag by the door and scoops me up in his arms. “I’m so sorry about your parents. They must hate me.”

  “It’s not your fault.”

  “Sure it is. If I wasn’t so damn good at oral…”

  I chuckle in spite of myself. “It’s true. Your skills are dangerous and should be used wisely.”

  “Do they hate me? I bet they hate me.”

  “My mom is worried about me, but she seemed to find the humor in the whole thing. But, let’s just say it’ll be an uphill battle to get my dad to accept you.”

  “Shit. I’m sorry, Dani. I really wanted to do everything right when I met them.” He kisses me on the forehead, then pulls back. “I’m going to have to work extra hard to win them over.”

  After dinner, Clint makes love to me tenderly, gazing into my eyes as he moves over my body, making sure I know I’m loved. It’s late by the time we fall asleep in each other’s arms again, and somehow, I know everything is going to be all right. Clint does that to me. He calms me in a way no one else can.

  I have to win gold now. It’s more important than ever. If I can win, they’ll accept him. If I lose, my dad will never forgive Clint for costing me my dreams. The pressure is on, but as I snuggle into Clint’s body and smell his skin, I know I can do it.



  It’s early the next morning when I walk Dani over to the rink and drop her off. Instead of staying to watch, I go to her parents’ hotel. I’m not the kind of guy to put something off, not when it’s important. And no one has ever been as important as Danika. I’ll do anything to make her happy. She told me which hotel her parents are at, so I get a cab over there, then ask the desk clerk to call their room for me.

  The phone rings several times before the voicemail picks up. I’m about to leave a message when I see them step off the elevator. I hang up the phone and start toward them. Her dad notices me first and clenches his jaw. Then her mom sees me and says, “Oh,” then looks away.

  I stop in front of them and say, “Mr. and Mrs. Cruz, I’m Clint Sullivan.” I reach out my hand to shake Mr. Cruz’s, but he folds his arms across his chest.

  For a small man, he’s doing a pretty good job at being intimidating. “We know who you are,” he says with a glare.

  “I came to apologize about yesterday. That was pretty much the worst way I could have introduced myself to you.” My heart pounds in my chest as I talk. “I’d like it if we could start over.”

  “You defile our daughter in a disgusting locker room and then you want a do over? I don’t think so, pal. Just stay away from her before you ruin her life.” He points a finger at me while he talks, his entire face red with rage.

  I knew this wasn’t going to be easy when I came over, but right now, most of me wants to turn and walk out. But I won’t. Instead, I hold my ground and go all in. “I don’t know if it’ll make any difference to you or not, but I’ve never felt this way about a woman before. Dani is a remarkable girl and I’m in love with her. I intend to marry her, if she’ll have me.”

  “Marry her? You’ve known her for about ten minutes.” Mrs. Cruz narrows her eyes at me.

  “I know how crazy that sounds, I really do, Mrs. Cru. But the moment I laid eyes on Danika, something happened that’s never happened before to me. I just knew it in my bones that she was the one for me.”

  “Your bone, you mean.” Her dad spits out.

  “No, sir. It’s not like that with us. It’s so much more. She’s all I think about. I want to protect her and take care of her and make sure she’s happy all the time. It was all I could do to drag myself away from her this morning, even though she’s at practice and I’d just be sitting in the stands watching.” I rake one hand through my hair and shake my head in frustration at myself. “I sound like a total crazy person right now.”

  Mrs. Cruz’s face softens. “No, you don’t. You sound like a man in love.”

  Her husband turns to her. “It doesn’t matter how he feels, Yvetta. He’s going to screw up her chance at a gold! He’s going to steal her dream from her.”

  “I would never do that, sir. I’ve been helping her get ready.”

  “Oh, I heard your kind of helping. That’s the last thing she needs right now.”

  “Come with me. Come watch her skate and you’ll see. Everything has fallen into place for her out there. She’s amazing.”

  “I’m not going anywhere with you.” Mr. Cruz says.

  “Well, I’m going to watch Dani,” Mrs. Cruz says, “I didn’t come all this way just to not see her skate.”

  “I don’t have to come if you don’t want me to,” I tell them. “But, go and see for yourselves. I hope when you see how well she’s doing, you’ll know that I’m good for her.”

  I turn and walk out of the lobby, shoving my hands in my pockets as a blast of cold air hits my face. Instead of taking a cab, I walk all the way back to Athlete’s Village to clear my head. I pass by a jewellery shop and stand in front of the window for a full minute before I decide to go in.



