Book Read Free

Lady in Red

Page 5

by Mel Teshco

  Elaine had the grace to look sheepish. “Is it my fault I’m fascinated by the first woman my son has taken any real interest in?”

  Kate pinned a smile in place even as her heart sank. So much for feeling at ease. Already the topic of conversation was getting personal. She gulped down a mouthful of wine, then cleared her throat and said, “You have a lovely home.”

  The other woman tactfully took the hint. “Thank you, dear. I retired a few years ago and decided I wanted to take things easy and live in a comfortable and easily maintained home.”

  “Mom lives alone,” Blaine added. “Has been single, in fact, ever since my dad passed away when I was twelve.”

  A twinge of sympathy overshadowed Kate’s discomfort. If anyone could relate to loss, she could. It couldn’t have been easy for them to lose a husband; a father. Even a man as distant as the one she’d seen in the photo.

  That snapshot might well have been the last taken of Blaine and his father together.

  But at least Blaine had some memories of his father, hopefully ones that weren’t all bad. Unlike the recollections she had of her own dear old dad. As a matter of fact, she wished a whole lot of her ‘family’ memories could be erased.

  It was her father who’d instilled in her a conviction that men only liked women for their looks. Kate’s mother had learned that they hard way.

  Elaine nodded, dragging Kate back to the present as she said, “I’d like to say it’s because Blaine’s father was the love of my life, but I’d be lying.” For a moment her face lost its warmth. “When I took over my husband’s business, I was kept far too busy to worry about men.”

  Kate nodded, while inside, her belly dropped. Her life couldn’t be more different from Elaine’s. As an escort, her whole business was men.

  Elaine swept a hand toward Blaine. “It was Blaine who kept me going when things got tough and overwhelming, with all my energy going into being the sole bread winner.”

  Kate had no doubt the other woman would hate her all the more, knowing her one and only son had feelings for a hooker. Still, she managed a semblance of a smile and said, “It’s easy to see Blaine takes after you in everything business.”

  “Oh please, if only I was half as prolific and successful as my son.” Elaine laughed as she topped up their glasses. “Still, I can’t complain. I’m retired now and more than content.” She gave her son a meaningful look. “Of course, if Blaine chose to give me some grandchildren in the not so distant future, I’d be a very happy woman.”

  Kate sucked in a shocked breath, even as Blaine said wryly, “Careful you don’t scare my date away.”

  Elaine took a sip of her wine, her shrewd eyes landing on Kate. “So you’re a career girl, then?”

  Kate nodded. “I am.”

  A faint frown crossed Elaine’s face, as though she wanted to know more but decided to bide her time. She turned back to Blaine, her head tilting to the side. “You know gossip travels fast.”

  Kate inhaled sharply even as the room began to slowly revolve. This was it then, the moment of truth. Despite Elaine’s genuine warmth, she braced herself for the inevitable slurs. The questioning of her character and morals.

  Blaine appeared indifferent, though his clasp on her tightened as if in reassurance. “Oh?”

  Elaine nodded. “Whenever you’re in Sydney, you get with the same gorgeous woman with strawberry-blonde hair. I know things must be getting serious with Kate.”

  Kate released the breath she’d held. Holy shit. Talk about being let off the hook. She’d expected harsh criticism, but instead got hopeful optimism that she and Blaine were getting together.

  Blaine nodded. “Then I guess some rumors really aren’t rumors.” He turned to her. “I just have to convince Kate that what we have is real.”

  Kate mustered a smile, even as inwardly she wanted to stomp on Blaine’s toes. He’d deliberately put her in the thick of things, put all the attention back on her.

  Elaine’s eyes turned speculative as they brushed over Kate. She was probably wondering who the hell wouldn’t love her son. He was beyond handsome and successful. And Kate had no doubt he’d be faithful to the woman he loved.

  But surely the novelty of living full time with one woman would wear thin on a man?

  She took a deep swallow of the wine, aware its effects on an empty belly probably weren’t doing her any favors. But at least if she was drinking she didn’t have to talk. She had nothing to say in her defense.

  A clock somewhere nearby loudly ticked away the seconds when Blaine murmured, “I might show Kate around.”

  His mother nodded. “Of course.”

  Kate was grateful for Blaine’s arm around her as he led her through the lounge room and down a hallway. They stepped out onto a balcony, where late spring lent a balmy feel to the air.

  She gazed up at the Milky Way, though it was Blaine’s presence she was lost in.

  “I apologize for the grilling,” he said. “My mom might have a beautiful soul, but she also has the protective instincts of a pit-bull.”

  She drank the last of her wine and Blaine took it from her, placing the empty glass on a wooden table. He grinned. “Careful. I don’t doubt for a second she’s also doing her best to loosen your tongue.”

  Kate bit into her bottom lip. He was trying to lighten the mood, but her anxiety only intensified. She turned to him fully, catching the vague glint of his eyes in the dark. “I think we should tell your mom we’re not a real couple.”

  His good mood vanished. “Are you that determined to ensure everyone knows we’re not in a relationship?” he grated out.

  “Blaine, I’m not your everyday girl next door. I’m not girlfriend material.”

  “I beg to differ.”

  She looked back out into the velvet darkness, where stars and houselights shone like beacons in the night. “You only see me as the sexy woman ready and willing to pleasure you. Normal life is rarely like that.”

  His sigh sounded loud in the thick silence of the night, broken only by the sporadic and far-off yapping of a dog. “Don’t you get it? I’d give my right arm to see you in a flannelette nightgown and in my bed. Give anything to kiss you good-bye every morning, leaving you with your hair all mussed from a night in my arms.”

  She shoved aside the mental picture she badly wanted to make come true. But she wasn’t prepared to become one man’s mistress, not even for Blaine. “That’s never going to happen.” She turned to him, willing him to understand what she was about to tell him. “Blaine, we can’t see each other anymore. You’ve paid to be with me tonight. But that’s it. I’m telling the escort agency I can’t see you anymore.”

  She didn’t need to see his face to sense his utter shock. It was a pity she didn’t also sense they weren’t alone.


  Kate swallowed back a gasp at Elaine’s shocked voice behind her. She twisted slowly, dreading how the interior lights would force her to witness Elaine’s ashen face.


  Elaine wrung her hands. “Please tell me I heard wrong?” she whispered.

  A bizarre heat wave of wickedness descended over Kate in the presence of the older woman’s profound goodness. From her re-pinned but still disheveled hair, to the musky moisture between her thighs and her swollen, just-kissed lips.

  Blaine blew out a slow breath, but before he had to lie on her behalf, Kate said, “You didn’t hear wrong.” Her hand was amazingly steady as she tucked some hair behind her ear. “You know me as Kate. But my working name is Brandy.”

  Elaine’s eyes filled with an emotion that looked too much like sorrow, or perhaps even bitter disappointment. “I…see.”

  Kate—no, Brandy—she’d always be Brandy with a client, felt Blaine’s stare on her. She fought for calm and somehow managed to speak with a poise she certainly didn’t feel. “I’m a paid escort.”

  And your son is my best client.

  Elaine’s face paled a little more. She sent a disbelieving stare Bl
aine’s way. “And you’re okay with that?”

  She sensed him stiffen beside her. “What choice do I have?” He was nothing if not honest. “I want Kate for myself. But at the end of the day, it’s totally her decision.”

  Brandy reined in a sudden desire to surrender to expectations, to become Blaine’s mistress and the woman who’d feel lucky indeed to have a man like him obsessed with her. But she’d learned a long time ago it wasn’t ever in her best interests to be a carbon copy of someone else.

  She wasn’t prepared to give up her way of life to please everyone else. Not if there was a big chance her sacrifice would be in vain. Not if there was a chance she’d be left trying to stick back together the pieces of her broken heart.

  She tilted her chin. “I’m sorry, Elaine. I know you’re upset, but I won’t put my fate into anyone else’s hands but my own.”