  My morning practice is a complete flop. The entire time, I can’t concentrate on skating. When Clint dropped me off, he told me he had something he needed to take care of but he’d be back soon. It’s almost been two hours and there’s still no sign of him. My parents are here though and they don�
��t look happy. At least my dad doesn’t. When I skate past them, he won’t make eye contact.

  The magic that I felt on the ice over the last two weeks seems to have melted and now I’m back to making the same mistakes I was before I got to Korea. I’m even worse than I was because I can’t land my double axel no matter how many runs I take at it. I don’t have to look at Pierre to know that he’s going to be super pissed at me. But he doesn’t have to lecture me. No one could be angrier at me than me. Each jump I don’t land brings more disappointment and fear.

  After practice, I slowly shower and get dressed, the entire time dreading seeing my parents when I’m done. They’re going to accuse Clint of distracting me and ruining my chances at a medal and after my performance today, there’s not much I can say to convince them otherwise. Tasha is with me in the change room and I unburden myself while we get dressed.

  “Did I peak over the last few days and now I’m over?” My stomach tightens at the thought.

  “No, hon, I’m pretty sure today is just a glitch. It’s the stress of having your parents show up and them finding you with Clint.”

  I bury my red face in my hands. “Oh, God. That could not have gone worse.”

  “Well, they could have walked in and gotten an eyeful of him going for a muff dive.”

  I burst out laughing and Tasha laughs along.

  When the moment passes, she says, “Your parents are really great people. They love you to bits, but you know what? They also put even more pressure on you than any of the other parents. I have a feeling that you did better when they weren’t here because you could put some distance between yourself and all that guilt they pile on you.”

  My shoulders drop and I sit on the bench feeling suddenly numb.

  “I don’t mean to be a bitch about your mom and dad. I know they’ve given up a lot for you, but anyone would crumble under the weight of that pressure.”

  “Yeah, I guess maybe that’s it. But I can’t ask them to stay away during the games. It would kill them.”

  “They want you to win, no matter what it takes.”

  “I’d never tell them to go home. I just couldn’t.”

  “Then you need to accept the fact that they sacrificed for you because they wanted to do it, not because you made them. They wanted this for you so they made it happen. You can’t spend your life feeling guilty for something they chose for you when you were four-years-old. Your only shot at winning is to unload that burden when you strap on those skates.”

  That night, I lay in bed next to Clint, and we just talk. We talk for hours about my parents and all the guilt I feel for what they’ve done for me. We talk about what it would mean to win the gold and what life will really be like after I’ve achieved my biggest dream. Clint has gone ahead in this way and he knows what it’s like to go from having nothing to having nothing to worry about. He opens up and tells me about his childhood. He was raised by his mom, his dad having disappeared shortly after he was born. His mom, who was a baker, left for work at three in the morning so he had to get used to getting up on his own and getting himself to school, even as a little boy. When he started playing hockey, he had to figure out how to use the city transit system and had to drag his hockey equipment twelve blocks so he could catch a bus to practice.

  As I listen, I realize that I don’t know the first thing about hardship. I’ve always had two parents who loved me more than anything. I never once had to get myself ready for school alone or come home to an empty house. One of them was always there.

  It’s almost morning by the time we drift off to sleep and even though I’m exhausted, I’m somehow renewed. I know that I’m going to be okay and that I’ve always had what it takes. I just didn’t believe it.

  It’s the morning of the short program. The stadium is packed with spectators when Clint and I arrive. The building that once echoed with the odd sound of one person’s voice now thunders with applause for the ice dancing pairs that are finishing up.

  I take a deep breath when I spot my parents, who I’ve asked to meet me by the east entrance. They still haven’t forgiven Clint or given us their approval, but they will by the time the games are over. I give them a firm nod, then say, “Mom, Dad, I’m going to win today, and when I do, you’re going to have to admit that Clint is what I said he is—the right one for me.”

  “Today has nothing to do with him. This is about you, Pumpkin,” my dad says, his face filled with intensity.

  “No, Dad. You’re wrong. You got me here, I know that. But Clint has shown me how to dig deep and find my true confidence. He has never doubted what I’m capable of, but you both do that to me all the time…”

  My mom opens her mouth, but I stop her by holding my finger in the air.