  Elaine’s voice cracked. “I was just so sure you two belonged together.”

  It was strange how utterly helpless she felt and how much she wanted to comfort this woman who’d shown her nothing but kindness. She had shattered Elaine’s hopes for grandchildren…at least until Blaine found someone else, someone far more suitable for the role.

  The pain that went through her chest at the thought wasn’t something she wanted to explore right now. It was akin to grieving. Intense and bewildering.

  Then Blaine took Kate’s hand in his and bent close to her ear. “Don’t ever be sorry, not to anyone. Not even to me. When we get together, it’s because it’s the right thing for you, too.”


  Despite the fact he’d all but disregarded her announcement to end things between them, she had an insane urge to melt against him and accept anything he proposed, even if only for a short time. But then he lifted her hand and kissed her knuckles, releasing her before stepping toward his mother.

  “I’m sorry our evening didn’t go the way you hoped it would.”

  Brandy closed herself off from whatever his mother said in return. After coming so damn close to surrendering everything for Blaine, she had to prepare herself for a future without him in it.

  A future that would no longer shine half as brightly.

  Chapter Seven


  Blaine stole another glance at Kate as he drove through his mother’s suburb. His headlights swept over a tree-lined park, where in daylight hours, a lake teemed with geese and ducks.

  Where people walked along the paths, and families had picnics at the park tables while children scampered in the playground. He could imagine doing all those things and more with Kate one day, if only he could break through her walls. But he’d come to the conclusion that some walls were simply meant to be scaled.

  He had to scramble up those walls even faster now that she’d admitted to wanting to break things off. Because he was determined Kate wasn’t going anywhere. He was merciless at getting what he wanted, and she was at the top of his most wanted list.

  His belly clenched. Losing Kate wasn’t even an option.

  He flicked on the indicator and headed back south on the highway. “So what did you think of my mother?”

  She took her time answering. “I thought she was lovely and warm…”

  “But?” he prompted.

  “But I think she hates me.”

  “She’d never hate you.” How could anyone hate his Kate? She was beautiful inside and out, a shining light in a world that too often revealed its murkier side. “Believe me when I say it’s only your profession she dislikes.”

  She stiffened. “Unfortunately my profession is a big part of who I am.”

  He nodded, torn between despising the profession that meant other men knew her as intimately as he did, and being thankful her profession meant she was attainable to someone like him. “Give my mother some time. She has good reason to feel the way she does.”


  He stared ahead, though he couldn’t help but deliberate over Kate’s interest. If she really wanted to break their arrangement, why was she even interested in hearing about his mother?

  More importantly, when was Kate going to allow herself to trust? To love? To give herself the go-ahead for happiness? And to realize she deserved a life that didn’t center solely on her looks and being amazing in bed.

  Not that he’d complain about any of those facts. It was her looks, after all, that drew him to her in the first place. But even then, he’d seen beyond all that to the beautiful woman beneath. She radiated goodness and innocence, despite her career choice. Or perhaps, because of it.

  She was such an enigma—sex and purity all rolled up into one gorgeous package. And he couldn’t get enough of her.

  He squinted against oncoming, over-bright headlights, taking a moment to focus on the present and tell her a little about his not-so-great role model of a parent. “My father enjoyed squandering money we didn’t have on things he shouldn’t have wanted. He died sharing a bed with three prostitutes, and with more drugs and alcohol in his system than his heart could take.”

  A streetlight flashed past, showing Kate’s profile as she lifted a hand to her mouth. “That’s terrible. I’m so sorry Blaine.”

  He wanted anything but pity from her, and his voice came out gruff when he said, “Don’t be. He was a good-for-nothing player, addicted to sex and drugs. Frankly, I’m ashamed to have been related to him.”

  “You know you’re nothing like him,” she said gently. “You’ll be a wonderful husband and father one day.”

  He’d had concerns that he might take after his father’s side when it came to paid sex, but he realized now it was Kate who was his one and only addiction. She was all he’d ever want or need.

  He glanced her way. “And one day, you’ll be a great wife and mother.” He wanted with a quiet desperation to be that man who made her all those things and more.

  It turned his stomach to imagine her with someone else, someone who was a permanent part of her life. Almost as much as it tore him up a little more each day knowing she was an escort who other men paid for her services.

  She sighed. “Yeah well, I’m not sure I’ll ever be a wife or a mother.”

  He frowned. Did she realize how great she’d be in that role? It’d be a travesty for her to never know the wonder of being a mother, never realize the love of one man…him.

  She might be a high-class escort, but was she actually selling herself short?

  “You deserve to find great love and share the experience of having children,” he said hoarsely. Damn, she deserved that and so much more.

  She laughed, but he didn’t hear any joy in the sound. “I’ve seen the devastation left behind by marriage. I’m not ready to go down that path yet, if ever.”

  His frown deepened. What had happened in her family that made her find the whole marriage thing so distasteful? He’d uncovered her medical records and some basic facts, which had included some bullying issues she’d dealt with in her youth. But maybe it was past time he learned a whole lot more and delved deeper into her past?

  He blew out a slow breath. He needed to know more about her, find out what it was that made her tick, why she was so afraid to trust. Maybe then he could unravel the tangle around her heart and expose a love just waiting to be found.

  As he turned off the highway and headed toward the little Italian restaurant on the outskirts of Sydney, he made a mental note to contact the private investigation firm he’d used more than a few times in the past. If Kate had anything to hide, he’d find it.

  Even before he pulled into the car-park of the quaint stone façade cottage, he knew Lorenzo, the owner of the establishment—or at least, the part-owner if one looked closely enough at the books—would love Kate. But then, Lorenzo was a ladies’ man who was particularly fond of gorgeous blondes.

  Once inside, the restaurant’s cozy ambience was showcased by a fireplace burning cheerily in a nook over on the far side of the room. Squat, red candles glowed behind intricate glass holders on little tables with wh
ite tablecloths. Waitresses in red dress uniforms and little aprons moved around the room, taking orders and delivering food.

  Kate took an appreciative sniff. “It smells wonderful in here.”

  He nodded. “It sure does.” Lorenzo also had a fondness for garlic and onions. Blaine smirked. It was a pity those same ladies Lorenzo loved didn’t appreciate his garlicky breath nearly as much.

  Lorenzo himself appeared in his chef whites, his skin swarthy and his dark moustache graying a little at the ends. He swept a dramatic bow to Kate, who giggled at the visual dramatics. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet the woman who appears to have set my friend’s heart aflutter.” Lorenzo sent him a bemused look. “I never thought I’d see the day.”

  Blaine nodded. “Stranger things have happened, I’m sure.”

  Lorenzo vehemently shook his dark head. “Not in my time.” He turned back to Kate and gave her an appreciative up-and-down look. “But I can certainly see why.”

  After Lorenzo took them to a private table that sat in a raised alcove all on its own, he handed them a menu with a flourish and said, “The specials of the day are the prawn and scallop pizza, or chicken and mushroom fettuccini.”

  Kate looked at Blaine. “Yum.”

  Lorenzo chuckled. “A woman after my own heart. I’ll give you a few minutes to have a look at the menu before I take your orders. I’ll send a drinks waitress over shortly.”

  Blaine watched Kate scan the menu, her love of good food more than apparent. Was she a gym junkie or did a great metabolism keep her in such gorgeous shape?

  Or maybe it’s all the hot and sweaty sex, a snide voice offered.

  He squeezed his eyes shut for a moment, dragging back some level of sanity even as he recognized he really did know too little about his Kate. And right or wrong, he’d spend his whole fortune, if need be, to find out everything about her, to solve her trust issues.

  Kate put down the menu. “I think I might go with the chicken and mushroom fettuccini special.”

  He nodded. “That sounds good.” There was nothing quite like home-style Italian cooking done really well. “I’m going with the veal marsala.”


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