  “No, Mom. It’s true. Neither of you trust me to do this on my own. You both think I need a therapist or one of you hovering over me so I don’t screw up. But I don’t need help. There’s a champion in me and she’s bringing her A game today. Nothing is going to stop me. Nothing is going to distract me. I’m going to get out there and win. And when I do, you will accept Clint.”

  With that, I give them each a hug, then kiss Clint right on the lips.

  He smiles down at me and whispers, “You’ve got this. That gold is waiting for you.”

  I walk away from the three of them, head held high, knowing he’s right.

  I am the last to skate today, so when the song ends, I don’t have to wait to find out if I am a champion. I will find out in about one minute. I stand on the ice, panting as flowers are tossed onto the rink. The scores aren’t up yet, but I’m already crying tears of joy, because even if I don’t win, I’ve just completed a perfect program. I’ve never flown so high or been so graceful in my life as I was in the last two minutes. I landed every jump, I gave it everything I had, and for the first time, it was enough. I know it.

  I skate around and pick up the bouquets, waving to the crowd before I step off and sit down next to my coach. It’s like everything is happening in slow motion as I hear my score being called out and I see them appear on the television screen in front of me. Pierre sits next to me, crying and laughing and shouting, “Gold! We did it!”

  Tears spill out of my eyes and down my cheeks as I sob, exhausted and filled with joy. He hugs me and I hug him back, then pull away so I can stand and wave to my parents. They’re both crying and hugging each other and waving to me. I blow them kisses and then search for Clint. I realize that I don’t know where he is, and I start to feel a bit panicky because I can’t wait to celebrate with him. Then I hear his voice behind me.

  “You did it, Dani. I’m so proud of you.”

  I turn to him and throw my arms around him. We kiss wildly and he lifts me up in his arms. I know that the TV cameras must be broadcasting this back home and that this will be huge news, but I don’t even care. In fact, I’m thrilled about the world knowing he’s mine.

  When he pulls back, I say, “I couldn’t have done this without you.”

  “As much as I’d like to take credit, it was all you.”

  That night, we go for dinner with my parents and the rest of the team to celebrate. Tasha won bronze, and Brooke got nothing, so she spends most of the evening pouting in the corner. Clint sits next to me, his hand on my thigh as we eat. My parents are so thrilled about my win that they’re actually talking to Clint and being nice which gives him the perfect opportunity to not only redeem himself, but to impress them with what a thoughtful and smart guy he is underneath that cocky façade.

  When we leave the restaurant, we walk them back to their hotel. We stand outside the lobby for a moment and my dad turns to Clint and says, “I may have been wrong about you, Clint.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Cruz. I totally understand why you were upset.”

  “Call me, Tom.”

  “Tom?” Clint stifles a laugh with what I’m pretty sure is everything he’s got.

  My dad rolls his eyes. “Yeah, I know, I know. The actor.”

  My mom shud
ders in the cold night air. “We should let these two get some sleep. Clint has an important game tomorrow.”

  “Oh, right. I was so excited about Dani’s win that I forgot we’re going to kick some Canadian butt tomorrow.” Clint squeezes my hand.

  Later, as I climb into bed, I see a small black box sitting on my pillow. “What’s this?”

  “It’s just a little something to seal the deal we made a week ago.” Clint, who was already in bed, props himself up on one arm and smiles at me.

  “Is that your lame-ass way of proposing?” I give him a sassy look.

  “No,” Clint, says, kissing me softly on the lips. “This is. Danika Cruz, I have never loved another woman the way I love you. I know it’s fast and it’s crazy, but I also know it’s right. Will you make me the happiest man on the planet and say yes to being my wife?”

  I nod, tears filling my eyes. “I will,” is all I manage to say.

  He kisses me long and deep and soon he’s inside me, our bodies moving together in the perfection that is us. The world floats away and I lose myself in his eyes and in the promise that tomorrow brings. When we come, this time it’s different. Our eyes are locked on each other and it’s full of a tender passion that makes me want to weep. Neither of us say anything about it, but we don’t bother with the condom this time and I know it’s because Clint wants to make this the start of our forever every bit as much as I do.

  When it’s over, he finally opens the box and shows me the ring. It’s an enormous round diamond set in a band of diamonds.

  “Wow. I gave the right answer,” I say, then try to contain my excitement while he slips the ring on my finger.

  The flight home feels fast to me. That’s because I’m sitting next to my future husband. We both go home with gold medals, except I have two of them, so I get to tease him about only having half as many golds as me. We snuggle together in the seats and watch movies, then sleep wrapped in each other’s arms until we land at L.A.X.


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